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16422358 No.16422358 [Reply] [Original]

One must imagine Hegel happy.

>> No.16422359
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>> No.16422366

Synthesis as a philosophy book made of jokes.

>> No.16422593

His only relevant book.

>> No.16423209

How so¿

>> No.16423247

>t. Hasn’t read philosophy of mind

>> No.16423277

I have, a waste of time if I do say so myself.

>> No.16423373

you're a nigger

>> No.16423401


>> No.16424894

He was in fact a very thoughtful, kind, and happy man- a devoted son, brother, husband, father, friend. Even when Schopenhauer was at the apex of his shit-feeding him, Hegel still endeavoured to secure him a chair in the Philosophy department when the two were at Berlin. No need therefore to have to 'imagine'

>> No.16424976
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One must not imagine H*gel at all.

>> No.16426189

Why? Also the other books as well.

>> No.16426197

That's literally what an alpha is.

>> No.16426201

Yeah Schopenhauer seems to me to have been a grade Asshole very often in his life.

>> No.16426210

>one must imagine sissypuss a woman
It all makes sense now

>> No.16426354

He was literally furiously scribbling away at the conclusion of the Phenomenology as Napoleon was bombarding then invading Jena with little money and a pregnant mistress on his hands..
The rest is history, history of philosophy, philosophy of history etc., etc.

>> No.16426370

You can believe that his philosophy and its wording are too convoluted, unnecessarily wordy and difficult (while also ignoring the often beautiful prose), but how can you ignore what a giant of a man he was? What is it with this board?

>> No.16426414

Useless philosophies for doomer idiots.

>> No.16426426

>What is it with this board?
This board secretly loves osho. Osho btfo hegel. No one likes a nigger who makes life complicated.

Hegel is a case in point: his language is very complex, devious and bombastic - full of lengthy, explanatory statements enclosed within brackets. But as scholarship gained maturity in Europe, Hegel's reputation declined in the same measure, and people came to know that he knew much less than he pretended.

>> No.16426473

>Osho btfo hegel

>> No.16426535

>waste more time arguimg with anonymous niggerfaggots
no thanks, im going outside. do your research lazy cunt

>> No.16426639

I'll just take that as Hegel *not* being btfo by Osho.

Lmao, are you twelve?

>> No.16426708


>> No.16427161

Addressee here
The Lecture series (Histories of Philosophy, of Religion, and of Fine Art) are all based on compiled notes from various students who took his classes and not only make for clear reading but show how concrete and simple Hegel could be when explaining his philosophy to undergraduates- he just thought (via Kant and his pal Schelling) that the philosophy of his own time had to speak a certain involuted language and, well, I suppose he was up for the task. One of the treasures of reading Hegel are in the explanatory or Zusätze portions of his Encyclopedia series where just how acute an observer he could be in pleb-speak is on full display. That shit's so good that it's still being mined.
Yeah, his shitposters here are just that, quasi-literate, facile motherfuckers

>> No.16427185

Don't mistake this board for Peter Sloterdijk, senpai

>> No.16428435

The funny part about getting that style from Kant is that Kant was really only doing that because it was rather new to write philosophy in German. Leibniz wrote in French and Latin, for example.

>> No.16428627

>because it was rather new to write philosophy in German
imagine unironically saying something so stupid and ill-informed.

>> No.16428692

does this edition of the PoS actually exist? it looks great desu

>> No.16429293

What was a prior example of philosophy written in German? Specifically academic philosophy like Kant was doing, not works later accepted into the philosophical canon but not self-consciously philosophical.

>> No.16429316

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakob_B%C3%B6hme for a fucking start
and Mendelssohn who was a big influence on Kant wrote in german.

>> No.16429326

Doesn't count as much as you want it to. Also again, I said rather new, not totally new, but new enough that a full fledged treatise was going to be pioneering in some respects.

>> No.16429350
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>coping this hard

>> No.16429369
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Hegel was a chad/alpha
>Married 18yo at 40
>People wrote entire books on his lecture notes
>Smiled in the face of those whom hated him