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/lit/ - Literature

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16422120 No.16422120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what are the best prose poems? do they even exist?

>> No.16422127


>> No.16422134

Stop fucking jezebel posting.

>> No.16422136

That was a disappointing webm

>> No.16422347

She does solo porn btw. And it's pretty good too.

>> No.16422378


>> No.16422379

came to post this

>> No.16422385

kill yourselves you disappointments

>> No.16422400

i had sex with her once, met her on tinder. had no idea who she was. her peepee smelled bad.

>> No.16422402


>> No.16422408

The one where the guy hates the whale but it turns out the whale is ontotheology

>> No.16422430

I'm just trying to bust a fat nut. Either stfu or post feet you dumb broad.

>> No.16422436

i hate women

>> No.16422448

bros im a virgin. im in my mid 20s and ive never even touched a girl. i cant even imagine it. sometimes ill be feeling kind of nice then ill remember im a virgin and i am overcome with disgust humiliation confusion and guilt.

>> No.16422449


>> No.16422474

Do not worry anon, they are overrated

>> No.16422480

become the girlfriend

>> No.16422481

Goethe's Prometheus.

>> No.16422491

The rape joke is that you were 19 years old.

The rape joke is that he was your boyfriend.

The rape joke it wore a goatee. A goatee.

Imagine the rape joke looking in the mirror, perfectly reflecting back itself, and grooming itself to look more like a rape joke. “Ahhhh,” it thinks. “Yes. A goatee.”

No offense.

The rape joke is that he was seven years older. The rape joke is that you had known him for years, since you were too young to be interesting to him. You liked that use of the word interesting, as if you were a piece of knowledge that someone could be desperate to acquire, to assimilate, and to spit back out in different form through his goateed mouth.

Then suddenly you were older, but not very old at all.

The rape joke is that you had been drinking wine coolers. Wine coolers! Who drinks wine coolers? People who get raped, according to the rape joke.

The rape joke is he was a bouncer, and kept people out for a living.

Not you!

The rape joke is that he carried a knife, and would show it to you, and would turn it over and over in his hands as if it were a book.

He wasn’t threatening you, you understood. He just really liked his knife.

The rape joke is he once almost murdered a dude by throwing him through a plate-glass window. The next day he told you and he was trembling, which you took as evidence of his sensitivity.

How can a piece of knowledge be stupid? But of course you were so stupid.

The rape joke is that sometimes he would tell you you were going on a date and then take you over to his best friend Peewee’s house and make you watch wrestling while they all got high.

The rape joke is that his best friend was named Peewee.

OK, the rape joke is that he worshiped The Rock.

Like the dude was completely in love with The Rock. He thought it was so great what he could do with his eyebrow.

The rape joke is he called wrestling “a soap opera for men.” Men love drama too, he assured you.

>> No.16422512

The rape joke is that his bookshelf was just a row of paperbacks about serial killers. You mistook this for an interest in history, and laboring under this misapprehension you once gave him a copy of Günter Grass’s My Century, which he never even tried to read.

It gets funnier.

The rape joke is that he kept a diary. I wonder if he wrote about the rape in it.

The rape joke is that you read it once, and he talked about another girl. He called her Miss Geography, and said “he didn’t have those urges when he looked at her anymore,” not since he met you. Close call, Miss Geography!

The rape joke is that he was your father’s high-school student—your father taught World Religion. You helped him clean out his classroom at the end of the year, and he let you take home the most beat-up textbooks.

The rape joke is that he knew you when you were 12 years old. He once helped your family move two states over, and you drove from Cincinnati to St. Louis with him, all by yourselves, and he was kind to you, and you talked the whole way. He had chaw in his mouth the entire time, and you told him he was disgusting and he laughed, and spat the juice through his goatee into a Mountain Dew bottle.

The rape joke is that come on, you should have seen it coming. This rape joke is practically writing itself.

The rape joke is that you were facedown. The rape joke is you were wearing a pretty green necklace that your sister had made for you. Later you cut that necklace up. The mattress felt a specific way, and your mouth felt a specific way open against it, as if you were speaking, but you know you were not. As if your mouth were open ten years into the future, reciting a poem called Rape Joke.

The rape joke is that time is different, becomes more horrible and more habitable, and accommodates your need to go deeper into it.

Just like the body, which more than a concrete form is a capacity.

You know the body of time is elastic, can take almost anything you give it, and heals quickly.

The rape joke is that of course there was blood, which in human beings is so close to the surface.

>> No.16422518

The rape joke is you went home like nothing happened, and laughed about it the next day and the day after that, and when you told people you laughed, and that was the rape joke.

It was a year before you told your parents, because he was like a son to them. The rape joke is that when you told your father, he made the sign of the cross over you and said, “I absolve you of your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” which even in its total wrongheadedness, was so completely sweet.

The rape joke is that you were crazy for the next five years, and had to move cities, and had to move states, and whole days went down into the sinkhole of thinking about why it happened. Like you went to look at your backyard and suddenly it wasn’t there, and you were looking down into the center of the earth, which played the same red event perpetually.

The rape joke is that after a while you weren’t crazy anymore, but close call, Miss Geography.

The rape joke is that for the next five years all you did was write, and never about yourself, about anything else, about apples on the tree, about islands, dead poets and the worms that aerated them, and there was no warm body in what you wrote, it was elsewhere.

The rape joke is that this is finally artless. The rape joke is that you do not write artlessly.

The rape joke is if you write a poem called Rape Joke, you’re asking for it to become the only thing people remember about you.

The rape joke is that you asked why he did it. The rape joke is he said he didn’t know, like what else would a rape joke say? The rape joke said YOU were the one who was drunk, and the rape joke said you remembered it wrong, which made you laugh out loud for one long split-open second. The wine coolers weren’t Bartles & Jaymes, but it would be funnier for the rape joke if they were. It was some pussy flavor, like Passionate Mango or Destroyed Strawberry, which you drank down without question and trustingly in the heart of Cincinnati Ohio.

Can rape jokes be funny at all, is the question.

Can any part of the rape joke be funny. The part where it ends—haha, just kidding! Though you did dream of killing the rape joke for years, spilling all of its blood out, and telling it that way.

The rape joke cries out for the right to be told.

The rape joke is that this is just how it happened.

The rape joke is that the next day he gave you Pet Sounds. No really. Pet Sounds. He said he was sorry and then he gave you Pet Sounds. Come on, that’s a little bit funny.

Admit it.

>> No.16422522

Patricia Lockwood, "Rape Joke"

>> No.16422525

how did zoomers turn out so gay?

>> No.16422526

Rape is no laughing matter unless you are raping a clown

>> No.16422549

Sexuality is satanic.

>> No.16422643


>> No.16422969

Rimbaud - A Season in Hell

>> No.16423062

none exist because we have fawned incessantly over verse poetry for so long that any attempt at writing in prose is dismissed as worthless and at having a lack of effort put into it

>> No.16423560

what is this

>> No.16423599

big titty goth egg

>> No.16423601


>> No.16423610

What do you call a man when the check bounces? A rapist!

>> No.16423650
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This chick is date rape personified.

>> No.16423737 [DELETED] 

absolute state of modern poetry

>> No.16423741


>> No.16423743

absolute state of modern poetry

>> No.16423749

who the fuck is this fat hambeast that makes my penis so angry I require her name in hopes of finding more videos of her to savagely pound my meat into oblivion as I lament the state of modern w*men

>> No.16423863

Yea Anon you are unto something here

>> No.16423953

People like you were never meant to reproduce, nor live really. Until you truly embrace your sexless evolutionary preconditions you'll never be able to do anything valuable with your life.

>> No.16423961

why is /lit/ less well moderated than /tv/?
they ban these faggot coomer threads fairly quickly over there

>> No.16423977

dude I found it after like 2 minutes of googling

>> No.16423982

what did you google, "disgusting green haired slob with glasses"?

>> No.16423993

Gonna need a name

>> No.16424585

Schizos who love 4chan so much that every channel deletes its contents every 3 days or less

>> No.16424595

Probably because /tv/ is more closely associated with cp.

>> No.16424599

Baudelaire - Paris Spleen
Rimbaud - A Season In Hell
Lautreamont - The Songs of Maldoror
Reverdy - Poemes en prose
Michaux - Plume
Saint-John Perse - Anabase/Exil

>> No.16424812

Are only the French capable of producing prose poems?

>> No.16424877

Neck yourself, degenerate.

>> No.16424957

just get laid man.

>> No.16424973

what poem is this

>> No.16424980

French is the great prosaic language (no accents, words ending both with vowels and consonants).

>> No.16424992

The Clown turned his powdered face to the mirror.
"If to be fair is to be beautiful," he said, "who can compare with me in my white mask?"
"Who can compare with him in his white mask?" I asked Death beside me.
"Who can compare with me?" said Death, "for I am paler still."
"You are very beautiful," sighed the Clown, turning his powdered face from the mirror.

>> No.16425140

Paradise lost.
Blood Meridian.

>> No.16425183

I came here to post this.

>> No.16425212

Either fags or christcucks. Maybe both. You are the scum of this board, not the coomers.

Based. Also, check Livro do desasosiego, OP. Maybe isn't translated to english, but Incurable from David Huerta is really good.

>> No.16425238

No idea, I just posted French poets because I'm French. Baudelaire probably had a huge influence on the popularity of the form (and Rimbaud afterward). Huysmans talks about it in Against Nature.

>> No.16426151

Le gâteau, by Baudelaire:

>> No.16426174

I haven't read many (or enough), but Rimbaud's Illuminations immediately come to mind.

>> No.16426184

Girls who don't arch their back when you're banging them from behind are pretty fucking annoying.

>> No.16426186

One could argue that Melville's Moby Dick or Pierre is one long ass prose poem.

Those frogs like Baudelaire and Rimbaud can pull it off since they excelled in the regular verse form and were educated in classical literature (even wrote verse in Latin as well). Nowadays, fags study 20th ce hacks and think they can do it as well.

>> No.16426342

I really don't know if we can consider a whole novel as one poem (even when it's Moby Dick), but it they can definitely have poetic passages than could could be considered as poems. But yeah one need to be already a considerably good poet to pull of a good poem in prose.
I'm>>16424599, forgot to say that Paul Valery also has some good prose poem. I'm also currently reading poetry by Tagore (L'offrande lyrique/La corbeille de fruit) which is translated in prose. It's pretty good but I have no idea if the original or the English translation are in prose. OP should check it out anyway.

>> No.16426366

>I really don't know if we can consider a whole novel as one poem
Just call it an epic prose poem.

>> No.16426398

The "first time" pose will give the best angle for hitting her g spot though. It's amazing how women complain about men being bad at sex when it's their fault half the time. I always have to grab my girlfriend and force her to stop squirming and stay where I want her, so she'll actually come, so she'll stop being a bitch for a day.

>> No.16426404

Anon, don't do that. Sex is overrated, especially if you've been a massive coomer up until now. Don't try to chase cunt, it's really hard if you don't have a social circle that includes girls. I mean you could go out to a club or a bar and try to strike up a conversation with a woman (at the end of the day it is indeed a number's game), but listen to me: sex and the pursuit of it are overrated.

I mean it would be nice to find a qt and fall in love, yet...

So embrace your sexless life, stop masturbating and pursue your inner spark.

>> No.16426423
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Pursue ur inner poo

>> No.16426484

>Sex is overrated

Not really. Blowing your sperm into a girl's mouth or pussy is pretty great desu

>> No.16426508

This, but with femboys.

>> No.16426518

you disgust me

>> No.16426530

ok zoomer

>> No.16426997

>not living the literary life by busting a civilization's worth of loads on cute girly dudes and then composing epic prose poems about it

>> No.16427076

Very good. Now explain to us in what way this is "poetry"?

>> No.16427094

She is a woman, she is strong, she is fierce. *snaps fingers*

>> No.16427147

what is the most /lit/ position and why is it hitting it from the back?

>> No.16427817

The most /lit/ position is missionary so you can look into each other's eyes.

>> No.16427980

The most /lit/ position is sitting on a desk, reading the works of the great writers, instead of losing time having sex.

>> No.16428017

The most /lit/ position is prone bone

>> No.16428043

thanks anon

>> No.16428320

This anon gets it but at the same he dosen't get it.

>> No.16428665

What's Husyman's stance on the matter?

>> No.16428688

Reverse cowgirl. It's the thinking man's position.

>> No.16428695


>> No.16428711

imagine fuck her guys

>> No.16428715

this. if you're doing it doggy style how is the girl supposed to spit in your mouth?? missionary is patrician

>> No.16428876

I think this is gothtittyegg from pornhub

>> No.16429015
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>tfw that 6th fap of the day

>> No.16429111

Watching your penis go into the woman via doggystyle is more fun than looking into her eyes.

>> No.16429116

It's not like you can't look down in missionary and see your dick going in -- unless you have a neck condition, I suppose.

>> No.16429124

It's not the same. Also when you go doggystyle you can put her knees or legs together, which makes it feel even tighter.

>> No.16429151

Where's the punchline?

>> No.16429243


>> No.16429273


>> No.16429307


translated by Robin Fulton

I inherited a dark wood where I seldom go. But a day will come when the dead and the living change places. The wood will be set in motion. We are not without hope. The most serious crimes will remain unsolved in spite of the efforts of many policemen. In the same way there is somewhere in our lives a great unsolved love. I inherited a dark wood, but today I’m walking in the other wood, the light one. All the living creatures that sing, wriggle, wag and crawl! It’s spring and the air is very strong. I have graduated from the university of oblivion and am as empty-handed as the shirt on the washing-line.

>> No.16429921
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>you don't like a tatted nu-woman whore therefore you are an asexual faggot and worse than the low-energy brain-fogged coomer
You can only think in black and white

Keep these guys, if you love them so much more than those vying for normal women

>> No.16429942

The ones I write.

>> No.16430039

girl name or ig

>> No.16430045


>> No.16430179

Her porn is boring

>> No.16430193

>Keeping count
beta as it gets. I coom when I want to coom, whether that means jacking it zero or fifty times in a day.

>> No.16430247
File: 2.72 MB, 3000x2108, 1592439087989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by Percy Bysshe Shelley
go read it

>> No.16430255

sorry misspelled there

>> No.16430264

this is why i am glad i have chinese citizenship and can return there to perform a sex selective abortion

>> No.16430929


>> No.16430981

begone thot

>> No.16431601

thats a Petrarchian sonnet

>> No.16431674
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>Of all the forms of literature, that of the prose poem was the form Des Esseintes preferred. Handled by an alchemist of genius, it contained in its slender volume the strength of the novel whose analytic developments and descriptive redundancies it suppressed. Quite often, Des Esseintes had meditated on that disquieting problem—to write a novel concentrated in a few phrases which should contain the essence of hundreds of pages always employed to establish the setting, to sketch the characters, and to pile up observations and minute details. Then the chosen words would be so unexchangeable that they would do duty for many others, the adjective placed in such an ingenious and definite fashion that it could not be displaced, opening such perspectives that the reader could dream for whole weeks on its sense at once precise and complex, could record the present, reconstruct the past, divine the future of the souls of the characters, revealed by the gleams of this unique epithet.
>Thus conceived and condensed in a page or two, the novel could become a communion of thought between a magical writer and an ideal reader, a spiritual collaboration agreed to between ten superior persons scattered throughoutthe universe, a delight offered to the refined, and accessible to them alone.
>To Des Esseintes, the prose poem represented the concrete juice of literature, the essential oil of art.
>That succulence, developed and concentrated into a drop, already existed in Baudelaire and in those poems of Mallarmé which he read with such deep joy.
He also held the Cruel Tales of Villiers de l'Isle-Adam very highly and thought that there were almost prose poems (though I am not sure I agree with him on the matter, they sure are exquisite).

>> No.16431683

Meh. Why judge yourself for being a virgin? It doesn't seem very productive

>> No.16431766

Keep simping, bitch nigga, maybe the mental-illness-bingo girl will give you 2 seconds of attention once she's done fucking all those soundcloud rappers.

>> No.16431777

Moby dick

>> No.16431810


>> No.16431813

Consider the rope.

>> No.16431871

being against promiscuity is an innate instinct in all men

>> No.16431902

Girl gets drunk with guys and bangs him, then complains “rape”. Is there a more tired rape joke?

At least doctor blazzy ford switched up the format a bit.

>> No.16433117

This is from Against the Grain right?

>> No.16433146

Yes, towards the end. Huysmans also wrote some (in Parisian Sketches for instance) but they are not that great imo.

>> No.16433164

Good shit. I need to reread it soon. Only parts I remember are the time he seduced a poor guy into a life of crime and his /lit/ rant on Latin poets kek.

>> No.16433215

Check out his other books too if you haven't. I think I prefer Là-Bas to A Rebours. But yeah this novel is great (and achieve the rare feat of being beautiful, depressing and hilarious)

>> No.16433268

Is that true?

>> No.16433278
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Appreciate the recc

>> No.16433302

The Prose Edda obviously, its in the name.

>> No.16433328


>> No.16433332


>> No.16433347

Answer me, man >>16433268
I want to make a girl orgasm when I finally have sex :(