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16421814 No.16421814 [Reply] [Original]

I've been meaning to familiarise myself with right leaning nonfiction but it's proving to be more difficult than I had imagined. The material itself isn't particularly complex, just very condescending and manipulative. It's like you're supposed to shut off your brain whenever ur reading their works. I'm very stupid yet their dishonest and devious nature is apparent even to me.
Are right wing intellectuals all like this?

>> No.16421837

If there was such a thing as a right wing intellectual, I imagine they might be like that

>> No.16421872

I kinda like Sloterdijk (Rage and Time & You must change your life). But for the most part decent right wing nonfiction authors are not that easy to find, although if you look at it historically there are a few that would be considered rather right wing. Besides, even if you don't agree with them there is still plenty to learn there and many of the contemporary ones are probably good in some areas (certain books usually) and dogshit in others.

>> No.16421879

You know as a right-wing guy this is exactly the feeling I get from left-wing authors. Maybe it's just a natural response to seeing works from the "other side"

>> No.16421907

I'm not sure
I still had that feeling when I was in my reactionary phase
It doesn't help that most scientists and academics are centre-leftists

>> No.16421985

Anything you read now is just that much more you’ll have to forget in the re-education camp later

>> No.16422112
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What exactly have you been reading? Books like pic related?

>> No.16422117

Yes, the fact that most academic disciplines are left-leaning was something I used to think was proof of leftism's ideological superiority

>> No.16422240

Bad thread that will turn into twosided shiposting like >>16421837 >>16421985
very quickly. If you wanted serious talk you would start with specific examples and without a frogpost.