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/lit/ - Literature

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1641879 No.1641879 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1641885

The last time I posted a story idea (over 5 years ago) someone stole it and made it.

In short: NO.

>> No.1641884

OP here

>Far future
>Travel to other universes becomes possible
>Exact copy of Earth located
>Company gets an idea to start a "replacement" service
>When a loved one dies, you can contact this company and get the same exact person from the "copy" of Earth for a large fee
>Goes into the morality of it all etc etc etc

>> No.1641889
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>Story idea
>No ending given
>Sun rises in the east

>> No.1641890


>story idea


>a plot

>> No.1641891

It's like ripping off Charlie Kaufman AND "Vertigo"!

>> No.1641894


Yeah, that's why I never post my ideas on here. I have like 10 I could post in these threads, but I'm not going to just give that shit away for free.

>> No.1641895

During the end of the third reich, hitler stars as the main singing role of a musical produced in Berlin. The production fails horribly, a stage prop kills hitler, and then the russians come in and see the last act without the character and start laughing. Then the building ends up destroyed by a shelling.

>> No.1641896

lol what was your idea

did paul thomas anderson nab the idea for a loose adaptation of oil! from you while browsing /a/

>> No.1641899


It's like Springtime for Hitler starring Hitler.

>> No.1641900

Truly, the idea was put to such horrible execution that I'd only be embarrassed to say "that got stolen from me."

I could have handled it much better. Well, lesson learned.

>> No.1641901

Fine. The musical is a tragicomedy about nietzsche.

>> No.1641903

Stem cell research advances to the point where they can take blood samples from the shroud of turin and clone jesus. This signifies end times and the rest of the story goes on to recreate the book of revelations with your own twist

>> No.1641919


I'm insanely paranoid about this.

>> No.1641926

I've got a great one, y'all ready?

There's a farmer in a little village that doesn't know anything of the outside world. He suddenly finds out that he's the saviour of the world (also the most powerful magician to live in this age) and has to set out on a journey to destroy the evil overlord. But he's not alone, there's the big and slow but powerful guy, the hot chick that he falls in love with, the comedic relief friend as well as the guiding influence of a kindly elderly wizard and the fighting prowess of a self-exiled king that just happens to cross their path!

It's fantasy if you couldn't tell.

>> No.1641936


with less specific wording that's every single story ever written.

>> No.1641939


You forgot the return of the king.

>> No.1641941

You should name your main character Frodo al'Thor.

>> No.1641944

>frodo smooths skirts

>> No.1641960

I made this in fourth grade.

Set 50 years in the future, people have started going to live under the sea in air bubble houses. One dude lives in a bubble house in Jaws, an undersea nation off the coast of South Africa, and also he has heliophobia and also his robot malfunctions and also there's this scientist who builds a supercomputer that builds an even more powerful supercomputer and it goes on until the newest supercomputer wants to RULE TEH WORLD and the dude HAS TO STOP THEM and he has a COUSIN named QWERTY who's the NEPHEW of the SCIENTIST GUY and also a ZERO WING REFERENCE

>> No.1641983
File: 10 KB, 203x249, happy spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a humble idea. Write about a talking spider. That's it.

>> No.1641992

anansi has been done :)
I wanted to write about a medieval village where the children are enslaved to an elderly, diseased aristocracy. Death comes at maturation, and the children are liberated by witchcraft, with the aid of Lucifer himself. I didn't write this because I don't have any real-life experience to back it up.

>> No.1642026

Meh I don't like picking on old people. But I do have experience with the Devil. He's a troll and that's it. Humans are capable of their own evil and even if we (humans) were not so inclined to trouble, we do not take well to being manipulated.

So he manipulates us in ways that subtle, that we don't expect and are not necessarily evil. It's a game-changer.

But enough about that. All you need to know is that he has a low opinion of humanity and the remainder of his existence is dedicated to proving the point. Every action, every order to a lesser demon, every word spoken in dialogue to the folly of man.

>> No.1642042

A guy decides to masturbate, but his penis is nuclear/magical and everybody wants to have sex with him. Even zombies! Hot babes come to the rescue.

>> No.1642054

I have to travel before I write this, and it's an idea for an episodic tv series.

Two best friends travel across America trying to decide what to do with themselves after their high school graduation. They travel in the one friend's dad's car - him and his father were fixing it up so they could go on a trip together before he died suddenly. They pick up a stranger - a girl - in the beginning of the trip and she joins them on their adventure. At the end of their journey, they give the girl the car on the condition that she will give it to another traveler she meets when she is done her travels.

The story will pick up twenty odd years in the future, when one of the best friends (who hasn't spoken to the other one since the trip, they drifted apart) sees the car in a junkyard. He finds out who the previous owner was from the junkyard owner, calls up his old friend, and they go on another journey through america, working their way back through each of the previous owners of he car to find out what happened to the girl they shared the defining moment of their lives with.

>> No.1642055

>set in 1968
>may comes
>shit goes down
>all from the perspective of a french field mouse who's love interest is killed in a riot

>> No.1642064


I would read/watch that.

>> No.1642078

Modern day King in Yellow intertwined set of stories.

>> No.1642081

Please do something with this.

>> No.1642083

Up to eleven.

>> No.1642084

Well, there's one idea I've had for a while. Have you ever read the short story "All Summer in a Day"? I haven't. I did hear a heavily corrupted version, though. The gist of it is, there's going to be some kind of awesome light show that makes everyone who sees it infinitely happy forever. Kid wants to see it, gets locked in a closet, doesn't get to. Everyone who did does their best to make him happy through normal means. They get real happiness but crushing guilt, he gets normal happiness but it isn't as good.

The story I wrote started out as "That's fucking stupid, and here's why," but evolved into something much crazier. The first part is a lot of exposition, jumping around from person to person, most of whom will never play a significant role. It ends on the kid, who gets locked in a broom closet, and starts pretty much going insane. Even after they let him out, he's pretty fucked up. Everyone tries to be nice to him, but the second he's out of sight they go right back to being happy. Eventually he snaps and kills the kid who locked him in, and runs away.

From there, he goes on a journey of self discovery, meets some people who went through the same shit he did, realizes that they're a bunch of psychos, and gradually develops his own view of the world.

In the interest of being concise, I've left out a lot of details, some not so important, some pretty damn crucial to the plot and character, but not the premise.

>> No.1642086

>World War II Britain
>spies/mystics etc...
>hunting for V-2 rockets
>they discover that a map of V-2 strikes corresponds perfectly to a map of one man's sexual conquests
What now?

>> No.1642087

Dude, you should totally leave it right there. It would become a postmodern masterpiece.

>> No.1642095

An Older woman takes an young man as lover.
She ends up falling in love with him but she has a secret she's actually a vampire. She must struggle against her thirst for his blood as she struggles whether to turn him.

>> No.1642130

>An Older woman takes an young man as lover.
>An young man.
>He kills himself in the end

Great story!

>> No.1642146

A comedy. Two guys book into a hotel room for a weekend of drug taking and buggery. While they're in there, the world goes batshit. When they come out, they find the city/town in ruins, dead people all over the place and the only live ones are all but insane. Different messed up events, including travelling to Hollywood where one finds the corpse of his favourite actress and has his way with her. They eventually go to see a scientist who spouts all sorts of nonsense, which they believe, not realising that he's crazy too. The reason for the apocalypse is never discovered.

>> No.1642163

Eh, I see potential for it being a comedy. The thing is, though, that it seems like bad horror movie lumped with scyfy b-movies. it might just be what you briefly explained. Also, the 'dead actress' part seems waaay too serious for something like a comedy.

Have them come out of their hotel room, while high, so they'll be trippin' balls in thinking that they just smoked the best stuff ever, man. 'Cause that shit makes everything seem so realistic.

>> No.1642179

The space race heats up, the U.S. decides on a rather novel course to win.

A man volunteers for a one way mission to mars, along the way he reminisces about his life. He gets to mars, explores, will be forever remembered and go down in history etc. etc. There is no return trip, and no resupply, and he knew all this when he volunteered.

He dies the loneliest death ever known after walking on the face of another planet.

>> No.1642181


Were I to write it, it would have very serious subject matter. But, I'd be playing on that with the nature of these two guys to create the comedy. Another example of that seriousness comes from another point of this crazed mother hiding a gun within the abdominal cavity of her dead child, when these two show up, she screams that they murdered the child after pulling the gun out and ripping the cadaver to pieces in the process. But it's also intended to have some cheesy horror. It'd probably suck, but I'd have too much fun writing it to care.

This is a bloody brilliant idea. Make it happen.

>> No.1642208


>> No.1642212



>> No.1642213

Two guys sit under a tree and read Waiting for Godot.

Hilarity presumably ensues.

>> No.1642239
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>Not a single rating out of ten ITT.

>> No.1642246

Hey, I did say "Up to eleven" It fucking counts!

>> No.1642330

>stuff happens
what now?

>> No.1642445

This would be something i would read. and normally i only read fantasy/scifi.

>> No.1642450


>> No.1642451

You know, that's actually a clever twist on the apocalypse.


>> No.1642453

I don't really have a story idea, but I would like to write a somewhat sci/fi novella set in what North America would be like had Columbus never found it, and if the Mesoamerican civilizations continued to flourish.

>> No.1642464

what about dem vikings?

>> No.1642560

7/10 This actually looks pretty awesome, I would read it.

I have an Idea
A massive corporation starts offering people the service to record their dreams and watch them later. At the same time an immigrant janitor that works at the companies headquarters wants to move up head-janitor to support his wife and child, the only thing that stands in his way is the current head-janitor who is a racist, cruel man. The company recording dreams, gives all their employees free recordings. Our protagonist decides to steal his rivals dreams and use them to black mail him and move up in his job.

>> No.1642583
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A fetus that solves mysteries.

>> No.1642595
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The pitch.

A black Muslim socialist is elected President of the United States after using the liberal media to brainwash America's impressionable youth. While in the White House, he enters into a semi-secret alliance/conspiracy with Al Qaeda, the Nazis (who have been hiding on their moon base with Hitler frozen in cryostasis) and Satan himself, all in a bid to crash America, freedom, and all that is virtuous and good in the world, straight into the fucking ground by staging a coup d'etat against our freedoms when he passes super-statist healthcare reform, which is actually a plot to drain innocent, virtuous conservatives of their blood so he may consume it, bathe in it, and lubricate himself during incestuous sex with his wife/sister, all as a means of strengthening himself so that he may produce the anti-Christ.

The only man brave enough to expose this tyranny, this evil, this savagery, is a devout Mormon conservative libertarian, whose uncompromising dedication to truth, justice, freedom, capitalism, and democracy is the very model of virtue itself, and must be accepted and emulated without question if we are to have even a prayer of withstanding this onslaught of leftism, this Ragnarok, this Twilight of America. If victorious, we shall ascend to an age where capitalism, democracy, and freedom are universal, and leftism, evil and vice is completely destroyed. But if we fail...if we do not follow this man, nay, this PROPHET, this SAVIOR....we are doomed to tyranny, having our very souls sucked from our bodies through sinfully big government's "public expenditures" and "social benefits programs".

Do not hesitate for a moment, do not even THINK, just throw all your unquestioning support behind this man, this legend, this MESSIAH, and follow the tale, join the struggle, that will decide the very fate of existence itself.

What does /lit/ think?

>> No.1642599

There was a similar thread last night, but without the ratings. Here's what I posted:

A well-to-do church going girl posts camwhore photos of herself anymore, then struggles to overcome the guilt of doing such a thing. Just as the girl is beginning to stabilize, she gets kidnapped by a stalker who'd tracked her down from the photos.

Coincidentally one of my captcha words is 'protect.'

>> No.1642603

I just wrote a great one but I decided not to post it because /lit/ always steals my work.

This is gold though. BRB getting a publisher

>> No.1642611


Twist ending where they were found O.D'd on heroin and in a coma and are really in the hospital having a shared coma experience.

>> No.1642644

What? Nobody likes it when people do that. At least give a brief synopsis.

>> No.1642827
