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File: 19 KB, 220x346, Notes_from_underground_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16418083 No.16418083 [Reply] [Original]

Is it bad if I relate so much to the underground man? I can see myself becoming exactly like him if I keep going down this isolated, lonely path.

>> No.16418099

Kind of. He’s a very arrogant cunt who thinks himself more important than all he meets.

>> No.16418104
File: 289 KB, 1080x1039, fyodora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dostoevsky book best relates to this quote?

>> No.16418137

>I relate so much
IKR? It's remarkable how someone as unremarkable as you has transformed an entirely forgettable life of cowardice and insecurity into the Epic Struggle of Modern Man.

Keep up the good fight, my man!

>> No.16418147

This quote hits hard, so many wasted years on imageboards and playing vidya... I've gotten my shit together over quarantines but still spend too much time here

Is this an insult? It's going over my head

>> No.16418166

Well Dostoevsky said that (to his brother in a letter, I believe), when he was in Prison in Petersburg before his exile.
Which is reminiscent to the regeneration of Raskolnikov, the end of The Dream of a Ridiculous Man or Myshkin's outlook after returning from Switzerland.

It essentially underlies all his main work.

>> No.16418191

>This quote hits hard, so many wasted years on imageboards and playing vidya...
I think you all are missing the point. No moment is better than another in life, everything counts. You should be happy just for experiencing life. These times weren' t wasted, they are what made you be who you are today. Just be honest with yourself: if you could go back in time, would you do things differently?

>> No.16418197

Hes actually more successful than i am. He gets laid and is rich enough to have a servant and live as a neet

>> No.16418207

>"I think you're all missing the point"
>misses the point

Go away, retard. Not only do you not know the context (read Joseph Frank's 2nd volume), but you clearly cannot comprehend a quote at face value either.

>> No.16418220

Feels bad man. Phoneposting as I'm trying to fall asleep, wasted the whole day and I'm certain that tomorrow will be the same.

>> No.16418394 [DELETED] 

you can't really relate to him. his feelings are very foreign for a westerner, you are probably just projecting western memes on him like anxiety, depression and shit like it.