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16415632 No.16415632 [Reply] [Original]

>it’s a Levin chapter

>> No.16415645

>That chapter where Levin works the field with his serfs, toiling away under the Summer sun; sharing in the fruits of hard labor known only to the peasants, yet fully enjoying and embracing the merits that come with the simple, yet arduous task.
pure kino

>> No.16415648

Levin chapters are great though

>> No.16415688
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>it's a Levin chapter

>> No.16415764

This is good bait

>> No.16415777

how many layers deep do the nested hat-dwelling saluting frogs go

>> No.16415781

But those are the best parts

>> No.16415802
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>> No.16416911

Levin is the only character that matters.

>> No.16416979
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>it's an Anna chapter

>> No.16417078

On topic, was I supposed to draw some parallels between Anna's and Levin's story? They seemed really disjointed

>> No.16417095

it’s all about anna / vronsky love vs. levin / kitty love
first is physical and superficial (which is why they get bored of each other soon), second is pure and soulful

>> No.16417101

I haven't read it but I don't believe so. Anna was more of a classical type of elevated stubborn fool and Levin reminded my of my uncle who was little but short handed when it comes to story writing.

>> No.16417113

Surely this is bait

>> No.16417251

But Levin's story was much more focused on his search for evangelical truth rather than his love life

>> No.16417253

Another thing to mention is that superficially, Anna and Vronsky look like a better couple than Levin and Kitty.

>> No.16417309

Do they? Levin and Kitty seemed to live a pretty comfy and well balanced life

>> No.16417442

Love and faith are two sides of the same coin for Tolstoj, and Levin's struggle is that of an unhappy man in accepting love (both worldy and spiritually) in order to find happiness in life.
It's similar to Andrei's death in War and Peace, except with a happy ever after

>> No.16417447

>implying those weren't the only worthwhile chapters in that miserable book

>> No.16417458

turg > tolst
every time.

>> No.16417496

The important invisible detail is how the two stories are as it were drawn toward one another; at some point one realizes they must merge, collide, something! When they finally do they very skillfully just miss one another, or pass harmlessly by, and conclude in their own particular ways. This slow coming together's a major tension through much of the book, however.

>> No.16417509

I always shill a sportsman’s sketches whenever I can

>> No.16417516

On another note, am I the only one who found Anna to be sympathetic?

>> No.16417522

Tolstoy once said that he had structured his novel not by temporal ties as it usually is in the more conventional novels but in order to show contrast between Levin's and Anna's storylines and themes.

>> No.16417539

Like Nikolai in W&P (not my favorite character btw) Vronsky is the Tolstoyan 'miracle' character in AK. Whereas through Nikolai it is convincingly shown how a starry eyed boy becomes in stages a cynically bitter old grump, in Vronsky Tolstoy displays how an utter scapegrace becomes the most decent of human beings, if not ultimately the most likable character.

>> No.16417543

Absolutely not.

>> No.16417550

I liked her but it became apparent really soon that she was doomed so my investment kinda dwindled and the whole ordeal felt like a pityful waste

>> No.16417552

Nikolai as the Tolstoyan miracle character? I always thought it was 100% Andrei Bolkonski.

>> No.16417558

>contrast between Levin's and Anna's storylines and themes
exemplified in what? what was the moral/spiritual pitfall that prevented Anna from finding the fulfilment that Levin achieved?

>> No.16417571

Well, he's by far my favorite, but one feels the line of his fate from early on. See what I mean? I never really liked Nikolai but I really came to appreciate what Tolstoy did through him (if that makes sense)

>> No.16417581

Living to help herself vs living to help people, that was, respectively, her downfall and his rise

>> No.16417590

Running through the fate of the little princess all over again anon and on the verge of tears. Don't do this to me!

>> No.16417597

Honestly my favorite part of the book.

>> No.16417734

levin was the only good part of this book

>> No.16417875

exemplified in the novel and by means of it
>what was the moral/spiritual pitfall that prevented Anna from finding the fulfilment that Levin achieved?
The moral disposition and lack thereof.

>> No.16417918
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>it’s a Moscow fire chapter

>> No.16417924
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>It’s chapter ‘levin

>> No.16417951

when anna became addicted and kitty and levin were just kinda married, I lost interest. it seemed clear where things were going

>> No.16417952

Wrong book

>> No.16417957

this is what I remember most about this book

>> No.16417979

>he reads for the plot

>> No.16418016

That's cute anon but there are 8 parts and therefore eight chapter elevens....

>> No.16418053

I don’t even know what the h yer talking about. I thought this was some DFW thing

>> No.16418129

The apostrophe before Levin along with the snarky pic led me to believe that you were punning on a hypothetical chapter eleven. Pardon. I gave you credit for being more acute than it turns out you actually are

>> No.16418968

Literally the best part of the book. Explains Dos.' later life. OP's right though.

>> No.16418977

Its an X. They meet in the middle, and end up opposite to where they began.

>> No.16418980


>> No.16419006
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And God gave the day, and God gave the strength for it

>> No.16419064
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>> No.16419376

More like an inverted cone, or an X distorted so that the lower portion is far smaller than the top; they don't cross paths till relatively late (if I'm not mistaken)--

>> No.16419814

At the end of the day, she was trapped, there's no two ways about it. Either in a loveless marriage or in a death spiral with a lover. Anna was doomed from the start, and that's a tragic and sympathetic thing.

>> No.16419839

anna and levin are kindred spirits with opposite fates

>> No.16420602

Yes, they meet at the end when Levin visits. I forget the exact reason why he goes but it is a pretty important and beautiful chapter.

Levin's describes his thoughts of Anna before he ever meets her with disgust: she is a contemptible women who has committed so much sin and done so much harm to others. Then, when he meets her, he is struck by her; not by her beauty, like all men are, but her pathetic nature. Instead of deserving contempt she deserves his sympathy because he has shared her spiritual struggle throughout the entire book. >>16419064

If I remember, he also sees her painting before he sees her, which I think is a beautiful scene. The painting evokes her beauty for Levin that all men fixate on but Anna herself impresses onto Levin something altogether different.

>> No.16420861

The best chapters are when levins fucking about and doing absolutely nothing

>> No.16420870

>they meet at the end when Levin visits. I forget the exact reason why he goes
He was chilling with Steva and Vronsky and they insisted that he goes meet her

>> No.16420943

Yeah, it's been five years since I've read it. In my mind a scene of ice skating is involved but how eludes me- time for a reread! Have read W&P twice so it's more burnt in my mind.

>> No.16421290

The ice-skating scene is at the very beginning, it's Levin's first attempt at flirting with Kitty.

>> No.16421314
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>it's a farming chapter

>> No.16421464

>excited to read my first Russian novel
>open up the book
>... the tragic end of Anna's story with her jumping in front of a train
Fucking P&V I swear. Still enjoyed the book immensely though.

>> No.16421482

how little have you read that you don't know a foreword for a classic will discuss the plot

>> No.16421495

Part of the beauty of Anna Karenina is that you can sympathize with everyone because Tolstoy takes you inside their heads. You might not agree with them or their actions but you can always sympathize.

>> No.16421504

I got an ereader last year...

>> No.16421517

Hold on...
>Generally a “Foreword” - short for “Before Word” - is something the author or editor thought it would be helpful for the reader to know before reading the main text.
>before reading the main text

>> No.16421530

based new /lit/ reader

>> No.16421579

welcome esteban

>Generally a “Foreword” - short for “Before Word” - is something the author...
>the author
stop reading (drown yourself)

>> No.16421595

Anna Karenina is shit lmao, as is most Russian literature. Holds no candle to English or French literature. Very simplistic language and ideas.

>> No.16421643

Wish granted, they go on forever

>> No.16421672

She was a woman

>> No.16421830

I’ve come to consider Anna as one of the best characters in literature.i find it interesting how men view don Quixote vs Anna or Emma bovary

>> No.16421859

Hmm, okay. Also remember a very pregnant Kitty not comfortable with Levin's seeing Anna-- there's no late ice skating scene? Odd. I've read do much since then!

>> No.16422411

Turgy is ok, Tolstoy is top 3 greatest to ever write on a page

>> No.16422427

>Levin just proposed to Kitty chapter
>Crying my eyes out

>> No.16422506

I kinda wanted him to spurn her and find some young pretty girl to marry. She chose Chad over him and only turned to him because he dumped her.

>> No.16422573

Yeah I myself haven’t read it but judging by the posts here, they were all made by women probably cuz the commentary ITT is like commentary fornsome genre fiction schlock lol

>> No.16422816

The Acura symbol

>> No.16422835
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>Yeah I myself haven’t read it but

>> No.16422989

It’s widely considered one of the best novels all time from casual reader, academics and renown authors.

>> No.16423009

why was vasenka, a handsome womanizer, portrayed as fat?different times and cultures?

>> No.16423190
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How does he do it? Within a brief few pages it’s like I’ve gone from fumbling in the dark with a flashlight my whole life to having the light turned on for the first time. His writing is incredible and Levin’s religious re-awakening at the end of the novel genuinely made me tear up and experience a religious sensation

>> No.16423821

Always preferred war and peace desu

>> No.16423897

>Levin’s religious re-awakening at the end of the novel
Was it bullshit cope or was there something to it? Is rationalism futile?

>> No.16423915

>Was it bullshit cope
You can call it faith

>> No.16423951

do you mean Tolstoy?

>> No.16423960


You are never supposed to read the foreword on first reading a book anon. You read it afterwards or on second reading.

>> No.16424935

They're close but this preference is correct

>> No.16424945

But some of the dialogue is in French.

>> No.16425083

Tbh, they are both very similar regarding characters, plot points and themes

>> No.16425186

how to start with tolstoy?
is anna karenina a good book for start?

>> No.16425215

love that part, truly comfy

>> No.16425639

Either w&p or Anna are fine starting points

>> No.16425680

read a shorter book first like the death of ivan illych

>> No.16426230


>> No.16426421

Anna karenina's a good start. Don't bother reading the shortest of an author's works to start with them. Start with their best and you can drop it if you don't like it

>> No.16426654

Tolstoy is a pretty simple writer and a reader doesn’t have to work his way up the ladder

>> No.16426757
