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16415260 No.16415260 [Reply] [Original]

Women in real life act nothing like women in books

>> No.16415282

the idealized roastie shall never equal the reality of them

>> No.16415297

Have you read Madame Bovary?

>> No.16415312

>Reading female characters written by 1800's men.
Gee I wonder why you feel this way.

>> No.16415314

>Women in real life
no longer exist

>> No.16415333

Rich women from the XIXth century aren't the same as middle class one from the XXIth century.
Yet great writers often managed to capture the intangible spirit that women inherently have.

Modern popular writers often obscured by their idealization of women or/and an overdose ideology cannot write the reality of the female condition, or more often they just do not dare.
There is no author bold enough to write women how Houellebecq writes men for instance.

>> No.16415423

wah wah wah ouchie :'( Poopoo on THAT

>> No.16415435

women used to be alright when some of them learned male virtues

now a woman is basically a snowman made out of sin and diarrhea

>> No.16415440
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Read La Regenta, by Leopoldo Alas "Clarín"

>> No.16415463
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I see you hispanic

>> No.16415471

>tfw roasties won't jump on the nearest infested benis

>> No.16415480

Have you ever read The Bell Jar?

>> No.16415484

WWWWAAAAAHHHHHH *sniffles* then I *snuffles*
... etc.

>> No.16415487
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Girls are sullen, and self-protective, indulgent of things they begrudge others; they're insecure, overconfident yet always require someone else to pick up the slack lest they sink into an anomie of underachievement for which they don't seem to feel very much responsible---nor do they feel responsible for that anomie's redress except maybe in the case of, say, picking up an ineffectual hobby off and on like jogging, photography, painting an old chair they thrifted, drawing.) They're truly pathetic creatures, but not in a demeaning way. They can't help it, and are perfect objects of the blandest of literary tragedies, a la Bovary, Karenina etc. (Flaubert really pinned the butterfly to the setting board in that he also made Emma the star in her own imagined melodrama.) Sure there are some type A hawks, too, but they're less interesting as simple products of contemporary social norms (if by social one means the relations delineated by contemporary democracy/capitalism.)

(To the trannies: I've had enough sex that were going to disabuse me of these notions it would've done by now.)

>> No.16415512

Only good post in this thread

>> No.16415540

Despite the hate that Anna k and Emma bovary get, I find them to be sympathetic.tolstoy and Flaubert are a couple of the best novelists of all time for a reason.it takes talent to make a character sympathetic and loathsome at the same time(Emma more than Anna for me at least)

>> No.16415550

To add, I find it interesting how many men view don Quixote in comparison with Anna and Emma

>> No.16415860

Women, as they exist, are not worth writing about.

>> No.16415866

This is all true. I still love them though.

>> No.16415997
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Buck chungus

>> No.16416725
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I thought Beowulf was quite true-to-life. Maybe you're just reading the wrong books.

>> No.16416865

/lit/tier post, thank you for your service

>> No.16416898
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Men in real life act nothing like men in books

>> No.16416903
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Read some ancient Greeks they talk about women as they are no filter

>> No.16416974

Ever read Stoner? John Williams portrayed a certain type of woman absolutely perfectly with Edith. My mother in law is in her exact mold.
I think most men act pretty similar to the characters of Dickens. Usually not too smart and not too noble but capable of some goodness that's sort of already folded into their natures.

>> No.16417000

>I think most men act pretty similar to the characters of Dickens
That's in similar vein to what I was thinking when I countered OP, there are books out there that portray men and women more realistic, and then there are those that go deeper into fantasy.
There might be a man out there that on the surface resembles Lupin in some points, but Lupin as a character is just too perfect for any actual human to be like him. Same with women, it depends what books one reads and the kind of women they interact with.

>> No.16417155

Dickens did a decent job of showing the universal woman.

>> No.16417174

>real life
not real

>> No.16417178

tfw I'm actually a girl

>> No.16417325

should I become a tranny?

>> No.16417354

I wrote out a quick post about how he only has like five archetypes for women, but then realized that those five encapsulate most of them. I also forgot about Esther Somerset, who is even rather flattering. Like Elizabeth Benet without the hundred quips. I think Dickens hit on portraying men and women pretty fucking perfectly.

>> No.16417360

>ghosts in real life act nothing like ghosts in books

>> No.16417436

>jews in real life are not like the jews on /pol/

>> No.16417452

only a little purple but at least you are trying to say something which makes up for it.

imagine if every post on /lit/ was like this

>> No.16417489

Bukowski and Hollobeq on women are quite accurate

>> No.16417540

Correct, they're worse

>> No.16417551
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I legit used to think most women are secretly wet for the balding atheist introvert, but go for the boring chad instead cuz they’re intimidated by intellectualism.

Books and movies push this false hope pretty hard, and most readers are losers so it finds just the right audience

>> No.16418086

Unfathomely cringe and yikespilled!
CEO of YIKES is on the phone

>> No.16418198

Every Jew I've ever met has been a cool self-loather or a proud Jew who does fall into some unflattering stereotypes. It's weird.

>> No.16418219

>no u
Found the roastie

>> No.16418221

if you wanna neck in a few years, yeah

>> No.16418231

You found yourself, anon? Congratulations!

>> No.16418246
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It’s taken me a while to grasp but now I understand that women in fiction are all some lonely guy’s ideal of what type of girl he wishes had existed for him back in high school. You’re not reading what something is but what someone wants to be.

>> No.16418349


I was shocked to find that women really aren't obsessed with their tits, after spending the summer reading game of thrones.

>> No.16418369

WAHAHHHH WAHH I'm baby cryying! Patoot patoot PATOOT!
well sometimes I--OW!

>> No.16418957

what about this doesn't apply to men, seems like you are just describing the human condition no?

>> No.16418960

Men neither

>> No.16418969

the greeks were the 2nd to adopt patriarchy after the hebrews

>> No.16419095


>> No.16419281

>Women in real life act nothing like women in books
Well, i guess that gives you something to write about then, anon.

>> No.16419295

C'mon, now. How can you say the varied women in Pride and Prejudice are not true to real life?

>> No.16419338

>t. eternal anglx saxonex tranny