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/lit/ - Literature

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16414568 No.16414568 [Reply] [Original]

/v/ has spoken...

>> No.16414578

I find the pretty much complete absence of any attempt at making art out of video games a bit odd. Maybe I just don't know about it because I don't play them and it's only obscure indie games or something, but as far as the general public is concerned they simply don't exist.

>> No.16414581

if you still play videogames alone or with strangers as an adult and aren't some 50 year old boomer with grandchildren who already won life you should probably just kill yourself

>> No.16414583

He’s not wronng

>> No.16414592

As far as I understand it there's a sizeable niche of indie games that attempt to elevate video games as an artform, but I dont really know too much about it. As far as mainstream stuff goes, Ive hear people speak fondly of the Metal Gear Series- but again, I havent played any so what do I know

>> No.16414595

I haven't played vidya seriously in 5-8 years. Is anything good happening lately? I got burned out when it felt like every game was just more GTA5 sandbox shit or yet another sequel syndrome

I remember one of the last games i was excited about was Elite: Dangerous but then it seemed like a lot of the ingame content was really samey and instanced, like there was no real adventure to it.

The last straw was VR though. As soon as people started to act like VR was going to be the next 10 years of gaming, I knew I couldn't sit through that. I would have more confidence in the coming VR golden age if the games we have now were any fucking good. What will VR be? More shit games except IN VR? WOW! All the youtube dickheads are blowing their loads over it and how it's going to make more "innovative gameplay." Innovative, like 20 minute videos of you inspecting the polygons on a physics interactable golfball and talking about your GPU. Fucking hell

>> No.16414599

I loved the Witcher 3 and videos games I begrudgingly give credit to for being able to create a very unique aesthetic(still by no means a high art), but let's be honest no video games will ever rival or stand equal with the best of literature or any fine art, that's ridiculous.

>> No.16414602

W3 is my favourite game and it's really good, but no game will ever be better than an average book, because book exercises your imagination and can describe anything in the way YOU imagine and understand, and so it's the most intimate it can get.
W3 is good in the sense that it has many branches and characters feel pretty real, the pace is slow and really life-like, but the main plot isn't super deep

>> No.16414603

They are made and marketed exclusively toward mental toddlers; it's not really that surprising. Vidya is without question the lowest brow artistic medium.

>> No.16414605

I stopped playing vidya because it's too easy for it to consume my life. I decided reading was better leisure time activity that I could be proud of having

>> No.16414610

>W3 is good in the sense that it has many branches and characters feel pretty real, the pace is slow and really life-like, but the main plot isn't super deep
I agree definitely with you, but the best part of it was the specific story lines and plot "story's", such as in Velen with the bloody barron(arguably the peak of the game), and Skellige was really nice. Hearts of Stone was really brilliant.

>> No.16414613


Creating a videogame is usually a group effort and I don't think there's a formal consensus on how to direct one. So you usually get "safe" content befitting the size if the investment requires in wealth and time.

>> No.16414614

This, but I also can't relax and be in timeless, spaceless contentedness as Schopenhauer would say anymore. I'm so stuck in the theoretical and metaphysical questioning, even in earnest un-breaking belief, it makes life so much more detaching. It is like the worst version of Socrates death, instead of being "cured of life" as the joke he made implied, by way of contentedness and and enough longing, achievement and wisdom throughout ones life to follow what is good easily, I feel that I am to be cured of life because of how utterly devoid of it I am.

>> No.16414615

Yeah I must say that some stories in W3 left me with the bittersweet or melancholic aftertaste, which I never felt before. I'd say it comes close to high art, as much as video games can.

>> No.16414616
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I wish to go back to those misty fields.

>> No.16414618

>lowest brow artistic medium.
That would be either contact juggling or beatboxing.

>> No.16414619

>I find the pretty much complete absence of any attempt at making art out of video games a bit odd.
Have you not heard of icycalm?

>> No.16414627

This, though it's always going to be a video game and limited by that, in the artistic world in which it does capture, it does so in its own unique way like all arts, which as I said will always be appreciable in its own right. What do you think of Shenmue? Really brilliant game but in a different way to W3.

>> No.16414634

>What do you think of Shenmue?
I haven't played it, but I might - looks interesting. I'm learning Japanese at the moment also, maybe I'll find version with Japanese subs

>> No.16414638


>> No.16414641
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>tfw KH got me into philosophy and poetry as a preteen

>> No.16414645

I know pretty much nothing about this subject. But there are other mediums about which I know pretty much nothing(eg. ballet) that I am still aware of as having artistic accomplishments and have seen examples of it that are readily accessible.

I've never seen anyone point out like the big examples of art in video games.

>> No.16414650

Fug man that's lowed. But what does this have to do with philosophy? Gotta admit it's pretty groovy.

>> No.16414656

The absolute state of /lit/ in 2020.

>> No.16414660

I've read plenty of shitty, or average books I've forgotten about. Maybe it's because I don't game much, but the Wolf Among Us and the Witcher II and III were really great because of the interaction you could have.

>> No.16414661


>> No.16414666


>> No.16414668

the game's dialogue was pretty philosophical for me as a young whippersnapper

>> No.16414672
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The endless debates about the political philosophies in Fallout New Vegas on /v/ in 2010-2012 got me interested in this stuff. Still one of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.16414673

>I've never seen anyone point out like the big examples of art in video games.
You haven't seen it because the only one who has done it is icycalm, and his stuff is paywalled.

>> No.16414679

Always picked Legion but tweaked it in my mind to smooth out some of the retard shit Caesar was doing

Still better than NCR

>> No.16414681

Charles is right, games will never be art

>> No.16414686

vidya and movies are so consistently bad, and always have been, that when you finally get games that have writing that isn't utterly banal and cringe, it's considered a "masterpiece"

>> No.16414687

>taking anyone that plays video games says seriously

>> No.16414693

Story: Shitty generic fantasy plot.

>> No.16414695

Why take anyone who doesn't engage with the latest artistic endeavor of mankind seriously?

>> No.16414702

You mean Charls?

>> No.16414706
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>the latest artistic endeavor of mankind

>> No.16414710

Metal Gear is pulp, it's fun but it isn't exactly high art

>> No.16414721

You can't name a more complex form of art.

>> No.16414738
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>You can't name a more complex form of art

>> No.16414743

grow up

>> No.16414755

I'm not immature for saying that.

>> No.16414761

Wait, what game?

>> No.16414764

>it's a thing called Hegelian dialectics

>> No.16414769
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Dude could you already leave, no one likes your stupid meme-arrow posts replies. Well of course after copying what I just wrote in meme-arrows and adding a ridiculous image next to it.
Ok now that you did it, you feel proud? Uninstall every piece of electronics you have and never touch the internet again; it can probably save if it isn't too late.

>> No.16414774
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/v/ has spoken
but their cuck-caged cocks are broken
i got their mommies invokin'
god's name as they chokin'
on dis COCK and deez NUTZ
gettin called daddy by these sluts
if i was a nigger then /v/
would be all over me
being balls deep in their mommies
cuz they're cuckold commies
licking my nut up like jannies
i pay em the same damn salaries (zip $0.00)
they do it out of faggotry
now all the /v/irgin faggots mad at me
pussies too afraid of the fade
always lowest dps in their raid
broke gaming niggas who ain't got no game
even their waifu thinks they're lame
ain't even got a life to diss
encircled by bottles of piss
30 year old mald boomers
getting mauled online by zoomers
sixth year at college but still no degree
nah don't bother steppin nigga, gg ez

>> No.16414775

Hes right though. Only thing that can compare is 1984 and the Harry Potter series (which is way better than the movies btw you have to read it)

>> No.16414787

Lol, not even mentioning Disco Elysium?

>> No.16414791

you should see them on /tv/, a group of them will come together and just copy each other's posts adding more >s each time with different images. They'll go to like 100+ posts of this, they must have literal non-meme autism

>> No.16414808

I don't play a lot of video games but Disco Elysium was actually fairly comparable to a decent book and the interactivity helped a lot. It's a pretty big step up from Witcher 3 imo

>> No.16414823

Regarding video games as art is childish.

>> No.16414833
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Very few main stream and heavily marketed games can be seen as art. Those are rare but like anon said, there are some really niche games that make a fucking masterpiece.

A cult classic is destroy all humans, more pulpy like MGS but still well done none the less.
Vampyr is pretty gud and tickles the Halloween feel. Like $15 on steam I think if not cheaper or free.
Dark souls holds a special place in my heart so maybe I'm biased but anything in the soul series is great too

>> No.16414835

Kingdom Hearts
Keep in mind I was like 12 but the hate vidya is getting right now is straight ignorance as a window to a higher realm of expression

>> No.16414863

that game really did a lot to keep me interested in politics and theory and where the choices we make lead us when I started getting bored of the really stale state of contemporary political discussion. I'm sorry I don't care at all about discussing gerrymandering for the hundredth time or whether eating a hot dog or hamburger on tv will get that extra .01% boomer vote.

>> No.16414873

That depends on what you think art is. If it means expression or communication, then no, regarding them as art isn't childish.

>> No.16414880

Witcher 3's story was ok. It was still a rather straightforward "defeat the baddie and save the damsel in distress" trope, even though the damsel here was more than capable of defending herself. The real narrative effect of it was how well Geralt was represented and the side quests, which brought to life Sapkowski's world excellently.

>> No.16414887

read that story about adam seeing the future of all mankind and then play the ending of DS3 and the ending of Ringed City. DS unironically gave me a lot to think about wrt cyclical civilizations. It gives you the option to end stale civilization, keep the fire going, and the crazier shit that you can do with hollows. Plus dem visuals/feel and short melancholic dialogue is well done

>> No.16414888

I only play videogames when I'm with my friends and they want to play. They're not interesting to me really I've tried

>> No.16414901

Not him, but I think intent matters a great deal. The vast majority of video game makers, the majority of games themselves, and the industry at learge have the intent of bilking customers, not creating anything meaningful. I don't think something that is designed to get someone addicted and get as much money from them as possible from people who just want to waste as much time as possible can be classified as art, even if it does incidentally evoke an emotion.

Certain video games are art, yes. Just as you can take pull tabs from soda cans and turn them into an artistic dress, that doesn't mean cans of soda are art. The medium as a whole? I don't think so.

Now I understand that it's not quite a fair comparison since video games are such a recent invention and pretty much everything these days has lost all artistic merit and just exists to make money, but still.

>> No.16414908
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*blocks your path*

>> No.16414915
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Just like with movies and tv, experimental auteur shit only occasionally reaches mainstream appeal, and is quickly buried under the forthcoming heaps of low effort and/or overly focus grouped slag.

>> No.16414925

i have no problem with calling most of those Hollywood blockbusters art though. Maybe the Marvel movies are sort of pushing it with how focus-group tweaked they are, but even those seem to speak to their target audience in some way.

>> No.16414926

I see, I hear it's a fan favourite. Vidya deservingly gets hate for being compared to fine art. But I agree it can be a greater medium of expression, but I don't think it will ever be a fine art.

>> No.16414932

>The vast majority of video game makers, the majority of games themselves, and the industry at learge have the intent of bilking customers, not creating anything meaningful.
Can you prove or demonstrate that? If not, I see no reason to entertain this thought. You can't even "sniff it out" in the games themselves, so to speak, if you really tried. Who are you to say that the original creators of a game like Grand Theft Auto didn't think they were making something meaningful, for example (especially considering they pioneered open world)? Also, who are you to say that no one who played it found their interaction with it meaningful?

>> No.16414935

its weird how vidya can barely leave the "realism" phase for graphics and things outside of it always seem kinda tryhard and/or just straight up shitty

>> No.16414987

t. Ignatius

>> No.16415022

AAA publishers such as EA, though granted, this is the weakest bit since there are likely a higher number of one or two man tames making art. There is no big art publisher. As for GTA, I would say the fact that they were on record that they were planning on making more story DLC but then didn't when GTA online made them so much money is a pretty good indicator that they don't give a fuck about artistic integrity.
Check out the sheer number of asset flips on Steam. These aren't an attempt to create anything other than money. They literally just take assets from the unity store and make the barest minimum game around it to sell it.
Microtransactions make up far more of the sales than any games. F/GO is the number one grossing game of all time.

Basically for any metric I can think of, it's money first and art second.

>Also, who are you to say that no one who played it found their interaction with it meaningful?
I'm not talking about death of the author. Using that and moral relativism, you can argue fucking anything, so it's pointless having a discussion at all if you're using this as your basis. I'm talking about the intent of the creator, and I believe that is a huge factor in whether or not something counts as art or accidentally becomes art. If my grandfather choked to death on a sandwich, seeing a half eaten sandwich the janitor left at the graveyard would make me have an emotional response. Doesn't mean it's art just because my experience made it meaningful to me.

>> No.16415043

Disco Elysium is sort of interesting and relatively cheap for a game. It plays like old crpgs and the dialogue is only sometimes bad. Sometimes it shines with a nice moment of good, interesting prose. But I never bring it up here because it's kind of a guilty pleasure, and it's definitely pretty commie, for better or worse.

>> No.16415083
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HoS is the best piece of storytelling in recent years.
>b-but it's just retelling of Faust!

>> No.16415086
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>Dude could you already leave, no one likes your stupid meme-arrow posts replies

>> No.16415132

If our boy Harold Bloom played vidya, what would he play? I say dark souls and bloodborne.

>> No.16415134

> /v/ has spoken...
That's like saying an asshole farted

>> No.16415157

So because some people don’t, nobody does? Not that guy but don’t be in such a hurry to generalize man, you don’t seem like a dumb or bad guy

>> No.16415972
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this thread is shit
now name games with good stories

>> No.16415996

>>b-but it's just retelling of Faust!
Fug, thought that story was familiar.

>> No.16415999

>debating the "political philosophies" of 2-dimensional caricatured ideologues found in genre fiction
gamers.... lol

>> No.16416004
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Do any games surpass it?

>> No.16416010

>people still play video games after age 11
they're out there

>> No.16416011

>If our boy Harold Bloom played vidya, what would he play?
Probably Solitaire.
>I say dark souls and bloodborne.

>> No.16416015

He said "I play", not "I say", read it again.

>> No.16416020

Shenmue is dogshit.

>> No.16416025

>He said "I play", not "I say"
No he didn't wtf.

>> No.16416026
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>> No.16416028


>> No.16416029

Shove it up your ass, but make room for your hipster console too.

>> No.16416030

Read it agian anon.

>> No.16416036

I own a modern console. ):

You know it's sold on current gen right gramps?

>> No.16416040

Ignatius would despite video games vehemently, all of them. He'd still order the next bing bing wahoo game regardless, but he'll never say anything positive about them.

>> No.16416047

>You know it's sold on current gen right gramps?
I don't play video games anymore, so no.

>> No.16416054
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I did.

>> No.16416056


>> No.16416061

Where does it say "I play", anon.

>> No.16416063

Then bequeath your boomerisms.

>> No.16416067

Are you blind?; Right after "what would he say?".

>> No.16416070

>but the hate vidya is getting right now is straight ignorance as a window to a higher realm of expression
Express what? The medium is purely entertainment driven, there's nothing you can gleam from it that you couldn't in other more mature mediums. And yes, I'm taking it's potential into account.

>> No.16416076

The fact you're dyslexic is understandable considering you come from /v/

>> No.16416082

I don't come /v/ you stupid faggot I don't even own a car, besides what's your problem?

>> No.16416083

Are we being raided by some discord? These posts are cancer.

>> No.16416155

Try playing Pathologic 2, it is truly art.

>> No.16416161

F*ck Russians

>> No.16416172

I'll stomp your teeth on the curb you insipid little faggot.

>> No.16416173

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.16416181
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>> No.16416200

Bitch ass w*sterner

>> No.16416203

dae durr duh buh muh fuckem bippeo gae
that being said killer7 is the best written game of all time

>> No.16416209

If even a single part of that post is true, it is only because The Witcher is based on a series of novels. Unfortunately for OP, it is not.

>> No.16416246

Almost every single side quest in this game is inspired or directly references other myths and legends or cultural media. The entire DLC heart of stone is based on "Pan Twardowski". There is even a side quest that's a reference to fucking The Twelve Tasks of Asterix.

>> No.16416252

Okay chinky.

Wrong Fahrenheit is.

>> No.16416266

Ahh yes, the games are art """debate""". Very important, yes. So what are we discussing today? The fact that a GAME will never ever be art or the fact that GAMERS are weak spined shells who need to justify their hobby in as many ways as is possible, claiming that video games are sport, art and who knows what will come next?
Here's a hint, you spineless roaches - not one person whom we today call an artist, who worked on what we today call art, has insisted so vehemently that he or his creation should be labeled as such.

>> No.16416296
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There's nothing to debate. Everything from graffiti to hairstyling to ad jingles is folk art, and fine art is a fuckin joke anyways.

>> No.16416299
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>art is subjective

>> No.16416304

how is BLM going for you faggots

>> No.16416339

There are few games I would call art, Bioshock comes to mind. Video games can give you experience much like art, but like most things these days, they are just corporate shit mostly. Also, as a form of entertainment, video games are more closer to board games like chess, or even sports.

>> No.16416354

But I'm not gay.

>> No.16416359

>There are few games I would call art, Bioshock comes to mind.
What a milquetoast normalfag hot take.

>> No.16416364

Only a small portion of videogames can be seen as "high art". The vast majority of them are only made to entertain you and make money.

>> No.16416366

Maybe milquetoast but not inaccurate

>> No.16416387

>bido gam gud art becuz complex becuz complex is more things
a virtual reality chair one could get plugged into with a fleshlight robot on top would have a potential to make bido games look like child toys yet only subhuman would argue it makes for better art for that reason

>> No.16416393

... and I don't listen.

>> No.16416401
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>/lit/ has no idea what art is

>> No.16416403

disco elysium is, indeed, pretty good

>> No.16416406

disco elysium is garbage for ESL euro faggots, made by ESL euro faggots

>> No.16416412

Very short list of video games that could be considered to have artistic value:

Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Baldur's Gate 2
Planescape: Torment
Maybe Disco Elysium. It's at least trying. Ignore >>16416406

>> No.16416414

Post some /lit/ burger Vidya or stfu

>> No.16416415

"artistic value", aka "things I like"

I could mock you all day for undertale, but calling BG2 "artistic" is just flat-out retarded.

speak english

>> No.16416421
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>> No.16416430

thief TDP is cool, but outside of a few cool cutscenes what is the literary value here? the problem with videogames and other mediums is that people want to parade their favorite videogames as the same artistic level as literature, when there is no equivalency possible

>> No.16416438

mainstream videogames exist for the mere purpose of entretainment and I doubt there's a way for them to become anything close to art, because they are strongly limited by their mechanics. paradoxically a schism exists between them all, where they all specialise on some of these mechanics, like shooting, parkour, etc. I think this esentially kills any intention a videogame can have of becoming 'art' per se. It's all become quite technical, but in the Ellulian sense of the word; videogames are dominated by technology, which is an autonomous process on itself. Technology regarding videogames can be defined as a continuous optimisation of mechanics. I said that a game will always be limited by their mechanics, so this process should be positive, but that stays on paper. On the real world, this effectively kills any point a videogame can have on a storytelling level, since a videogame is made by a large group of people. I feel as if they can build a strong mechanical base that can back any narrative they might come up with, and at the same time they are uncapable of coming up with something remotely good, probably due to a lack of synergy between parties or just because they are submerged on the technical process of the creation of a videogame, they're fragmented and unable to advocate for black or white, so they remain on grey. As consumers we do the same thing, and a videogame becomes just a piece of entretainment that promises an unforgettable adventure when playing the tales of Nathan Drake, and in the end it ends as a pointless experience. We go shooting here; something happens and we go shooting somewhere else. That's the way a videogame is chained to its mechanics and can't get out. Stories most of the time resolve on an archetype with forgettable characters and epic music that means shit. I don't know why people genuinely care about what a videogame can actively tell them, when most of the fun part is passive, like in Bloodborne for example. It's imbeded in the mechanics, it's not exposed directly, you have to explore the world the game gives you, which is the true protagonist of any game, to realise that a 'main story' is just an added mechanic to incentivate the exploration of mechanics. a sad fate for narrative in videogames

>> No.16416442

Literary value? I thought we were talking about artistic value.

>> No.16416446

it's a /lit/ board, literary value should be what we discuss first. sorry, but undertale or disco elysium will never be as artistic as say, Paradise Lost or Moby Dick; the very format of the medium will never match the individual artistic genius of literature

nothing personal kid

>> No.16416456

The original post listed games with artistic value so that's what I figured is what we're discussing. Just because superior art exists doesn't mean lower art can't exist on a hierarchy.

>> No.16416457
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>A scattered dream that's like a far off memory, a far off memory that's like a scattered dream.
Say whatever you want about the time travel bullshit and the army of half Xehanorts, KH was pure kino during the days of CoM, II and 358.

>> No.16416462

in that case, undertale and disco elysium belong under a shit-pile

>> No.16416466


>> No.16416467

Virtually all video games have at least some artistic merit, aside from some of the most shallow mainstream AAA cash grabs anyway. It depends on what you're looking for in gashes as art though.

Personally, I think Bloodborne is about the best example of a game as an art form I've ever seen. The mood and atmosphere in particular are fantastic, and the overall artistic direction is clear and polished. You can take screenshot worthy of painting virtually anywhere. The subtle story telling and world building are unusually well done as well. It really feels like a labor of passion rather than something simply churned out for a profit. The same goes for most of the other souls games up to a point too. But as far as art is concerned, bloodborne definitely wins. Though you'd have to be a little more than just a casual gamer to fully appreciate the gameplay and general game design as well.

I can think of many others where the game play itself feels like art, or where it's explicitly meant to be experienced as art. Flow, flower, and journey come to mind as obvious examples. Shelter feels like an emotionally gripping and brutal reminder of life and death and nature as much as any good literary fiction. Personally I really like the music and sound and overall artistic direction of crawl too, though it's not exactly an artsy game. Samurai Gunn and Nidhogg also have some unique artistic charm not just in their sound and graphics but the game play itself. Though if you're not at all into older games they might not have any appeal to you.

>> No.16416475

Play pathologic 2, then we'll talk

>> No.16416476

Finnegans Wake was published in '39, so still at least 20 more years until anyone can make a claim of anything being better than the literature of the last century.

>> No.16416482

Alright but remember that artistic value can be expressed through more ways than just the written word.

>> No.16416486

I apologize. I didn't realize that british English was too refined for you.

>> No.16416491

read >>16416438
I think anon is partially right on what he says about games unable to be art on a narrative level, because most stories are bland and forgettable. But you can consider the world they create as something of value they offer. I don't think the world that a videogame creates can be considered as art, but it is what makes them playable and should be valued on their own hierarchy, rather than implementing them on the general 'art' hierarchy

>> No.16416496

which is fine and dandy, but then that makes this entire thread off-topic for /lit/ and this thread and the posters herein should fuck off to /v/

>> No.16416498

Bloom would be retro and would probably have said the Toby Fox had no discernible talent. If he played DS he'd claim blind while clearly using a guide, and he'd say something like DS2 is the only true souls like just to shit stir.

>> No.16416500

Oh and Ico and Shadow of the colossus are also good examples. There are definitely plenty of other but I can't remember them all right now. I'd also argue Exanimus makes a good contender for game design as an artform. A lot of indie games in general often feel like artistic experiments.

True to OP's observation, few of these games are well known to normies, and they're not particularly known for their artistic merrits. Haven't played in video games in months, kind of makes me want to get into a game again.

>> No.16416501

>Most stories are bland and forgettable
Most can be said about movies and books, the vast majority of what is produced is absolute horse shit. Every once in a while you get a masterpiece, books and movies have very well known masterpieces, for videogames, you have to dig a bit more, they are hard to find, but they do exist.

>> No.16416519

>literary value should be what we discuss first.
I can't think of any games with really exceptional literary value to be completely honest. Many with other artistic value, but not literary so much. All that really comes to mind would be maybe the elder scrolls, particularly morrowind, if only for the vast and rich lore and dialogue. Still, it's not quite lord of the rings in quality, but the scope of the world is up there.

>> No.16416520

i can't agree more with that. If we were to discuss the narrative of a videogame it would be the equivalent of discussing anything written by Dan Brown. There's not much, if anything at all, to be taken or discussed from it. Videogames and literature are genres that are bond to be separated, and as sad as I can find that, i see no way to merge them together

>> No.16416530

You stopped playing at the right time.

>> No.16416536

The gameplay is shit and the story is above average and probably a reasonable "good". It's a fun world to be in but the retard in the OP has probably only read harry potter or something. I despise people who try and compare mediums because you really can't, if he was talking about the witcher books that's one thing but how can you compare something which
>has visual and audio components
>was done by a team and not one person
>has music & voices
>allows you to interact with the world and make your own choices/roleplay
etc etc etc to a book which is vastly different. Neither is better, they are DIFFERENT. Fucking faggot. Also as to whether they're art or not I say they can be but the vast majority aren't and/or are shit, but I find that conversation at least funny because it makes both the elderly and zoomers seethe.

>> No.16416545

I always found E.A.'s original mission statement moving. It's a shame they ended becoming the epitomy of what they were attempting to be better than.

>We are a new association of electronic artists united by a common goal—to fulfill the enormous potential of the personal computer.

>These are wondrous machines we have created, and in them can be seen a bit of their makers. It is as if we had invested them with the image of our minds. And through them, we are learning more and more about ourselves.

>We learn, for instance, that we are more entertained by the involvement of our imaginations than by passive viewing and listening. We learn that we are better taught by experiences than by memorization. And we learn that the traditional distinctions—the ones that are made between art and entertainment and education—don’t always apply.

>Towards a language of dreams.

>In short, we are finding that the computer can be more than just a processor of data.

>It is a communications medium: an interactive tool that can bring people’s thoughts and feelings closer together, perhaps closer than ever before. And while fifty years from now, its creation may seem no more important than the advent of motion pictures or television, there is a chance it will mean something more.

>Something along the lines of a universal language of ideas and emotions. Something like a smile.

>The first publications of Electronic Arts are now available. We suspect you’ll be hearing a lot about them. Some of them are games like you’ve never seen before, that get more out of your computer than other games ever have. Others are harder to categorize—and we like that.

>Watch us.

>We’re providing a special environment for talented, independent software artists. It’s a supportive environment, in which big ideas are given room to grow. And some of America’s most respected software artists are beginning to take notice.

>We think our current work reflects this very special commitment. And though we are few in number today and apart from the mainstream of the mass software marketplace, we are confident that both time and vision are on our side.

>Join us. We see farther.

>> No.16416547
File: 257 KB, 1906x1082, discoelysiumGarteDialogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disco Elysium is essentially just a choose your own adventure novel baked into a rudimentary game engine. Obviously it's not super high brow, but how much more of a hybrid between literature and videogame can you imagine?

>> No.16416562

Great games are art, bad games aren't. The art isn't always in the art or sound or story though, but often the gameplay and design.

>> No.16416566

Twelve tasks animated movie was peak cartoon.
Morrowind? SMAC? I would say there is at least some artistic value in them.

>> No.16416569

>blah blah space elves blah blah
Truly a game changing plot

>> No.16416586

If someone made a perfect 1:1 adaptation of any Shakespeare play but made it into a game (i.e. the only movement in the game are the stage directions) and the dialogue was exactly the same, the result still wouldn't be art. It would still be a game.

>> No.16416595

It's exceedingly inaccurate.

>> No.16416597

>Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines
kill yourself
>Baldur's Gate 2
baby's first d&d game
>Planescape: Torment
same as above but with a pseud pretension
>Disco Elysium
haven't played.

>> No.16416599

Dear Esther.

>> No.16416600

I played Disco Elysium and I liked it a lot. I appreciate it for what it does as a videogame, how it manages its characters and the variety of ways in which I can perform as Harrier. But I can't imagine a hybrid between literature and videogames because they're different in essence. What essentially separates, say, Disco Elysium from any piece of literature is that literature is orchestrated by it's creator. It's paced at his will, and the talent to do so masterfully is what makes a piece of literature good. It's a waltz; it's rigid but delightfully paced, you let go by its tempo, which acts as a sort of base for the author to improvise, define concepts through notes, a door to a reality the author's facing right from his soul. The author acting as a director is what makes a novel and the talent he/she can have to guide us is what differenciates good novels from bad ones. But in a videogame it's vastly different. All the content is there: The happy notes, the sad ones, the most cynical of thoughts and the most naive of actions. A 'bad' behaviour or a 'good' one. We're the directors of our own piece, but I believe it's harmful for the game, since you get everything a game can mechanically offer and you pace it at your own will. But it's cold and impersonal; you're let everything and nothing at the same time. You're playing on a sandbox that's advertised as an infinite world with endless possibilities. That personal and heavy atmosphere a writer can create is non-existent on any videogame, and is precisely omitted for you to try and create your own, but I think this concept fails most of the time. I like to celebrate the difference between literature and videogames, and I really couldn't imagine a way to merge them both, they're born from different concepts anon.

>> No.16416620

anon, these days you can do literally anything and have it called art as long as you have enough pseudo-intellectuals arguing in your favor.
That said, why can a movie with specific production be called art, but not a game? Even in literature you have cheap shit for easy entertainment, yet writing is still art.

>> No.16416621

>Neither is better, they are DIFFERENT.
No fuck off, apples and oranges are perfectly valid comparisons, and in this case apples have a breathtaking history of culture and genius exclusive to their medium, while oranges have nothing but STEMbugs and pop-cultured obsessed nerds.

>> No.16416633

Why does this use of slang strike me with so much revulsion? 'vidya'

>> No.16416636
File: 129 KB, 1349x640, 1406678666585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pretentious piece of badly written garbage for people who've never played good video games
see pic related

>> No.16416638

Because you're old, grandpa.

>> No.16416657

I just get vivid imagery of millennial life in a dimly lit apartment with carpet stains and pizza boxes strewn about.

>> No.16416659

The quests with Olgierd von Everec and Phillip Strenger are absolutely perfect.

>> No.16416663

>why can a movie with specific production be called art, but not a game?
Cinema, as Bergman said, can very much be the language of the dreams. It's an almost surrealist experience, to be sitting on a completely dark room, surrounded of strangers, watching through the eyes of a lens the development of a reality that doesn't necessarily exist. Cinema is a language, which can act as an entretainment, but everything can act as an entretainment these days. We live in a society of Spectacle at the end of the day. But the nature of a videogame is different: It is precisely born for an entretainment purpose, and over the years this medium has convinced itself that it can perform as an art. But it is futile, since it is born from a superficial image created by the Spectacle.

>> No.16416673

vidya are interactive gesamstkunstwerk
without a context, nothing should prevent them from being art
practically, vidya have no Wagner and too many bugmen

>> No.16416684

>vidya are interactive gesamstkunstwerk
"Interactive" and "Gesamstkunstwerk" are fairly mutually exclusive, for the latter implies a seamless synthesis of the arts whereas the former goes firmly against the traditional arts.

>> No.16416693

Blessed post

>> No.16416708

>Say whatever you want about the time travel bullshit and the army of half Xehanorts, KH was pure kino during the days of CoM, II and 358.
All these games are boring nip button mashers so idk.

>> No.16416720

>I could mock you all day for undertale
>Reactionary misanthropic neshama-less golems detected.

>> No.16416733

Havent played bloodborne have we?

>> No.16416736

Undertale is shit because the whole thing is fake and contrived, the fake positivity, the fake quirkiness, the fake "sympathetic" moments, the fake charm, the fake hype, it's just tired and ridden with cliches throughout with no regard for aesthetics whatsoever.

>> No.16416739

Bloodborne is a fun action game and that's it.
From peaked at DS1

>> No.16416757

I'm pretty sure at some point in the past someone made a deep statement about cinema being inferior to books.
That thing Bergman said can be done with video games too, the only real difference is that games require an active audience, whereas the one for movies is passive. A normal dream vs a lucid one.

>> No.16416758

you forgot alpha centauri which is above all of those

>> No.16416770 [DELETED] 

I was going to ask you to justify your baseless assertions but then I saw
>no regard for aesthetics whatsoever.
You were and are genuinely unironically filtered by an artistic choice obviously (this is also confirmed by the developer himself) deliberate.

Jesus Anon, why take up residence in a literature board if you can't handle stylistic choices that aren't the digital equivalent of romanticism?
I'm sure you can get hundreds of (you)s complaining about "degenerate art" or whatever meme-words the adolescents substituting attempted edge for personality are bandying about .

>> No.16416777

I was going to ask you to justify your baseless assertions but then I saw
>no regard for aesthetics whatsoever.
You were and are genuinely unironically filtered by an artistic choice obviously (this is also confirmed by the developer himself) deliberate.

Jesus Anon, why take up residence in a literature board if you can't handle stylistic choices that aren't the digital equivalent of romanticism?
I'm sure you can get hundreds of (you)s on other boards complaining about "degenerate art" or whatever meme-words the adolescents substituting attempted edge for personality are bandying about .

>> No.16416798

>Reactionary misanthropic neshama-less golems detected.
Considering you disagree with me, I'm pretty sure the neshama-less golem is you

>> No.16416814

This song sums up my love life desu

>> No.16416816

Games are the greatest thing that happened

>> No.16416825

Based and they both pretty much solve this thread. Play Bloodborne.

>> No.16416833
File: 361 KB, 1920x1080, Obduction_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl f obduction
>0 results
Heathen every last one of you.

>> No.16416844

Shit game

>> No.16416854

buy a notebook brainlet

>> No.16416857

Dishonored I is art. I have played a lot of computer games and in terms of ambience and immersion no other game comes close to me, but maybe it was because I was in a specific age. Anyway, Witcher 3 was nice but third person games just don't do it for me, might as well watch a movie. I want to be immersed in the game, feel like I am in this strange world, I don't want to observe and remotely control some character like a god.

>> No.16416872

The Metal Gear Solid series is horribly written tripe.

I've played those games a ton. They work on the level of gameplay because they are SUPER polished.. the programming team put in tons of effort and it shows.

But the writing? Imagine a kid you knew in high school who was bright, but was too lazy to ever develop themselves past 101 level knowledge in any subject. Now imagine that person writes extremely long winded dialogues on topics like biology, health, etc. Then someone takes these dialogues and that same very professional team polishes them up to look sleek.

You end up with a bunch of half baked, weak bullshit masquerading as deep. Once you strip away the shiny package and think about what's being said by the MGS series, you realize how bad it all really is and never look back.

They're good games because they're fun to play, anyone who says they're deep is someone I wouldn't trust to analyze writing.

>> No.16416881

Thank you for this anon, too much time spent around retarded weebs on this website was making me feel I was the only one that felt this way.

Also I only play Pharaoh (1999).

>> No.16416900

Because a video game at the end of the day is a game. You play games and you win games and you beat games. You don't do that with any other art form. Sure you can say that in the English language you "play a film", but you certainly don't beat it or win/lose one. A certain film or painting is mechanically the same for every person, but emotionally gets different responses. The same isn't true for none of the mentioned games, Disco Elysium, Planescape, Fallout, Monopoly, anything.
I don't see the point in obsessing over calling games art, they're entertainment. I play them on a daily basis and they're nothing but entertainment. Getting a glimmer of an idea or having it provoke your thoughts surely can't mean that it's art, because then lunch would be art. Taking a shit would be art. Every human action would be art.

>> No.16416909


>> No.16416914

Bioshock Infinite has beautiful architecture, world design and is a beautiful game altogether. It's a shame that it's not as good as it could've been, because even though the game is breathtaking, the pre-release screenshots were 10x better.

>> No.16416919

Plenty of games brought out different emotional responses in people, but whatever.
The state of art today is that there is a good possibility someone out there built a small stage in a corner of some gallery, placed a toilet on it and took a shit while people watched. And critics were amazed.

>> No.16416937

>Though you'd have to be a little more than just a casual gamer to fully appreciate the gameplay
roll and hit
roll and hit
roll and hit
But it looks great and so is the atmosphere, no doubt

Nice bait thread faggot.
Lost Odyssey was an interesting hybrid. It had 33 short stories that explained the past of the characters. I haven't finished the game and stopped about halfway at disc 3 of 5. Some of the stories were nice and very melodramatic. No idea whether I would like them now but I really did back then, when playing the game. They gave more depth. I'm surprised more games don't use short stories, they are much cheaper and easier to do than good cutscenes.

>> No.16416938

I think you interpreted it the wrong way. The active part you take on lucid dreams doesn't directly apply to videogames. It would mean calling them both the language of dreams. But there's something off with that. Let's take the ultimate purpose of both parties (assuming we exclude shit like Transformers from cinema and COD from videogames): The goal of a game is to complete it, which requires an active participation from the player to be achieved. In order to experience a game you must complete it, but it's a conscient state, it involves kinetics, actions which back the reality of what you are doing. It is an experience through actions that is meant to be completed. Go from point A to point B and do something in between them. You experience the environment you are in through mechanics that you execute. That is not something guided by unconsciousness like a lucid dream but rather the other way round. Through your active participation you can adventure into an irreal world that you can deem as real, as long as you're convinced of it, and experience it. Cinema has a tacit agreement when you watch it. It does not have to be mechanically completed in order to experience it, but rather unconsciously assimilated to do so. In a videogame you can only experience the world that is built through actions that have repercussions in that same world. In cinema, you experience ideas that most of the time cannot get up to our conscious state, most of the time because we're prohibiting them to do so. We're subdued to the film, we let it enter our psyche slowly because we're predisposed to do so, and we let it rip us on the inside. It's something near mystical, whereas videogames are not. It's a facade of fantasy that can quickly fade away, it's superficial. Cinema is deeper and more human, and the whole context of watching a movie creates a more intimate atmosphere, and even if a videogame could replicate it, it would never have the same effect on us

>> No.16416969

Video games rot your brain, breaking news, details at 11.

>> No.16417060

When is it coming to PC tho?

>> No.16417068

Actually it’s a retelling of Polish folklore. Read up about Sir Twardowski. 1:1

>> No.16417081

All non casual mechanically deep puzzle games are art. Baba is You and Opus Magnum are some of my favorites.

>> No.16417091

Why is everyone who plays video games such a pretentious, projecting, insufferable twat?

>> No.16417099

A million times this.

Video games are a vice, like cigarettes.

Tobacco isn't "art", no matter how much you enjoy lighting up.

>> No.16417102
File: 51 KB, 250x313, objectivity, potenct of method, and integration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are few games I would call art, Bioshock comes to mind.
The Ayn Rand art deco shit really soared for that game.

>> No.16417129

I haven't played a videogame since 2014 and I haven't seen anything that even halfway sparked a desire to start playing again. You really have to step away from games to see just how trash they are.

>> No.16417177

>move back to my mothers house at age 28
>start playing video games again

there’s probably a connection

>> No.16417192

> le picture books for tards is art
This is an 18+ board, son. Go finish your homework.

P.S. At least you could have picked something that only works uniquely as a video game, e.g., HoMM3 or something.

>> No.16417196

Outer Wilds is a much better story than W3.

>> No.16417201
File: 58 KB, 507x600, 6852262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witcher 3 is garbage. Quite possibly the most overrated RPG ever.
Pic related is the greatest videogame that has ever been made.

>> No.16417228

>You were and are genuinely unironically filtered by an artistic choice obviously (this is also confirmed by the developer himself) deliberate.
Filtered by what? Low quality pixel art that is not only inconsistent in quality but also inconsistent in style and tone? "Filtered" Shut the fuck up LMAO.
>Jesus Anon, why take up residence in a literature board if you can't handle stylistic choices that aren't the digital equivalent of romanticism?
Undertale actually does look like dogshit though, it is non-negotiable. Believe it or not there are actually games with pixel graphics that have a heavily stylized and high quality artstyle (like Wario Land 4). Undertale has no excuse.

>> No.16417238

>Jesus Anon, why take up residence in a literature board if you can't handle stylistic choices that aren't the digital equivalent of romanticism?
a large chunk of users here are literally just that. you're a newfaggot crossboarder.

>> No.16417242

Ignorance and insecurity. Thye don't know enough to know how much they don't know and they treat "art" as a social status so they are final accepted and don't have to feel bad for putting 100 hours in to the new Civ game, "i'm actually playing art."

>> No.16417252

>another manchild genre fiction game with "DEEP PHILOSOPHY!!!!" (but it's actually just some Ayn Rand tier garbage)

>> No.16417270

A great way to out yourself as a pseud retard, who has zero clue about the subject matter.

>> No.16417289

Every single one of these "well-written" CRPGs are the definition of vapid pseud garbage, and that one is certainly no exception. I seriously can't believe gamers consider Chris Avellone a genius writer.

>> No.16417334
File: 288 KB, 4734x6127, q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16417362

>That thing Bergman said can be done with video games too

No it can't, video games don't have time as it's main aesthetic principal and never can. It's completely different.

>> No.16417569

Well look at his competition in the mainstream gaming space. Just compare the writing in kotor1 to 2 for example. When you're competition is that bad you don't have to do much to stand out

>> No.16417584

is true playing the witcher completely ruins any other game you play after the witcher because you realize how shit they are compared to the witcher specially with the dialogues

>> No.16417601

Do I have to play the first game?

>> No.16417631

Why in God's name is this awful thread still here?

>> No.16417677

Mad, nerd?

>> No.16417913
File: 624 KB, 1000x1667, cervantes don quixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with video games, it just barely has any high art if at all and that's because the only smart people making games are autists with no creativity and social skills to promote good ideas, or it's business majors chasing money.

>> No.16418102

It’s a good game but to say it’s better than any kit in the past century is pure autism. No video game has ever come close to being equal with good lit. If you think that you’re a dimwit who doesn’t read or know what you’re talking about

>> No.16418109

VR is actually really good. Half life Alyx was brilliant. It’s the next thing my dude

>> No.16418112

t. low IQ drooling retard

>> No.16418123

go back to r*ddit

>> No.16418131

I second this. I would never call it a masterpiece by any means but it would say you’re right. Also the core games play was centered around writing so that helped.

>> No.16418134

leftists hate witcher so much and constantly say its a racist sexist ist ist ist ism ist that i read the whole series and concluded they were pretty good and its nice to see some lit from Poland go international

>> No.16418203
File: 165 KB, 1360x768, mgr armstrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The MetalGear franchise peaked narratively when Platinum Games took over.

>> No.16418273
File: 770 KB, 699x526, 1599883691492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how do books not suffer from this? Or any other piece of art? Go through the top selling literature and it's 90% shitty fantasy, or literal erotica. Video games being mostly bad isn't an argument on why they're not art. In fact I haven't seen a single person in this thread even attempt a good argument on why they're not. Just a bunch of people with their own little definition on what art is and video games and other popular stuff just happens to not fall in their imaginary lines. Once you look past the surface level contrarianism 99% of this board is complete garbage.

>> No.16418324

No, if you really want to, go ahead. But it is extremely dated. 2 is a remake, with slight alterations to the story but big quality of life improvements to gameplay.

>> No.16418377

The creation of adam = pretty drawings on a ceiling that elicit emotions, thoughts volitions.

whopper burger = food arranged to have a taste that ellicits emotions, thoughts volitions.

Art is experience first, flesh second and convention last.

>> No.16418387


This anon i sthe only person i can think who actually made a somewhat interesting criticism >>16416438

>> No.16418446

It's no Dragon Age Origins

>> No.16418464
File: 409 KB, 1447x695, Cyberpunk 202X.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16418912

lol no. That meme game is nothing more than a fanfiction tier garbage created to appeal to faggots and other "quirky" and special people . Basically reddit the game.
>Wow bro don't be bad bro. Be good. So deep 4 u
Lmao, story is utterly retarded and the message is stupid as well. Is not even constructed properly so it could actually mean something. I can give credit to the game for at least the music and gameplay. I like it the game mechanic of avoiding attacks, but that is it.

>> No.16419028

It's more a book than a video game. Same with PS:T. Most other games itt are more like movies than games.

/lit/ will forever have bad taste in games, but only because the board is not concerned with what games do. So threads like these are pointless.

>> No.16419427

I like it as a game but the story is all over the place. The transition between each game is appalling. Witchers story is just a massive ripoff of the elric saga regardless.

>> No.16420078

Bloodborne was twice as good as this in all departments sans technical ones.

>> No.16420083

Fuck off back to /v/

>> No.16420105
File: 19 KB, 220x215, 220px-Final_Fantasy_8_ntsc-front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No love for Final Fantasy 7 or 8?

>> No.16420145

>as far as the general public is concerned they simply don't exist
Because Harry Potter and that Grail mystery guy, or superhero movies, or anything at all that serves as mental swill for the masses has any worth at all
If you don't know about shit don't pretend to be able to have an opinion about it

>> No.16420150

Same as the only people who ever wrote a book

>> No.16420344

>Roll and hit
You haven't even played it faggot. The animations are peak aesthetic

>> No.16420365

The Witcher fanbase has the largest concentration of retards than any other vidya desu. I won't believe any hype they perpetuate

>> No.16420437

w3 is complete dogshit to anyone with a brain the only vidya worth playing are firewatch and amnesia a machine for pigs everything else has videogame tier writing and sucks. also games are for retards kill yourselves.

>> No.16420471
File: 651 KB, 1622x841, 1560980721728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally any /lit/ thread about video games
>ctrl+f: pathologic
>get results

>> No.16420548

If low brow super hero movies can be considered art, there are certainly some video games that are the same. And I'm saying this as someone that thinks playing them over the age of 23 is ridiculous

>> No.16420576

I have and the gameplay is boring and repetitive.

>> No.16420593

The general public are fully aware of like the Godfather or whatever even if they don't know arthouse stuff

>> No.16420630

You probably also think that the mythology in Witcher is Slavic.

>> No.16420634

Not him but it really is, just much faster and more fluid. From Software games never had 3-dimensional gameplay.

>> No.16420649

>VR is actually really good.
A worthless gimmick.

>> No.16420661

All the Final Fantasy games have garbage infantile writing and gameplay for teenagers sans Final Fantasy Tactics. Then again even that game becomes stupid near the end.

>> No.16420803

I think some people in the industry are trying this. But sadly those are mostly woke liberals and angry trannies, so you can bet they wil push their shit agenda in the process.

>> No.16421086

Hollywood in the 70s was high art, 80s onwards is pretty much garbage but at least entertaining until mcu and other China exports from Disney came along

>> No.16421628

It basically is right now, but the medium itself has incredible potential. Though I admittedly also have little to no hope of anything really great being made with it. Games today are shit, and having a new way to play shit games isn't going to make them any less shitty. Even the greatest games are still only mediocre at best compared to what we could already be doing right now, and no one is even attempting to match this already-low standard with VR. Devs assume that because they're using VR, they have to make their games even more shitty for some reason. They're always half assed spin offs, cash grabs, mini games, and tech demos. No one is even attempting to match the scope and scale of games like the elder scrolls. And those games have already gone to shit as it is. Which is pathetically disappointing, because VR is absolutely the perfect medium for a massive first person RPG. But the best we'll probably ever see is going to be another dumbed down and half assed spin off of an elder scrolls game that pander to the lowest common denominator even worse than skyrim. What I'd love to see is something on the scale of daggerfall with AI voice acting (we already have this tech and is far better than most are aware of) that leverages machine learning to procedurally generate content that doesn't feel like procedurally generated content by paying attention to what content engages players most.

Anyway, now I'm just rambling. On the flip side, maybe it's a good thing we don't have entertainment that good. I could see it ruining a lot of lives.

>> No.16421776

Pole here, it's true about this DLC. It is inspired by tale of Pan Twardowski.

>> No.16422186

>It basically is right now
It always will be, VR has no artistic value, it's escapism and pleasure for the sake of escapism and pleasure.

>> No.16422195

>food arranged to have a taste that ellicits emotions, thoughts volitions.
This is the stupidest fucking thing I've read all day.

>> No.16422319

So you haven't tried VR?

>> No.16422340

Any of you guys read the witches books? Made my way through the first couple books and they reach the dizzying heights of being alright. It feels like its just fantasy batman with a bit of unnecessary melodrama and broodiness. Some of the symbolism can be a bit clumsy as well. I feel like the games giving you the ability to make choices is really what makes it go from alright to good and almost great.

>> No.16422384

For me, it's absurdist video games like Space Funeral, OFF, Hylics and Crypt Worlds

>> No.16422398

play more video games, retard

>> No.16422409

I didn't anon

>> No.16422576

Dark Souls

>> No.16422612

Terrible advice.

>> No.16422783

W3 fell short narratively in around the Radovid/Diijkstra/Lodge section -- the sheer volume of self-contained side quest stories make up for it, but the delayed release points toward a reprise of W2's cut Dol Blathana act and shortened Loc Muinne and W2 still is better than W3 despite it, on main story anyhow; the politics of the war/elder races are radically glossed over (e.g. Iorveth/Scoiatel's conspicuous and damning absence)

>> No.16423090

Its dash and hit dumbo not roll.

>> No.16423451

Witcher 3? MGSV? Cyberpunk?

>> No.16423460

All trash. Same for Ass Creed, RDR, and Far Cry.

>> No.16423462

What's the problem?

>> No.16423476

>he plays indie games
Okay nerd.

>> No.16423480

lol this idiot denied himself something he had a passion for because it didn't have enough prestige

>> No.16423487

You mean mindless consumption to kill time.

>> No.16423492 [DELETED] 

Lmao "NO". Give me a reason that it does.

CD said they had to cut the ending content to W3 so instead of making it something really memorable it was much more "okay we're doing it now after all this time" but the ending itself could have been much better. And I'm sure would have made it better than W2, I think the Radaovid/Diikjstra/Lodge section was also cut.

>> No.16423494

AC2 was pretty good for its time though.

>> No.16423534

"NO". Give me a reason that it does.

CD said they had to cut the ending content to W3 so instead of making it something really memorable it was much more "okay we're doing it now after all this time" but the ending itself could have been much better. And I'm sure would have made it better than W2, I think the Radaovid/Diikjstra/Lodge section was also cut.

>> No.16423591
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>> No.16423878

Can this thread die already for Poseidon's Sake!

>> No.16423880

No, Zeus is too amused by it.

>> No.16424183

How many video games have you played, anon? I'd say that you haven't realized the potential of the medium, and you're really missing out. It's such a shame when people limit themselves to a medium or two, that's pretty stupid of them. I both enjoy reading and playing video games, for example.

>> No.16424191
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Is Rain World art?

>> No.16424274

jesus fucking christ, tell me that pic isn't real
those faggots would probably gulp up even that writer Tolkien and Lewis regularly made fun of for being absurdly overwritten

>> No.16424290

>projecting THIS much

>> No.16424293

Did you read it in English? I hear the translations are pretty bad

>> No.16424338

An actual retard.

>> No.16424374

>you're really missing out.
There is not a single game posted ITT that's worth my time. Gaming does not have Shakespeares or Wagners, and never will.

>> No.16424379

Keep telling yourself that, pseud

>> No.16424396

Anon, if you tell me to play some stupid bullshit like Planescape: Torment or Red Dead Redemption 2, you're going to prove me right.

>> No.16424399

I won't, although Planescape: Torment is an excellent video game and I pity you if you can't see its greatness.

>> No.16424407

I can see its greatness in the context of video game writing, not in the context of the mediums' strengths nor the literary quality of what is effectively bargain bin genre fiction.

>> No.16424413

>bargain bin genre fiction
Never gonna make it.
I am curious, though - what are your favorite works of literature? Name 10 or 15.

>> No.16424417

Maybe a bit in terms of customers but in terms of game journalists i'm spot on, and lets face it, they started all this shit with Bioshock with it's "ludonarrative dissonance" and Bioshock Infinite being "true art" despite being one of the worst games ever made.

>> No.16424436

>but in terms of game journalists i'm spot on
We're judging the merits of the medium itself, not some insecure journalists
>they started all this shit with Bioshock with it's "ludonarrative dissonance" and Bioshock Infinite being "true art" despite being one of the worst games ever made
Again, see above
The medium has its fair share of insecure pseuds, like any medium does, so what?

>> No.16424447

Red dead redemption 2

>> No.16424450

>Never gonna make it.
Do you honest to God believe a fucking D&D book would have literary value?
>I am curious, though - what are your favorite works of literature? Name 10 or 15.

>> No.16424453

You just outed yourself as an insecure pseud.

>> No.16424454

It only seems artistic because it shamelessly copies every single western movie and famous cowboy literature in existence.

>> No.16424455

I was responding to a post about people who play games, if you don't care don't respond. I also retract my "maybe," i'm not projecting at all.

>> No.16424458

>You just outed yourself as an insecure pseud.
I simply saved us the trouble of avoiding your worthless bait that only suffices to distract me from your actual argument.

>> No.16424609

Individually HoS had some good segments but taken as a whole it blew. No idea why every halfwit elevates it when Blood and Wine exists

>> No.16424635

I did, do you know which translation is supposed to be good?

>> No.16424667

recommended games: dark souls and bloodborne, thief 1 and 2, shadow of colossus and ico, portal 1, planescape torment for a decent book to play, silent hill 2, SOMA, smt 3: nocturne, the last of us if you want a decent movie to play, nier automata for shallow philosophy and god tier ost, best i've heard

>> No.16424772

>alone or with strangers
bet you added this because you play among us

>> No.16424779

>the last of us
>nier automata
ya blew it, faggot.

>> No.16424930

As if you've read anything of his.

>> No.16425017

Not him but Dark Souls utilizes its indentity as a video game in the best possible manner. People here have been talking about TW3 and whether it can be treated as art but Dark souls is undoubtedly a better example of a well-made video game. Past the narrative, TW3 lacks most other things that separates video game as an art form from books and movies, unlike Dark souls, which is no technical masterpiece by any metric either btw. The story/lore is very in-depth and engaging, brilliant cast of characters, best 3D metroidvania map (thereby side-stepping all the baggage and retarded game designs of an open world), huge variety in terms of gameplay albeit not very deep. On top of all this, it has been, by far, the most influential game of the last decade (some say skyrim but its influence is more a negative sum then a positive one).

>> No.16425026
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>not one mention of the silver case

>> No.16425063

The only good game ever made is minecraft

>> No.16425200

I for one think that Kingdom Cum is a video game,but also a piece of art.Firstly,every landscape looks like a painting,evoking a sense of easiness and lost times.Secondly,it evokes a Proustian feeling of rememberance,of smelling the scents of a village,the smell of wet grass and rotting wood.Feeling the sun on your skin on bright summer days or sitting at a table and carefreely playing dice.Indeed,the games intrisinct artistic value does not lie in its story or gameplay,rather its verosimilar comfy atmosphere

>> No.16425442

don't know about ds but bloodborne was on another level artistically. Never seen a game with so much artistic ambition. Which makes me even more sad that the gameplay kinda sucks.

>> No.16425597

with the restoration mods even more, damn dude, we will never have something like this again.SWKOTOR 3, anyone?

>> No.16425708

>The gameplay sucks
What? That's the thing its most praised for. What were you expecting? DMC 2.0?

>> No.16425718
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Apathy is death

>> No.16425755

It's not but keep seething razorcuck

>> No.16425761

Bloodborne has worse writing and characters

>> No.16425865

MGS2 is the most /lit/ game and that's a fact Jack.

>> No.16425966

sekiro was my first fs game and I absolutely loved the gameplay mostly because of the parry mechanic. it was so smooth and satisfying to master.
the dodge and hit meta in bb is not my thing but it's not bad, though what makes the game so frustrating is the fact that I have to go around and collect blood vials like a fucking idiot when I run out of them, as if it's not enough that I have to take a walk towards the boss every time I respawn. These are just some things that kill the flow for me. I want to finish this game but I absolutely do not feel like putting up with this unnecessary crap. No idea what the idea of game design behind this was. It's just unnecessary and adds nothing to the fun.

>> No.16426029

crymoar faggot

>> No.16426743

Unironically you just have to "git gud". I understand though. If you're getting hit often enough that you have to grind vials or dying over and over it can get old fast. The idea is to force struggling players to get better by making them review the basics, by making them grind a until they can easily clear areas full of trash mobs without taking much damage. Running to bosses can get pretty annoying after you die 10+ times though. I always go through this when I haven't played a souls game in a long time, but once I'm back in my groove it feels easy. The games definitely arent for everyone though. And I agree, sekiro's combat set new standards across the board. The combat in older soulsbourne games feels primitive and unpolished by comparison now.

I'm excited for elden ring though, I hope it incorporates everything they've learned so far. I'm slightly concerned that George RR Martin is having any part in it, but I have faith in Miyazaki. I don't see him letting anyone steer him away from his artistic vision, especially some fat, filthy gaijin.

>> No.16427013
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Jesus fucking chist, are you me?
What are the odds we meet again or have already spoken on vrpg?

>> No.16427095

fuck it you convinced me. I'm gonna boot it up tomorrow and collect the blood vials. I hope to finish this game before uni starts in november. I'm currently stuck at those 3 dudes in dark coats (I forgot their name).
As for Eldenring I'm certain miyazaki is not gonna let us down. He knows his games are a trademark genre and to sell his style for some fat cracker would mean outrage by the community.
I just hope this game won't attract the middle-aged single white women and basedcucks who try to cancel the game because it lets you kill females or whatever. I hope the advertisement is as subtle as possible.