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File: 322 KB, 1299x2102, 9781787302662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16413408 No.16413408 [Reply] [Original]

He get a lot of worship around here but he writes absolute Reddit tier horse shit like this. How does this not invalidate all the work he's ever done?

>> No.16413416

My copy of Prague Cemetery has the happy merchant Ben Garrison meme in it, full page spread - nice

>> No.16413424

reddit reddit reddit

>> No.16413426

>a man born and raised during a fascist regime criticizing fascism is exactly the same as random Americans doing it in the 21st century

>> No.16413505

Why are faschists so retarded?

>> No.16413518

Autocorrect works in mysterious ways

>> No.16413537

fascism is a tool used by the ruling class when the tides of communism are rising. fascism is capital under siege, which is why fascism ends when the threat recedes and returns to standard bourgeois capitalism.

>> No.16413560

back you go please

>> No.16413565
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>the tides of communism are rising

It's finally time, comrade! Join me (she/her) and together we can defeat capitalism! This time we can't lose, we have a LOT of money from Apple and Amazon to help organise.

>> No.16413572

Fascism is civilization's healthy immune response to the illness of communism, you dumb little faggot.

>> No.16413581

Nice reading comprehension.

>> No.16413597
File: 515 KB, 2000x1730, animecommunism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's very ableist of you, comrade.

>> No.16413606

>Namecalling and le reddit spook
The absolute state of nu/lit/'s criticism.

>> No.16413613

you know a spook who uses reddit?

>> No.16413624


>> No.16413640

Eco was fat. He refuted himself.

>> No.16413650
File: 74 KB, 850x400, quote-umberto-eco-is-the-owner-of-a-large-personal-library-of-almost-30-000-books-that-he-nassim-nicholas-taleb-136-69-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eco is a MORON.

>> No.16413677

Why would Taleb attack his fellow med like this?

>> No.16413686
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Fascism and Communism are symptoms of Liberal Democracy.

When the world regains its senses and goes back to monarchy, we will rid ourselves of these poisons.

>> No.16413688

As if the extreme right doesn't have it's fair share of people like this. But I guess all those diaper wearing tranny bronies on Discord aren't real fascists.

>> No.16413691

It's not an attack. You just see what you want to see.

>> No.16413697

Reading Umberto is what got me off from Umberto.
His entire corpus is like one giant liberal turd take on the evils of Catholicism because it's not exactly 1:1 his favored version of secular faggotry and how every single authorative view they claim to hold is just fascismo in disguise. (I don't even like Catholicism either but at least it's not based in retarded strawmen)
He's the kind of faggot who'd start singing Bella Ciao at centrists because they're not enough in favor of his Ur-Fascism nonsense.
The man's popularity is entirely a meme based in literati referencing and Sean Connery's acting.

>> No.16413702

50% of communists are trannies, bit of a difference mate.

Don't post this disgusting humpback.

>> No.16413717

Stop attacking me

>> No.16413723

read robert paxton's The Anatomy of Fascism, he gives a better view. he's actually an academic of fascism unlike Eco who only experienced it as a child.

>> No.16413725

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.16413733
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>muh everything and everyone i don't like is a disease and parasite

>> No.16413754


Paxton is also a faggot. Fascism is good.

>> No.16413762

Yes, that's right.
By posting ugly lumpenfascists, you vindicate the fascist "obsession" with strength and beauty.

>> No.16413810

Rrdditt is pretty cool

>> No.16413819
File: 841 KB, 2000x3000, Maisie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong about fascism being a direct response to communism, whether it's healthy or not. That is explicitly the reason why Hitler rose to power, because commies were getting way too uppity and people could not stand then anymore, and chose the less shitty alternative.

>> No.16413862

>source: dude, trust me

>> No.16413868

That quote is not supposed to be a criticism, you absolute brainlet.

>> No.16413869

why do fascists think calling something reddit is supposed to persuade anyone that it is bad

>> No.16413893

>Hitler was elected

>> No.16413909

>That is explicitly the reason why Hitler rose to power, because commies were getting way too uppity and people could not stand then anymore, and chose the less shitty alternative.

Dumbest post I've seen all day

>> No.16413919


How can two people be so categorically wrong in a row?

>> No.16413926

His post obviously isn't very nuanced, but you do know about the communists attempting to overthrow the Weimar government, right?

>> No.16413942
File: 48 KB, 750x910, 1600721940360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally cannot resist making a post about how reddit is good

>> No.16413946

What's worse: using 'google' as a verb, or 'reddit' as an adjective?

>> No.16414020

>reads a post about how calling things "reddit" is not an argument, thinks it's praise for reddit
words can be hard i know
i can post more pictures if you want

>> No.16414024

He was
>Dumbest post I've seen all day

>> No.16414050

This post is reddit.

>> No.16414073

you can do better

>> No.16414264

What word should one use instead of Reddit to describe what one means when he uses Reddit as an adjective?

>> No.16414267

I laughed so hard when that popped up in the middle of me reading it

>> No.16414281

Not a criticism. Not an argument. kys incel turbofag

>> No.16414283

LOL commies actually believe this
Did you even read the Black Swan? Taleb isnt shitting on Eco here

>> No.16414289

>everything I don't like is reddit
maybe you are reddit??

>> No.16414442

Reddit is unique, because it carefully condenses many epithets- weak-bodied, neoliberal, stupid yet pseudointellectual, science-worshipping, consumerist, self-hatingly White, and doubtless dozens more- into a single word that is easy to grok.

>> No.16414458

good post


>> No.16414463
File: 66 KB, 857x479, 1597860128414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Umberto Eco has memories of fucking fascists killing partisans in the streets. he was almost shot.

how would it invalidate any work? sometimes great authors have opinions we might disagree with, so what. why do we have to be so childish we cant read something that might be disagreeable or challenge beliefs.

>> No.16414573

Alexander Solzhenitsyn did it better. He spent 10 years in the gulags, he wasn't some larper.

>> No.16414588

>he was almost shot.

Frankly, it's a shame he wasn't.

>> No.16414590

Alex was pro-fascist though because he was anti-communist

>> No.16414628

According to whom?

>> No.16414633

Eco is too erudite to be Reddit. He grew up in fascist Italy, he has a right to kvetch about it if he sees fit.

>> No.16414665

glad to see this pic making the round

>> No.16414711


>> No.16414722
File: 842 KB, 1423x2000, Francisco_Lachowski_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically think Jews forced him to write that stupid shit. Opinion?

>> No.16414724

>how would it invalidate any work?
Cause he's gay

>> No.16414725

spotted, lol

>> No.16414745

Check this out, you know Richard Francis Burton, the famous orientalist and translator of the Arabian Nights? Jews have been buying and hiding away his work for years to prevent anyone from reading or publishing it because it's antisemitic


>> No.16414753
File: 19 KB, 250x229, 462c34ccdc095597caa43bea5fc17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'I am appalled and gobsmacked by what the board are doing,' said Geoffrey Alderman, an academic who has seen the original document. 'Nearly 100 years ago, the board went to a lot of trouble to get this work to suppress it. The decision to sell it now amounts to a betrayal of world Jewry.'

It's all so tiresome

>> No.16414814

Socialists are the plausible deniability arm of Liberalism, who operate under the same general moral compass, to fight meaningful Third Position movements and governments. If you want to know Liberal Capitalism's true enemy, see who it tolerates and does not. The Fascists must go, but the Soviet Union can stay. The Ba'athists must go, but the DSA/AntiFa can stay.
It's about threats to global finance, that only the Third Position threatens. Socialist rhetoric is a bone to the working class that is thrown while telling that it's those FASCISTS that ruin your life.

>> No.16414839

>but the Soviet Union can stay
Capitalists pulled out all the stops to destroy the Soviet Union, it was the only thing otherwise disparate figures from Truman to Batista to Thatcher all agreed on. Meanwhile, your supposedly "anticapitalist" Nazism just happened to use capitalist firms for all major parts of its war machine, from Volkswagen officer cars, Hugo Boss uniforms, IG Farben first aid kits... they even rented out prisoners-of-war to the capitalists as day labor, for god's sake. This is historically illiterate swill.

>> No.16415110
File: 125 KB, 807x978, 1599850684333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile, your supposedly "anticapitalist" Nazism just happened to use capitalist firms for all major parts of its war machine, from Volkswagen officer cars, Hugo Boss uniforms, IG Farben first aid kits... they even rented out prisoners-of-war to the capitalists as day labor, for god's sake

Oh my God, you mean to say that the state leveraged existing machinery and infrastructure to support a modernization and armament effort in order to restore their rightful clay? And that, in doing so, they actually meaningfully increased employment and worker protections. Utterly shocking.

As far as working prisoners to death, I don't care. Principally these people were already in internment camps, because they were criminals.

>> No.16415117

My opinion is that is a silly thought, and you are a homosexual ephebophile for posting that pic.

>> No.16415133

Imagine thinking entirely in capitalism vs communism and considering yourself an intellectual.

>> No.16415290
File: 60 KB, 663x586, wojak-npc-big-brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

communistoids literally think that fascism is a tool of the ruling class to keep capitalism and they think they are the "cure" to capitalism when literally every single billionare and celebrity shilled hard for these niggers and are actively giving them shitloads of money

this video goes deep into how they think, and everything they say couldn't be more backwards.
Especially the info at the end of the video where they point out that every far right leader (Gavin McInnes, Steve Bannon, Richard Spencer) where they point out that they are all millionares, even going as far as saying Richard Spencer has a net worth of 185 million dollars, which there is not a single article on the internet about it, and its obviously false. No sources provided for these claims or any other claims on the vid btw. Mostly opinions.
>also he claims that the Koch brothers support fascism, and that they donated money to right wing things (only mention of this is an article from 2013, where the right was not even close to what it is now)

>> No.16415332

Fascism is arguably more common in communist states. Fascism has nothing to do with the society’s economic ethos, sorry!

>> No.16415389

I don't like this post.

>> No.16415396 [DELETED] 

this is literally mcarthyism

>> No.16415405

this is literally reverse mcarthyism

>> No.16415413

commies literally can't think outside of black and white, good guys vs bad guys thinking and they call themselves intellectuals hahahah

>> No.16415544

that was fawning praise believe it or not

>> No.16415916

>Umberto Eco has memories of fucking fascists killing partisans in the streets.
And yet his definition of fascist is as embarassing as the average woke liberal's using it as a slur against "things I don't like".

>> No.16415938

cope. commies know how to do actual class analysis rather than just indulging in ideology,

>> No.16415982

Sure, that's why it appeared in 1910-1920 italy where industrial power was close to nonexistent

>> No.16415994

Fascism is marxism in crisis. Almost all fascists started as disillusioned socialists.

>> No.16416007

read A. James Gregor instead, he actually read and engages with primary sources instead of trying to draw a psychological portrait that can be projected onto mean people in the current time

>> No.16416035

that is correct and the crisis started as soon as Engel died yet people larping as 1918 communists will never aknowledge it because they're stuck with one side of the story

>> No.16416049

nope it is capitalism in crisis. communism has always been the real struggle. fascists become butt buddies with the capitalists. they dress up as revolutionaries but have a reactionary substance.

>> No.16416051

I also would like to recommend Ernst Nolte's "Fascism In Its Epoch", probably the closest thing to an honest appraisal of fascism on its own terms by a real historian that we'll ever get.

>> No.16416055

In reality the communists and capitalists side with each other against fascists.

>> No.16416059

Why are they the most suppressed and persecuted political group on the earth, then, while communists face nothing of that sort?

>> No.16416060

in reality that has never been the reality

>> No.16416064

read a book, you dogmatic retard

>> No.16416066

What was World War 2?


>> No.16416081

there are fascists that hold government positions right now lmao,
WWII would have ended earlier if England and France complied with the USSR and fought with them earlier. They weren't naive appeasers by the way they were conjuring up a war of their own and that was Nazi Germany taking Czechoslovakia and going East to take out the Bolsheviks for them. That plan went wry as we know today and it was really mostly the Communists that took them out; most of the war was fought in the Eastern front.
read a book, you dogmatic retard

>> No.16416085

That really doesn't contradict that communists and capitalists sided with each other against Fascists the only time there ever were all three in countries that mattered.

If what you were saying were true then England and the US would have helped Germany attack the USSR

>> No.16416087
File: 678 KB, 498x278, 1591590426718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are fascists that hold government positions right now lmao,

>> No.16416093

>there are fascists that hold government positions right now lmao,
go back

>> No.16416101

No, it reveals the fascist insecurity with strength and beauty.

>> No.16416102
File: 115 KB, 713x921, nazi inf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16416117

>there are fascists that hold government positions right now lmao
fascism is not "le meanie people who don't like minorities" you know, there's an actual doctrine behind it which by the way is irrelevant today because the situation is different than the one early XXth century Italy had to deal with. What's certain is that you will never find anything close to it in liberal countries because of the individualism dogma that reigns in, but you might find some in communist regimes (such as China right now) because they aren't larping as pre-crisis marxists taking marx words as absolute science explaining everything like some of you redditors do

>> No.16416136

UK Jews split over sale of Burton work
Vanessa Thorpe, arts correspondent
Sun 3 Jun 2001 11.27 BST


But now, more than a century after the eccentric author's death, his notorious 'blood libel' book is at the centre of a row that is splitting the Jewish community.

Burton's anti-Semitic treatise, Human Sacrifice Among the Sephardine or the Eastern Jews, is due to be sold at Christie's in London on Wednesday after being locked away for 92 years.

News of the auction has outraged many prominent British Jews because the work has been put up for sale by the organisation at the centre of Judaism in the UK, the British Board of Deputies.

The manuscript's contents, including the central claim that Jews once performed ritual human sacrifices, are considered so offensive that a campaign has been launched this weekend to stop the sale. Those involved fear the work will fall into the hands of American fascist groups who have expressed interest in owning it.

Yesterday the influential Orthodox rabbi Irving Jacobs called on his north London congregation to consider pooling funds to buy the work to keep it from neo-Nazis.

'The sale is a real blunder,' he told The Observer. 'I was horrified to hear of this and, although I don't want to impede genuine scholarship, I believe something like this should not be in the public domain.'

Christie's has given the book a reserve price of £200,000 and describes it anodynely as 'one of a few substantial autograph manuscripts by Sir Richard Burton remaining in private hands'.

'I am appalled and gobsmacked by what the board are doing,' said Geoffrey Alderman, an academic who has seen the original document. 'Nearly 100 years ago, the board went to a lot of trouble to get this work to suppress it. The decision to sell it now amounts to a betrayal of world Jewry.'

Alderman, who wrote Modern British Jewry, is upset that the board hopes to buy its first London property with the help of this 'dirty' money.

'The board has no funds,' he said. 'It can't afford its premises in New Oxford Street and so it has to move. But the Anglo-Jewish community is not a poor one and it seems extraordinary to use this document in this way.'

His view is supported by Professor Colin Holmes, the author of Anti-Semitism in British Society, who, like Alderman, is one of only a few academics to have seen the document.

'The book is bound to go to the States to one of the fascist groups that admire Burton's views,' he said. 'The sale has already caused a lot of unpleasant activity on the internet, for instance on David Irving's website.'

Neville Nagler, director-general of the board, claims that the manuscript is now no more than a 'historical document' of interest only to scholars of Burton.

>> No.16416139

'We always anticipated this move would be criticised,' Nagler told The Observer. 'It is true we cannot afford the rent on our central London premises and that the sale may help us with a deposit on our first property, but this is not driven by our finances.

He added: 'Only a handful of people have seen it, but most agree it is an important document for those interested in Burton.'

Nagler confirmed the work was bought up in 1909 to prevent its publication, but he argues that its value as a negative tool for anti-Semites has lessened over the years. Alderman, however, remembers the manuscript as potent and bigoted. 'It was terrible to see these things written in English, especially by an intelligent man such as Burton,' he said.

'When I first tried to read it for research, an enormous number of obstacles were put in my way by the board. I was subject to a great deal of abuse and was told details of its contents must never be released.

'If the board has to do this now to survive, then perhaps it would be better if it went out of existence,' added Alderman.

Burton's 1877 work gives a lurid account of the arrest and acquittal of 13 Jews accused of the ritual murder of a Capuchin friar in 1840, an event that became known as the Damascus Blood Libel.


>> No.16416162


>> No.16416188


>> No.16416193

>a man born and raised during a fascist regime criticizing fascism
>his definition is pure garbage and it literally applies to communism
he should have tried harder...

>> No.16416198
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why y'all leftists look like this?

>> No.16416227

sounds like a conspiracy theory desu

>> No.16416239

>The Lend-Lease policy, formally titled An Act to Promote the Defense of the United States was a program under which the United States supplied the United Kingdom (and British Commonwealth), Free France, the Republic of China, and later the Soviet Union and other Allied nations with food, oil, and materiel between 1941 and August 1945. This included warships and warplanes, along with other weaponry.
it's literally the opposite