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/lit/ - Literature

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16412449 No.16412449 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine reading books when you can form your own opinions. Everyone on this board is a fucking sheep. Whitman said it best: "You shall no longer take things at second or third hand.... nor feed on the spectres in books.."

Picrelated is the average /lit/fag. When will you guys admit that you read books just because you can't get laid, or experience life first-hand in general?

>> No.16412476

>When will you guys admit that you read books just because you can't get laid
I always admitted it. The noncels are the plague of this board.

>> No.16412544
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Don't you want to change? Do you want to spend your entire life as a slimy invertebrate picrelated that only reads about what other people have thought and done?

>> No.16412587

You shouldn’t be afraid to hear/read someone else’s point of view or ideas, to never consider new perspectives and information is the height of hubris. However, I agree that many on /lit/ rigidly follow the doctrine of others in order to feel apart of something larger and defer to the authority of an already respected thinker.
>When will you guys admit that you read books just because you can't get laid, or experience life first-hand in general?
I barely ever read books until I started having sex regularly, especially philosophy.

>> No.16412620

No. I got my share of human experiences, I wasn't always like that but now I just want to cut ties with society as much as possible. I also write so I'm in not only a consumer.

>> No.16412640

>Imagine reading books when you can form your own opinions.
>Whitman said it best:

>> No.16412641
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imagine what the world would be like right now if literature/written language was never invented

you would probably still be wiping your ass with with a leaf or corn cob

pic related is you, op, with that galaxy brain of yours

>> No.16412647

while you're using your imagination, what would a .45 do to that head?

>> No.16412680
File: 48 KB, 800x527, excited-man-reading-book-studying-young-looking-joyful-geek-concept-107293070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to quote some fagbook otherwise I risk getting banned.

Keep living life through some ink on paper and your fantasy. The average /lit/fag like you (picrelated) isn't meant to reproduce. Have you ever had sex?

Balloon pop

>> No.16412694

“I cannot remember the books I've read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.” -R.W. Emerson.

I read not to build my opinions, but to opinionate on those built by the writer. Perhaps you should try it yourself, it may cure your apparent indolence.