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File: 229 KB, 1280x720, rowling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16411995 No.16411995[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16412012

I don't generally follow this shit but I remember a story about a trans "chick" who went home with some guy and got drugged and remembers him having his dog fuck "her" in the ass and I got fucking hard and jerked off to the story.

>> No.16412039

thank goodness for that, i was worried i would have to go the lengths of forming my own opinion

>> No.16412056

>firmware updated to 3.0
thanks OP

>> No.16412069

I hate the face she's making. I hate it so fucking much I want to die. Why is she making that fucking face? It' looks like your lips are trying to escape your fucking head! STOP! STOP MAKING THAT FUCKING FACE I'M GOING TO FUCKING LOSE IT!

>> No.16412139

Was that Gigi Gorgeous? I thought that the dog raped her mouth.

>> No.16412167

Well, like any review, they give you a their perspective and you can better judge wether to waste your own time on it or not. Nothing new to this concept, anon. Misogynist much?

Same thought.

>> No.16412250

strange thing to say anon
anyway i watched the video. it can only be called a "review" in a very loose sense- at one point she just says "i didn't like the book" and that's it, the rest of the video is about how stupid the "trans community" is for spilling their spaghetti about it
i did like the bit where she made fun of the shrieky guy on good morning britain. i thought it was owen jones after a bad night at first, but it turns out it's somebody called benjamin butterworth who is "the chair of Young Labour across London" and a monumental twat by the look of it
anyway good for her, at least she read the book before commenting which is more than most people

>> No.16412257

duckface is not a new phenomenon anon

>> No.16412283

that's not duckface. that's some kind of smug thinking face that makes me want to jump-kick her in the face.

>> No.16412292

latinas make the cutest trannies confirmed

>> No.16412337


>> No.16412347

Blaire white is just a shit youtuber in general, regardless of what your political ideology is she's just a lazy hack. She literally offers the most vapid critique of literally random shit she finds on twitter and that she hasn't done any other research on whatsoever, and then stretches out the video to mere seconds over the ten minute mark just so she can qualify for ad money. Not to mention its just scummy as shit to be part of an oppressed minority and throw your fellows under the bus for monetary gain.

>> No.16412359
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1476016274001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to side with mommy or a prime boipussi..

>> No.16412368

>t. ugly trannie
You'll never be cute

>> No.16412394

there is nothing in this video that signifies she actually read the book....

>> No.16412398

>Not to mention its just scummy as shit to be part of an oppressed minority and throw your fellows under the bus for monetary gain.
Wtf I love Blaire White now

>> No.16412444

and now my youtube recommendations are full of her videos. fucks sake

>> No.16412464

she mentions exactly when and where the guy wears a dress. i guess she could have paid someone to read it for her or whatever, but still, she's closer to the truth than e.g. that "stretched his legs" bloke who obviously didn't read harry potter

>> No.16412470

it's stretched his knees

>> No.16412624

it's anusface

>> No.16412708

>Blaire White pretends she doesn't get the point episode 82727263

>> No.16412725

Her take on "cuties" was so offensively plebian. How does a famous, Hollywood dwelling youtuber not understand Sundance-baiting?

>> No.16412978
File: 16 KB, 452x302, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there was just one line in the book about crossdressing and Rowling doesn't even give a fuck about it? She just used it to transform the shitstorms in the last couple of weeks into cash?
HOLY SHIT, how can be one person be so based? She literally sold her book on the shoulders of her SEETHING enemies. They just made gratis promotion for her.

>> No.16413016

>She just used it to transform the shitstorms in the last couple of weeks into cash?
rowling probably wrote that about three years ago

>> No.16413020


>> No.16413024

Gow I want to eat "her" poop

>> No.16413153

Cuter than Blaire "It's Hip (Pads) To Be Square" White

>> No.16413244

i dunno man i'm looking at her instagram and she's pretty fucking cute
post some pics, let's compare

>> No.16413298
File: 1.10 MB, 1018x570, 1599863096874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're being catfished because you have a simp mindset. I would prefer to not indulge in your simping or my narcissism, so no I will not post my pictures. But I'll say this, my hips do not look like this lol

>> No.16413357

i have literally no idea what the fuck you are babbling on about

>> No.16413386
File: 378 KB, 1125x1755, 1595237819977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i will translate

"You were deceived by Blaire's curated images into believing she looks a way that she does not look in the real world. Because I question your judgement and have latent narcissistic tendencies I don't want to post my own pictures to compare to Blaire. However, what I can admit to is that my hips do not resemble this candid picture of Blaire White"

>> No.16413478

wow really anon are you saying that when people who rely on social media for an income post things on instagram they will do their best to present themselves in their best possible light?
gosh i had never thought of that before. thank you for this valuable insight anon
now if you don't mind, although i am warming to her, i really don't want my youtube recs to be full of people ranting so i'm going to watch a hundred videos of people trying out guitar pedals. honestly this has turned out worse than the consequences of the time i watched a video of a kitten having a blowfly larva pulled out of its head. man those were a traumatic couple of days until things got back to normal

>> No.16413494
File: 19 KB, 351x355, 71JeiN8R6XL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow really anon are you saying that when people who rely on social media for an income post things on instagram they will do their best to present themselves in their best possible light?
Anon, that is exactly what I am saying. Especially with troons. God bless you

>> No.16413495

I wish I was pretty like that.

>> No.16413508


>> No.16413527

/lit/ is my only contact with modern american culture yet i still wonder why mods don't delete booktube threads on sight

>> No.16413653

if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck quacks like, then I don't give a shit. being this assblasted about someone else's dick is super fucking gay.

>> No.16413673

>be drunk af
>meet this cutie at a bar
>take her home
>begin to makeout furiously
>make my move
>hand down her pants
>feel her benis
>tfw its bigger than mine

>> No.16413771

God I want to suck Blair's girlcock until her balls are dry

>> No.16413812


>> No.16414704

>be drunk af
yeah right. you knew he had a dick the second you saw him.
the absolute state of colossal faggots.

>> No.16414720
File: 174 KB, 838x1084, 1600162058531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this seems appropriate somehow

>> No.16414772

don't be mad that trannies look more fem than modern roasties

>> No.16414921

Contra is this you? Just because you'll never look like anything like a women.

>> No.16414933

>be part of an oppressed minority and throw your fellows under the bus for monetary gain.
This is "civilized" way of saying: "snitches get stitches". Fuck you, cunt.

>> No.16415069
File: 17 KB, 418x475, 1592677176142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't into incognito privaye browsing

>> No.16415119

Was it Fire Punch?

>> No.16415121


>> No.16415124
File: 90 KB, 400x358, 1589967530246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is the one with the tattoos?

>> No.16415325

God damn imagine being this much of a salty cunt. Ho-ly shit. You clearly watch no shortage of this faggots videos and you have some severe insecurity issues over a gay man. Just off yourself already Steve.

>> No.16415343

based tranny

>> No.16415377

Trannies shall replace all herpes infected roasties

>> No.16415429

>death of an author shit
Pseud tier

>> No.16415486

rowling's is the last true feminist and that's real shit

>> No.16415497

She is the last generation of trad roasties

>> No.16415567
File: 77 KB, 900x900, 1591549522151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lads, where can I get a woman like her?

>> No.16415592

I had a six month phase where I only jerked off to trannies and 30+ women

>> No.16415604

Isn't she from LA?

>> No.16416383

Based faggot

>> No.16416394

Reading JK Rowling's "Transphobic" book would never even occur to me anyway.

>> No.16416405

That's a man

>> No.16416432
File: 275 KB, 1125x1978, 1595239497047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a lady its a twink

>> No.16416555


>> No.16416588

Women are evil that's all this is about, women wanting to be able to get any creep they want fired for not being chad, women are sacred cows that should be butchered for the well being of civilization.

>> No.16416590

All trannies hate prettier trannies.

>> No.16416624

and when i say women are evil I mean that as someone who does not like oppression or racism or even sexism, they are the oppression itself made manifest, they are duplicitous and all they love is satan, as in evil relative to them. If there's one thing a woman loves it's unfairness, low empathy and sociopathy. People on the left and right try to live with this dilemma of female nature but there's no real way to explain or normalize the evil of women. It's the redpill.

>> No.16416729

Also, when Trump says "big if true" it's referring to the phrase "the truth hurts" because it's a sexual innuendo about penis size and women are in a cult centered around male insecurity, Trump's way of dealing with the public I notice is basically how he views women's idea of the world. Women live longer than men we're just subhumans that serve them. But these are spiritual forces as well, and that's what I mean by the redpill and in the end you're the laughing man.

>> No.16416769

>she knows one detail about the book
>could have paid someone
or she could have just looked at a single internet discussion, or article, or really anything and got that information. if you actually read the book you would be discussing themes and plot points to dispel the idea that the book is transphobic instead of just listing a single fact

>> No.16416792

I hate to say this but the cattiness of trannies proves their spiritual femness