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/lit/ - Literature

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1641187 No.1641187 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like giving up, /lit/.

I was an honors English major in undergrad, just graduated last spring with the highest academic distinction. I'm currently earning secondary teaching certification, and will be done with that this fall. Though I still think teaching will be a good fit for me, the "Education" classes I've had to sit through have been downright embarrassing. One I'm in now doesn't even have a course schedule, and another I took (over "assessment") didn't even bother to provide feedback. There was one education class I took where all the readings were online, so no one even had the texts during classroom discussion. We just do a bunch of busy work and are all given As or Bs. Most of my fellow classmates are complete idiots, and most my professors seem to struggle with the basic business of running a class, much less intellectual pursuit.

When I started undergrad five years ago, I was pursuing enlightenment. Truth and beauty was somewhere out there in these great books, and to study them was an honor. As I grow older and older, it's getting harder for me to connect to literature in this way. I'm happy if I can just make the damn rent and keep my insurance companies happy.

Where's the urgency, /lit/? Where's the passion for learning, even in our own educational system? Does anyone even give a shit about literature--or even writing--any more?

With the advent of things like Twitter and Facebook the way people communicate is changing rapidly, and I'm not sure narrative itself will even be relevant in the next 50 years, much less the great works.

I'm the only person I know who even reads literary fiction or philosophical works. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle, liking I'm wasting my potential.

I feel like giving up, /lit/.

>> No.1641197
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>> No.1641207

Congratulations! They got to you, they've won.

Either deal with it, or apply yourself. You say you graduated with the highest academic distinction, so write for academic journals, write reviews for mainstream publications; in fact, just write.

Do it, faggot.

>> No.1641208

>liking = like

Also, I used the word "even" way too many times. Alas...

Not sure where you're going with this.

>> No.1641210

>Where's the urgency, /lit/? Where's the passion for learning

Bro, you're in a professional program. It's for people who want to get certified for a job, and most of those people aren't interested in what you're interested in. And this is fine, really. You don't need to have the sort of passion you're looking for to still be good enough to teach kids.

If you really want to be in an environment where urgency, learning, etc. are paramount, apply to PhD programs. Then be poor for 5-7 years, and probably don't get a job after that because the job market for professors in the humanities is fuckawful.

But seriously, don't be surprised. This is what you signed up for. And you'll get a job out of it.

>> No.1641212

if you give enough of a shit you should be able to get at least a few people to give a shit

>> No.1641224
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>I'm not sure narrative itself will even be relevant in the next 50 years

>> No.1641230

Ha, you went to college with the expectation of being surrounded by great minds and gaining unreachable knowledge.

I was personally tired of the crowd and unmotivated professors myself. Not sure what I'm doing with my life, but I have abandoned the college system.

>> No.1641233

There were a few typos you missed, bro, but it's all good.

I think what you're experiencing might be a quater-life crisis, and it's not unusual for people in their twenties. Maybe you just need to take a break and mull over things.

Also, when you actually ARE a teacher you'll be able to share your passion, and maybe do what...

>> No.1641235

I think to really survive in the world of education you have to not give a fuck about other people being stupid and ignorant. 95% of the teachers I had were dumb as shit, but that's simple economics. Most people are practical, and most people intelligent enough to make more money will do so. The other 5% more than made up for the dumb teachers. Just keep that in mind. As a teacher, you have the chance to make more impact in the world than the vast majority of people.

I am who I am today because of one teacher I had in 5th and 6th grade. Literally, she showed me how awesome it is to learn shit. That's probably the best thing that's ever happened to me.

>> No.1641243

>but that's simple economics
stopped reading and started bashing my face into broken glass

>> No.1641244


OK, maybe that's an exaggeration, but I've read articles in educational journals questioning whether or not anyone even writes essays or papers outside of school anymore.

When was the last time you had to sit down and really write something that wasn't school-related?

>> No.1641245


cool refutation bro

>> No.1641250

>implying any refutes were attempted

>> No.1641252

>As a teacher, you have the chance to make more impact in the world than the vast majority of people.
Next to nothing is still nothing.

>> No.1641253

>I feel like giving up, /lit/.
Then do. Only the strong deserve the right to write; and it is only the strong from whom anything worthwhile will be produced.

>> No.1641256

semicolon + and

just why?

>> No.1641257

Spoken like a true untermensch.

>> No.1641259

>I'm happy if I can just make the damn rent and keep my insurance companies happy.
Welcome to reality

>I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle
This is one of those "just do the best you can situations". Don't worry about wasting potential because you're going to be alive for a long time.

>people don't care about books anymore
They never did. As a teacher, it's your job to give them a reason to care.

>> No.1641264

Darwinism does not work. People have to help each other to do things in order to advance.

maybe when you finish college you'll understand

>> No.1641270
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>> No.1641272


Hang on a second, you're arguing with yourself...


>When was the last time you had to sit down and really write something that wasn't school-related?


>> No.1641276

this is what real untermenschen actually believe

>People have to help each other to do things in order to advance.
Sure buddy, the strong help the strong.

>> No.1641283

>this is what real untermenschen actually believe
Takes one to know one

>> No.1641291

warning: thread derailment imminent

>> No.1641294


Was it your own personal writing, like a journal, short story, poem or whatever? Because I'm talking about writing things for authentic purposes.

Sure, it's great that you can express yourself that way, but that's not really the type of writing I'm getting at.

>> No.1641299

No. I can work out a chimp's behaviour and values without being a chimp just as I can with a subhuman without being one. In fact after a while you can pretty much predict everything that's going to come out of the mouth of them and what they gravitate towards.

>> No.1641300
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ok now i can state for sure that d&e completely misunderstands eastern philosophy or is just trolling on maximum speed.

>> No.1641302


Don't think he trolls bro

He's legitimately who he pretends to be

>> No.1641309

But you are being an untermensch now.
>Only the strong deserve the right to write
Is the kind of defeatist attitude that curtails human excellence.

>> No.1641314
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Eastern phil has not been on the agenda for a while. Although I did download like four volumes of the True Dharma Eye Treasury yesterday and I have got a few essays that deal with Nietzsche in relation to Eastern thought. Should make for some interesting reading.

>> No.1641320


>Was it your own personal writing, like a journal, short story, poem or whatever? Because I'm talking about writing things for authentic purposes.

Well, you're the one that asked... In truth, I was revising an essay that I've had accepted for a critical collection from an academic publisher. During my breaks, I making notes for a poem that I've been commissioned to write for an anthology.

>> No.1641322

>Is the kind of defeatist attitude that curtails human excellence.
Again, only an untermensch would think this. It is the product of your inferiority that you fail to see exactly how this maximises human excellence, and indeed, life.

>> No.1641336

Nono, if you think that people are inherently "strong" which then dictates their actions, rather than people using "strength" to take control of their actions. It's the difference between lying down to fate and at least trying to have some say in your life.

>> No.1641344

being strong or weak is both a meditative, aesthetic concept as well as an empirical claim. if you are truly the ubermensche then the goal should not be, overcome man, but to, overcome the world. aim not for your own salvation, but the salvation of the world.

>> No.1641362


>the pseudophilosophy is strong in this one

I thought you were supposed to be a graduate student. Quit making us look bad.

>> No.1641364


Eastern phil worth reading is the Tao & Confucius. For bonus points, compare the Tao and Middle Platonism.

>> No.1641370

LOL, try less Kaufmann you fucking clueless pleb. It has nothing to do with dictating anything; power exerts itself ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY REGARDLESS of your fucking pathetic illusory notions of free will. That which is concentrated is exerted through the strong, but this has nothing to do with "fate" or "having some say in your life" or your garbage notions I piss on.

>> No.1641374

>overcome the world
spoken like a true platonist

>> No.1641376

If what you say is true, then suggesting less Kaufman is futile. Me telling you this is also futile.

What is power without free will? It's just an illusion too.

>> No.1641380


More to the point, the lack of free–will is one of those assertions that falsifies itself. Come on, D&E, I think you're smarter than this.

>> No.1641389

Okay, you don't have the slightest fucking clue what power is and you are operating on a completely deluded conception of it that has absolutely nothing to do with what I am talking about.

Read anything that has been written on the subject, and I mean subject with a capital s, in the last 50 years for why there is absolutely no problem in saying there is no free will. Clueless fucking baby philosophy hour on /lit/. Come back with another bullshit response with zero content to it and I will ignore your retarded ass.

>> No.1641390

He is. But playing dumb allows him to tell himself that we just don't know how smart he is. He fears our judgement.

As expected of an untermensch.

>> No.1641395


>Truth and beauty was somewhere out there in these great books, and to study them was an honor.

shut the fuck up anyone can happen across the classics and derive consoling faggot interpretations from them, stop putting literature on a pedastal, it's waste, it's excess, it's the howl at the edge of civilisation

also narrative is a horrible thing, it's forming the heterogenous mass of crap that is life into narratives which leads to so much oppression and other stupid bullshit, the sooner people stop thinking in terms of narrative with each person, event etc. individuated and subordinated to the rationality of cause/effect, means/ends, the better.

>> No.1641397

thread de-railed

fuck it /lit/, even we people who are into this stuff can't not be assholes to each other

you can disagree without being such a twat, mate. although then you probably wouldn't get the attention you're seeking.

>> No.1641401

>Okay, you don't have the slightest fucking clue what power is and you are operating on a completely deluded conception of it that has absolutely nothing to do with what I am talking about.
Your misreadings are not my problem, nor my concern.

I include misreadings both on and off 4chan. Make a valid point. Shit or get off the pot, as they say.

>> No.1641402


way to shit all over human communication since the dawn of time, bro

feel edgy yet?

>> No.1641407

>Shit or get off the pot
I already did, and I am now leaving you to swim in it you fucking subhuman imbecile.

>> No.1641410

Boy just admitted to chatting shit. Couldn't be more unter if he tried...

>> No.1641415
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It's called contempt

>> No.1641419
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>/sci/ regular visiting /lit/
>studying to be an engineer
>mfw see this topic

Oh, humanities-fags. Your whole discipline is going down the drain in higher education and you can't even be civil to each other or show any solidarity.

Good-riddance to this worthless shit-stain on human thought.

>> No.1641420

plato is just another guy in the cave, i'm afraid.

i am enjoying the sun outside.

>> No.1641423


This is funny, because in the last fifty years, professional philosophers have been more and more alienated from strong anti–free–will positions. Neuroscientists are another story, but they are kind of cute, so it is okay.

You feeling good, bro? Maybe a little flu? It's ok…

>> No.1641424

Sums up everything I was about to say.

>> No.1641425

>more platonist than plato himself
good grief onion

>> No.1641426
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>> No.1641430
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>> No.1641434

That's a purer aspiration than the grossly insecure attention-seeking "intellectual" wankery that is this horseshit:


>> No.1641437

it does describe perfectly the relationship between truth and knowledge. i should reread plato sometimes. now that i know better i am pretty stupid for insulting the guy.

this applies to jesus and all the other cool people too

>> No.1641438


I don't think you understood what I was not-saying.

>> No.1641439

>"studying to be an engineer"
>euphemism for "in vocational school, might get in to a shitty college soon"
>also, implying the job market for engineers isn't just as saturated

>> No.1641442

>D&E confirmed for sheltered lolbertarian.

>> No.1641443

As an engineer myself, I can totally say the job market is shit right now.

I like how that idiot thinks he's the only one.

>> No.1641445


I see you changed the file name with your second post.
Still, I don't think anyone could be anymore of a smug twat than D&E.

And what he'll do on a daily basis won't even make any difference to anyone. At least I'll be a productive smug twat.

>> No.1641446

It's not reallythat saturated, good engineering jobs are just hard to come by but theres tons of shit ones. He will just end up designing shovel handles in cad for some shit hole company wondering where they got all those starting salary figures from.

>> No.1641452

yep, father is trained as an aeronautics engineer and is doing technician work

>> No.1641453

engineering depends on which school you went to, over a tiered function of gpa.

>> No.1641459


I didn't post the second one.

>> No.1641463

Cry more lil worker drone lol

>> No.1641465

I'm in one of the top ones in the UK. I have friends from Imperial (generally the top Uni) with experience, the best grades, good references etc. who have had real real trouble finding anything this year and last year. They probably could have gotten a job easily, but a severely shitty one (like with Network Rail). So, yeah, the market has really changed.

>> No.1641468


Whereas my father got his bachelors and masters in finance and is an extremely well–played mechanical engineer. Experience/ability trump your education all the time in that field all the time, unless you went to a tops program with a good internship system.

>> No.1641469

i guess it is still okay in america. my friend from columbia got 45k starting.

>> No.1641473

i was talking about recent grads

>> No.1641476

Well enlighten me, then. Tell me what you meant so you can show everyone how clever you are.

Also, engineers struggling to find good jobs is because of the current slump in the U.S. economy. That's different than there not even being any opportunity in the first place, as is the case with humanities majors.

>> No.1641477

Note also that D&E avoids threads where there seems to be someone who actually knows more about philosophy than onionring or IsabellaHuppert.

>> No.1641482

45k isn't great. That's about average, depending on where they're living. And the discipline.

>> No.1641484


This is relevant. Humanities departments are essentially to print money for the universities, only a few people who are incredibly intelligent and dedicated will do anything with one anymore, because general standards for a BA are so low they are probably functionally worse than a simple high school diploma. Gone are the days when they meant something, but finance guys in New York will still hire smart, OCD humanities majors because of the personality. That's what I did for a few years.

>> No.1641487

touched a nerve, did I?

>> No.1641493
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I am the best

>> No.1641495

>Also, engineers struggling to find good jobs is because of the current slump in the U.S. economy
And increased supply of trained engineers.

>> No.1641494

CP PORN MOVIES!!!! 12-18 Yrs old Girls and Boys!!!! Save all links before 404! And download after time...!!!!


Dwonload jailbait and CP Videos! No Password! No sms! Free fr All..........!!

>> No.1641502

marx should be making a comeback right about now but lol@economics as a field.

>> No.1641505

This as a response to

>> No.1641511


It's a /lit/ meme

>degree in math
>$300k starting salary

>> No.1641512


Marx /is/ making a comeback, there's been lots of synthesis with Marx and classical schools over the past decade, and I know of a few PhD students working on related dissertations.

>> No.1641516

well okay but you gotta realize i am from uchicago.

>> No.1641525

Thaler is fail.

>> No.1641531
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>mfw I'm at northwestern.

>> No.1641537


Well, the ways in which Marx is being approached now by economists are very different from how, let's say, most continental Marxists or critical theorists (lol) do, but taking certain insights of his and working them into the empirical framework. Even more amusedly are the people who also use Austrian insights alongside Marx.

>> No.1641545

>Even more amusedly are the people who also use Austrian insights alongside Marx.
I dunno, Marx carries a lot of philosophical baggage along with him, and the philosophy of economics is more what the Austrian school deal with. Also, people like Hayek are to some degree Socialist apologists.

>> No.1641584
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OP here. This thread was certainly not encouraging.

>> No.1641595

Wake me up when use-value isn't a piece of metaphysics

>> No.1641606


What in the hell did you think was going to happen after you got the degree anyway? did you expect to write or teach or what? You can still do both of those if you want to.

>> No.1641624

Originally though about professorship, realized what a sham humanities academia is and ended up starting this teaching certificate at a shitty regional college to get it finished as cheaply as possible.

Thought about writing when I was in high school... even worked at a literary magazine during undergrad and had some stuff accepted for publication, but the magazine went under just before my stuff was scheduled to hit the press.

As I mentioned, I started college being incredibly idealistic. I thought if I worked hard I would be rewarded, regardless of my field. That was the american dream. Turns out things aren't that simple.

Right now I'm set up to teach so at least I have something. And I DID really admire my AP Lit teacher in high school, and wouldn't mind becoming that guy.

But, other than the ability to support myself, I really have no clue what I want at this point... :/

>> No.1641633

And in all fairness, I didn't have a solid after college game plan.

I thought if I studied hard things would fall into place, and that's not the case. At times I feel like I studied my way out of making connections/establishing an appropriate network to launch a career, which makes me feel fucktarded. It's like a screwed up my career in the most inane way possible.

Anyway, that's enough of my livejournal for now, I guess...

>> No.1641634

Don't worry, OP. This is how the world has always been. You think that Twitter and Facebook are the problem? People have always been ignorant and apathetic. That's nothing new.

The only real social change is that the intellectual class has been hidden. In antiquity, culture flowed from the aristocracy. While they may not have been intellectual themselves, the appearance of such was important, which is why the great works had the chance to become recognized for their greatness to begin with.

Now, culture doesn't flow in any specific direction, and certainly not from a place that values these things. That's why it feels this way- why it feels like the entire modern world is stupid.

I can personally attest to personally knowing many who value classic literature, and at least knowing of many more besides who do also. It sounds like the biggest problem is just those around you. Until you've visited many universities and places of learning, it certainly wouldn't be fair to condemn them all, much less the entire world.

Don't lose hope, OP. You just have to keep trying.

>> No.1641635


Just teach, get yourself a cheap apartment someplace, save up money(or get a g/f who will help support you who also has a job) and write in your spare time and try to make extra money on the side that way. It's really that simple. But you still haven't said "What you want to do!" you have basically said well I guess I'm going to teach but I don wanna I wanna be an intellectual I want people to fawn over me and reward me for getting a degree and just be handed bundles of money wherever I go. Well fuck off. Nobody else has it any easier than you but if you fucking try hard instead of wasting time feeling sorry for yourself then you will make it and become published. shit if you set your mind to shit and stop being impeded by stupid shit like 4chan you can do whatever the fuck you want if you start slow and work your way up.

>> No.1641637

>I screwed

moar typos

>> No.1641654

>I wanna be an intellectual I want people to fawn over me and reward me for getting a degree and just be handed bundles of money wherever I go

That's the thing, man. I really don't give a fuck about that at all. I mean, I care about my own intellect and achieving my potential, but after researching what humanities academia IS I just have no interest in being a part of that.

I mean, the idea of being a professor in the sense that I teach at the college level is appealing, but the research/criticism part of everything just seems like completely misguided balderdash, ESPECIALLY in English studies.

I just want to chill out with my own little ring of scholar-bros and hide from the insanity that is the modern world, though part of me thinks wanting to "hide" that way is cowardly.

>> No.1641686

>I just want to chill out with my own little ring of scholar-bros and hide from the insanity that is the modern world, though part of me thinks wanting to "hide" that way is cowardly.

Did you make no friends in college? You are seriously the most worthless person to ever come out of college.

>1. I just want to support myself
well you have that and you are fucking complaining about the fact that you will get a shitty job teaching brats all day.

>2. I just want a group of people to chill with
Well obviously somebody didn't fucking make any friends in college like everybody else did. Thats kinda one of the main staples of the college experience.

I can't stand to continue even looking at this thread. You fucked up, it isn't that humanities are dying it is that you are a fuck up who thinks the world should revolve around you. Get your shit together shit, I would suggest that you GIVE UP entirely and move back in with your parents, that seems like your best bet for success at this point you spineless jerk.

>> No.1641690

I guess the part that finds hiding cowardly is also the same part that genuinely wants to be a teacher, and would probably make a good teacher, too.

But I still feel conflicted :/

I mean, I'm already feeling world-weary in this way, and haven't even taught professionally yet, y'know?

>> No.1641701


Why are you saging your own thread?

>> No.1641707


Damn dude, why so rough?

Arguably OP is quite a big crybaby faggot with no friends and no goals who has lost passion for what he set up the rest of his life to be about, but that doesn't mean we have to rub it in his face.

>> No.1641718

I made plenty of friends in college, but not many with the same interest in literature and especially not with the same level of interest.

And I actually have moved back in the 'rents, to be able to afford this teaching certificate. That kinda uprooted my network, too, but it also means I'll be on the job market with no debt.

I've met people, joined a professional organization for English teachers, volunteered to tutor at two places, talked to a few high school teachers, stuff like that. But it's all acquaintance type stuff and I'm not sure it'll really go anywhere.

I'm saging my own thread because I'm sure most anons aren't interested in hearing this stuff and will react like this guy:

and maybe he's right, I dunno. I'm actually pretty well-situated to be a teach, but I'm not really sure that's my life "goal." That's a big question.

>> No.1641768


chill out with my own little ring of scholar-bros =/= a group of people to chill with

>> No.1641861

analyze / write hip-hop

>> No.1641897


>> No.1641898


I'll be the next Kanya West, y'all

>> No.1641907

>Although I did download like four volumes of the True Dharma Eye Treasury yesterday and I have got a few essays that deal with Nietzsche in relation to Eastern thought

Upload to FTP plox.

It would be awesome if you make your own directory in there called "Deep+Edgy," or something of that nature, so we can know who uploads what. I suggest other users do the same.

I will be uploading my favorite eBooks/essays/etc. soon after this current upload is finished.

If you need software i recommend FileZilla:

Cheers! :D

>> No.1641985

What are some peremptory works I should read if I'm interested in Queer Theory?

Any suggestions?

>> No.1643164


You are not the first person to feel that way and by no means the last one. You can even go to lit's archive right now and find post number 848985. I wrote it on the day of my graduation; since then, I've been questioning and postponing my dreams; I've been doing a million unexciting things to keep afloat and, more importantly, to figure out what I actually want; I've been getting frustrated and ecstatic; I've had my ups and downs, and among all this sound-and-fury fuckery I've learned more than ever, and certainly more than I have at university.

But never once have I doubted in the value of literature and intellectual pursuits. OP, you seem to be asking your questions because you are overcome by feelings of immature superiority on the one hand and extreme bitterness caused by disappointment not only with the shallowness of popular culture, but also with the academia. I have been there. I have given up on doing a PhD at my university precisely because I hated the half-assedness of it. I felt the people I had met there didn't care enough.

But guess what? I am not the only person in the world still passionate about literature, and neither are you, OP. There are people smarter than you or me, even -- believe it or not -- on this very board. And even if you were the last damn person in the world who gave a shit about literature -- would it matter? Think about it, OP. Think about what great wealth you gain access to after you come home from your frustrating classes and reach for a good book: the whole of human experience, of human spirit lies at your feet; the beauty and truth that you'd been searching for is still there, fully available, and even more and more accessible as you gain emotional and intellectual maturity.

>> No.1643165

So live and learn, OP. I know real life is a bitch, but you should do everything in your might not to grow cynical, embittered and intellectually lazy. Some /lit/fags might tell you to give up your scholastic idealism and learn to function in the "real world", but let me tell you what I have learned during my (at times, quite successful) struggle with the "real world": idealism does not equal immaturity. Keep fighting, OP.

>> No.1643260

bump for hope

>> No.1643305

It'll all work out, OP.

I promise.

We all end up happy, in the end. No matter what.

: )

>> No.1643318
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>> No.1643324

I feel your pair.

graduated in math. got ma in education and secondary teaching certification.

entire program after math was a joke.
completed the program out of pride...then left the educational field...now work odd jobs and troll 4chan....

at least I can laugh about it

>> No.1643348

what sort of odd jobs do you do? do you have any tips?

>> No.1643357
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>I feel your pair.

>> No.1644625
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>> No.1644651

> finance guys in New York will still hire smart, OCD humanities majors because of the personality. That's what I did for a few years.

Elaborate please.
Where did you do undergrad?
How did you find this job?
What was it like?

>> No.1644695

>implying academic pursuits are validated only as a profession

I'm a published econ writer and I teach econ, having never taken a econ course for credit. If you're good enough you'll be recognized for your contributions.
I own a completely unrelated non academic business as my main income (which is significant).

>> No.1646022

I agree with the greentext. Maybe not so much with the assertion that "If you're good enough you'll be recognized for your contributions" because a lot depends on luck and a good PR. But basically, this.

OP, you still here?

>> No.1646490


I'm around, yes.

>> No.1646593

ITT: People who think they can actually give a definition to Übermensc, rather than just a personal interpretation

>> No.1646597

nothing to do with definition

>> No.1646599

>Education classes

hahaha oh wow

Unless you actually want to be in a room surrounded by obnoxious shithead teens

>> No.1646609


you're using a word, it has a definition. Thats the point of words.


>> No.1646614


>You have no friends

>You must be worthless

Someone clearly never took Intro to Logic in college.

>> No.1646616


oh look, another basement dwelling fuck-up neckbeard faggot who doesn't respect what is arguably one of society's most important professions

not defending "Education" as an academic discipline, here, but when people can't at least show SOME respect for teachers it's just disgusting

>> No.1646618

a subhuman remain a subhuman even if he studies his own behaviour

>> No.1646620


Sexual Politics by Kate Millet

Also, Sappho's poetry and some of the lesbian-themed selections of The Vagina Monologues

>> No.1646624

>you're using a word, it has a definition. Thats the point of words
go pull on onionring's apron

>> No.1646640


you're a tripfag, when you start allowing your opinion to be the only contributing factor to legitimacy, maybe I won't bother you as much.

in the mean time, fuck off.

>> No.1646652

I haven't got time to read all the posts in this thread, someone please summarise it for me. Who are we hating on this time, and why?

>> No.1646664

what are you talking about faggot you know you will be here until you go to sleep

>> No.1646668


It's all true. ;_;

>> No.1646685

>when you start allowing your opinion to be the only contributing factor to legitimacy
This is what superior organisms tend to do to inferior lowlifes. Get used to it.

>> No.1646690

>implying stupid shits bother me

try harder

>> No.1646692

Why are the trips on this board such a bunch of arrogant cunts?

>> No.1646699

Don't use Bad Words, it isn't nice. And we're not all that bad.

>> No.1646707
File: 38 KB, 291x216, 17jonestown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut the fuck up already.
You're untermench manifest. You waste your entire day trying to impose yourself on a fundamentally untermensch audience, without realizing the crippling untermenschness which has become your stagnant existence. You. are. just. beta.
An inferior by-product of evolution; intellegence devastated by inactivity and depersonalization.

>> No.1646709
File: 19 KB, 360x251, Mary_Poppins_in_the_Clouds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that your fantasy little boy

>> No.1646720

yeah man give up

>> No.1646726

can you babysit me on thursday

>> No.1646727

>You waste your entire day trying to impose yourself on a fundamentally untermensch audience, without realizing the crippling untermenschness which has become your stagnant existence. You. are. just. beta.
An inferior by-product of evolution; intellegence devastated by inactivity and depersonalization.
>needs to use reactive terminology

never change, slaves

>> No.1646731


keep at it...

>> No.1646732
File: 33 KB, 380x550, Breker2__1943_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, excuse me while I "impose" myself on a set of weights. try to think up something substantial for me to respond to while I'm gone

>> No.1646742


if this board's any indication of how most people engage literature or will engage literature in the future, i agree with this dude

it's always good to know when to cut your losses, OP

>> No.1646769
File: 57 KB, 800x800, feiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>your masculinity
>you are questioning it

I think you're an overall interesting guy though. Through your relentless posts, whenever I come here, i vicariously experience the gentle pulsating softness of the untermensch... my raging boner shriveling as i read.
(temporary effect).

>> No.1646780

butch is too busy.

>> No.1646796

ya i think books should more like facebooks

>> No.1646831

This as a first reply was definitely funnier than I expected.

>> No.1646834

nigga u souff

>> No.1646851

you want to teach?

spoiler alert: about everyone who goes to school doesn't want to learn anything.

>> No.1648114
File: 12 KB, 214x247, every moment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1648122

>secondary education
There's your first mistake right there.
Go on and do post-grad, masters, doctorate, etc.
You know you want to.
Intelligent people don't become high school teachers (ROFL), mediocre fools do, unless you're a master at the best school in your country or something.
At least set your sights on lecturing or something, I mean why would you even want to teach secondary?
Stupid kids that have no desire to learn, elementary concepts, boring as hell.

>> No.1648522

Maybe this song will make you feel better, OP.


Also, fuck optimism, but hold hope close.

>> No.1648525


you may be right from an intellectual standpoint, but you need to compare the two as JOBS

secondary has equivalent or higher pay, higher life-long earnings because no PhD, more job opportunity, more job security, benefits, and the applicant has some say over WHERE he/she works

secondary is just an all around better JOB, man. it's screwy.

trying to become an AP teacher/department chair at a decent high school is probably the best compromise

>> No.1648530


also, just want to add this is the case for almost any humanities-related field, though the English department has taken quite the hit the past decade or so in higher education.

it think it's only a matter of time before it's broken into cultural studies and rhetoric, while English Lit becomes marginalized like current classics departments and whatnot

might be for the best, tbh

>> No.1649396


Is this true?

>> No.1649889

>This is what superior organisms tend to do to inferior lowlifes. Get used to it.

Crude diction as usual, D&E.

>> No.1651145

bumping for Op since this thread gave me a good laugh at those lit peasants who don't deserve to write only to seduce innocent children (mostly boys) and play with their anuses