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/lit/ - Literature

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16410643 No.16410643[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>antisemites are all idio-

>> No.16410687

who would ever say all antisemites are idiots? carlyle? dickens? guenon?

>> No.16410847

carlyle was an antisemite dumb dumb

>> No.16410863

99% of writers or any intelligent person pre like 1950-60 was a hardcore anti semite. no one but braindead modern people claim anti semites are idiots. they've been brainwashed into saying this.

>> No.16410867

>he's never read "Nietzsche Contra Wagner"

>> No.16410893
File: 37 KB, 600x338, wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crossdressers are all faggo...

>> No.16410899

He wasn't anti semitic

>> No.16410910

I think you guys just drastically misunderstood each other.

>> No.16410918
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>> No.16410919

Nietzsche still liked Wagner though. He just talked about how Wagner was French at heart and how he was disappointed he became an antisemitic Christian

>> No.16410921

well no i think he's calling carlyle dumb, which is retarded.

>> No.16410924
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>He wasn't anti se-

But it is true he became less explicitly anti-jew and more pro-White as he got older, shifting some of the blame of the prior onto need of the latter.

>> No.16410930

He was an antisemitic Christian since he read Schopenhauer, and actually he was antisemitic for about as long as he lived. Actually he was Christian for about as long as he lived too, except for a short revolutionary period around the turn of the century.

>> No.16410934

>he's never read "Nietzsche Contra Wagner"
He described Wagner as a lethal poison and a terrible musician, lol. None of this was due to his antisemitism, but still.

>> No.16410937

I gather you're the fp? If so he was calling you dumb dumb because he thought you were saying Carlyle, Dickens and Guenon said "all antisemites are idiots"-- at least I think that's what happened.

>> No.16410946

>that picture
>"Richard Wagner - Legendary Composer"
Kek who put that there.

>> No.16410954

I really don’t understand this mindset. Jews have extremely good genetics and an amazingly refined culture, having contributed almost the most of any race, per capita, to civilisation, art, science, and philosophy. They are almost the model people in my view. It’s like if you took the white population and culled all of the degenerate working class low IQ barbarians, you’d end up with something like the Ashkenazi race. I was very disappointed when I saw no Jewish ancestry when I took my ancestry test.

>> No.16410981

>I really don’t understand this mindset.
That's because you're a philo-semite judging by the rest of your post.

>> No.16410986

Wagner perfectly and precisely explains why Jews bad, and why they are a negative force always in a foreign culture to them.

It's just a very good essay all round, even apart from the anti-semitism. Because Wagner applies his artistic knowledge to the history of music.

>> No.16410990


>> No.16410993
File: 37 KB, 460x620, Wagner old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Something else! I want a very beautiful and exceptional cover - for my chaise-longue - which I shall call "Judith"! - Listen! try and find one of those silk fabrics called "Lampas" or - whatever? Yellow satin background - the palest possible - with a floral pattern - roses; not too large a design, it is not intended for curtains; it is used, rather, for small pieces of furniture. If there is nothing in yellow, then very light blue. [Footnote: same white background, which will be easier to find.] I shall need six metres! - All this for mornings well spent on Parsifal. This is an Arabian name. The old troubadours no longer understood what it meant. "Parsi fal" means: "parsi"- think of the fire-loving Parsees - "pure"; "fal" means "mad" in a higher sense, in other words a man without erudition, but one of genius ... "
>"But now to more serious matters: first of all, the two chests which have not arrived. Well! They will arrive, and I shall immerse myself in your generous soul. Cancel the pink satin entirely: there would be too much of it, and it would be good for nothing. Can I expect the two remnants that I mentioned in my last letter? - The brocade can be reserved: I'm inclined to order 30 metres, but perhaps the colours can be changed to flatter my taste even better; in other words: the fawn striped material would be silver-grey, and the blue my pink, very pale and delicate... For the rest do not think ill of me! I am old enough to indulge in childish pursuits! - I have three years of Parsifal ahead of me, and nothing must tear me away from the peaceful tranquillity of creative seclusion..."
>"The little bottle of rose-water was completely ruined by cold water; and in my clumsiness I dropped the larger bottle as I was trying to arrange it with the alcohol: it broke, and its contents went all over the carpet; what really surprised me was how little effect the smell had, since I would have expected it to give me 1000 headaches! - Send me some more of it. - And don't forget the Rimmel Bengali rose-powders. - But- above all - be so kind as to let me know immediately and in a word if you have found the lilac satin (Ophelia!) since my decision to buy it depends upon your answer. Dearly beloved! I have finished the 1st act; you shall have a sample of it as soon as I have dealt with a whole host of other matters which I have neglected of late ... Cosima continues as ever before filled with feelings of admiration and gratitude towards you on account of the Japanese dress and all the other things you have chosen for her. Would to God that our traditional quarrels on the subject of poor Parsifal might be over and done with! Believe me, they are not worth the effort..."

It's obviously a lie that Wagner was a cross-dresser, but he sure loved his silks.

>> No.16411001

ohhhhhhhh yeah then he's just wrong

>> No.16411017

But Carlyle is an antisemite anon.

>> No.16411024

So your opinions regarding Jews are no more trustworthy than the average /pol/tard. It's possible to have nuanced views you know. It doesn't have to be:
>Jews are vile demons hell bent on destroying all white Europeans and taking over the world!
>Jews are the bestest, most smartest group of people to EVAR live! Please cut off my foreskin rabbi so I can be one too!!!!

>> No.16411047

He can explain all he wants but it doesn’t change the fact that Jews have contributed probably the most of any other race, including Germans, per capita, to science, art, literature, and philosophy. Just look at the Nobel prize stats to confirm this. I can see the hate for blacks, Indians, Muslims, Native Americans, and the like, but I will never understand racism against Jews and yellows, who seem to me to be superior to whites.

>> No.16411055

Nice bait fag.

>> No.16411064
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>tfw no-one spends 26 years writing one Opera any more

>> No.16411092

that's my point

>> No.16411102

Wait so who and how is he wrong?

>> No.16411112

idk the other dude said that the guy said carlyle himself said anti-semitism is dumb, which i don't think. i'm saying carlyle was both intelligent and an antisemite

>> No.16411121

lol extend the lips to the right a little bit

>> No.16411122

>can’t refute it
>call it bait
>your opinion is untrustworthy because you are [label]

>> No.16411124

No one said Carlyle was dumb and everyone said he was antisemitic.

>> No.16411134

>carlyle was an antisemite dumb dumb

>> No.16411154

Yes he's calling you the dumb dumb because he thought you were saying Carlyle said "all antisemites are idiots".

>> No.16411169
File: 750 KB, 880x838, niggerplease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people that argue with you about jewish cultural dominance on 4cuck

>> No.16411173

>your opinion is untrustworthy because you are [label]
I don't trust a /pol/tards thoughts on Jews to be reflective of reality so why should I listen to you?

>> No.16411189

>Jews have extremely good genetics


And even if they weren't so disease-ridden, have you ever seen what they look like?

>> No.16411216

You don’t have to trust me. That’s not how you evaluate arguments.
This is only because Jews have remained relatively insular and pure genetically speaking. Either way, I’m talking about things that matter, like intelligence, not good looks and diseases.

>> No.16411235

>I’m talking about things that matter, like intelligence, not good looks and diseases.
Enjoy your Tay-Sachs, Isaiah.

>> No.16411356
File: 19 KB, 250x353, Richard Wagner 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16411685


>> No.16411766
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rate my new meme

>> No.16411837

I'll stick with my Goldman Sachs

>> No.16411841

Antisemitism is idiotic that doesn't make every antisemite an idiot.

>> No.16411873

What's a convincing argument against anti-semitism?

>> No.16411961

genuinely terrifying music

>> No.16412002

Frankly, almost all of my disdain is a reaction to the endless Halocaust whining. I can't respect a people who pity-party that hard.
You have to add those up weird to get that. Especially literature. I love some Phillip Roth now and then, but Jews are actually not very impressive in the literary field. Maybe literary discussion, but not literature.

>> No.16412024

Enough of the wagner threads, you guys don't even understand the material you're dealing with on the most basic level. Your entire attraction to this is based on some vague notions about based heckin nationalism and romanticism! Heckin teutonic glory!
You have a long way to go before you understand the significance of any of these things, I doubt anyone here even knows basic music theory

>> No.16412026
File: 81 KB, 700x507, Solvay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews always were/are greater STEMfags than they were writers or philosophers. However, they are surprisingly prolific in the visual arts and music, though there, their achievements are distributed between the shit- and god-tier pretty evenly.

>> No.16412114


>> No.16412147


>> No.16412155

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That guy can't just throw in "and literature". They're kind of bad at it. Roth is the only real heavyweight amongst them. Unless you count Biblical writers lmao. This is a literature board after all, it should be the central point.

>> No.16412168
File: 81 KB, 449x414, franz liszt on the jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over, Wagner

>> No.16412169

All humans are valuable.
Hating valuable things is idiotic.
Jews are human.
Jews are valuable.
Hating Jews is idiotic.

>> No.16412178

>All humans are valuable.

>> No.16412183

You guys are more incestuous all around the diaspora way more than hicks in Alabama "good genetics" my ass, there are several diseases that only occur in askenazi populations because of how much incest goes on, what art have they made? still no proof of art, maybe science? Einstein? Einstein created the atomic bomb using special relativity science that had already existed, not really a scientist. Philosophy? Bergson? Spinoza? They only talk about Jewish metaphysics in a way that can't be applied to gentile metaphysics so it's really unuseful in terms of philosophy. civilization? Jews haven't had a nation until the end of ww2. Working class people are probably the least degenerate part of the white population, you find people who have excess of comfort or money or the whites who are the elites that make up most of the sex crime in the United States at least, I don't understand anything about ur reply but it's probably bait anyway...

>> No.16412188

Isn't that a bit mean to Schopenhauer, and a bit too heroic for Nietzsche?

>> No.16412191

Not an argument

>> No.16412199

Well he kills Siegfried with a stab in the back so yes it is very terrifying, I hear the hoi ho in my dreams.

>> No.16412204

Your whole "argument" rests on an unjustified premise. Unless you somehow magically justify how "all humans are valuable" you don't have an argument either.

>> No.16412211

Based Liszt, and a pretty accurate prediction.

>> No.16412221

Value is a rational, abstract concept.
Humans are rational and ascribe value.
To ascribe value, they must themselves be valuable.
Humans are valuable

>> No.16412224

You might be a retard

>> No.16412243
File: 89 KB, 640x361, jesus_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"All humans are valuable.
Hating valuable things is idiotic.
Pedos are human.
Pedos are valuable.
Hating Pedos is idiotic."
You are a faggot

>> No.16412271

>To ascribe value, they must themselves be valuable.
Circular reasoning:
>humans ascribe value because they are valuable
>humans are valuable because they ascribe value
You can't even do basic reasoning, then you talk about arguments?