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16410208 No.16410208 [Reply] [Original]

press B for based

>> No.16410214

wtf i love the romans now

>> No.16410223

press B

>> No.16410227
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This is very violent and message misogynistic. The problematic of masculinity represents terror for women and you're only helped legitimize this terror.

Go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.16410235

pic related is you

>> No.16410237

"Fortune is a woman and if she is to be submissive it is necessary to beat and coerce her."

t. Machiavelli

When Solon reformed the Athenian laws, he ruled that a woman wasn't allowed to leave the house with any valuables over a trivial value, and barely have possessions at all.

>> No.16410247

based... wtf i hate women now

>> No.16410259
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Schopenhauer was right.

>> No.16410268


The modern feminists campaigning against things like mansplaining and the like are annoying, but I guess you need them so things like this don’t happen.

I dunno. You have to be really messed up to beat your wife like that. It makes me sad to know some poor woman was beaten to death by her husband, the very man who was supposed to protect/care for her.

>> No.16410271

every self respecting man hates and loves women at the same time.

>> No.16410277


>> No.16410282

It's hard to understand in a world without honor, but honor was no laughing business to the Romans. If anyone dishonored you, male or female, you killed them.

>> No.16410286

This quote is absolutely correct on all counts. Every interaction, every relationship I have had confirms this to be entirely true. There's really only three ways you could deny this:
- Being a woman
- Having had little interaction with women
- Having not really thought very much at all

>> No.16410287

>oh man it's so sad to think of all those innocent women who got killed just because they fucked 20 other guys behind their husbands backs or because they got piss drunk and ran up and down the street naked

>> No.16410291

>It makes me sad to know some poor woman was beaten to death by her husband, the very man who was supposed to protect/care for her
wow it's literally nothing.

>> No.16410332

what is the problem? the husband could easily find another wife probably.

>> No.16410340
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>> No.16410342


>> No.16410346

kill yourself cunt

>> No.16410360

Reading lots of poems from ancient Greece and constantly, though nonchalantly, they BTFO women. The story of Narcissus is one giant BTFO, how Theseus just drops Medea and then calls her a cunt when she freaks out.
What a time to be alive.

>> No.16410443

i hate women

>> No.16410449

who doesn't? even women hate women.

>> No.16410456

This explains why the education majors at my uni are 98% hot broads

>> No.16410502

Greco-Roman honor and masculinity were on the whole good things, but that doesn't mean there aren't flaws. Obviously the vast majority of Roman men didn't kill their wives, but those who did should be criticized, even 2,000+ years later.

Who cares about the husband? The wife is dead!
>women's rights are a liberal position

>> No.16410564

Theseus was pretty based and redpilled indeed

>> No.16410580

>The wife is dead!
so? the husband can find another one.

>> No.16410585

boo boo daddy State, i'm such a beta that i need YOU and the threat of legitimate violence just to be able to keep a stable household mmmm let me lick those sandals while you overreach into my personal affairs YES daddy State!

>> No.16410645

kys, no self respecting National Socialist would beat or kill (white) women for disrespecting her husband.

>> No.16410650

Consider the Iliad. A woman may dislike the fact that the poem includes the sexual enslavement of women. But there's another way to look at it: while sexual enslavement of women is illegal today in most of the world, men are still sent out to be slaughtered in war.

>> No.16410698

Yes this is every relationship eventually

>> No.16410890

Less fertile women means more single sexually unfulfilled young men which means more crime and overall instability in the society

>> No.16411082

If I'm not mistaken I also read that if the husband suspected his wife was cheating it was enough reason to divorce whereas the wife would have to catch his husband on their bed cheating for her to use adultery as a reason to divorce

>> No.16411460

Found the adulterer

>> No.16411726

dude shut the fuck up

>> No.16411957

Daily reminder that Schopememer was an incel and this was a massive cope

>> No.16411962

Yeah Schopenhauer was an incel, but his quote is true.

>> No.16412071
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Unbelievably Based

>> No.16412301
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The Babylonians were even more based.
>If the wife of a man is caught lying with another man, they shall bind them and throw them into the water. If the husband of the woman wishes to spare his wife, then the king shall spare his servant.

>If the wife of a man who is living in her husband's house, has persisted in going out, has acted the fool, has waster her house, has belittled her husband, he shall prosecute her. If her husband has said, "I divorce her," she shall go her way; he shall give her nothing as her price of divorce. If her husband has said "I will not divorce her" he may take another woman to wife; the wife shall live as a slave in her husband's house.

>If a woman has hated her husband and has said, "You shall not possess me,: her past shall be inquired into, as to what she lacks. If she has been discreet, and has no vice, and her husband has gone out, and has greatly belittled her; that woman has not blame, she shall take her marriage portion and go off to her father's house. If she has not been discreet, has gone out, ruined her house, belittled her husband, she shall be drowned.

>If a man's wife, for the sake of another, has caused her husband to be killed, that woman shall be impaled

>> No.16412313

>If a priestess who is not living in a convent opens a wine shop or enters a wine shop for a drink, they shall burn that woman.

>> No.16412326
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>>If a man's wife, for the sake of another, has caused her husband to be killed, that woman shall be impaled
holy BASED

>> No.16412345

you'll never be a woman, DILATE
also post feminine benis

>> No.16413034

Based, but frankly none of that is as based as beating your wife to death. The Romans literally did it with their bare hands.

>> No.16413342

You can literally say the same about the opposite.

>> No.16413571

.....just like islam.....

>> No.16413580

Nice selfie bro but what's that gotta do with wifebeating

>> No.16413588

tfw no roman husband to hit me and keep me in line umu

>> No.16413601

Toxic thread

>> No.16413609
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>implying I dont keep my husband in check with ass paddles

>> No.16413616

Who are you I am from Ancient Greece

>> No.16413646

I kind of agree with you. If it were for no reason. But if the woman was an adulterer or something then I agree with the Romans.

>> No.16413961

"traditional gender roles" are just rationalizations power hungry psychopaths made up to tyrannize the other sex, news at 11

>> No.16414084
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You niggas need to read pic related.

>> No.16414113

forgot your trip butterfly

>> No.16414320

goo goo ga ga bitch

>> No.16414373


>> No.16414399 [DELETED] 

>having a husband
go back

>> No.16414866

Wow, women sure are vicious.

>> No.16414879

>ynw have a wife

>> No.16415324

They could also kill their sons so...

>> No.16415356


>> No.16415390

True, makes me sad too :(

>> No.16415400

noooooo not the wiferino :(

>> No.16415558

I love how you think all feminists here are women

>> No.16415611

The problem is that the men could just doe whatever the fuck, but hell I agree. Nowadays a bitch can cuck you with your father and ur sister and bro and the whole fucking neighbourhood and ur just supposed to smile and forgive. Atleast let me beat the woman a little bit you know? I say this cuz I was cheated on once and that shit still affects me every once in a while 10y after. Those bitches don't care. Wheres my justice if I can't beat my woman severely? That would quiet my anger on that case so theres that mofos, school of life taught me I regret not beating him and her both.

>> No.16415623

Poor wiferino :(

>> No.16415644

>Implying modernism made gender realtions better


>> No.16415667

Wuh wait I did? U realize I was being pro beating woman, as a means of amendment of the emotional pain the cheated has to go through?

>> No.16415679

See, it's like this:
women's sexuality = excellent all the time. You can't say a single thing against it or you're the problem.
man's sexuality = always bad all the time unless a woman gives you the go ahead. If you so much as question this, you're the problem.

>> No.16415696

You haven't always?

>> No.16415711

I apologize have a free chanson

>> No.16415714

This, this is way too accurate. Why did men let this happen? Why did we give up our obvious superior seat in society? What was the gain? Wtf was they thinking?

>> No.16415725

Merde I fucked up the (you), the vin apologises

>> No.16415727

Hey man the state just guarantees my right and duty to uphold my honor and the honor of my family. Its understands that by creating consequences for not doing so that the people themselves will then exercise that personal responsibility lolbertarians are obsessed with, in this case this is a responsibility and obligation to kill your wife if she dishonors you or your family. All social indicators fall after the state liberalized itself and removes itself from the social equation in every way except to continue the long march of social progress which by definition means less restrictions on the activities of the citizenry.

>> No.16415737


>> No.16415780


>> No.16415843

>Schopememer was an incel
He fucked around and only recognized one of his kids because his sister told him to stop being a scumbag.

>> No.16416378

>you can beat your wife for adultery
>but orgies are perfectly cool bro

>> No.16416381


>> No.16416503

You might be autistic or have victim complex anon. Reread post I'm responding to and then my post again.

>> No.16416544

I believe this. Just busting out this quote >>16410259 in front of most women will make them wet.

>> No.16416548

>tfw no domme waifu

>> No.16416580

Lmao we know they're all trannies

>> No.16417123

>Honor cultures were on the whole good things
>except when they follow their cultural axioms to their logical conclusions

>> No.16417430

"Sit out and drink with me, then," he said.
"We're engaged. It's no fun with you."
"Yes," he said, with the docility with which he accepted each refusal;
then he stopped suddenly and faced her.
"What's no fun with me?" She fell back a little as he gripped her
shoulder. "What's no fun with me?"
"Oh," she said. "You're hurting me!"
"I know it. What's no fun with me?"
Then another couple came up and he let her go. Then an hour later,
during an intermission, he dragged her, screaming and struggling, out of a dark
car and across the dance floor, empty now and lined with chaperones like a
theater audience, and drew out a chair and took her across his lap and spanked
her. By daylight they had driven twenty miles to another town and were married.
>based southerns

>> No.16417549


>> No.16418005

Why were men such dicks to women throughout history lmao?
They all had mothers and the majority had sisters.
I love women but it is just too much fun to bully them.

>> No.16418040

Orgies back then were more to get people in the mood by seeing other people having sex than for wife-swapping

>> No.16418058
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All I want is dominant wife who'll lock me in chastity, peg me, give me regular beatings, cuck me, and treat me like a domestic slave.
Feels bad /lit/bros.

>> No.16418212

Sorry but as a man it's your duty to beat women.

>> No.16418386

The degeneracy in this thread is appalling. Getting too old for this shit.

>> No.16418392

cry me a river faggot

>> No.16418408

And what else are we doing here?

>> No.16418418

I am actually crying irl. You made me.

>> No.16418441

Shut up

>> No.16418457

literally shaking rn

>> No.16418465

I'm glad your upset.

>> No.16418466

Hope she sees this bro

>> No.16418480

My upset what?

>> No.16418491

why are you going to cry somemore?

>> No.16418493


>> No.16418494

You're the one crying, not me.

>> No.16418512

tell that ur mom

>> No.16418514

No, it's my duty to dedicate my life to serving women while never being allowed to penetrate their bodies. Her body should be hers to use as she pleases, while mine is hers to control and do with as she pleases.
The beautiful thing about chastity devices is that they're castration without the castration. The thought of my wife out fucking other men while I'm at home cleaning her underwear by hand and locked in a cock cage is absolute heaven to me. And then when she comes home the first thing she does is beat the hell out of me and lock me in my cage where I sleep before she goes to bed.

>> No.16418523

shut up faggit. i fuked ur mum :P

>> No.16418525

shut up

>> No.16418776

Correct, he conceived a child with his servant who he had a long affair with.

>> No.16419262

>Reread post I'm responding to
I wrote that post
and I still love how you think the author must be a woman

>> No.16419738

I found who'm fucked my wife, Claudius be damned you and your entire family, after i'll finish with her you'll be the next.

>> No.16420254

Sorry to say but you are fucking retarded anon. And also quite close-minded. I never implied that my post is about you, the author. Think about it and then shit out huge argument how I'm wrong and braindead ignorant reactionary incel or something.

>> No.16420256

This accusation doesn't even make sense.
This is the state staying out of your household and leaving you to handle your business.

>> No.16420327

It's manly now to beat shit out of the weaklings, I guess.

>> No.16420337

then what was the women are vicious comment in response to

>> No.16420357

Men are not hanged for stealing horses, but that horses may not be stolen.

>> No.16420482

why is this obvious? why “should” they?
What law do you refer to? or do you refer to the loose guidelines of some relativistic nonsense with no foundation? For if that’s the case, then you SHOULD know that your idea of what people SHOULD feel is a drop in an ocean of gayboy tears

>> No.16420776

The correct answer is that all sexuality is bad.

>> No.16420862

>some limits were placed on a husband's rights over his wife
>rome collapsed

>> No.16420882

Kinda cringe but mostly based

>> No.16421025

I spend a lot of time fantasizing about my ideal woman

she's my bodyguard and servant
if I sit down, she immediately kneels and fixes the creases in my pants, and takes the dirt off my shoes etc
if someone approaches me without my implicit permission she blocks them until I give the go-ahead
she never answers or interacts with anyone without me wanting her to
she stays absolutely still and silent at attention
her body is mine
her life is mine
if I order her to commit suicide she'll do so without pause or question or hesitation
when I want to get my anger out on her she doesn't even tense up
my will is her will
she has no interests other than serving me
when I sleep, she stands at attention to make sure I'm safe
she is disposable
I can use her for something that will send her to prison
just tell her to kill herself after she's done with the mission
she's basically a sex robot that can also cook
and ideally I'd have two around me at all times, and more as backups so that they can take turns recovering

I would love to see the look on feminists' faces when they see such a situation
the feminists will try to talk to my cadre and just hit a stone wall lol
I would have women from all ethnicities, and some post-op trannies as well that run constant testosterone cycles. just having dickless 7ft tall jacked trannies in tights as my bodyguards.

>> No.16421113
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>women's rights are a liberal position

>> No.16421798
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>> No.16421820

I think it's better you stay inside

>> No.16421940

Who created the traditional gender roles?
Who encouraged wildest ambitions of men?
Who estabilished monogamy in the west?
Who is gatekeeper of sex?
Who sits at home when men toil and die under the weeping sky?
I think you can see what I'm trying to say.

>> No.16421975

Polygamy is actually the natural state of women, they'd rather be Chad's 4th concubine than an incel's wife. Monogamy was the first beta uprising, but women's lib has largely reversed society to it's primal state.

>> No.16422957

I don't think we can fairly point to any one party and say "that group, they made gender roles!". They're such old concepts that such and assertion would be very difficult to make.

Also I think you have a warped perspective of the value of sex and should consider re-prioritizing it so as to not give it so much power of your life. Then you wouldn't have to care if someone was "gate keeping" the act, because you wouldn't be so desperate for it.

>> No.16423256

sexual reproduction is degenerate. Asexual reproduction was the pinnacle of nature.

>> No.16423291

How do I find a domme wife for 24/7 sado-maschistic role reversal then? All I want is to be a woman's slave, to be permanently kept in chastity so that I never once penetrate her body, to only experience sexual gratification via pegging, be mercilessly beat like a dog on the regular, and to know that she's regularly receiving sexual gratification from men other than myself.
Honestly, I really wish we had OPs picture in contemporary society but the reverse. Is there any greater act of submission than to willingly allow yourself to be murdered, knowing that the other person is deriving incomparable satisfaction and pleasure from the sense of power that killing another person gives them? That's what I want. The ultimate act of submission: to give my life to a woman so that she might experience pleasure in taking it.

>> No.16424531

>"traditional gender roles" are just rationalizations power hungry psychopaths made up to tyrannize the other sex

>> No.16424549

the irony of posting that on this website is a bit you know

>> No.16424654

Yea ngl islam is pretty fucking based

>> No.16424662

they used to throw christians to the lions as well

>> No.16425392


>> No.16425853

I don't, but that's okay

>> No.16425863

the romans were relentlessly based

>> No.16425887

>implying incel /pol/tards will even get a wife

>> No.16425891

Why are there so many incels and chuds on my board?

Unironcally have sex.

>> No.16426101
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>> No.16426109

damn bro. i'm so upset. i'm literally fucking crying bro

>> No.16426145
