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16409427 No.16409427 [Reply] [Original]

>Read Kacyznski's books
>become totally convinced
>only collapse of industrial civilization can avert disaster
>there must be a revolutionary movement to force collapse
>be me
>addicted to vidya and porno and fast food
>can barely bring myself to make Kaczynski threads on 4chan

I feel totally trapped, like I know what needs to be done but I can't bring myself to take the leap and do it. Any books on how to break free from restraints and take the next steps necessary?

>> No.16409566

A little bitch like you would be dead within a week if society collapsed.

>> No.16409689

Don't worry. Society will collapse on it's own. You and everyone you know will die, the planet will die, the sun will die, the universe will die.
Now go do something actually worthwhile with YOUR life instead of obsessing over phantasms

>> No.16409730
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>> No.16409746

If you truly agree with his position, you will also act accordingly. But you don't fully agree with him. The fact that you're being passive, and asks anonymous posters on a gregorian origami forum, to somehow "help" you take action, confirms this.
1) Identify the arguments and presuppositions of his that are in conflict with your own current worldview, or preffered way of living.
2) Then seek to understand why you hold these views. Are they based on rational thoughts? Could you be wrong?

>> No.16409773

feds have done a great job getting hopeless idiots to promote that stupid book.

>> No.16409785

>>addicted to vidya and porno and fast food
1. stop playing vidya
2. stop watching porn
3. stop eating fast food
This is too broad of a problem to tackle. Think of specifics. What actions or inactions contribute to your thinking of being cowardly. Start there.

Industrial society is bad, yes, and only a large scale event can ever hope to destabilise it, yes, but what are gonna do right now? If you want to revolve your thinking around possible futures and hopeless pasts you'll forever be a slave to your own monkey mind.

>> No.16409821

You want to collapse society to save society, are you fucking stupid? Kaczinski was a hack and a coward, have you noticed that were all jews to disappear tomorrow, all the problems that capitalism created would disappear overnight? How come muh 140 IQ Tedboy didn't notice THAT pattern?

Too smart to fall for capitalism, too cowardly to name the jew. Just kill them. They don't have a soul anyway, you can tell from their behaviour. Then you kill the judaized WASP elite. Then, get rid of the negro. That is a golden mean - overpopulation, culled, problems, solved, "society" (lol implying) sufficiently collapsed, sufficiently saved.
your love of niggers is a spook

>> No.16409841

>After resigning from Berkeley, Kaczynski moved to his parents' home in Lombard, Illinois, then two years later, in 1971, to a remote cabin he had built outside Lincoln, Montana, where he could live a simple life with little money and without electricity or running water,[48] working odd jobs and receiving some financial support from his family.[11]
>financial support from his family

larper faggot.

>> No.16409884

There isn't a more brainlet take than this. Go on, refute his arguments then.

>> No.16409924

society isn't going to collapse, and yes you are going to have to get a job and wake up at 6am, and no, UBI is not coming either. btw, if you don't think feds are the ones promoting "ecofascism", then you're the brainlet.

>> No.16410058

Yes, great refutation. Wow, you are truly an intellectual giant.

>> No.16410065

is this what non-player cogs tell themselves to cope with their enslaved existence?

>> No.16410090

>t. actually a fed

>> No.16410091

no idea, but i do know that some cope by imagining that despite being failures in normal life they'll somehow thrive in a post-collapse survivalist scenario

>> No.16410101

feds: oh no, young right wing men are buying the manifesto of that convicted terrorist we promoted on netflix recently

>> No.16410112

anyone telling you that society is about to collapse is selling you false hope

>> No.16410127

Buy a plane ticket to papua new guinea, cross the border into Indonesia, then find some head hunter friends to shoot arrows at helicopters with

>> No.16410136

Welp, the feds pushed Ted. He's now been refuted and I will now worship the technological system.

Thanks, feds!

>> No.16410143
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i mean.....

>> No.16410147

no one's telling you to do that you numbskull

>> No.16410150

How old are you anon? Depending on the answer you’re probably overreacting (just like Ted). You’re right that Ted has a point and society is fucked no matter what but distancing from things like technology takes time and planning, unless you already have the knowledge you cant just run into the woods unless you want to die that fast. Take it easy and learn useful skills by taking advantage of the massive information at our disposal and eventually go full hermit wizard down the line. Its a gradual process.

>> No.16410151

The limits to growth has been widely vindicated and it is now generally well acknowledged by everyone that isn't a hopelessly delusional orthodox economist that the economy has accelerated far beyond this planets biophysical limit to support it.
The only argument against collapse is a bunch of retarded hacks who are illiterate of the natural sciences saying, "uhh human innovation and climate-smart green growth policies will save us"

>> No.16410154


>> No.16410155

>normal life

>> No.16410177

>anti-tech revolution
old people cope
one day we'll face an age of disasters for humans, and we will go extinct. only with the help of technology we can move forward and survive. we've survived well enough without tech thats true, but this planet will eventually become uninhabitable

>> No.16410204

>implying he wasn't widely read here before netflix
How much do they pay you?

>> No.16410211

Without our help maybe in a few million years.

>> No.16410213

You have a point.

>> No.16410222

That's why Ted's work isn't really complete without Christianity. The collapse of civilisation will be Jesus Christ coming in the clouds to smite this technofaggotry off the earth and restore His kingdom.

>> No.16410310

Increasingly obvious that there are only two vague paths, neither mutually exclusive - further slow march into hellish dystopian economies and lifestyles (it can and will get much worse for most of us) and/or societal/industrial/technological collapse

>> No.16410455

While we are here, Kaczynski uses Power process theory a lot to justify his points and while that makes sense to me I would like to read up on and confirm that reasoning independently. What are the best books/authors on this topic?

>> No.16410512

Why do you care?
What do you honestly think is waiting for you on the other side.
The distractions are for people like you, who'd never do anything worthwhile. Motivated people aren't distracted by the things you listed

>> No.16411354

Not a single poster has given this Anon an answer. So I will. Start by going on short camping trips. Check out /out/ for encouragement and ideas. Slowly become less reliant on the system.

>> No.16412166

thank you for your advice. I suppose I will start tod do that now, taking very gradual steps.

>> No.16412176

Start with Martin Seligman. I think in the new edition of Technological Slavery there is an appendix about his work.

>> No.16412692

Thank you

>> No.16413860

Cringe, fuck off back to /co/ and discuss Rick & Morty with the other manchildren.

>> No.16413878

thinking we'll move away from earth, and start a galactic civilization n shiet is a bigger cope.

>> No.16413888

>all that blatant samefaggotry ITT

>> No.16414798

you're most welcome