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16406087 No.16406087 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the Evola of the left?

>> No.16406099

Idk some transvestite with HIV or something?

>> No.16406136

Judith butler

>> No.16406168

Peter Lamborn Wilson

>> No.16406197

Probably some fat black trans lesbian wiccan, assuming this hypothetical person ever decides to put the fork down and pick up a pen instead once in a while.

>> No.16406204

Unironically Posadas, except nothing makes sense because materialism.

>> No.16406221

>a guy who made up a bunch of stuff with little basis and is frequently referred to as important by people that have never read him

>> No.16406233

I've read both Marx and Evola and I can conclude that they're both fucking based desu

>> No.16406299

Evola was the ultimate hierarchichyfag, so it'd have to be someone that's as un-hierarchical as possible.

>> No.16406309

Stirner? Evola liked him but thought that his "spook" theory eliminates far too much of the inner life to permit anything transcend room for manifestation.

>> No.16406323
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>> No.16406421

The most cited intellectual of all time has little basis

>> No.16406437

Nietzsche duh

>> No.16406441

Why is it always actual morons that refuse to read Marx? Even from a purely academic standpoint, surely it’d be a good idea to actually read and understand your ‘worst enemy’?

>> No.16406453

Isn’t it quite obviously Deleuze? He even has the Nietzsche baked in

>> No.16406456

the most cited intellectual of all time is Michel Foucault

>> No.16406486

Who said Marx is out worst enemy? I love Marx. He's rolling his grave right now looking at the modern left.

Marxism has already been thoroughly subverted and repackaged by capitalism, lol. It's not a threat.

>> No.16406501

The criticism of Marx as making baseless claims sounds pretty polemic lol

>> No.16407819

Brace Belden.

>> No.16407826

doesnt surprise me that a bunch of fudge packing academics cite him for whatever kind of subversive bullshit they shill

>> No.16407833

This, but you have to call him Robert Anton Wilson for the uninitiated.

>> No.16407911

>t. someone who’s read neither

>> No.16407933

Saul of Tarsus

>> No.16407943

Yeah, the irony is that Marx wanted the smartest men in the lead, not the dumbest (which is the state of gommunism from Lenin onward...)

>> No.16408044


>> No.16408062 [SPOILER] 
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Like it or not.

>> No.16408085

>ugly midwit
The answer is Dworkin.

>> No.16408237

Because like Evola you can axiomatically disagree with his points very easily at which point its pointless to read his works unless you want to painstakingly understand your "enemy"'s argument in their totality rather then just move forward that you axiomatically disagree on their fundamental belief that man and history is only materialistic.

>> No.16408653

You can disagree with pretty much everything axiomatically you retard, it doesn’t make their thought valueless.

>> No.16408699

>their thought valueless
Depends on your epistemology.
If something either agrees with my metaphysical worldview (which Marx does not) or has a moderate to high amount of predictive power (which Marx also lacks) I consider its thought valuable. If it lacks these two qualities I think its a waste of time, which is why after reading through Marx's basic metaphysics (him being a materialist) I found it useless. Though the same goes with Evola who I also view as useless for having a differing ontology and his metaphysical systems being rather inept at predicting in any useful way how things will progress.

>> No.16408783
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>> No.16409004

The correct answer.
>Evola who I also view as useless for having a differing ontology and his metaphysical systems being rather inept at predicting in any useful way how things will progress
Except that his predictions are becoming more validated every day. What part do you think is incorrect?

>> No.16409026


>> No.16409090

>What part do you think is incorrect
I didn't say incorrect for a reason I said inept at predicting due to his model (or models) being not very useful at making concrete predictions. His models come off as a rationalization of something that already is here rather then making bold predictions of things in which will come to be. Explanatory power, although useful is insufficient for any model. If it lacks the ability to predict I do not find the model useful. Thus it not incorrect, what Evola points out much too often is a factual thing his model explains, its just not useful to me given my epistemological views, which is why after going through revolt I more or less dropped him.

>> No.16410142

If you're looking for a "concrete predictive model" you're going to have to do a lot of looking. Most of what we see is a rehash of things that have already happened but the details themselves are entirely up to chance.

>> No.16410148

also bump

>> No.16410153

A ambling schizo who no one takes seriously except as a meme? Probably Posadas and his post apocalyptic aliens.

>> No.16410186

The only predictions that Marx made that have any value to them are the ones that were either being said by literally everyone going back as far as the beginning Western civilization ("Merchants are only capable of seeing things through an economic lens so eventually everything will be a commodity") or were so broad that literally everyone at the time was saying them ("the industrial revolution is dehumanizing and turns people into parts and products").

One absolutely glaring flaw with Marx is that he is totally incapable of explaining, or even grasping, automation and mechanization. Marx predicts that there are infinite gains from labor, and that gains from capital will eventually level off. To put it another way, you can keep adding workers to a process and make more money and more goods, but you can only add so many machines before they start costing more than they gain; you can make a laborer infinitely more skilled at his task via training, with the ratio of gains/cost to this always being above 1, but eventually you can only make a machine so efficient and so good at a task before further efficiency makes that ratio go below 1.

Except what we see is actually the complete and total opposite. There is a very real leveling off of the gains from labor, and human can only get so good at a task. You cannot keep adding people to processes to make them scale infinitely. You can, however, make a machine infinitely more efficient at a task (or rather, we haven't reached a leveling off yet), and you can keep adding machines infinitely to make the process scale infinitely. This is because a human has a large cluster of needs, wants, and factors that NEED to be met (the human form cannot be modified; a human needs to breathe air), whereas machines are infinitely malleable.

>> No.16410189

>both of these people were taken so seriously that their names are well-known decades after they've passed

>> No.16411565

unironically chomsky

>> No.16411622

Any gay retard getting their ass plowed for "magick"
literally just type magick on youtube and go to first fuckwits channel

>> No.16412202

Evola was a leftist

>> No.16412208

People tend to forget that Spengler was a socialist so probably him.

>> No.16412212

The term makes little sense as it is. Stop twisting it

>> No.16412220

>right wing
I guess people like Morrissey are left wing then. Monarchy has nothing to do with the political spectrum now a days

>> No.16412222


>> No.16412229

Monarchosocialism is a system that some people desire.

>> No.16412426

>left wing*

>> No.16413229


>> No.16413415

Stalinism isn’t really socialism

>> No.16413594
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Chomsky does not talk about political philosophy from an Aesthetic-Spiritual paradigm like Evola did.

>> No.16413737

Unfathomably based

>> No.16414055

This one makes the most sense to me