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File: 164 KB, 1280x1920, 1b160f82751811cdd915b7a5b7106c12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16405396 No.16405396 [Reply] [Original]

Let your idols die. Dont you ever again project some sort of inhumane intelligence or talent onto anyone. They don't have answers to your questions. They can't lead the way.
Let all of your attachments die and realize there is only you and god.

>> No.16405433


Why is God the exception lol

>> No.16405449

what if my idols and attachments bring me closer to god?

>> No.16405450

Because he is the perfect and all-knowing being you partially project onto humans

>> No.16405452

ok anon if you say so.
also i would probably fuck that boy if he was wearing nice lingerie and heels.

>> No.16405481
File: 116 KB, 1400x1050, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What have we forgotten?

What have we forgotten?

We have forgotten God!

You! You have forgotten God! I want to be very clear with you. You have to be closer to God than to each other. I am closer to God than I am to you. You need to know I will never be close to you, because everyone is alone before God. I have nothing to say to those who have even the slightest doubt about God. All I can do is remind them of my scorn and their wretchedness. I don’t have to prove that God exists. It is up to you to prove that he doesn’t. Are you capable of proving that God does not exist? If you aren’t able to prove it that means God does exist. God exists. And he isn’t interested in us until we become interested in him — in him exclusively. You understand what I’m saying? Exclusively! Twenty-four hours a day your hearts and minds filled only with God, there’s no room for anything else, no room for free will, no room for liberty, no room for emancipation. “Free yourself from God,” I’ve heard people say, "liberate yourself from God.” But the pain of liberation is unbearable, sharp enough to kill. Without God, you’re as good as dead: dead, abandoned strays wandering the streets.

>> No.16405490
File: 338 KB, 1308x901, super coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is that incubi?

>> No.16405574

type be nice to me in youtube

>> No.16406181

>Let your idols die. Dont you ever again project some sort of inhumane intelligence or talent onto anyone.
Old retarded cope.
>Let all of your attachments die and realize there is only you and god.
New retarded cope.

>> No.16406203

>everyone is as disappointing as I am

>> No.16406219
File: 541 KB, 1000x563, youngpope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Lenny. what a fantastic show

>> No.16406322

What show is this?

>> No.16406325

The Young Pope

>> No.16406859
File: 39 KB, 709x472, yo6g71ph58m41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's the ones who settle who regret it. They settle for friends and lovers who don't understand. They settle for love - not out of inspiration and admiration - but desperation and a need for reassurance. This is how most people live and select their partners: it doesn't matter to them who is actually in front of them, true friendship and intimacy can go fuck themselves, right? So they just grab whoever they think is available, someone replaceable - and they know they themselves are replaceable. Most couples don't even like each other as friends, as people. No, they like their partners by what they can "get" out of them, and the person in front of them can go fuck themselves. Here's another funny thing: most people don't know what they want even for themselves, they don't know what they're even about, so they're pushed around and wishy washy - then they get with a broad who drags them down, or some bloke who chokes their spirit with his mediocrity.

No, my time, my energy, my life is too precious to deal with someone who doesn't understand or care about the hill, and I would rather spend my energy getting to that hill. Art is beautiful, stories are beautiful, and they're powerful and eternal and just so human - and this is the hill I want to die on, and the hill is God. So I want someone who understands how powerful and beautiful it is as well. I want to be someone who can inspire and shake people, and I want to love someone who can look at my work - which is the kernel of me anyway - and be inspired and shaken. I want someone my work can destroy - wait no, not destroy, but uplift.

This is what I plan to do: To be ambitious with art, ambitious with life, ambitious with love.

>> No.16408801

But Anonymous... you are my idol!

>> No.16408808

>forget your idol, who’s totally flawed
>then follow my idol, who totally isn’t, because I say so
My god christcucks are such fucktards

>> No.16408860

you filthy faggot,i swear you degenerates need to be put to death.your kind are a plague to the world.

>> No.16408979

gosh anon that's not very tolerant

>> No.16409225

Based This Anon gets it.
Season 2 was so bad. What did you think?

>> No.16410205

Nice try transnietzchean but you will never be a real Pole.

>> No.16410870


>> No.16411395


>> No.16411421

>don't have answers
They do though. Extremely selective memory having dipshit

>> No.16411422
