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16404981 No.16404981 [Reply] [Original]

This was so, so much better than Infinite Jest.

>> No.16404983

True. Bolaño was a god.

>> No.16405744

Did you cry when you closed it?

>> No.16405810

I didn't. Should I have cried?

>> No.16406017

Not really, but i went nuts in the end with his message and started to enter in a sort of trance of emotions

>> No.16406039

Where can I find the EPUB

>> No.16406045


>> No.16406144

I fucking hate alfaguara's edition of bolaños book. Should I just get the spanish us edition?

>> No.16406503

This book made me cry

>> No.16406517

Dropped it after the professor and his daughter, should I continue?

>> No.16406844

Debolsillo también lo editó.

>> No.16406878

yes. its one of the greatest literary experiences ive ever had.

>> No.16407558

Es la misma perra pero revolcada. Las ediciones de Anagrama eran feas pero tenían su encanto. Las de Alfaguara/debolsillo/santillana/penguinrandomhouse son simplemente mediocres.

>> No.16408411

Nah, IJ is better, but it is not really worth comparing.

2666 would have been a complete failure if it had been released in 5 parts as he wanted.

>> No.16408840

last part is by far the best, starts a bit slow too

>> No.16409444

I'm like halfway through the first section and really bored. I don't care about the slut and the wheelchair guy and the two simps. When does it get good?

>> No.16409684

If you dropped it by those points, then I don’t think you would get a lot out of trying again. It’s not a book that suddenly “gets good” if you didn’t already like it in the first place.

>> No.16409699

Maybe The Fault in our Stars is more suitable for you

>> No.16410302

I have the 20th Anniversarry Edition of Infinite Jest; did they censor the word "nigger" with "niger?"

>> No.16410335

I dunno man, those academics are kind of set up to look like ineffectual idiots compared to all the shit that does go down

>> No.16410528


>> No.16410545

That's not a high bar, though.

>> No.16410555

>Americans pronounce it "twenty-six, sixty-six"
kek ruins the magic

>> No.16410617


>> No.16410664

I only read the first two sections and have since taken a break so long I forgot what I thought about them. I need to pick this back up soon

>> No.16410728

This man in my country, he is nothing.

>> No.16410738

El contenido es el mismo, además la de Alfaguara viene con algunos manuscritos al final, no sé qué más querés. La calidad de la encuadernación no es la mejor, pero tampoco es tan terrible.

>> No.16410750

lol. not loving that first part. what a fucking retard can you actually be

>> No.16410770

I enjoyed the Professor part and his autistic geometric drawings of philosophers.

>> No.16410780

I can speak and write Spanish but have never read a Spanish language novel. Is this a bad first read?

>> No.16410797

It's a lot easier than reading Don Quixote in Spanish.

>> No.16410822

don't continue
you've been filtered already

>> No.16410846

>reading a novel from 400+ years ago is easier than reading a modern normalfag novel
No shit, retard.

>> No.16410858

Ok cool, I've been eyeing this book for a while.

>> No.16411878

are there really abridged versions of it? what do they cut out?

>> No.16411919

No. DFW is emphasizing the fact that niggers can’t spell correctly.

>> No.16411942

Native Spanish speakers have a hard time with Don Quijote

>> No.16413071

A must read book

>> No.16413148

wow, hot take

>> No.16413435

DFW is the most overrated writer of the century

>> No.16413547

wow, hot take