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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 466 KB, 975x590, 6klygahe7v841-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16404482 No.16404482 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want this to sound like a disgusting blog post, but I've always been a fan of philosohy since I was a teen and never in my life would I imagine finding a community of people who spend day and night talking about it. I always had a normal normie social life but I could never speak of philosophy to my friends unless it was through some jew self help disgusting book. And not only can I talk about philosophy all I want here, its combined with my love for shitpost which makes it 10x better. I feel like some part of my soul is saciated and fulfilled. Thats all I wanted to say, keep being based you schizo faggots

Also, fuck butterfly

>> No.16404509
File: 70 KB, 718x674, 1591333517378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you OP and I also love this board

Thanks to /lit/ for all the years of talking about real things, thank you for this refuge from the plane of normies. Fuck Butterfly.

>> No.16404528
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The most fun I ever had on 4chan was when /lit/ was collectively writing the Coronameron. Still remember that one schizo that posted the entirety of Moby Dick into the document three fucking times. Fuck Butterfly.

>> No.16404532

I haven't seriously engaged with anyone about anything in a long time.
I'm not sure what you're happy about.

>> No.16404533
File: 116 KB, 824x870, 1600184114938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The majority of this board is schizos and shitposters. I don't know if we're talking about the same board, but I don't see any philosophy discussions.

>> No.16404544
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>Also, fuck butterfly

>> No.16404558
File: 80 KB, 1387x702, iu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also find it fun to meme and shitpost here. lower activity than /fit/ but is usually more fun. an interesting observation: there are those on both /fit/ and /lit/ that are anti-anime. perhaps /fit/ and /lit/ are the most mainstream/normie of the Four Channel boards.

(i want to) fuck buttercunt

>> No.16404561
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Can I put you on speaker?

>> No.16404568
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>> No.16404570 [DELETED] 
File: 312 KB, 1365x1960, 1586269238351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this board as well but it could use less philosemites and n*ggerlovers.

>> No.16404582
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>I love this board as well but it could use less philosemites and n*ggerlovers.

>> No.16404583

you mean "fewer" philosemites

what's wrong with elijah? he burned the prophets of baal and asherah

>> No.16404709


>> No.16404729

/lit/ was good a few years ago, but people like OP have changed the board culture for the worse

>> No.16404736

>a few

Who knows the passage of time tho really

>> No.16404742
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>I love this board as well but it could use less philosemites and n*ggerlovers.

>> No.16404756

99.999..% of the posts here are fucking DOG shit.

Thank you the 0..01%

>> No.16404765

Finally, I'm part of the 1%.

>> No.16404787

I love everything except underages and butterface.

>> No.16404815

I used to regularly shitpost here a decade ago and people said the same thing. The golden age of every board is an allusion. The only thing that's really changed is the moderation, or lack of it. Every thread ends up politicised.

>> No.16404852

Is butterfly a girl or a """"girl""""

>> No.16404862

real woman but pushing 50

>> No.16405152

ha, i think i got the point. it's about antisemites and racists being ugly losers, right? pretty funny

>> No.16405186
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>> No.16405203
File: 51 KB, 1218x561, 1595495021602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely same my man, it's a brotherhood of shitposters. We all have an identity, this does not encompass it, but we can rest into it here.

Anyone got a hot cup of joe?

>> No.16405211

What's that anon? When did this happen? I wanna learn about it.

>> No.16405218

>The golden age of every board is an allusion
>Every thread ends up politicised.
still... that means things have changed for the worse, even if we still have pinecone, dfw threads or threads on kant with substance

>> No.16405222

>haha look at their funny faces guys hahHAHAhHAHAHAHhahah nerds am I right hahahahahaha and some of them are transitioning ohhohohohooho


>> No.16405235

bad trips
people with psychopathic issues should be able to get proper therapy, not sucked into web-virtual communities where each other's afflictions are treated as virtues

>> No.16405260
File: 87 KB, 1125x839, mental illness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their faces are not funny. They're obviously all afflicted with mental illness, just like (you).

>> No.16405277

No one on this board even understands what philosophy is. It is wall to wall pseuds like yourself.

>> No.16405307

Explain to us then what's philosophy.

>> No.16405336
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>> No.16405484

heres my hierarchy

>daddy nabby posters
>goodnight poster
>horror threads
>anons looking for fiction recs
>writing prompts
>hermetic/jewish mysticism posters
>gnostic posters
>creepypasta threads
>finnegans wake discussion
>poem threads
>meme trilogy posters
>hegel posters
>blog posting
>writing threads
>theology discussion
>anti-natalism/consciousness/socio-political discussion
>human condition/society discussion
>political posters
>soijack posters
>message/moral of the book posting

>> No.16405735


>> No.16406213


>> No.16406220

read the (you) I (you)ed at you in the other thread or forever be fag

>> No.16406256
File: 114 KB, 309x497, 1596927796910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is an allusion
To what?

>> No.16406277

think he means illusion
think u mean illusion

>> No.16406281

I agree with you OP. There’s no other place I can photoshop pictures of Roger Scruton onto a crouton and people will find it amusing. As much as I find arguing with people here a massive timesink that distracts me from actually important stuff, I still relish the fact that a haven like this will exist for slightly highbrow autism posting. Not to mention the fact that I would never have the breadth of knowledge I have now if it wasn’t for the countless Wikipedia articles I’ve read purely to refute some random anon.

>> No.16406513
File: 217 KB, 750x544, CFF4A7D0-D864-442F-B235-46C170270320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s declining in quality though

>> No.16406543
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>> No.16406577

This was a couple of weeks ago (maybe months, can't exactly remember), but basically, the OP opened a Google Doc, set it so that anybody can write and delete, and for almost a week straight /lit/ anons just word-vomited. Eventually the doc got so big that it wasn't loading, so they closed it and opened a second one, then a third and final one, before they closed the project and set about to editing it. I think I still have PDFs of the final three versions somewhere on my hard-drive.

Most of what was written was shit, but there were some short stories and poetry that actually had effort put into them and actually were enjoyable to read. I wanted to collect some of the better ones into a "Condensed Coronameron" or a "Coronameron: Best Of" seperate PDF, but several of the anons started crying about how it "goes against the spirit of the project" and "if you want to pick and choose what stories to collect, fuck you" probably because they wanted their low-effort shitposting mixed in permanently with the other, actually good stuff. Finally, the project was completed, and the final version is up on Lulu for print-on-demand (it's about $20 I think). This final version has everything that wasn't deleted by other anons before the documents were locked (the editors said they left everything in, even the shitposts, and just formatted the PDFs so it could be printed as a book).

>> No.16406586

this guy fucks... funkos

>> No.16408488

please gimme a pdf

>> No.16408528

Damn, that’s way more effort than went into the Burgerpunk one post writing. Anons kept deleting everything on that one. Was pretty fuckin lame to have all that work destroyed. We only got like 200 pages out of the probable 3-400 they wrote.

>> No.16408721
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>> No.16408741

Fuck butterfly
Buck futterfly
Butt fuckerfly

>> No.16408752

>The golden age of every board is an allusion
I'm not a nostalgia faggot but the quality of almost all boards has gone down the drains significantly. Identity politics, specifically white supremacists always destroy any community they come in contact with and polarize everyone in a way that's unnatural. I understand why punks were so hostile towards nazi's, they had to deal with the same shit in their own subcultures

>> No.16409208

cuck butterflel

>> No.16409248
File: 53 KB, 600x600, PS_Tyler_Thomas_with_his_favorite_pipe_KS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ became intolerably shit after the T_d/reddit influx in 2016.

>> No.16409274

Hello there, fellow 4channer. I must say that I agree with you; reactionary retards must be banned on sight if we are to create a board with diverse views on matters, like the success of our unfortunately exiled elder brethren over at bunkerchan showed us quite clearly. Sometimes you just have to take out the trash, y'know?

>> No.16409283
File: 159 KB, 550x691, 25E695D9-EE02-4568-B8D0-EBD0FA2BE60C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post hog
Why do they want to see pigs?

>> No.16409305

>message/moral of the book posting on bottom
daddy nabby taught you well

>> No.16409788
File: 37 KB, 585x600, thegaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here OP
almost no-one I know IRL reads at all - the mere mention of reading a book, any book makes their eyes go blank and dead
I know the myth is that most of /lit/ doesnt read, but even pretending to read is to acknowledge the value of books, and thats a giant step up from the normies of the world

>> No.16409814

80% of the posts here are retarded and written by people who don't read but at the same time it's nice to enjoy things

>> No.16409843

Leave this board

>> No.16409851

Don't leave this board

>> No.16409853

Maybe leave this board

>> No.16409896

Glad it's been of benefit to you , OP, but I'd personally rather philosophy had its own board and this was devoted entirely to literature. 99% of the retarded nonsense I see posted here is philosophy related. I can appreciate a decent discussion on the topic, but most of it brings the board down. Very little philosophy has literary merit in and of itself

>> No.16411243

this one looks more intelligent, but still I am surprised. until I came to 4chan I had better opinion about people in general. I am almost shocked to see the level of zoomers and millennials, looks like someone just for fun bred a whole generation of people who have less intelligence than AI, absolutely detached from logic. mental hospital no less.

>> No.16411276

Dilate tranny, you'll never be a woman.

>> No.16411284

I'm not new to 4chan but I'm relatively new to /lit/ and I feel the same way. Just wish there were more people posting here, though at the same time I kind of like that it's a bit slower, which is appropriate for a literature board.
Also, since this is already a meta thread, I've been wondering, is there an archive site for /lit/, like desuarchives or 4plebs?

>> No.16411309


>> No.16411341

cheers m8

>> No.16411349

Lmfao, what are on you on about you retarded faggot? Are you that cunt who posts Guenon threads 5 times a day?

>> No.16412057

Yea. But where do we go if this board is ruined or changed or lost for some reason? Is there a plan b?

>> No.16412073

/lit/ stopped being good when reddit and zoomers invaded, so probably around 2016.

>> No.16412291

>Just wish there were more people posting here

>> No.16412675

>horror threads that high
>poem threads that low
What a tasteless hylic.

>> No.16413013

horror is great. oc poems are always either ye old wanabes or brap parody pieces. i still like a lot of them

>> No.16414304

oh god this is giving me creeps.
why is everyone talking this artificial and wholesome in a fake way?
is this some sort of movie ending?
am i dying in a bit?
my favourite memory is quentin's ass.

>> No.16414332

Attempts at sincerity by autistic ironyposters results in robotic outpouring.

>> No.16414357

in one minute my head is going to explode and credits will be rolling.
im waiting for my friends and family to storm into the room singing some theme song.
please help unironically.

>> No.16414973

Only wholsome thing here is your mother taking fat nigger cock in all her holes, like a whore she is. Kys redditcuck. Better? I got some kind of cold, can't sleep and I'm feeling like going insane too.

>> No.16414984

the topical boards are the true 4chan. its insane that this place exists and i wish there were more places like it.

>> No.16414997

I feel exactly the same as you do in this post. Nice post.

>> No.16415815
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Hard agree.

>> No.16416542

I find it pretty annoying I come back here, like it has anything to offer other than it's recommendations. I'd say I read a good post 1/300 times, and in those moments, perhaps I could have found a better source of information. I have no idea. Waking up each day after graduating college has been very strange. I know why I keep doing it, but I'll have to say, this interim time has just been really strange -- a twilight existence. It makes me wonder why I really went down the rabbit hole only to find things get even more boring if you think about it.

>> No.16416585

>horror is great.
>the most banal and plebeian genre in existence
No really think about this, horrorfags want to argue people like Lovecraft are "literary giants". Your entire genre is a joke, the most value you can gleam from it is your girlfriend clinging to your arm in the cinema.s

>> No.16416737

I wrote almost a page nearly 300 pages in about how much of a manlet Kant is.
Feels good man.

>> No.16416750

this place is my home. i don't really go anywhere or do much anymore. i just come here. as soon as i wake up i come here and bicker with people about various things often for hours at a time, taking breaks to eat, piss, shit, coom. then i go to bed, wake up and repeat. living the dream

>> No.16416824

Most these good posts are long posts. So just enter a thread that interests you, skip all the short posts. If you see a long post read the first and the last sentence and decide then if you want to read it all.
You will miss a few good aphorisms but that's fine.

>It makes me wonder why I really went down the rabbit hole only to find things get even more boring if you think about it.
you seek intellectual stimulation and you can't get that in real life on a daily dose. Your life is boring and pointless, no adventures and there is nothing to explore around you with a radius of a few miles?

>> No.16416910

>Waaaah I just wanna take take take
If you're here to extract things rather than interacting with them, you should just fuck off, really. Feel free to jump off your high horse, or just ride it out of town, back to your """""""twilight existence"""""""
Also, fucking
>>>>>>>>>>""""""""""twilight existence""""""""""
Take your blogposts back to r*ddit. I'm sure you'll find a lot of weary-eyed recent college graduates looking back wistfully on their long lives and wondering where it all went wrong.

>> No.16416960

Half of this board is retards and reddit faggots, half of it is decent and good people, which means the board is far superior to any other board. Second has to be /his/ but it doesn't come close.

>> No.16417205

Upboated good si... I meant based my nigga.