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/lit/ - Literature

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16402228 No.16402228 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me a book from here to convince me I should bother with the Greeks meme

>> No.16402240

It's the source of Western philosophy and literature, that's all the convincing you need

>> No.16402242

You're supposed to read it in order.

>> No.16402265

This chart is shitty.

>homer before hesiod
>menander before Aristophanes
>attic comedy
>a history of my snoozefest
>meme publisher for the tragedies
>actually reading Euclid
>no cynic philosophy

>> No.16402402

This post is shitty.

>>homer before hesiod
May as well not start with the worst Greek writer
>>menander before Aristophanes
I don't think it's meant to be chronological, it's probably like that to make room for tragedy to take a whole row. You shouldn't read Aristophanes before the tragedians
>>attic comedy
>>a history of my snoozefest
Herodotus and Thucydides are both very important to read
>>meme publisher for the tragedies
It's Lattimore and Greene...
>>actually reading Euclid
One should read Archimedes too
>>no cynic philosophy
What fragments do we have from it?

>> No.16402479

>May as well not start with the worst Greek writer
Theogony can be read in an hour and gives you a quick grounding in the genealogy of the gods.

>I don't think it's meant to be chronological, it's probably like that to make room for tragedy to take a whole row. You shouldn't read Aristophanes before the tragedians
You're right about tragedy before comedy; I thought it was otherwise mostly in chronological order, but have just noticed Euripides before Sophocles so now I'm all over the place.

>Herodotus and Thucydides are both very important to read
Of course. But I was referring to Xenophon's history, which isn't necessary and is, candidly, even harder to read than his second-rate dialogues.

>It's Lattimore and Greene...
Eh okay. The editions look like dogshit though

>One should read Archimedes too
Why? For what purpose, anon? This is /lit/ not /sci/

>What fragments do we have from it?
Nothing firsthand, but secondhand accounts and popular apophthegms; lots of Diogenes Laertiuse etc.. Oxford World Classics has a decent compilation. It's not crucial but I think it's a nice bridge between socrates and the stoics.

>> No.16402530

this whole thread is why no-one likes classicists

>> No.16402629

>Theogony can be read in an hour and gives you a quick grounding in the genealogy of the gods.
Most of it is irrelevant to Homer's myth because he mostly talks about Olympians, not primordial and first-generation gods. You can just Google names anyway, but yeah I personally do think it's better to read Theogony before Homer. The chart looks better with Iliad first though cause it's the granddaddy of Greek literature.
>was referring to Xenophon's history, which isn't necessary
I guess the author was trying to be comprehensive. It'd be weird to exclude it
>Why? For what purpose, anon? This is /lit/ not /sci/
I'm assuming people are interested in the history of ideas, and Archimedes is a monumental figure in that regard:
>Galileo praised Archimedes many times, and referred to him as a "superhuman."[78] Leibniz said "He who understands Archimedes and Apollonius will admire less the achievements of the foremost men of later times.
>Diogenes Laertius
Yeah I assume he would've been included if he wasn't born in the 3rd century CE

>> No.16402938


>> No.16403147

me to dum-dum to understand. Me read "white fragility" instead.

>> No.16403453

don't people read homer in high school

>> No.16403522

Unfortunately, that isn't always the case anymore
T. "Read" the Odyssey (by that I mean we only read a few passages from it and watched an animated film which depicted Odysseus' adventures) in freshman year of high school

I read the Iliad and the Odyssey by choice during my senior year.

>> No.16403603

No but we watched that Brad Pitt movie Troy 2 or 3 times does that count

>> No.16403643
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I thought this was the list.
What’s the best?

>> No.16403656
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>> No.16403874

OP's much better desu

>> No.16403911

save as .png dummies, I'm tired of great infographics ruined by scrambled decay

>> No.16403921

redpill me on scramble decay, should phone fags an hero?

>> No.16403923

That's not how computers work faggoot, there's no compression when you upload on 4channel

>> No.16403932

It's not a technical term, the point is that .jpg saves space by compressing the image and .png does not compress at all. Save the same detailed picture as .jpg a dozen times and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.16403935

there's compression when you save and you can tell when an infographic had a chain of saves by a bunch of clueless anons dumbass

>> No.16404119

skip homer, skips the plays and poetry, read plato and aristotle (optional: herodotus and the presocratics) then move onto the romans

>> No.16404168

Homer is older than Hesiod

>> No.16404207

Could anyone who's read the lyric poetry share their opinions on it

>> No.16404300

>there's compression when you save
No there isn't retard lmao it's just a binary file written to disk

>> No.16404309

How do you know that?
I did and iI loved it. Sappho and Antilochos were genuinely talented poets, and the others were either interesting or funny, but that may also be because I like reading anything from Ancient Greece.

>> No.16404453

is hippocrates worth reading?

>> No.16404502

Pindar is based. If you skip him you're ngmi.

>> No.16404515
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This one contains an Iliad commentary made by a 20th century Jewish communist woman, so it goes straight into the trash
This one starts with a subpar secondary source on myths instead of starting with Homer or Hesiod so it goes into the trash as well
This one is correct to focus on primary sources and reading complete works not just 2 dialogues and 3 plays

>> No.16404525

>Jewish communist woman

>> No.16404856

>not Hobbes' translation of Thucydides

>> No.16404874
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>> No.16406127
