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16400207 No.16400207 [Reply] [Original]

>visiting Dad and estranged family
>get tired out cause my yougner brother and sister play with me all the time
>want time to myself a lot cause I'm a solitary person
>just now sister begs me to keep playing with her cause she just wants to spend time with me
i feel so fucking bad lads, please recommend something to read that will cheer me up

>> No.16400234

Socratic dialogue with your sister, à la Phaedrus

>> No.16400236

>please recommend something to read that will cheer me up
personally i get cheered up when i realize im not alone so i think literally any kafka would do the trick. his diary isn't a bad read and about 40% of the way through he starts complaining about how everybody, his sisters, his mom, his dad, everyone else, is boring and that he just wants to be alone and quit his job but instead he has to listen to people laughing in the kitchen when he just wants to concentrate, etc.

>> No.16400881

how old are you all?

>> No.16401891

>Go to acting class for 2 months
>new guy joins, they all go to the pub without even telling me. I said to them, "hey isnt the car park this way?" And they said "yea" then I left and they kept walking
>new girls join
>they talk about the group chat right in front of me. I didnt even know they fucking had a group chat.

Im used to being alone but fucking hell they could have just asked me. They are a group and I am a single individual. Fuck them. This has happened before when a girl and her friends would talk about her upcoming party right in front of me while i was sitting at her lunch table.

I might have not gone but just fucking ask. Holy shit. My acting class is small too: only 8 people. I wouldn't be so pissed if it wasnt for the fact that i actually thought i was getting somewhere. Who the fuck needs friends? At least a book doesnt fail you, and at least porn is always accessible and makes me feel good.

>> No.16401913

it's okay to cry

>> No.16401929

I feel this. I love my family and sometimes, you know, it really is fun to play with the kids and stuff. But I can only take so much and I always feel sad when I turn them down, and when I don't turn them down I just play with them in some perfunctory way and I feel kind of guilty about it during and after.

>> No.16401931

Why don't you offer to read her a story?

>> No.16401954

Tbh you just need to realize most people are complete NPCs that are just “reading the mood”. By and large they aren’t expressing a will of their own and you will be surprised at how pliable they are if you assert yourself with some violence; they will generally spend so much time reconfiguring themselves to fit the social situation (as you are doing currently) that they will very rarely “fight back”. That means if you want to hang out with these people you just have to do it; by the same token you can leave at any time.

>> No.16402388

You could have turned both of these situations in your favor with one sentence each. I'm gonna guess most of your issues stem from that you don't talk much.

1. where are you guys going?
2. can I come too?

Maybe the party you would get denied, but nobody cares who comes to the pub with them. They definitely are assuming that you don't like them. I used to get that a lot when I was quiet and depressed.

>you're so quiet anon. Do you hate us?

>> No.16402424

>>you're so quiet anon. Do you hate us?
This is a stock joke phrase used to poke fun at outcasts in highschool. Nobody asks this in earnest, anon. You were being teased.

>> No.16402433

>sister begs me to keep playing with her
unff yea keep going

>> No.16402453

i am going to write a short story on this. describe more of the situation and how you felt. the instant they mentioned it, did you get a lightheaded warmth across your forehead and the back of your neck

>> No.16402653

I dont even want friends or care about them. I just thought i was making progress but it turns out I wasn't: my personality is just trash and people aren't inherently good. It isn't the fact that I didnt get to go or I wasn't apart of the group chat whilst the new girls were; it was the fact that I wasn't even made aware. How can they be so dense or so intimidated as to just not ask me? Growing up, it was considered rude to invite yourself to social events, and equally as rude as to talk about it infront of someone who isnt invited. But that is my mistake for thinking people follow basic decencies. Thing is, sure I can ask for their number and face the possible rejection and stroke their ego in the process, but the fact that even a simpleton would know how talking about a social event involving all but one person, right in front of the said person, and then expecting the loner to ask for permission to attend said function, is down right rude and is deserving of retaliation.

>> No.16402870
File: 41 KB, 1500x1000, E962BD6F-8D38-4C24-8717-F8463BB7762C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that social skills are learned and practiced just like any other skill
You’re probably not autistic you’ve just been put in a hole and stubbornly refuse to leave

>> No.16403120

I need to leave 4chan

>> No.16403130

I set that picture as my new desktop background. Fingers crossed fellas

>> No.16403140

Autism: the post

>> No.16403142

I do all that and make no friends

>> No.16403182

How old is sis? Post pics

>> No.16403198

Probably cause you're an autist who squeals on 4channel

>> No.16403379

People often forget that using this site marks you. Everyone in public can smell it on you, subconsciously. They don't know exactly what it is, but it is pungent. The type of people who use 4chan are the type of people that don't get invited to the pub, at least by broad strokes.

>> No.16403409

You should cherish this, that means you're not an NPC

>> No.16403419

>I don't even want friends or care about them
>I just thought I was making progress
Progress at what, being a bitter aspie? If you don't care, why are you crying like a little bitch about it online? Jesus, you are not a solitary being. Just admit you want to be accepted. Surely it must seem easier to just pretend that you don't give a shit, but your hypocrisy is showing.
That said, based on your posts, I can agree that your personality does seem to be trash. Perhaps dropping the mask would help with that.

>> No.16403659
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I'll pray for COVID-19 to strike them dead and condemn them to hell where they'll remain for all eternity.

>> No.16404210

Just fucking play with your sister, how hard can it be? Don't you see she wants to spend some time with you?

>> No.16404256

Fuck you. All it takes is a simple asking in their part. Fuck them.

>> No.16404262

I told the exact same thing to my therapist, she told me "that's what you feel" implying people weren't really noticing it. She has no idea. That uneasiness can be felt in pictures, let alone in actual interactions. You are marked for life. Not by 4Chan, but by what brought you there. Everyone can smell it. They cannot put their finger on it, but they know something is off.
That will follow you.

>> No.16404319

and then what? why would they ask you if they didn't want you to go? it's not worth the risk. i would try a different acting class, but also make sure that you try to pin down why they don't like you and "improve". it really sucks and i empathize, i sat alone throughout all of high school. 4chan is my main source of social interaction

>> No.16404421

I thought they liked me. Why even try? At least I have a reason to wallow