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16399917 No.16399917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Return to real conservatism.

>> No.16399920

>In Search of Antisemitism
What a fag.

>> No.16399934
File: 426 KB, 1160x629, lede-pat-buchanan-24298jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16399935

Doesn't matter.

>> No.16399936

Conservatism conserves nothing

>> No.16399950

Republicans are intrinsically part of modernity. All the people in your pic OP are willing actors in it.

>> No.16399953

return to having sex.

>> No.16399955

how about return to posting about literature on the literature board you fuckin stooge

>> No.16399959

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of sex.

>> No.16399960

Buckley and Irving Kristol? Lmao, their version was rejected by both the left and right in this country.

>> No.16399964

Buckley was modernity writ large, too.

>> No.16399965

sex doesn't exist noncel

>> No.16399968
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Correct. The republican party is filled with libertarian/neoconservative liberals. We must return to real right wing ideas. We must return to the old right.

>> No.16399979

He also thinks Tulsi Gabbard is a conservative. She's so far left, idiots think she's far right.

>> No.16400002

>implying this ugly little spic is the harbinger of trve conservatism

>> No.16400021

He's a zoomer version of Pat Buchanan, who would of made a better President in '92 than Bush or Clinton.

>> No.16400023

Cage at this fucking basement dwelling NEET, spic, Manlet, who’s sister is a lesbian in an interracial relationship.

>> No.16400031

I disagree with a return to old anything. I can understanding taking old concepts and utilizing them in your new system, but I would never just regress to an older system because they have all failed to stand the test of time.

If the far right is to truly take the mantles and rule, we've got to come up with an entirely new system never seen before. I know that doesn't sound as cool, and it's not very reassuring considering we aren't close to this at all at the moment, but that's the reality.

I applaud people like Yarvin and Bronze Age Pervert for at least giving it the old college try at something new and interesting.

>> No.16400050

You sound 100x more unhinged than Nicky.

>> No.16400324

A bunch of former Trotskyists and retards who later regretted their decision to let the trash into the movement are "real conservatives"

>> No.16400336
File: 73 KB, 900x900, 7BFBCBEC-BD9C-445D-9A7A-A0820CC4C331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well hold on there now, chum...

And that’s all there is to it.

>> No.16400718

That queer was the one who killed conservatism by going out of his way to exclude any icky ideas or thinkers that were too far to the right from the "conservative movement". He started the trend of "conservatives" seeking approval within the left's value system rather than meaningfully opposing it. Now instead of opposing the American left's worldview, the mainstream American right upholds it and simply claims to be its true adherent vis a vis the left. See: anyone who has ever uttered the phrase "Democrats are the real racists."

>> No.16400734

Watching the spectacle of boomer neocons, zoomer suburbanite "trads," and libs is so bizarre to me. I literally don't understand people that aren't communists in this timeline.

>> No.16400877

Schizophrenics and the neoclassical liberals. Yes, well, it is a dead ideology after all

>> No.16400880

Libertarianism is dead. Free markets beget stuff like Cuties and WAP, degenerate sex, and the decay of the nuclear family. We need economic nationalism combined with communitarian localism. Religion would help too.

>> No.16400896
File: 1.88 MB, 360x240, BAEBD312-7221-4DF6-A0E4-831DCC10A33E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Just no.
Please ask this anon why no >>16400734

>> No.16400901

I don't see any portraits of De Maistre or von Kuehnelt-Leddihn on there.

>> No.16400905

>We need economic nationalism
we had that for the past 200 years, look where we are. the problem is the state, media, and universities.

>> No.16400907

>Free markets beget the decay of the nuclear family
How so?

>> No.16400910

Shut up moth. I will find where you live and pluck your wings out.

>> No.16400911

Communism doesn’t work. Marx is a false idol. When will people realize this? We need something new.