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16399638 No.16399638 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with this fellow?

>> No.16399680
File: 88 KB, 600x600, joseph-de-maistre-1753-1821-granger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waste your time with this joker, read De Maistre instead.

>> No.16399689

Here you go anon:

>> No.16399927

Dude seafaring monarchies lmao

>> No.16400008

Don't, i wasted my time with this fuck and regret every single second i lost. Just devoid of any content and coherence.

>> No.16400024

Start with his blog posts! I have never read such pristine prose in me life! The thing is he writes refreshingly hot takes that have never been said before for the 21st ce!

>> No.16400033

The civilizations with the happiest populations have all been seafaring monarchies really makes thou think

>> No.16400036

I was told to read Hobbes

>> No.16400045

he is really astonishingly effective at deconverting progressives though. It's weird because his ideas are either not original to him or ridiculous, and he writes in an absurdly longwinded and generally ridiculous fashion, but he somehow manages to reel in doubting progressives and slip them crimethink in a manner they'll accept.

>> No.16400070

Progressives are retarded and not really a movement.

>> No.16400073

He's the only guy who successfully calmed me down from being a raging /pol/tard sperg who regularly got mad at outrageous headlines architected by /pol/ threads and depressed about no victory in sight.

The clearpill shit really helped me reign in my edgelord tantrums and relax, because he successfully explained how systems are self-defeating as long as they are viscerally flawed (such as democracy as we experience it) and don't require some mythical race war to remove.

I will always be loyal to him for that. Fuck /pol/ to death.

>> No.16400079

almost everybody is de facto a progressive in the sense that Moldbug means it, it's practically the state religion, we all learn it as kids. I don't mean to overstate his influence but getting anyone at all to switch from whatever milquetoast lolbertarian perspective they probably had to the kind of material he deals with is an accomplishment.

>> No.16400084

but De Maistre told me to read Nicolas Malebranche? ??

>> No.16400115

He propelled me further into /pol/ depths tbqh. I've since become extremely skeptical about political and historical theories though. the empirical basis for stating any of them is just miserable

>> No.16400190

Will my left wing sister think I’m alt right if I give her a copy of the open letter to read?

>> No.16400203

She'll suck your dick when she learns how based you are.

>> No.16400664
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He is based and redpilled, turned me from a normie liberalala(basedcialist) to a full blown anarcho-capitalist

>> No.16400679
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>> No.16400686

>being so easily swayed by someone else
you're still a libtard going through a phase

>> No.16400711

Idk how people think Moldbug is a waste of time, he's a treasure. His blog is worth far more than any political book you could read just because of how he deconstructs everything and teaches you to look at things from the outside rather than within as a progressive, conservative or whatever.

>> No.16400727

He has a definite political, sociological, and historical perspective though. Politically he mixes libertarian capitalist ideology with monarchy in a rather strange fashion, sociologically he has a kind of evopsych Dawkins memeplex view of things, and historically he constructed a sort of reverse image of Whiggery wherein 'progress' is inverted to 'leftism' which apparently began around the Reformation. These are all specific claims about how things work.

>> No.16400730
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Physically remove yourselves commie negroes

>> No.16400737

You will never be Jewish.

>> No.16400755

His blog consists of contradictory ramblings and is indicative of a person stuck in adolescence. How anyone considers him a 'treasure' is beyond me.

>> No.16400756
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You will never be aryan

>> No.16400766
File: 1.03 MB, 1674x752, 1569359534230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already am Moshe

>> No.16400770

my dick is circumcised tho

>> No.16400771

Based and checked

>> No.16400776

He recommends himself that you add your own salt. He loses me with the patchwork stuff for example.

What contradiction?

>> No.16400779
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>> No.16400803
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Neetsocs get physically removed too

>> No.16400823

Patchwork is so on the nose that I almost believed it was irony when I first read it. I mean this is a guy whose literal entire point is that the emergent order that exists in the libertarian dream is only possible with strong central authority maintaining order, saying that a decentralized patchwork of states with no unified sovereign will create a healthy system of free market choice and flourishing.

But my point was more general, his clearpill isn't a clearpill, he is sneaking in beliefs about things work when he gives his 'impartial' analysis about politics and history and society. Maybe he's just not trained in philosophical thinking or maybe he's being dishonest, but there is no clearpill, the closest anyone ever came was Pyrrho who just abandoned the idea of asserting anything with honesty. Every assessment is an assertion, there are always beliefs embedded, and in these subjects the beliefs are anything but uncontroversial.

>> No.16400859

He advocates anarcho-statism, pro-degenerate political incorrectness, and he basically wants corporate overlords to align with his ideas when in reality if his ideas come into practice it will spell doom for his movement. A lot of his solutions are filled with impassioned gut-feeling arguments that he writes seemingly on a whim, with no logical consistency.

>> No.16400872

I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I find his analysis of the structure of sovereignty and the nature of power in the contemporary United States quite compelling. Everything except Gray Mirror can be safely ignored, though.

>> No.16400882


Cathedral: decentralized knowledge, by prestige
The Cathedral is information: truth, philosophy, ethics, narrative, art and intelligence.

Its inner circle, the Brain and the Voice, includes all professors, journalists, serious artists, published authors, etc. Its outer ring, the Conversation, is the whole upper social class. Its funding division, the Foundation, is the whole upper economic class. Its teaching division, the School, gets to indoctrinate almost everyone for over a decade. And its doctrine, the Dream, defines good and evil for all decent people.

The importance of the Cathedral is defined by its monopoly on legitimacy. A school which is not the School is not educating. A voice which is not the Voice is not informing. A brain which is not the Brain is not thinking. There is nothing legitimate about miseducation, disinformation or unreason.

Prestigious information passes from Brain to Voice, and Voice to Conversation. This process is subtle enough, and its product is of high enough quality, for the Conversation to believe it is actually making up its own mind—from filtered inputs. The Conversation—all of legitimate public opinion—always admires the System. It thinks of this as a completely voluntary and spontaneous critical assessment.

And the Conversation, which is the discourse of the upper social class, is always the discourse of fashion. For the nobility (rich or broke), fashionable ideas are de rigueur. Against the middle social class (rich, doing okay or broke), they are political attacks. Épater la bourgeoisie is the official sport of every nobility. It is the role of the weak to accept these attacks, internalize them, and use them to loyally flagellate themselves.

The arrows of fashion rain down constantly from every direction. The kulaks cannot resist them for long and will surrender to the nobility’s latest definition of cool; not soon enough to be cool themselves; soon enough for this victory over themselves to be expected and taken for granted, and some new demand for further coolness launched.

And hell will freeze helium before the kulaks convince the nobles of anything at all. Even the truth will have a rough time if the kulaks somehow get hold of it first.

This may seem like a brutal process—but frankly, isn’t the nobility usually right? Aren’t nobles just cooler, better people? They certainly have higher IQs. The best of them are in the Cathedral. The rest at least hold Cathedral ranks. Surrender, chuds.

>> No.16400889

The anatomy of prestige
The Cathedral has five divisions: the Brain, which produces truth; the Voice, which produces true stories; the School, which produces real education; the Conversation, which produces informed opinion; and the Foundation, which gives truth power.

The Cathedral operates on the principle of prestige. Prestige is informal reputation. Informal reputation is the best and most powerful kind of reputation, because no formal process can affect it.

Neither the Cathedral nor any of its divisions is in any administrative sense one organization. Each division is a constellation of independent offices. Every officer in any office of the Cathedral also has a personal prestige. The office’s prestige rubs off on the officer, and vice versa.

The Brain, as senior division, reserves the right to formally license offices and award ranks. Prestige in Brain and School is not a strict function of this formal data, but informal prestige is just an adjustment. In the rest of the Cathedral, all institutional and personal prestige is generally informal—though no less real.

The Voice has no formal ranks for institutions or officers; its prestige model works just fine. People pretend to argue about whether any random room full of desks is a genuine office of the Voice. Everyone actually knows.

It is still possible, in theory and perhaps even in practice, to found a new office of the Brain or Voice. Had its founding officers had already been assigned legitimate ranks by other legitimate offices, the new office might inherit their legitimacy. A similar expansion procedure is employed by the similarly decentralized Hell’s Angels. Power enables informality; since it is usually not a good idea to argue over the legitimacy of someone’s Angel patch, it is still easy to tell real Angels from fake Angels.

The prestige pyramids of the Cathedral are tiered—like Mayan pyramids. All tiers below the top are more or less imperfect copies of the top. Relegation or promotion is almost unheard of. Even ranking changes within a tier are rare. Anything is possible, though, so everyone still works hard—especially at the top.

The equation that holds the Cathedral up is the stable marriage of prestige, talent, and legitimacy. The most prestigious tier is the most legitimate; so it is the most powerful; so it attracts the most talented and energetic personnel; so its work is the most impressive; so the world trusts it the most; so it is the most prestigious.

Although there is no objective accountability in this cycle, it passes easily for “merit.” Every definition of legitimacy is circular, contingent and/or autocratic. Power can never be justified from first principles. Some institution is always unaccountable.

>> No.16400935

I find a whole lot of Moldbug compelling, I honestly love the guy's work, he introduced me to all sorts of great people like Nock and Froude and Pobedonostsev which I would almost certainly never have read otherwise, and he knows way more than me about a multitude of subjects, but he still needs to be criticized. Even if my criticisms are wrong I still think the basic instinct to criticize can only be healthy, he'd agree himself i'm sure.

His Cathedral idea is a genius reconciliation of Gramscian analysis and new far right ideas, i'm not entirely convinced by it, but it's definitely a factor in our world. He has countless other blog posts where he dredges up obscure old historians and thinkers that offer what are for us novel perspectives, i definitely think he is smart and well read person.

>> No.16400952
File: 24 KB, 350x270, frazetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love him. he turned my focus from raging /pol/tard faggotry to seeking wellness and self improvement for myself and those around me.

i find his germanophilia slightly creepy tho.

this is a good start.

i liked this analysis as well.

>> No.16401466

Nice perm.

>> No.16401872

>moldbug turned me from being a raging /pol/tard
>He turned me from being a raging /pol/tard plus the allure of self improvement
Lol blatant feds copy pasting from a primer. I guess moldbug is your chosen way of deradicalising? Moldbug is in a way much more extremely dissident than a natsoc, I’m not sure this is the right strategy for you.

>> No.16402207

I agree with you, especially about him not being trained philosophically. But I can look past all of that because I think his analysis is mostly correct.

>> No.16402414

Who said anything about deradicalization, you halfwit? I simply commended him for reigning in my anger and centering my focus to where it should be.

>> No.16402448

epubs of his blog here: https://github.com/KeithAnyan/ , prob start with open letter to open-minded progressives and/or gentle introduction to unqualified reservations
his blog is so rambling i couldnt bear to read it at my computer, but when i was able to put it on my kobo i suddenly found it quite enjoyable

>> No.16403019


Yarvin wrote another chapter of his upcoming book, or a rough draft of it (I think). Worth a read. A bit long, though.

>> No.16403321

Land dark enlightenment

>> No.16403838
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>> No.16404026

but Moldbug is a neocameralist/monarchist

>> No.16404492

>reigning in

>> No.16404513

Listen to the part where he starts crying about his grandma possibly dying from COVID lol

>> No.16404635

If you read ancaps its over for you