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16397410 No.16397410[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Not to do it

>> No.16397416

Things are going to get better and there's people out there who love you and would be sad if you were gone

>> No.16397420

What's wrong?

>> No.16397426

think about all the hamburgers you wouldn't be able to eat anymore

>> No.16397434

if you do it kill the demiurge please thanks

>> No.16397445
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Just look at him and imagine he is happy

>> No.16397448

Never kill yourself, because something retarded still might happen that you won't want to miss

>> No.16397464

No fresh carrot-cake with cream-cheese frosting in the void, op. No blueberry muffins with a lemon-sugar glaze. No new books either. No thunderstorms. No music.

>> No.16397468

No fat people to laugh at on 4chan

>> No.16397470

Odds on OP being a self-hating leftist?

>> No.16397477

I bet on OP being a Godless *anything*

>> No.16397476

I miss them, man. They don't have carrot cake here. Haven't found a decent blueberry muffin either. It's either Starbucks or nothing. Don't mock my pain, anon.

>> No.16397479

>The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world. His act is worse (symbolically considered) than any rape or dynamite outrage. For it destroys all buildings: it insults all women. The thief is satisfied with diamonds; but the suicide is not: that is his crime. He cannot be bribed, even by the blazing stones of the Celestial City. The thief compliments the things he steals, if not the owner of them. But the suicide insults everything on earth by not stealing it. He defiles every flower by refusing to live for its sake. There is not a tiny creature in the cosmos at whom his death is not a sneer. When a man hangs himself on a tree, the leaves might fall off in anger and the birds fly away in fury: for each has received a personal affront. Of course there may be pathetic emotional excuses for the act. There often are for rape, and there almost always are for dynamite. But if it comes to clear ideas and the intelligent meaning of things, then there is much more rational and philosophic truth in the burial at the cross-roads and the stake driven through the body, than in Mr. Archer’s suicidal automatic machines. There is a meaning in burying the suicide apart. The man’s crime is different from other crimes—for it makes even crimes impossible.

>> No.16397488
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Reincarnation is a possibility, and if you don't do your best to try to find solutions to your problems you may have to come back to a similar situation, with similar problems to work through. Over and over again, until you find a solution (which doesn't necessarily mean that your problems have to be solved by self effort, you may need to find the right people to help you).

So you might as well put your heart, time, energy, and money into finding solutions.

Opening Up by Writing It Down, Third Edition: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional Pain by James W. Pennebaker
Self-Compassion By Kristen Neff

>> No.16397499

You're right anon, I can't pretend those don't sound delicious

>> No.16397504

You are such a fuck up that if you try suicide you will fail and you only manage to make yourself look even more pathetic.

>> No.16397557

Work your ass off and strive to be someone others can look up to. I wanted to off myself a few years ago but instead started to actually put in some effort instead of wallowing in my own self-pity. And it makes me happy to think about how far I've come. You can do it too anon.

>> No.16397558

Imagine rejecting the greatest gift of them all: the gift of life. It truly takes a soulless, self-hating bug man to do it.

>> No.16397571

Unironically based. Seeing other life-loving people inspires me to strive on

>> No.16397574

Stop peddling lies. Reincarnation is nonsense. This life is all you have. There is no reset button. You should do what you can to improve your situation.

>> No.16397591

That's good. I suggest reading the biographies and memoirs of people who have gone through extremely hard times and persevered. It can truly put your own misery into perspective and inspire you to live on.

>> No.16397592

Seeing other life-loving people makes me angry and resentful and makes me want to kill myself even more

>> No.16397601
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>Reincarnation is nonsense

It's a POSSIBILITY like I said.

Children Who Remember Previous Lives By Ian Stevenson

> You should do what you can to improve your situation

That was exactly what I wrote, and the entire point of my post. Please re-read my post.

>> No.16397605

Because you hate what is true and good. You have thought-demons living in you that were implanted by other malicious people.
If you actually cared about the truth and sought it you would love life like nothing else.

>> No.16397607
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Because you're not a paraplegic and you have relatively a good amount of freedom to still run your own life


>> No.16397613

They love life becuase they have things I cannot have, the select few get to be happy, the rest don't. Nothing to do with 'thought demons' you schizo.

>> No.16397621

Nah don't.

>> No.16397634

>They love life becuase they have things I cannot have
This is completely false. There are millions of people whose living conditions are worse than yours, who have almost nothing that you have. Yet they love life.
Happiness does not come from wealth, from health nor from social status. It comes from within.
>Nothing to do with 'thought demons' you schizo
But it's exactly what it is. Thought demons are just malicious memes that got into your head and are ruining your life despite having no truth to them. You may call them spooks, whatever. The thing you said about select lucky few getting to be happy is a perfect example of a thought demon. It's completely false and yet you let shape your worldview and the view of yourself. Pathetic.

>> No.16397645

If life is truly unbearable then go for it. Read Epictetus first tho.

>> No.16397654
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>If life is truly unbearable then go for it.

>> No.16397663

This started off good and then took a dive quite quickly with some really cliche atheist tropes. Like saying from the outset that there are no moral facts, then banging on about what is moral and what isn't as if it's self evident.

>> No.16397671

death is impossible

>> No.16397684

The dude has no arms nor legs and loves life like no one else.

>> No.16397690

More lies. Death is very possible and a choice that everyone can make.

>> No.16397714

People in 4chan cares. Imagine the ones who know you

>> No.16397783
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OP, as someone who is in the midst of a suicidal ideation bout, and have thought deeply about these things for a long time, I'm not sure I can give you the exact answer you're looking for, but I'll try. Apologies for the long post.
Firstly, you can't expect people who are not suicidal to truly understand you or give reasons that will make sense to you. I've seen multiple posts here already along the lines of "there are people worse than you", and the thing is, humans are not very well built for statistical thinking. We are prone to cognitive biases whenever statistics are involved. These people are falling for the survivalship bias, mixed with cherry picking. They are choosing to focus on the 1 person with a hellish life that is still somehow making it through (through infinitely many support systems available to them, that might not be available to you), and not on the fact that a much larger number of miserable people in similar situations have either died or killed themselves or live in absolute misery. They must focus on the cases that worked, evne if they are few and far apart. It must be evolutionary.
Which brings us to survival instinct. Survival instinct is something really strong, which has been reported by many people with suicidal ideation and even in suicidal attempts. Your body will simply start doing whatever it takes to keep you alive. This is why many suicidal attempts end up failing, because your body sabotages you at the last second. Furthermore we live in a society where this decision is very taboo, firstly due to religious reasons, but then it seeped into society at large. People don't believe you have a right to do this humanely unless you're old and terminally ill in some specific countries. They believe suicide is worse than genocide (there's a post like this up there). They believe you could nuke and entire country and torture infinite people for the rest of time and suicide would still be a worse crime, no matter how bad your life is. You think this kind of lack of empathy can ever produce good reasons to stay alive? It's more than painfully obvious that these people, in large droves, will be the ones begging for release if they ever got to a point where their pain surpasses their coping mechanisms as well. Don't think I'm just saying this out of my ass, it's well documented. Plus even religious texts (the bible, the suttas) have instances of suicides, and of people begging god to kill them, and etc.
Now, why am I still alive, for instance, despite living with chronic health issues that completely kill my quality of life? Lack of access to reliable methods is huge. It's a great reason not to try, because there's a sizable chance of leaving yourself worse. It's a horrible reason, I agree, but it is a reason. Also religious indoctrination and whatnot, and the fear of an afterlife that would somehow punish this act and make me suffer even further. Post is too long, idk if I should continue.

>> No.16397795

Assuming you're talking about suicidarino, here's my go-to:
One day you will be dead. Full stop.
No sense hastening the process, just because you're scared.
There is more life yet to be lived

>> No.16397811
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>asian wife

of course

>> No.16397817


>> No.16397820

I love you

>> No.16397839

based and dashapilled

>> No.16397845

What about being with horrible chronic pain or terrible diseases.

>> No.16397853

What about them?

>> No.16397856

I love you more UwU

>> No.16397862
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