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/lit/ - Literature

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16392190 No.16392190 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16392207

Star wars prequels were better than the originals. Fuck you if you disagree.

>> No.16392234

I've watched SW and never will, you utter brainrot nigger. We are discussing /LITERATURE/ here, get off my board

>> No.16392246

Unfortunate typo

>> No.16392298
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>start writing something
>it turns into a philosophical dialogue

>> No.16392504
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I don't take much issue with lore or worldbuilding in and of themselves but I almost NEVER read any /sffg/ series past the initial entry because I fucking hate sequel bait and have been let down too many times
That being said, I know its extremely hard to have "lore" with only a sole piece of work, unless the author himself writes an encyclopedia or has correspondence with fans a la Tolkien

>> No.16392521
File: 35 KB, 543x550, A7304959-5011-4F97-ADEB-384056E3E9D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these genre-fiction kids movies we’re better than their genre-fiction kids movies predecessors
Not literature
The Star Wars movies and their consequences have been a disaster for western culture

>> No.16392523

Wypepo doin' wypepo things

>> No.16393392

I'm obviously discussing the novels you knuckle draggers. I honestly didn't even know they made the books into movies till your comments made me look into it.

>> No.16393630

If you hate things like invented lore and worldbuilding and plot, wtf do you like you literal litlet? Faggot anecdotes from your boring worthless life? You are the lowest form of philistine. I flick the ash from the fire of my lit spirit in your general direction. But you can't even compose a post that is more than 5 words. I bet that was the sum total of your literary output for the day. Surely a titan of literature, you are. I shall compose a new insulting term for you and your kind. You sir, are nothing more than a Philifag. A philistine faggot. May you kys and rid us of your sage-worthy shitposting. And no faggot, I don't mean the learned old man kind of sage. I mean the kind of sage that goes in all fields. If you even know what I'm talking about you absolute newnigger.

>> No.16394188
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Spent the entire day looking up solutions, defenses and refutations of those, regarding the problem of evil.
Every single argument that anyone has ever come up with to defend that god exists and is good involves a psychopathic, inhuman level of lack of empathy.

Why are people more willing to accept positions such as "sick people are not really suffering (Malthus)", "evil doesn't exist (Leibniz and others)" and etc, rather than accepting god does not exist? Or maybe their particular monotheistic god does not exist?

>> No.16394194
