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16391245 No.16391245 [Reply] [Original]

>write terrible book franchise
>become one of the most successful writers of all time regardless
>Huge loyal audience of liberal manchildren
>Throw all of their support to tweet out some absurd misinformation about men pretending to be female to rape women in the bathroom or cheat at sports or something like that
>legacy absolutely obliterated
What was he thinking?

>> No.16391287

>he thinking
Lucky typo.

I don't get it. She was perfectly happy with liberal ideologies until it came to trans people. They have to be less than 2 percent of the general population. Why bother throwing all your goodwill away on this? It seems like a stupid hill to die on.

>> No.16391329

Ah yes, everybody hates her for that. Sure. Everybody loves the,idea behind transgender. She should have known better!

>> No.16391362

>Everybody loves the,idea behind transgender
You think conservatives were reading harry potter?

>> No.16391380

shut the rfuck up you don't know her struggles you're a male not a female you can't tell a woman what to do if she wants to hate trans people she can because women can do anything. men in cages men in cages jk rowling queen i'm so sorry don't read what this ugly man said men are useless dicks

>> No.16391395

Hating transwomen? Doesn't that strike you as quite misogynistic?

>> No.16391408
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>or cheat at sports or something like that
that's true tho

>> No.16391427

Only a tiny fraction of people care about what Rowling thinks of trannies. Harry Potter will stay popular enough to generate more than enough cash for her entire life.

>> No.16391430

no, she's done. the globo-homo will take care of that.

>> No.16391440

women are always righg no matter what women should be trusted always for what they think transgender people aren't women they're still men actual women matter more because transgender people have no reproductive organs that function they're not useful for society and they can't reproduce and their surgeries make them cripples no one wants transgender people in our society and people are just lying to themselves that transgender lives matter they don't no one wants to be with a transgendre person because they're useless and ugly womens opinions should be put higher

>> No.16391442

1. sports are just dumb game, it doesn't really matter if someone cheats at them
2. the sports leagues are at fault here, not random transpeople off the street

>> No.16391455

Are you retarded?

>> No.16391478

I unironically think she is creative and a good storyteller but a shit writer. Her universe is cool and extremely comfy.

>> No.16391481
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>> No.16391595

I love Harry Potter, those books will always remain an integral part of my childhood. Who JKR is I couldnt fucking care less about, she could have all the shitty opinions and money in the world and it wouldnt change the fact that her books inspired a sense of wonder in my prepubescent mind. Its whatever man, just be at peace with it.

>> No.16391599

this thread is for fags

>> No.16391675

Want me to tell you how I know you're a young clueless zoomer?
Harry Potter came out in the 90's. The cultural landscape was absolutely 100% nothing to do with what it is now. 9/11 hadn't even happened yet when the first book was out, and it was a literary phenomenon that I don't think has been reproduced again, and probably won't.
There wasn't a book that got kids and teens as hard as Harry Potter did in the 90's/early 2000's.
So what you're looking at is more like

>write one of the most successful book franchises of all time
>become of the most successful writers of all time
>People of literally any continent and political background until about 2010 or so was into Harry Potter, in general.
>Book series is over and now she and others have to find a way to keep making money. Movies, Parks, Sites, Spin offs, but she starts losing relevance.
>2016 polarizes the world in a way no one has ever seen before.
>People who read her in the 90's are probably 20~40 year olds now, of all walks of life and ideologies.
>She has literally nothing to lose because she's rich and whatnot, and finds an easy way to stay relevant.
>Some niche particular sector of the English speaking world, very outspoken about political issues, says bad things about her on twitter.
>Literally no one else gives a fuck or knows about any of this happening.
>Some anglo-centric clueless zoomer with no concept of the bigger picture of life makes this thread.

You really think someone in some random Colombia/Bulgaria/whatever country, who read harry potter in the 90's, even knows what the word TERF is?

>> No.16391683

maybe shes an absurdist
#yolo am i right?

>> No.16391762

this seems to be a common thing amongst liberal feminists, at least in the UK
its because of course most so called feminists are just women who want to politicise their discomfort in order to get the state (the contemporary 'big other') to validate them
transwomen, which they percieve as men because they are at their core narcissistic bigots, make them feel uncomfortable, especially in 'womens spaces'

without a shadow of a doubt

general gaddafi was right

he admits it

>> No.16391993

Terfs and neonazis don't read Harry Potter. Or any books for that matter.
JK Rowling is 200 IQ for picking them as her allies.

>> No.16392218

This. Nobody in my country except for "humanities" department students who like to randomly use English words in casual conversation and pretend in political debates like this is Burgerstan knows about any of this.

>> No.16392319

She said nothing wrong.

The people who got mad with her are a loud minority.

>> No.16392325
File: 60 KB, 635x386, tank you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure a 25 year old mother of two living in her car wrote that bullshit
goddamn, they let her write one under her own name after doing a good job with potter horse piss

>> No.16392352

Feminism is all about getting legal privileges, resources and power for roasties. Accepting trannies as women invalidates their female privilege because any man can get the same if he changes his pronoun to she

>> No.16392370

>Throw all of their support to tweet out some absurd misinformation about men pretending to be female to rape women in the bathroom or cheat at sports or something like that
Which is based on something that's happened to her allegedly, it's a little hard to fault.

>> No.16392744

>tries hard to pander to the woke crowd
>get the thrown under the bus instantly after questioning their dogma

>> No.16392753

That's kinda poetic, ngl.

>> No.16392776

Is Harry potter about overcoming structural prejudices though? Harry's basically an aristocrat. The weaseley's are down on their luck financially, the father had to take a government job, but they are still a good family, bloodline wise. Then there's hermione, who's basically genetic filth, and while her magic capabilities are respected, her efforts to change society just get laughed at.

>> No.16393966

You're very narrow.

>> No.16393983

it's also highly patriarchal, in so far as anyone cares about that. Literally all the important authority figures are men, apart from that one teacher, who's still subservient to the headmaster, and Harry is of course a guy.

>> No.16394013

> neonazis

Why pander to such and obscure and small group?

>> No.16394020
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I do agree with her stance that transwomen are unable to understand the same struggles of CIS women (and to a lesser extent that the inclusion of transwomen, who had directly benefited from patriarchal mores, within the feminist movement in a way contradicts the movement, or at least co-opts the movement), but I think most of her opinions come from a place of latent misandry more than anything.

But I don't know. I've never had much interest in feminism or transgender stuff.

>> No.16394086

>They have to be less than 2 percent of the general population. Why bother throwing all your goodwill

The reason why I don't bother talking about pedos

>> No.16394119

>absurd misinformation
bad judgement.
She is covered in reason. The issue is that liberals (in the internet) do not realize there are rotten apple among them. They lack the capacity to self criticize and think that one's criticism aimed towards a sect of the group must mean one is against everyone in the group.

>> No.16394126

Both sides of the spectrum drink the kool aid of propaganda

>> No.16394130

She was thinking, "wow, i sure do dislike trannies" like 99 percent of the earth

>> No.16394167

This reminds me of when ppl like contrapoints said that men need to create their own movement after eons of shilling for feminists and talking about how feminism is totally benefitial for men and we are welcome here. Look if you want a movement that is only focused around women you better start pretending that you care for other ppl and asking guys for helps.

>> No.16394180

>What was he thinking?
to be true to thy self?
>Throw all of their support to tweet out some absurd misinformation about men pretending to be female to rape women in the bathroom or cheat at sports or something like that
I mean yeah I get keeping your mouth shut and donating on down low but she never said or did anything wrong in that direction. her stance on immigration is what is wrong, because she expects us to pay for it. she writes a book with a killer that dresses as a woman and suddenly mental retards want to burn her and the publishing house, all they do is prove her right.do they care that it was based on a true story or that JK herself was a victim of men, no all they do is scream about their on feelings. Im not even feminist but i think women have the full right not to want their achievements and struggles co opted by biological males

>> No.16394184

>It seems like a stupid hill to die on.
Feminism is all about when women get told to be quiet, that’s when they should be speaking up

>> No.16394191

t. Conservative who read Harry Potter growing up
Do lefties genuinely believe we spend our whole lives watching Fox News and spamming pol?

>> No.16394203

Feminism bows subserviently to multiculturalism. That's how you can tell that feminism is a fallacy.

>> No.16394208

Her writing is mediocre, but acceptable for children’s books
Her world building is great. There’s like 20 things in pop culture everyone’s heard of that come from HP. You might (correctly) point out quidditch or dementors are stupid, but you’ve heard of them

>> No.16394209

She's on a journey just like everyone else.

>> No.16394213

I hope history remembers me as someone who told trannys to shut the fuck in his day.

>> No.16394221

Harry Potter isn’t actually about Harry (the titles misleading). It’s about Hermione

>> No.16394222

>liberal ideologies
she does not have any ideologies. she judges everything based on her personal experience.
>Why bother throwing all your goodwill away on this?
because hormones should be kept away from kids and we dont need to rewrite the language for the 2%. when the technology is actually there, more people will be open to it but not now.

>> No.16394231

>absurd misinformation about men pretending to be female to rape women in the bathroom or cheat at sports
But that's all truth anon.

>> No.16394237

except they all bought he book.
it as if its an old timy boarding school story with magic overlayed on it.
still she was never short on gold.
>The weaseley's are down on their luck financially
this only makes sense in a catalyst based magic system. they could have shown them being poor in a magical way but they are Irish poor and he is not even a scholarship kid

>> No.16394241

when to you label everyone a nazi, neo or otherwise you end up with a lot of people. I myself have used the ok hand gesture and frequently drink milk because its tastes good

>> No.16394247

speaking of which. words on the street is that a lot of her other retcon scandals are out of context bullshit. like the one about wizards shitting themselves, it was more about how they did not throw chamber pots out of the window

>> No.16394257

those people are correct . egalitarianism existed long before feminism and everyone should have their groups that have clear ideology. if your group is like a circus tent then you dont really fight for anything nor do you believe anything, especially when the same group has mutually exclusive outlooks

>> No.16394262


>> No.16394272
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>> No.16394281

I would appreciate then that these ppl showed some consistency then and stop pretending that their movement welcomes everything when what it really wants is only your cooperation but isn't willing to reciprocate that help.

>> No.16394285

>2. the sports leagues are at fault here, not random transpeople off the street
so they would not get stoned by pc police if they tried to do something about it?
>1. sports are just dumb game, it doesn't really matter if someone cheats at them
"its just a movie, its just a game, its just the announcements, its just,its just " either you have no passion for anything, no empathy and thus you can only understand feelings that relate to stuff you care about or you are dishonest.

>> No.16394354
File: 95 KB, 960x500, 51B779F8-C235-4793-A8E6-20CF229CA526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upcoming game looks comfy as fuck. Trannies and twitter simps won’t buy it, that’s a plus for me

>> No.16394367

>perfectly happy with liberal ideologies
This is such a faggoty way of thinking. There's more than two camps that every possible opinion in the world can fit in. She's an old bitch, she was a feminist at a time when trans shit wasn't a big part of feminist discourse (when it was, it was usually "trans women are just men trying to invade our spaces"). Progressive ideology has moved on from her in a way that doesn't entirely make sense to her. She has some critical shit to say (for the record I think her points are real dumb) and the histrionic trannys pretend like Rowling is trying to murder them. Nah, you guys are just our culture's current weirdos, and she still thinks shit is fucked for women and we shouldn't be moving on from them yet as a civil rights frontier.

>You think conservatives were reading harry potter?
Perfect example of a two-sides faggot. Yes, conservative people still consume media, let alone one of the most popular pieces of media on the planet. They're not mythical creatures, they're also just people who live and work and fuck and watch movies, they just feel differently about some things than you.

>> No.16394387

>I do agree with her stance that transwomen are unable to understand the same struggles of CIS women
Yeah, I have a hard time disagreeing with Rowling, on this at least. By being super gung-go with the "trans women are women" rhetoric, all you're doing is watering what the category of "woman" even means, in a way that only dilutes the issues that both groups face. Even if cis women and trans were treated the exact same by society at large, there are still very basic physical differences between them that ensure that they're not really the same "thing," and they will have different experiences.

>> No.16394401

women themselves have different struggles depending on their culture, ethnicity and income

>> No.16394458

kinda my point, it's already a complicated enough category that you need to narrow it down to something like "inner city black american women" to have any kind of meaningful conversations. If you group up trans women and cis women, it makes it harder to advocate for the needs of each group, since they have different problems and need different things.

>> No.16394522

She HATES men. This is why she was on board with almost all of the liberal ideology shit.

But because she FUCKING HATES MEN she can never accept trannies as women. (She's correct about this but for the wrong reason)

>> No.16394804

>loud minority
like the people who go out of their way to piss all over this one group of people right

>> No.16394987

You know that the rest of the world doesnt care about 9/11, right? Its just an americuck thing

>> No.16395020

How is feminism a "fallacy"? Think before you use words.

>> No.16395027

It had no effect on global culture - New World Order's first big outing - massive decline for respect for US foreign policy and corporatism? Evidence of mass torture - None of that stuff. Brainlet

>> No.16395039

They don't care about it but they are affected by it. Surveillance, increasing animosity, etc etc.

>> No.16395064

Exactly, the current dominant tech giants boomed thanks to law changes/government funding after 9/11 - Not tech giants but rather surveillance giants

>> No.16395091

If that makes for a world where liberals stop relating everything to Harry Potter, GOOD.

>> No.16395164

Trannies seething

>> No.16395427

I realize why a lot of you highwits reading this don't participate. On top of being faggots, you're scared of being wrong. Because you all know you're kike frauds.
But I wasn't anti tranny until this. She must really have bad experience with them. I'm not anti tranny but I think real women should be heard out more.

>> No.16396871

>paying attention to tranny xer/doodoo twitter
>harry potter game at overwhelming 200k likes on youtube, the site where the majority of the normal internet population reside