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File: 336 KB, 1284x1600, Antonio-Gramsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16389079 No.16389079 [Reply] [Original]

"I hate the indifferent. I believe that living means taking sides. Those who really live cannot help being a citizen and a partisan. Indifference and apathy are parasitism, perversion, not life. That is why I hate the indifferent.

The indifference is the deadweight of history. The indifference operates with great power on history. The indifference operates passively, but it operates. It is fate, that which cannot be counted on. It twists programs and ruins the best-conceived plans. It is the raw material that ruins intelligence. That what happens, the evil that weighs upon all, happens because the human mass abdicates to their will; allows laws to be promulgated that only the revolt could nullify, and leaves men that only a mutiny will be able to overthrow to achieve the power. The mass ignores because it is careless and then it seems like it is the product of fate that runs over everything and everyone: the one who consents as well as the one who dissents; the one who knew as well as the one who didn’t know; the active as well as the indifferent. Some whimper piously, others curse obscenely, but nobody, or very few ask themselves: If I had tried to impose my will, would this have happened?

I also hate the indifferent because of that: because their whimpering of eternally innocent ones annoys me. I make each one liable: how they have tackled with the task that life has given and gives them every day, what have they done, and especially, what they have not done. And I feel I have the right to be inexorable and not squander my compassion, of not sharing my tears with them.

I am a partisan, I am alive, I feel the pulse of the activity of the future city that those on my side are building is alive in their conscience. And in it, the social chain does not rest on a few; nothing of what happens in it is a matter of luck, nor the product of fate, but the intelligent work of the citizens. Nobody in it is looking from the window of the sacrifice and the drain of a few. Alive, I am a partisan. That is why I hate the ones that don’t take sides, I hate the indifferent."

>> No.16389109

>tfw metaphysical beliefs circumvent all of that and truly allow for the intellectual quantum super-position to emerge uncollapsed

>> No.16389164
File: 45 KB, 490x663, emil-cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Once man loses his faculty of indifference he becomes a potential murderer; once he transforms his idea into a god the consequences are incalculable. We kill only in the name of a god or of his counterfeits: the excesses provoked by the goddess Reason, by the concept of nation, class, or race are akin to those of the Inquisition or of the Reformation. The ages of fervor abound in bloody exploits: a Saint Teresa could only be the contemporary of the auto-da-fé, a Luther of the repression of the Peasants’ Revolt. In every mystic outburst, the moans of victims parallel the moans of ecstasy… . Scaffolds, dungeons, jails flourish only in the shadow of a faith—of that need to believe which has infested the mind forever. The devil pales beside the man who owns a truth, his truth. We are unfair to a Nero, a Tiberius: it was not they who invented the concept heretic: they were only degenerate dreamers who happened to be entertained by massacres. The real criminals are men who establish an orthodoxy on the religious or political level, men who distinguish between the faithful and the schismatic."

"What is the Fall but the pursuit of a truth and the assurance you have found it, the passion for a dogma, domicile within a dogma? The result is fanaticism—fundamental defect which gives man the craving for effectiveness, for prophecy, for terror—a lyrical leprosy by which he contaminates souls, subdues them, crushes or exalts them… . Only the skeptics (or idlers or aesthetes) escape, because they propose nothing, because they—humanity’s true benefactors—undermine fanaticism’s purposes, analyze its frenzy. I feel safer with a Pyrrho than with a Saint Paul, for a jesting wisdom is gentler than an unbridled sanctity. In the fervent mind you always find the camouflaged beast of prey; no protection is adequate against the claws of a prophet…"

"A human being possessed by a belief and not eager to pass it on to others is a phenomenon alien to the earth, where our mania for salvation makes life unbreathable. Look around you: everywhere, specters preaching; each institution translates a mission; city halls have their absolute, even as the temples—officialdom, with its rules—a metaphysics designed for monkeys… Everyone trying to remedy everyone’s life: even beggars, even the incurable aspire to it: the sidewalks and hospitals of the world overflow with reformers. The longing to become a source of events affects each man like a mental disorder or a desired malediction. Society—an inferno of saviors! What Diogenes was looking for with his lantern was an indifferent man. …"

>> No.16389237


Yeah that'd sure make it easier to identify true believers and dissidents come the revolution wouldn't it you totalitarian fuck?

Fuck off.

>> No.16389248

Say that to the people of Yemen

>> No.16389253

Stupid faggot(s), one should be called faggot police to take them away.

>> No.16389259


>> No.16389267

Most partisans may as well be indifferent, since its usually lip service and not much else from them.

>> No.16389288

one of the biggest copes i've ever read

>> No.16389317

t. privileged, ignorant, and sheltered

>> No.16389328

>hates his enemies
>hates the indifferent
>hates anyone who isn't a marxist
Bravo Gramsci, genius! Truly profound!

>> No.16389341

If you aren't a Marxist you are literally the bad guy desu

>> No.16389427

Is that how marxists brainwash themselves to commit the worst atrocities?

>> No.16389445


>> No.16389468

Communism was/is a net good. Anti-communism is a religion.

>> No.16389550

>quoting Cioran
Sorry bud, this isn't Reddit.

>> No.16389556

>implying partisanship is anything other than the illusion of choice
>implying any revolution has ever been organic or worth it
>implying your singular input will ever matter in the face of mass social engineering
>implying the world has ever not simply followed the whims of the strongest
>implying you can become one of the elites without also becoming like them
>implying the elites have ever not allowed you to think you are making a difference
>implying abolishing monarchy has not been the single biggest mistake in human history
what a stupid Pajeet looking faggot

>> No.16389562

Imagine believing this unironically

>> No.16389582



>> No.16389627


And what can you do about the people of Yemen right now?


This. The indifferent man is the rarest one these days.

>> No.16389692

indifference is bred out of a sheltered, cozy, and ignorant life.

>> No.16389716
File: 114 KB, 400x381, 1525236849051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going on here

>> No.16389759

I'm indifferent to political activity but the beauty and pleasures of life do not leave me indifferent

Instead of being a pawn in some skilled partisan's game, I'd rather just sample through life unhindered

>> No.16390255
File: 95 KB, 1280x768, mihail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just... want us to be friends...

>> No.16390700


imagine not

>> No.16390720

Based commie

>> No.16390776

perhaps the indifferent are mature and intelligent enough to grab the popcorn and watch you chimps argue over the little things? its like modern day circus maximus.
remember kids the average IQ in most western countries is only 100.

>> No.16391854

>Once man loses his faculty of indifference he becomes a potential murderer
This isn't a refutation, what a fucking midwit.

>> No.16391873

>perhaps the indifferent are mature and intelligent enough to grab the popcorn and watch you chimps argue over the little things?
No they're just weak and feminine.

>> No.16391897

You don't have to agree with his views as a person to see some sort of truth in OP's quote.

>> No.16391917

Apoliticals are Reddit tier, literally mindless consoomers.

>> No.16391933

>He thinks he's "indifferent" and that his "indifference" isn't done purely out of ego and narcissism.

>> No.16391938

But we have some very fine people on both sides. Milkshakes are equal to murder etc.

>> No.16391947

People who believe everything is about politics are bugmen

>> No.16391975
File: 50 KB, 600x800, 0ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16391988

Politics are evil, but you are wrong if you think you can make a value judgement and not have a political tie-in to it. Indifference does not exist.

>> No.16392002

lmao fucking loser

>> No.16392027

>Stop not caring for fervent ideologies! We need to make people into blind mass of maneuver for partisan plutocrats and their political puppets and for that we need to take away people's individual values, interests and philosophies and replace that by a collectivist homogenized set of values and philosophies better fit to serve us!

>> No.16392034

You’re a bugman. I’m sorry you had to find out like this.

>> No.16392042

Incapable to understand politics as the never ending series of extremely complicated logistical civilizational issues that it is, the psychological five years old who only knows Marxism by name but not by theory because reading is for adults, dumbs the entire political discourse to the level of a saturday morning cartoon of one dimensional goodies and one dimensional baddies, where they prescribe themselves the archetype of the goodie two-shoes who will kill the evil dragon with the sword of friendship, all the while defending the most deadly, draconian and authoritarian form of government that has ever existed.

>> No.16392057

People die when they are killed

>> No.16392068

Fucking nazi.

>> No.16392112

>he unironically thinks he's beyond politics

>> No.16392119

I used to love Marxism. Even voted for Sanders for communist president in the democratic primaries. I knew democracy was the only true path to a communist utopia. Like Marx said:

>Killing people and destroying property solves nothing. Democracy is the only road to socialism.

Used to read Marx daily. I must have scrolled through brainyquote.com reading ALL his quotes. Oh, I don't know what "human labor in the abstract" means WHO THE FUCK CARES. I don't know what "commodity production" means? Fuck off, you purists. Revolution isn't made by armchair theorists like you, sitting around all smug in your mom's basement nickpicking every little detail anyone gets wrong. It's made by DEMOCRACY when the PEOPLE come together and realize they can create something BETTER. A society created in our own image, THAT's what Marx was really fighting for. Assholes.

I started going down the wrong path. I started getting real deep into Marx, far down the rabbit hole. I found some works written by Marx, the really dark stuff. I started getting into his Theory of White Genocide. Quoted:

The White Man is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor he sucks.

I realized that the white man must be destroyed if we were to create a communist utopia. At that point I realized it was too great a cost to humanity, and realized my own path down insanity.

Started reading Mises, Hayek, Rothbard. The good guys. Learned about the sanctity of property. Learned about how to DEBUNK the labor theory of value with the mudpie argument. But most important of all, I learned baout INDIVIDUALISM and how Capitalism is really the best system for that.

I was like "Holy shit. When you get a job, you actually AGREED to sell your labor to him. Wild". Marx's arguments just fell apart.

But the nail in the coffin, for Marx? He forgot about human nature.

>> No.16392231

Massive cope. Normal men just live life and through living life become sculpted mentally and physically to be a good man. Your self improvement is a dead end that will bring you nowhere and you'll regress back to the same shell of a man you are as soon you take a moment of "rest" aka going back to being the degenerate you've always been

>> No.16392242

>be a commie
>want to "save the masses"
>wtf the masses don't care
>two options
>either the masses are passive and naturally subservient to hierarchy or the masses are insufficiently fanatical about their own interests and therefore lazy and evil
>hmmmm which one could it possibly be
>seethe all your life then get utterly crushed
Many such cases!
>"Oh you're criticising me, huh? Yeah well, too bad, now I'm going to pretend to be retarded. How do you like that, eh, chud? You crying yet?"

>> No.16392277

>this ass-blasted that Marx's economic ideas and musings have been disproved, debunked and thoroughly exposed to be ridiculous

>> No.16392303

Cope. Austrian garbage is in the dustbins of history yet Marx still lives on.

>> No.16392305

If you edited this quote, put in some anarcho-primitivist sensibilities, and pasted Ted's face as the OP instead /lit/ would eat it up.

>> No.16392329

shit b8 m8, Austrian economics are proved correct mathematically, scientifically and empirically. You're living in a right-wing populist world. You tried to revive your late 1800's faggy Marxism only to get the entire world to turn on you. Now all right wing politicians get elected through promises of lower taxes and market regulations, and the more the people turn against mega corps, the more they turn to free market economy free from the state's grip and aid to oligopolies.

>> No.16392340

>Normal men just live life and through living life become sculpted mentally and physically to be a good man.
Ask me how I know you don't talk to many men.

>> No.16392394
File: 50 KB, 639x640, Lucoa thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Communism was/is a net good.
Provide evidence.

>> No.16392421

so you're basically saying ISIS is based as fuck

>> No.16392422

It was the leading cause of dead communists.

>> No.16392461

Thanks for proving my point