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File: 111 KB, 570x712, schopenhauer_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16388558 No.16388558 [Reply] [Original]

he was an incel.

>Later, at forty-three, Schopenhauer thought once again of getting married. He turned his attentions to Flora Weiss, a beautiful, spirited girl who had just turned seventeen. During a boating party, in an attempt to charm her, he smiled and offered her a bunch of white grapes. Flora later confided in her diary, “I didn’t want them. I felt revolted because old Schopenhauer had touched them, and so I let them slide, quite gently, into the water behind me.” Schopenhauer left Berlin in a hurry, concluding “Life has no genuine intrinsic worth, but is kept in motion merely by want and illusion.”

And the coping began:
>1833, having failed in love, academia, and publishing, Schopenhauer moved to a modest apartment in Frankfurt am Main. His closest relationships began to be with a succession of poodles, whom he felt had a gentleness and humility humans lacked. (“The sight of any animal immediately gives me pleasure and gladdens my heart.”) He lavished affection on these poodles, addressing them as “Sir.”

It’s so bland really. He hates the world and everything it stands for simply because he haven’t fucked a girl, kek. And pseuds on here take him serious.

Yes, life is a net negative and has nothing to offer to you. Non being is better BUT only if you ugly as shit and can't enjoy prime jb. Thats what the coper aspie didn't tell you in his aphorismen which i read in german weil ich deutscher bin ihr hundesöhne.

>> No.16388570

Faggot, but thanks for the quotes.

>> No.16388573
File: 400 KB, 1080x1133, 1335898907262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16388576

He has a very typical incel eye area - ugly brow, thin eyebrows, beta eyes that are fairly close set.

I suffer the same affliction. It's game over

>> No.16388581

>incels look up to an incel
no shit op

>> No.16388591

>t. COPEnhauer fanboys
Have sex.

>> No.16388595

Beethoven was an incel too. Most of the great men of history were incels. The only way ugly fucks can compensate for their ugliness is by becoming great. It's also why most of the great women of history were unfuckably ugly.

>> No.16388597
File: 96 KB, 581x800, Christ on the cross - Rubens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't an incel, he had many love affairs and longer relationships. He in fact did have a child, but it died very young.

Go spout your disingenuity someplace else, Satan. If you insist on having no compassion or love for the world.

>> No.16388601

citation needed

>> No.16388606

If the simple act of rubbing your penis on the inside of a vagina changes your worldviews, then your worldviews were worthless to begin with.

>> No.16388620

>38. A last trick is to become personal, insulting and rude as soon as you perceive that your opponent has the upper hand. In becoming personal you leave the subject altogether, and turn your attack on the person by remarks of an offensive and spiteful character. This is a very popular trick, because everyone is able to carry it into effect.
Is that all you had? Petty ad hominems? At any rate, Schopenhauer had numerous affairs and plenty with high profile actresses. One bad encounter doesn't mean anything.

>> No.16388621

>t. genetic failure

>> No.16388631

>At any rate, Schopenhauer had numerous affairs and plenty with high profile actresses.
citation needed

>> No.16388633

>my success as a member of the species is based on rubbing my penis on the inside of a vagina and further propagating my genes on this floating rock in space

>> No.16388636

Yes, exactly.

>> No.16388641

You're no better than other animals, then.

>> No.16388647
File: 319 KB, 1080x1080, 1340350_malleys_chad-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So? What sort of argument is that lmao

>> No.16388652

what makes you think you are "better" than animals?

>> No.16388653

>What sort of argument is that
You like being a pitiful dog? But I actually take back my statement. You're worse than other animals. At least they have an excuse for being like that, but not you — you have a human brain, so you're capable of much more than them. Yet you squander it out of fear. Pathetic.

>> No.16388663

the fact that you have a human brain? fucking mouthbreathing coomer. kill yourself

>> No.16388676

dont shoot up a school incel

>> No.16388686

Not realy, most of them were volcel, married and/or promiscuous. For any great incel you can name I'll name you three married men, promiscuous men or volcels in the same discipline.
For instance
Mozart had numerous affairs, Bach was married two times and had 20 children, Haydn was (unhappily) married and had at least two sentimental affairs, one of which lasted 10 years

Does he even count? He had an affair with Caroline Richter. Nonetheless, all the christian monks in the history of philosophy were volcel, including Aquinas, Augustine was promiscuous before converting to Christianity, Heidegger had an affair with Arendt...

>> No.16388691

but you're the one who seems to think that only sex matters and if a person can't have sex, for whatever reason, that this invalidates their other achievements in life. only a sex starved incel in denial like you would think that.

>> No.16388695

>citation needed
fuck off, you didnt ask op for any citations for his out of context crap

>> No.16388700

You seem to be mistaken. You are an animal, taxonomically and in all physical respects, and even your prized brain is provably just one variation on a model shared by many animals. The parallels with primates, elephant and the great sea-dwelling mammals are especially important. There is literally nothing objectively setting you apart from other animals except you conviction that your intelligence somehow makes you different. But then how would you now dolphins don't hold themselves to be apart from others sea animals? They sure behave like they do.

>> No.16388721

Nowhere did i say any of that. All I did was explain Copenhauers reason of coping and how bland it is to think everyone has it as bad as me just because i cant get pussy

>> No.16388722

why is it always incels who are the first to call others incels?

>> No.16388732

No one is interested in your shallow rhetoric.

>> No.16388736

>OP's strongest argument against a philosopher is his sex life
Oh wow OP, quite a genius aren't you? When will you be publishing your magnum opus of philosophical refutations?

>> No.16388741

What a weak response.

>> No.16388764

Better than the pile of shit you wrote. Yeah man, nothing differentiates us from other animals, and our intelligence is mere conviction. This means you can act as retarded as them. Sure.

>> No.16388765

your shitty post doesn't deserve anything more.
>There is literally nothing objectively setting you apart from other animals except you conviction that your intelligence somehow makes you different
it obviously does. call me when giraffes get a rocket to the moon.

>> No.16389473

We get rockets to the moon to secure more resources, to spread the specie around.
Just because we do it with engineering doesn't mean it is fundamentally different, only qualitatively.

>> No.16389501

>he haven’t fucked
And then you proceed to call anyone else a pseud incel?
By the way no one cares what you do or don't do with your genitalia.

>> No.16389509

>Humans are basically just animals maaaaaaaan
>There's NOTHING special about us
Imagine inventing such an incredible and ridiculous cope for your utter mediocrity and pathetic nature.

>> No.16389538

What is special about us?

>> No.16389545

Our brains.

>> No.16389553

stop being obtuse. can animals build cathedrals? write symphonies? cure diseases? accurately predict natural phenomena with mathematical models? engage in metaphysical speculation? no. fuck off.

>> No.16389560

>call me when giraffes get a rocket to the moon.
Call me when you lay an egg. Who cares? I never said "all species of animal can do the exact same stuff". You're an individual member of an animal species, that you have decided to have contempt for other animals because people you never met have done impressive stuff in their lives is irrelevant. This is some pretty basic logical stuff anon.

>Yeah man, nothing differentiates us from other animals, and our intelligence is mere conviction.
Actually, nothing differentiates us from other animals any more than what differentiates different species from one another, and our intelligence seems pretty similar to that of various other mammal all things considered, if anything it's more a matter of degree than anything else (look up Dehaene's work onanimal cognition if you want to know more). So yeah, you're an animal, cope with it.

>This means you can act as retarded as them.
You're already acting pretty retarded with your surimposition of unrelated values onto a simple factual argument. I'm telling you're literally an animal, you answer by crying "b-but muh space program and animals are BAD man". Nobody cares. Acting like a degenerate won't make you anymore of an animal than acting virtuously would make you less of an animal. And none of that is justification for acting virtuously or otherwise. You're just mixing up categories and getting mad that people don't follow you along. Start by using the right words for what you describe.

>> No.16389575

>non-human animals can't do those humans things therefore human aren't animals
Outstanding reasoning.

Cope for what? I'm correcting your improper terminology, which by your own standards would make me more human that you are. Ever heard of Aristotles? Man as a political animal, all that stuff? I know, reading books is hard than listing stuff you've heard about in middle school.

>> No.16389587

>therefore human aren't animals
No one's implying that, retard. There's a difference between "animal" as a scientific categorization (we are all animals) and "animal" as a judgement of one's inferior rank on earth (acting like an animal).

>> No.16389591

Simple logic anon. Human are taxonomically classed among animals, they belong to the same phylogenetic tree as animals, they shared most of their genetic information and phenotypic features with animals. Philosophers have recognized humans as an animal species since Ancient Greece. But I suppose your masterful understanding of rhetoric allow you to ignore all that, so by all means feel free to rewrite the entire history of science and philosophy.

>> No.16389596

>Outstanding reasoning.
you asked how humans are special. we are special in that we can do manifold things that animals can not. what's hard to understand about that?

>> No.16389626

Thats a disgusting reduction of whats actually happening AND you know it

>> No.16389659

But "have sex" only refers to physical sex, and that IS all that physical sex is. If "have sex" was referring to something else, like the romantic passion between two lovers, then the statement would be "fall in love." It's possible to fall in love without having physical sex, though physical sex obviously makes falling in love more enjoyable.

>> No.16389663

>No one's implying that, retard.
Everyone I've been arguing with itt has been implying that, as evidenced by their instant rage when being called animals rather matter-of-factly.

>There's a difference between "animal" as a scientific categorization (we are all animals)and "animal" as a judgement of one's inferior rank on earth (acting like an animal).
I understand that, the fact that latter use of the word is retarded and misleading (not to mention practically and philosophically unhelpful) is pretty much why I corrected anon here >>16388700, to which anon replied by more or less stating we can't be animals because we (meaning some people anon has heard about, mind you) have been to the moon.
If anon had understood the argument the way you expose it above he could have made it clear in his first answer to >>16388700, instead he started listing off achievements entirely unrelated to himself or to the argument.

I'll conclude by pointing how none of us is building rockets or cathedrals, writing symphonies, making accurate prediction with mathematical models (although I've personally been using various mathematical models in the past few years, none of them were that accurate and I didn't invent them, so I don't count it as a point of pride) or anything of the sort. Instead we're busy arguing over the internet, something no other animal would be stupid enough to do. Good day to you al gents.

>> No.16389690

I never asked how humans are special, that was another poster. My own point was always about humans being animals (and animals with close relatives in the rest of the animal kingdom). I don't think the things listed are all that special in the grand scheme of things, but that's more of a personal opinion so it's besides the point.