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16388216 No.16388216 [Reply] [Original]

Let's guess each other's political ideology/sexuality based on our 3 favorite books in no particular order.

>> No.16388221

Gay Science
Ecce Homo
Guide to Bottoming with a Well Endowed Partner

>> No.16388233

Les Chants de Maldoror
The Tunnel
Tomb for 500.000 Soldiers

Straight, authright esoteric hitlerist.

>> No.16388234

Lord of the Rings
Master and Margarita

>> No.16388237

the trial
crime and punishment
100 years of solitude

>> No.16388240

All the king’s men
The sound and the fury

>> No.16388249

Harry Potter 1,2 & 3





>> No.16388267
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Liberal / faggot

>> No.16388280

Quirky socially awkward conservative.

>> No.16388296

Politeia (The Republic)
Revolt against the modern world

american/normie straight male

nihilistic incel

"right-wing" american/straight but at least an ephebophile

>> No.16388305

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
The Peloponnesian War
The City and Man

>> No.16388310

Traditionalist/esoteric fascist
Since when is Incel a sexuality?

>> No.16388319

Weber - Economy and Society
Rousseau - Second Discourse
James - The Will to Believe

>> No.16388322
File: 96 KB, 817x996, 57ED7F02-18DD-41B3-A58E-756A2A36F988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaves Of Grass
Homosexual homosexualist
Straight but pretends to be curious
ideological liberal but you larp as something else
Reactionary who converted to Christianity as a contrarian
Hetero, possibly latent bisexual
Moderate ideological liberal with some conservative leanings.
W*man, completely straight but pretends to be bisexual so that she can be more than an “ally”
Radlib “socialist“ who calls themselves a Marxist despite never having read Marx and conflicting strongly with his beliefs.

>> No.16388327

Book of the New Sun
If on a winter's night a traveler

>> No.16388332

Classical liberal/libertarian

>> No.16388334

The Elementary Particles
The Book of Disquiet
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy

whatever the ideology and sexuality of BAP is

>> No.16388339

Because the word incel defines their relation to sex.

>> No.16388340

American neocon, pro-interventionist in foreign policy

>> No.16388373

Blood Meridian
Speaker for the Dead
Starship Troopers

>> No.16388433

>classical liberal

That's a stupid term made up by idiots

>> No.16388439
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>let's have a /pol/ thread but pretend it's not

>> No.16388443

Works and Days

>> No.16388451

Finnegans Wake
Being and Time
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.16388454

Based on that second book you are definitely an AnCap.

>> No.16388478

Hard mode:
LSD Psychotherapy by Stan Grof
Language, Thought and Reality by Benjamin Whorf
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.16388494

The Brothers Karamazov
A Tale of Two Cities
Henry IV, Part 1

>> No.16388501

American Psycho
The Game of Life by Timothy Leary
The Fan Man

no, schizo is not a sexual orientation

>> No.16388506

Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.16388544

faggotry of faggotries; all is faggotry

>> No.16388554

Nice pic, wish it were me

Lord of the Rings
In Search of Lost Time
History of Nations and Nationalism in Europe by Guy Hermet

>> No.16388563

Moby Dick
Dr Zhivago
The Dispossessed

>> No.16388575

The God Delusion
God Is Not Great
A Brief History Of Time

>> No.16388587

Mine Were of Trouble
Idylls of the King
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

A fine, straight man.
Pencilneck reactionary.
Nihilistic incel.
Esoteric neo-Hindu fascist with pedophilic tendencies.
A genius who has ascended beyond politics.
Neo-pagan/Hindu "traditionalist"

>> No.16388593

Wait, this isn't pol

>> No.16388598

Plato's Phaedo
Chekhov's The Black Monk
Hesse's Steppenwolf

>> No.16388626

The Tempest
Brave New World
The End Of Eternity

>> No.16388754

The Jews and their lies
The talmud
The future of an illusion by Sigmund freud

>> No.16388771

>This Side of Paradise
>The Secret History
>At Swim-Two-Birds

>> No.16388777

Through the looking glass, and what Alice found there
Venus in Furs

>> No.16388796

Battle Royale

>> No.16388815

Bridge to Terabithia
Matter (Ian M Banks)
Basic Economics (Thomas Sowell)

>> No.16388824

Ideology: National Socialist. Sexuality: Dominus needing Nordic eromenos.

>> No.16389310

Caligula (Camus)
Storm of steel

>> No.16389320

Moby Dick
Blood Meridian

>> No.16389388

Histories by Herodotus
Brothers Karamazov
Discourses of Epictetus

>> No.16389420

Confederacy of dunces
The last viking:The Life of Roald Amundsen
The collected tales of Nikolai Gogol
A god fearing, college liberal
A cynical Nationalist
Neoliberal who only believes what the news say
A Victorian conservative
Boris conservative
Eisenhower Republican

>> No.16389459

Blood Meridian
For Whom the Bell Tolls

>> No.16389465

>Let's guess each other's political ideology/sexuality based on our 3 favorite books in no particular order.
Gee, I wonder if Op could be a homosexual.

>> No.16389467

Crime and Punishment
The Idiot

>> No.16389476

Moby Dick
Gears of war: Ashpo fields
Dub liners

>> No.16389483

Pansecual physcho
Based and arab

>> No.16389490

concept of the political
runaway horses

>> No.16389495

The Zhuang Tzu
A Canticle for leibowitz
Man who was Thursday

>> No.16389498

The Idiot
The Count of M

Progress and Poverty
Industrial Society
The Laws

>> No.16389536

Asexual, generally conservative.

>> No.16389552

>pansequential pynchon
I always knew it, I just lacked the vocabulary to formulate it. Thank you

>> No.16389579

I'm a gay Russian twink but socially conservative.

>> No.16389583

Of course, we make a good team you and I

You are directionally correct but I am straight, except for my taste in books ;)

>> No.16389585

Devil in the White City

>> No.16389595

Gay and some kind of socialist

>> No.16389648

Wrong on both counts

>> No.16389956
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The Ruin of Kasch

>> No.16389986

Gods of Pegana by Dunsany
Seraphita by Balzac
The chymical wedding of christian rosenkreutz

>> No.16389992

death of the west
brave new world
notes from the underground

>> No.16389998


>> No.16390026

The Lord of the Rings
The Name of the Rose
The Master and Margerita

>> No.16390183

Metasexual noocratic theocracist magian
Straight monarchic primitivist
Repressed pedophilic fasco-communist utopian

>> No.16390254

>La faute de l'abbé Mouret
>Fahrenheit 451
>Qu'avez-vous fait de la libération sexuelle?
It's probably easy to guess my "sexuality" from this.

>> No.16390287

>Nihilistic incel
Literally the exact opposite which means book preference doesnt really coralate well with personality

>> No.16390295


Absolutely straight, other than that you’re correct except I believe that what you said aligns with techno-capitalism in a baudrillardian/deleuzian analysis

>> No.16390301

The Myth of Sisyphus
Christ Stopped at Eboli

>> No.16390324

Brothers Karamazov
Augustus by John Williams
A Handful of Dust

>> No.16390341

Moby Dick
Mason & Dixon

>> No.16390348

This fucking boss knows exactly what's going to happen. You can see him look down and check the fist before pussyboy even swings.

>> No.16390353

Brave New World
Starship Troopers
Washington the biography. dude had a cool life

bisexual modern liberal

>> No.16390361

sex and the city
Varieties of Religious Experience
sex and the city 2

>> No.16390373

this has to be my favorite video on the internet, everything about this is perfect
i've seen it a million times and i still have a giggle at it

>> No.16390409
File: 50 KB, 850x477, mel hamlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Trial
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Titus Groan
(Protip: I'm not a faggot)

>> No.16390442

Giovanni's Room
Journey to The End of The Night
The Enneads

>> No.16390459

The Iliad & The Odyssey
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Cannery Row

>> No.16390577
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Catch 22
The Stranger
The Book of Five Rings


Straight romantic liberal


Indoctrinated fascist who really just yearns to be a yeoman farmer with his loving and well-endowed partner.


Ivory tower intellectual, completely asexual.






Pseudo-intellectual, Sexually attracted to imageboards.


Chad western historian who has yet to explore his closeted bisexual frontier.


Has the mega-gay but is attracted to aesthetics and drama. Probably fascist.


Boring high school virgin.




Libertarian virgin who calls themselves a "psychonaut"


Omnisexual fascist who will eventually leave behind his political convictions to spend more time with his harem.


Liberal heterosexual virgin.


Bisexual liberal with a closet full of costumes and toys.


Not a faggot but still gay.

>> No.16390587

>the trial
>catch 22
>infinite jest

>> No.16390618

Le Grand Meaulnes
Le pèlerin russe (Trois récits inédits)
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.16390634



Ironic weeb

Self-hating monogamous homosexual virgin

>> No.16390645

Gravity's Rainbow
Tropic of Cancer

>> No.16390653

The Metamorphosis (Kafka)
Paradise Lost

>> No.16390655

Throne of Glass series
The Hunger Games
The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.16390670


Closeted homosexual liberal

>> No.16390690

Pale Fire
Against the Day

Straight as a board
closeted homo
boring homo
straight homo
hight taste homo
Actually homo
crypto-gay history nigga
homo and boring bullshitters

>> No.16390721

The Man Without Qualities
Berlin Alexanderplatz
The Sleepwalkers

>> No.16390725

>The Metamorphosis (Kafka)
thanks, I was wondering who wrote that, christian larper

>> No.16390733

I specified Kafka to differentiate it from Ovid’s work, brainlet. Also I am not at all religious.
About 20% correct.

>> No.16390787

>I specified Kafka to differentiate it from Ovid’s work
I usually see it refereed to as metamorphoses
>Also I am not at all religious.
but are you spiritual or anti-materialist?

>> No.16390806
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butchers crossing
and its hard to say a third but im enjoying wise blood right now.

>> No.16390820

Brave new world

>> No.16390822

t. the Lizard King

>> No.16390823

>I usually see it refereed to as metamorphoses
Me too, but I just wanted to avoid ambiguity.
>but are you spiritual or anti-materialist?

>> No.16390828

The life you save may be your own
heart of darkness
The trial

>> No.16390848

>alt-lite but wouldn't admit it
I don't even need to know your books

>> No.16390855


>> No.16390879

Bhagavad Gita
The Cloud of Unknowning
The Divine Comedy

>> No.16390881 [DELETED] 

Just shows it's a stupid thread as there is little correlation between the books you like and your actual beliefs then. Though I doubt there are many theists who would say they liked hitchiker's guide or something like that.

>> No.16390890
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the lost weekend
under the volcano
big sur

>> No.16390893

Straight white man with unreasonably high standars when it comes to girls. You have a beard.

Journey to the End of the Night
The Well of Lost Plots

>> No.16390907

Storm of Steel
For My Legionaries

>> No.16390922

The Brothers Karamazov
Moby Dick
Anna Karenina

>> No.16390926

Likes to wear fur coats but lives where it’s too warm.
Wants to solve his problems with science but got distracted remembering how to use a Bunsen burner.
Idolizes the military but not the industrial complex. Just wants some purpose in life.
Would have been found petrified jerking off if his remains were found in Pompey
Wishes he owned a corgi and likes to go to museums.
Works minimum wage but is saving up to buy an enfield IV
Believes there are unresolved magical forces in the world but knows he isn’t a strong enough man to find them.
Used Reddit before it was cool and realized he was the fedora all along.
Wants to believe in a higher power but can’t get around to bothering with the whole “thing.”
Theater kid in denial about whether his favorite movie is the departed or they live.
Always believed when his mother said Santa was real and his father said he wouldn’t amount to anything.
Peed in the public pool until age 16
Wishes he had slept with Tim curry before the accident.
If mech suits were real he would have signed up for the military, but instead he learned python and is currently unemployed.
Just trying to get by. The world is a fuck.
He’s a mall ninja but refuses to go to the mall.
Can’t afford all the cool hats he wishes he could buy. Prints out copies of his favorite brands and puts them on the wall.
Always uses big words when small words will do. Too bad he doesn’t talk much since it happened.
Doesn’t live where he wants to be but never really decided where that is exactly.
Started meditating but forgot he had the stove on.
Wanted to join the force but couldn’t do enough push ups.
Eats soup thinking he poops out the liquid. Studies and documents his bowel movements.
Wishes he could be a horse girl because of how easy a life they have but doesn’t have the money nor the will to transition.
Thinks the Gregorian calendar is antiquated and thinks about how best to use the leftover cheese in his fridge.
The kid who always finished first but never read the instructions.
Moved to California to become an actor but realized he would be type cast as the kid who moves to California to become an actor.
Saves all his cardboard boxes for a rainy day. Wishes he had kids so he could make them pillow forts.
Pronounced z as zed until 12th grade because none of his friends liked him enough to correct it.
Too scared to bite the bullet but too weak to think about anything else except on the days his programs are on.
Always wants to talk big picture with everyone while everyone just wants to know what size shirt he wears for the office soccer tournament.

>> No.16390932
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Hamsuns Growth of the Soil
Dumas Count of Monte Christo
Pushkin Eugen Onegin

I would like to judge the other anons, but honestly I didn't read half of those listed here.

>> No.16390958

To The Lighthouse
The Goldfinch

>> No.16390970

>Wants to believe in a higher power but can’t get around to bothering with the whole “thing.”

Surprisingly accurate...

>> No.16390972

You're stuck in some situation you feel you cannot escape?

>> No.16390979

You are finally statisfied by your own perspective on things but want to know other's. Since you're not that sociable you use the internet to fill that goal.

>> No.16391009

That is me, and I’m the anon that just posted the little thoughts about everyone. This is accurate and I couldn’t figure out the underlying theme to them. I guess if it was a snake it woulda bit me, huh?

>> No.16391023

Has at times wished he were closet gay. Participates in leftist movements more as a power play crossed with a social experiment than out of deep convictions. Does not think he has deep convictions, but inevitably does.
Straight. Not a member of any party but "considers the issues" prior to voting.
Blandest kind of straight person. Has concerns for the future but doesn't really feel like doing anything about it.
Kekistani type, fancies himself an epic memer. Thinks calling people gay niggers is funny.
Would wear a toga if it were in fashion, likewise with kilts. Thinks he is above the mean level of common politics, but in truth is only barely.
Bisexual but celibate, "traditional" but in a modern sense.

>> No.16391054

Paradise Lost,
The Iliad of Homer,
The Ethics of Spinoza.
Liberal to moderate socialist, very straight
Traditionalist, straight

>> No.16391077

The Street of Crocodiles
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.16391100

Being & Time
Heart of Darkness
Beyond Good & Evil

>> No.16391113

Principia Discordia
Ten Little Niggers
Alice`s Adventures in The Wonderland

>> No.16391320


Eh I never said it Zed because I’m not a Brit.

>> No.16391343


Russian conservative, can't find a reliable bottom because he keeps beating them to death.

>> No.16391345

The Magic Mountain
Decline And Fall (Evelyn Waugh)
Under Western Eyes

>> No.16391364

I can’t be right 100% of the time.

>> No.16391377

this is just a horoscope with books instead of months

>> No.16391379

Anything written by Jack London.

>> No.16391383

The Iliad
Moby Dick
The Double

>> No.16391491

But did you smirk and almost reply kek?

>> No.16391542
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>> No.16391716

Libertarian and attracted to bears. Real bears.

>> No.16391795
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>Star Platinum!

>> No.16391814

The King in Yellow
Perfume: Story of a Murderer
Fight Club

>> No.16391856


>> No.16391860

Master and the Margarita
Passage to India
Balkan Ghosts

>> No.16391861


Based but young

>> No.16391869

t. gay niggers

>> No.16391890
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Notes from the Underground

>> No.16391893

>Decline And Fall (Evelyn Waugh)
better than a handful of dust? I thought that was trash.

>> No.16391903

Butchers crossing
One flew over the cuckoos nest
Catch 22

>> No.16391932

You mean Morrison? Was he bisexual? I'd imagine him as more of a top desu

>> No.16391946

i find that body type incredibly sexy. shes literally built for pregnancy.

>> No.16391959
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Yeah you aren't gonna get mine.

>A Confederacy of Dunces
>The Iliad
>A Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.16392026

you're a neet who wishes he died fighting during the coming collapse of civilization?

>> No.16392049

East of Eden
Go Team Venture! The Art and Making of The Venture Brothers
Guide to Troubled Birds

>> No.16392054

War & Peace, Hyperion and Ulysses

>> No.16392060

Blood meridian
Journey to the end of the night

>> No.16392222

Le Petit Prince
Le Prince
Prince: Chapter in Verse

>> No.16392227

Oblomov and/or The Same Old Story
Crime and Punishment
The Flowers of Evil

authoritarian right
authoritarian right
authoritarian right
social conservative

>> No.16392269

Straight, but attracted to cartoons. Alt-lite.

Straight but troubled, moderate who thinks they know the "hard truths".

>> No.16392288
File: 66 KB, 956x738, Keith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger
Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola
Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard

>> No.16392293

Life of Pi
The Satanic Verses

>> No.16392307

give me the rundown on this analysis

>> No.16392327

Started meditating but forgot he had the stove on.
>Repressed pedophilic fasco-communist utopian

I hate women

>> No.16392351

Lol not at all, thanks for taking a stab though

>> No.16392357

Ape and Essence
Tropic of Cancer

>> No.16392385

Paradoxa Stoicorum by Cicero
Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo
Patriotism by Yukio Mishima

>> No.16392390

Why is the maga-tard so cute...

>> No.16392408

Pedro Páramo
Ulises Criollo

>> No.16392418

I'm not going to like this, but:
>Roadside Picnic (1972)
>The Road (2006)
>We (1924)

>> No.16392434

Somewhat based conservative. I'm going to guess from a Catholic background.

>> No.16392453

Pretty much as means to end
>Has the mega-gay
Not “mega”, I like girls more but I’ll always miss the cocks I had constantly when I was a teenage twink
>but is attracted to aesthetics and drama.
Correct, Aesthetics are in fact the reason I stopped doing gay stuff when I stopped being as twinkish
>Probably fascist.
Yeah, a little, I at least share lots of goals with fascists

>> No.16392471

You’re a cringesexual
Your ideology is cringism

>> No.16392548
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The first is all ironic picks and trolling. This suggests someone who thinks they're clever but doesn't read enough to "belong" on lit. They live so far inside their own box that they couldn't be anything other than straight.

The second is mostly critiques with a lot of moving drama centered around violence. Little to no romance or aesthetics, just harsh realities. Reading these makes you feel smart but doesn't cover the human experience as well as you think. You are on a path but you are not wandering as much as you could be.

>> No.16392676

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Terror
The Great Gatsby

>> No.16392680

Ride the Tiger
Behold a Pale Horse

>> No.16392686

t. instinctively intimidated by me

>> No.16392867

Jude the Obscure
Gormenghast trilogy
All of Seneca

>> No.16392873

Anna Karenina
Of Human Bondage
The Unconsoled

>> No.16392884

>Liberal heterosexual virgin.
>Brothers Karamazov
you got the rest right though

>> No.16392918

the bible
my diary

>> No.16392931

Gravity's Rainbow
To the Lighthouse
The Palace of the Peacock

>> No.16393086

Don Quixote
Capitalist Realism
The Plauge

>> No.16393087

Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
Book of Disquiet

>> No.16393113

The little prince

That’s it

>> No.16393119

The Giver
The Alchemist
Tuesdays with Morrie

>> No.16393126

The Bell Curve
Mein Kampf
Blood Meridian

>> No.16393131

My diary
My wife's diary
And her boyfriend's diary

>> No.16393252

Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.16393273

Game of Thrones
Storm of Swords
Goblet of Fire

>> No.16393432
File: 159 KB, 1200x900, smoking infinite jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Liberal heterosexual. Never votes.


Ambitious moderate intellectual.


Literally the guy who is always posting BBC and BWC threads in /gif/. Really just loves cocks and trolling, no political allegiance other than what annoys people the most.


Unironic neo-nazi, heterosexual but unsatisfied.


You are a middle-aged white woman. What are you doing here?


Catholic Conservative, heterosexual (probably).


A possible anarchist? But most likely a socialist, heterosexual, monogamous.


Conservative but not passionate about it. Heterosexual.

>> No.16393458

>Revolutionary Road
>Great Gatsby
>Moby Dick

>Understanding Power
>Robert Caro's LBJ Series
>The Assassination of Julius Caesar

>> No.16393669
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Out of eons
Brothers Karamazov
Genealogy of morals
Normalfag liberal.
Somewhat conservative
Far-right /pol/ack
Low IQ
>Why yes, my favorite book is The little prince. How can you tell?
Probably leftist libertarian.
Liberal pseudo intellectual
No idea.
Right wing esoteric.

>> No.16393697

The Stranger
The Martian Chronicles
East of Eden

>> No.16393849

diary of a wimpy kid
mein kampf
harry potter

>> No.16393865

Independent People
Anna Karenina
The Cattle Raid of Cooley

>> No.16393900
File: 64 KB, 750x780, 1593727575387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The End of Childhood
Crime and Punishment

>> No.16393926
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>ironic weeb

Correct. But maybe not ironic in the way you were thinking.


Eerily on the money. I would never describe my views as finished but I do feel they're a cut above.


This is the one I'm most amused about getting correct. I hope you find a cock that makes you feel young again.

>> No.16394100

The fall I can't say any other book because they are too obvious

>> No.16394560

Book of the the new sun
Urth of the new sun
Book of the long sun

>> No.16394584

The Brothers Karamazov
Fear and Trembling
Franny and Zooey

>> No.16394597

What gave it away?

>> No.16394613


The cutie at right is the top.

>> No.16394656

Brothers Karamazov
Rise and Fall of the American Whig Party

>> No.16394720

Jesus nigga, prollu average weight uses pencils sometimes, reads books listens to music likes to browse /lit/ at home

>> No.16394740


>> No.16394749

Anti-voting because it requires getting out of bed. Heterosexual in theory but the theory has never been tested

>> No.16394855

Heart of Darkness
Lord of The Rings
Thus Spake Zarathusthra

>> No.16394942

The Holy Q'uran
Dr. Seuss Hop on Pop
Talking to Other People's Kids About Sex

>> No.16394976

Coyote America
Thus spake Zarathustra

>> No.16395113

Black Hawk Down
A Storm of Swords
Halo: The Fall of Reach

>> No.16395122

Libertarian Gayboy

>> No.16395492

>The Governance of China
>Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung
>On Practice and Contradiction

>> No.16395508

The Lord of the Rings
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Earth is a Sinful Song

>> No.16395580

The Birth of Tragedy
Death in Venice
Finnegan's Wake

>> No.16395625

Muslim lover of buggery and transvestite trampling in high heels.

>> No.16395635

Very based

>> No.16395652

Bisexual - a true artist who doesn’t concern himself with political ideology.

>> No.16395658

Heterosexual with fascist tendencies.

>> No.16395667

you'd hate me if I did

>> No.16395669

Lonesome Dove
Johnny Got His Gun
East of Eden

>> No.16395749

Les misérables
Brothers Karamazov
the goulag archipelago

>> No.16395827

Auth neocapitalist faggot

>> No.16395856

Heterosexual - socialist/nationalist with conservative social beliefs.

>> No.16395865
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You mad bro?

>> No.16395899

heterosexual who puts bros before hoes. You’re an imperialist who will serve your masters by joining the military.

>> No.16395926

El 19 de Marzo y el 2 de mayo
Perks of being a wallflower
Historia de una maestra

>> No.16395928
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Invisible Monsters
Testo Junkie
Bréviaire du Chaos

>> No.16395931
File: 153 KB, 836x1088, 002e-agent-orange-opfer-pianist-ohne-augen-Le-Van-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, mostly amused, even tho China will be even more a threat to western powers and ideology in the near future and their crimes against humanity shouldn´t be left unpunished. Also their new silk road is basically hijacking African countries.

>> No.16395963

>Believes there are unresolved magical forces in the world but knows he isn’t a strong enough man to find them.

Jesus this is scarily accurate

>> No.16396006
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Whatever you say homie

>> No.16396197

>apology of Socrates
>man and his symbols
>fooled by randomness

>> No.16396349
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Myth of syssyphus
The Anti oeadipus
Ham and Rye
Naked lunch

>> No.16396369
File: 54 KB, 668x483, 33EF3FC7-8362-494E-87E7-144C06F240E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don Quixote
Iliad and Odyssey
The Hobbit

I love cozy books

>> No.16396397

Virgin and fascist

Fascists love aesthetics

>> No.16396409

Remains of the Day
A River Runs Through It
History of the Peloponnesian Wars

>> No.16396434

Straight but you once felt uncomfortable warm toward an older male friend, probably on a team together in high school. Lots of showers together where you had to keep your eyes from wandering.

>> No.16396446

Asexual and Marxist Leninist is the correct answer

>> No.16396450

The Picture of Dorian Gray
All Quiet on The Western Front
The Black Cloud

>> No.16396477

The Long Walk
Democracy in America

>> No.16396481

Damn, I guess I was off

>> No.16396516

>Asexual and Marxist Leninist
Let me guess. You use pronouns in your bio?

>> No.16396534

East of Eden
The Blind Owl

Straight Social democrat or neoliberal

>> No.16396544


>> No.16396562

I am straight, but a libertarian capitalist. You're also straight, but either Anprim or left-libertarian?

>> No.16396566

Heterosexual anarchist who clearly feels that rules don’t apply to you.

>> No.16396604

Slightly left libertarian yes but bi.

How many flags so you have in your twitter handle

>> No.16396611

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Trial
Blood Meridian

>> No.16396659

heterosexual even under heavy recreational drug use. You have heavy libertarian leanings.

>> No.16396674

thus spoke zarathustra
american psycho
the hobbit

>> No.16396684

DPRK, China, Cuba, Vietnam

>> No.16396811
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Infinite Jest
The Wastelands (Steven King)

2 on the Kinsey scale - Libertarian leaning
3 on the Kinsey scale - Traditionalist
0 on the Kinsey scale - Paleo-Conservative leaning on Monarchist
4 on the Kinsey scale - That's 4 books you goof
Bisexual egoist

>> No.16396828

>the kinsey scale

keep the psuedoscience out of this thread thanks.

>> No.16397087

Is it muh lad Keuth Woods?

>> No.16397722

House of Leaves
Clockwork Orange

>> No.16397726

Harry Potter 1, 2, and 3.

>> No.16397733

don quixote
madame bovary
no country for old men

>> No.16397739

Moby Dick
Lost Horizon
Brave New World

>> No.16397767
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1. Lord of the Rings trilogy and anything else by Tolkien (not one book but Tolkien would occupy all my top slots otherwise)
2. Dune (series)
3. Foundation (series)

Pic unrelated

>> No.16397899

is this an actual statue from back in the day?

>> No.16397916

>Idolizes the military but not the industrial complex. Just wants some purpose in life.

Neutral about the military, I can respect aspects of it but despise the corporate and bureaucratic aspect of it. It's utterly inefficient, and the military is proof that socialism doesn't work. So sort of correct.

I have a difficult and unpleasant purpose in life that is frequently questioned by others but I believe is the way for me to go, so wrong on that part.

>> No.16398008

No, that's a real women. If you were to ever leave your "cave", anon, you may meet a nice one.

>> No.16398240

Name of the Wind
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.16398323

Why is the woman on the right so much bigger than the woman on the left?

>> No.16398332

My right, or your right?

>> No.16398460

The Prince by Machiavelli
Leviathan by Hobbes
Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky

>> No.16398586
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>The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life

>The Case Against the Fed by Murray Rothbard

>FDR's Folly: How Roosevelt and His New Deal Prolonged the Great Depression

>> No.16398590
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Just one is enough

>> No.16398688
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/pol/ack and a boring one too. Heterosexual with a fat wife.


Conservative, heterosexual.


Moderate liberal, heterosexual.






Bisexual anarchist.

>> No.16399105

Dangerously based.

>> No.16399179

Cringe af

>> No.16399190

Ride the Tiger
Genealogy of Morals
Tears of Eros

>> No.16399204

Storm of Steel
The Trial
Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.16399215

Idk but its probably pretty based

>> No.16399285
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Kitchen Confidential - Anthony Bourdain
Taming of the Shrew
The Hobbit

In terms of ones I've reread the most and can quote the most. Doubt you can judge me politically :^)

>> No.16399904

But I don't have place for such a statue in my cave anon. Its way too big

>> No.16400278

Blood Meridian
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.16400650
