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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 862 KB, 1448x1218, words-of-wisdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1638768 No.1638768 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1638770

more incoming l8r i'm just burnt out

>> No.1638777

where am i stag !

>> No.1638781

I come here for the tripfag threads.

There's always at least one on the front page.

Fuck yeah, /lit/. Fuck. Yeah.

>> No.1638787

i'm saving this

>> No.1638800
File: 51 KB, 246x262, Socrates1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1638803

that's a little funny

>> No.1638806

this isn't about book

>> No.1638811

Top tier:

Deep & Edgy

Mid tier:


Trite tier:

Truman Capote

>> No.1638821

These quotes are either trite and platitudinous or they convey the same meaning of famous quotes attributed to far better men...

>> No.1638822

Since everyone else posting in this thread is actually a tripfag, I thought I'd show up too. How are you people?

>> No.1638824

I wish people would just release the personal info of these faggots

>> No.1638823 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 199x253, Penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

book is fucking hot

would do >>1638811

>> No.1638826

Why? So we can learn that they're all unemployed?

We already know this.

>> No.1638829

Maybe some nude pics or something?

>> No.1638834


Yeah I'd agree with that. These tripfags are almost all post-modernist fools who majored or are majoring in literature, and who read almost exclusively the sort of nonsense produced by Camus, Derrida, Foucault...

>> No.1638840

We already have nudes of these guys.

>> No.1638845

Truman's section is missing a quote regarding his incessant hatred of America

>> No.1638848
File: 319 KB, 1142x730, 1298162303193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


D&E's dick

>> No.1638854

This thread is bad on /v/, and it's bad here.

>> No.1638855

i wish

too bad he isn't a red head :(

also it was given out by ty

and whoever says that's small is a dumb fucker

>> No.1638856

Stagolee, el kingo of el trollso

see, i hable le espanol

>> No.1638859

Sooo, judging by the fact that it's still up, I take it I'm the only one who has reported this vapid eyesore.

Stay useless, Anon.

>> No.1638865

I have heard of legend about mods in these parts

>> No.1638870

>contrasting colors
>crisp fonts
yeah a real eyesore

>> No.1638872


He refused to give pics of non-ginger thighs. Plus I really don't think Ty trolls that much/at all.

Case closed imo. Plus it was really fun to see him get all buttfrustrated and spam the entire board. Showed how important his e-peen was to him.

>> No.1638877


Also that's not really ginger. Wish I had the original but I was on Christmas Break with no internet access.

>> No.1638878
File: 29 KB, 263x233, jollymickeymouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1638879


crispness of typeface is immaterial when you use 9 of them in a single image

>> No.1638880

D&E i didn't know you were mickey mouse irl

that's pretty cool

>> No.1638882

well i know for sure he isn't a red head

>ty doesn't try that much/at all

I would so love for that to be the actual thing though

maybe i should just beleive you

>> No.1638884

Ugh, disgusting male gingers. You compensate your fine women with your freaky faces comical reliefness.
Male gingers have no soul, they don't even feel pain

>> No.1638889

I have a fetish of sorts for male gingers.

>> No.1638892

shut the fuck up i know a lot of hot male gingers

and d&e is strawberry blond

>> No.1638895

Didn't asked faggot. Male gingers are fucking gross, holy shit.

>> No.1638903
File: 337 KB, 534x931, 122496352372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>maybe i should just beleive you


This is the best way

>> No.1638909

horrible taste in men detected

you probably like twinky emo boys you gaywad

don't patronize me

>> No.1638931

Tripfagging it up, herp derp~

>> No.1638940

i love the name silvia

are you a woman?

>> No.1638942


u dont get sarcasm do u

>> No.1638949


What a coincidence; I like the name Silvia too!

Yes I have a vagina, but I'm a hardcore feminist so it will probably bite off your dick if you stick it in there. Just warning you.

>> No.1638957


ur last name plath? think i have noodz of you

>> No.1638958

How's it going sugartits? So ya like books? What type of books feminists like? Cooking books?

>> No.1638963
File: 170 KB, 946x934, howtobeatripfag2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you read the rules

>> No.1638967

i like onionring better

and i wouldn't stick my dick in your vag if you payed me

>> No.1638972


You make me lol so hard Dee and Eee :>

>> No.1638973

do you have pics of onionring

>> No.1638977

>Dee and Eee :>
i thought you were a feminist

why are you acting like such a little girl

you aren't strong

men would overpower you in your current state

>> No.1638979

Nothing remotely good in OP's pic.

>> No.1638981

i wish

me and ty are still working on it

but i haven't seen ty in a day or two :(

>> No.1638988

thank fucking god. that guy blows, ngl. he's the worst. i do not want him to post ever.

>> No.1638992

you just have to understand him

when he gets in a good mood he's really easy to open up to

>> No.1638996

Holy shit.
What part of anonymous board do you not understand?

>> No.1639004

show me where it says i have to be anonymous please

oh wait

>> No.1639005

4chan isn't an anonymous image board

>> No.1639010

i don't want to open up to people, i want people to be (1) funny or (2) intelligent and insightful

tybrax is the one person who is basically never either funny or insightful. dude sucks.

my dude. if you're going to attack trips you're going to have to use a different tactic, you dig? like, people are used to the "THIS IS ANONYMOUS" board by now. they're hardened to it. you have to be creative and shit.

>> No.1639014


ctrl+f "Anonymous".

Surprise, it's everywhere.

>> No.1639026


Lurk for awhile and you'll just come to feel sorry for him. Same with D&E; both of them have basically admitted to having no life and depending on the internet for whatever satisfaction they get. That's why they're on all the time; it's the only thing they do.

>> No.1639028

i do feel bad but i also don't want him to post basically ever.

>> No.1639029

God Stagolee is stupid.

There's wisdom in some of those quotes, but if Stag really believes that poetry can be summed up in wikipedia articles then I have even less respect for him than I did before I entered this thread.

Way to miss the point you flat, uninteresting cunt

>> No.1639030

If this was meant to be completely anonymous, there wouldn't be a place to put a name, and tripcodes wouldn't exist.

>> No.1639032

Dude, Stagolee is the most blatant troll ever. We've known he was a troll for months and months - like 8 months probably. He's funny sometimes, but why on earth would you ever take him serious?

>> No.1639034

"Death to the trips" - Anonymous.

>> No.1639037

>Use words that might seem complex to an 11th grader
>Get praised by your faggot friends

>> No.1639038


Expert opinion is that Stagolee is a troll. The jury's still out, though, because he inhabits that territory between really good troll and really ignorant person.

My money's on troll, though.

>> No.1639054
File: 3 KB, 93x126, 1291330042854s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1639084


Because, while you may call him a troll, I call him a sixteen year old who's fairly well read and thinks very highly of himself. You see a troll, I see a kid who believes his own hype.

I hate psuedo intellectuals. Especially those that think they're being bold by writing off an author or, in this case, an entire subset of literature.

He purposefully acts like an asshole, I know, but I can't help and wonder how much of his own writing he believes.

>> No.1639094

>trying to rationalize being trolled
>doesn't realize that he's anon and can just walk away
internet sociology is crazy