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16386857 No.16386857 [Reply] [Original]

I feel I owe it to all those who have submitted for volume 2 to just be patient and look for a few more submissions so I can finally finish this.

Volume 1: https://www.docdroid.net/qD1kL4v/guenonmag1.pdf

All of Guénon's books

Traditionalist-affiliated blog that hosts many of Guénon's letters

Resource for different Traditionalist authors with links to their writings such as journal articles

This is for discussion of volume 1 and submissions for volume 2.

Please submit any work to guenonmag@protonmail.com

>> No.16386865

Fuck this mooslem bitch

>> No.16386871

counter-tradition blog

>> No.16386876

Reminder that half of Guenons works on Hinduism are fiction, literally made things up with no basis, and despite him "being a Muslim" all Muslims consider him a vile heretic.

>> No.16386877

Idk man, I haven't read that. I just copy pasted the older generals according to tradition of course.

>> No.16386884

They do also have many of Guenon's letters on that site so it's still very relevant regardless of the other things they may have on there.

>> No.16386885

Nobody likes these anymore. Go away.

>> No.16386895

I'm just trying to collect enough submissions to finish of volume 2.

>> No.16387485

what does Guenonposter think about Branko Malic of Kali Tribune's writings on Guenon? that's where I first learned of him

>> No.16387721
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is unfortunate that Guanon is used as a proxi for islam or for new age orientalism,
i've been reading "crisis of the modern world" and now I understand why some people in this threads say not to read that book, is because it makes clear that this is not about transforming the west into a caliphate or into a Hindu enclave but on the contrary he clearly states that the process will requiere to look at christianity, but why did he converted to the caliphate? in my opinion because he felt comfort in the simplicity of that society, we see this all the time when we just want to go to the country side or "go live in the woods" that kind of thing, this is a quote from "meditations on the tarot":

>Is this not the tragedy of Rene Guenon who, being gifted with a developed metaphysical sense and yet lacking the Hermetic-philosophical sense, sought, always and everywhere, the concrete spiritual. And finally, tired of the world of abstractions, he hoped to find liberation from intellectualism by plunging himself into the element of fervour of the Moslem masses at prayer in a Cairo mosque. The last hope of a soul thirsty for mystical experience and languishing in the captivity of the intellect? If so, may divine mercy grant him what he sought so much. There is room to remark here that the last orientation of Rene Guenon, i.e. towards the faith of simpler people adhering to a more simple religion, is not without reason. For the Hermetic-philosophical sense has more in common with the plain and sincere faith of simple people than abstract metaphysics has. For the common believer, God lives; likewise for the Hermeticist

the west is/was the leader in technology even back in the middle ages when they were building the biggest buldings in the world, there was a huge amound of new techniques used in these buildings like in the making of the vitriols and even in structural design... the "hurdy gurdy" alone is a masterpiece of ingenuity and "tekton"(τέκτων). the muslims and other in the east did also have interesting developments but they eventually retracted while the west continued "walking" that path, this is what Guenon find interesting about the east and this retraction for him was kinda like an example for his readers longing for tradition, for this kind of things he said that the west should look at in the east, NOT that we should transform the west into a caliphate or to Hinduism.

>> No.16387730

aw look it's scared. kek

>> No.16387734

Shut the fuck up tranny

>> No.16387814

Oh the irony.

>> No.16388892
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I was looking at some vids of Jason reza jorjani and he makes some very interesting points, he knows a lot about history and mythology, he proposes that we should look at prometeus as the archetype to guide us in the comming ages he interprates this archetype as "technology/science with wisdom" BUT the thing is: he correctly identifies that christianity in a way opposed to prometheus and that from a christian perpective he is considered a "luciferian" archetype...

there's a mystery behind this that he is not recognising: technology and science can become our demise (atomic war, biological weapons etc) Jorjani knows that prometeus/lucifer can kill us all and this is why the gospel of John literally takes away the "torch" from lucifer(promethean archetype) and brings is back to God, this is the key to that mystery that many people miss

>...In Him(God, the Logos) was life, and the life was the Light of mankind. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overpower it. -John 1

lucifer is the archetype of pride, he was the brightest angel(messenger) of God but his pride made him finally fall from grace like a "lucifer"(light-er) "like a bright comet falling from the sky"

>> No.16389331

>there's a mystery behind this that he is not recognising: technology and science can become our demise (atomic war, biological weapons etc)
He knows it, are you kidding. He's just biting the bullet.
>Jorjani knows that prometeus/lucifer can kill us all and this is why the gospel of John literally takes away the "torch" from lucifer(promethean archetype) and brings is back to God, this is the key to that mystery that many people miss.
Jorjani is a gnostic. He's only pretending to be tolerant of OT believers, like Christians & Jews. He thinks the 'return to the primordial', both as return to God after having left him (in Abrahamic religions, Hinduism, classical Hermeticism) is basically a trap. He's never quite precise enough to really argue it though.

>> No.16389655

yes, unfortunatelly he's pushing things further to a "luciferian fall" instead of his ideal notion of "advancement with wisdon" but I really think this is because people don't undertand the esoteric meaning of christianity and why God had to take the fire from peometheus/"lucifer" so that he will be the one guiding us in our scientific endeavours WITH wisdom and not with pride as lucifer/prometeus.

people dont know about this meanings, it took me a while to learn about all this, that is why the luciferian/prometheus doctrine finally takes hold on some people inclined to science. "God is anti-science, lucifer is pro-science, I'll go with lucifer"...Goethe's Faust is a related archetype , the tower of babel, if I'm not mistaken the book of enoch also talks about events related to technology before the flood...all this are symbolism for the fall that acompanies the pride of the luciferian doctrine

>> No.16389711

It's more concrete than that, though. Jorjani probably simply doesn't like the standpoint, values, norms of the OT. So he can't obey its God unless he's argued into thinking it is a good God, most probably corresponding to its description as made by Christians or Jews (to take the case of the OT).
Unless you step onto that territory, what you call pride he might call wisdom, and what you call wisdom he might call pride.

>> No.16389736
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The only true religion is Spiritism, prove me wrong.

>> No.16389741
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Lmao, how ironic

>> No.16389765

Thats why Guenonism is a downgrade from Spiritism or Theosophy or other "occult" movements of the 19th and 20th century. He doesnt accept progression and evolution and wants to return to a past that never existed.

But this universe and the world of the spirits are evolving towards perfection.

>> No.16389845

>compass and square
>black and white tile floor
How can I tell if my local lodge is good or just a bunch of protestant boomers who want to have dinner once a month and shoot the shit?

>> No.16389859
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bros...I've made the pilgrimage...pbuh...

>> No.16389887

Ask them if they have study groups or members in research lodges. And of course, they have to uphold a properly traditional rite and not be irregular.

>> No.16389952

What's with all these meme thinkers that are always popular on lit? Guenon, Evola, Nick Land, etc. who actually reads this shit? Is it just a big meta-joke like Ron Paul or something? Or do people actually read this useless shit?

>> No.16389967

>do people actually read this
Yes some of us actually do read books

>> No.16389970

I read plenty of books, but they're mostly canonical, not these idiosyncratic whackos.

>> No.16389978


>> No.16389988

>muh I entered a thread of things I hate
Guenon isn't really comparable to Land or Evola though. Evola is gay and Land is shit before Dark Enlightenement. Guenon has actual value, especially when it comes to comparative religion and introducing people to varied traditions. Stick to young adult pls.

>> No.16390101

Nah, I have payed my dues reading high brow literature and these guys are shit that are just a meme on /lit/ and I can see by the fact that since you have opinions on Land, Evola, and Guenon that don't merely consist in "waste of time" that you are an actual brainlet. They are "literally who" tier outside this board among thinking people.

>> No.16390106
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>thinking people

>> No.16390145
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>t. hasn't read Guenon and bases his opinions on the meme threads
By comparing Guenon to evola and land, you've proved that you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.16390169

I don't need to understand them. They are just eccentric thinkers. You guys would be much better off reading Plato, Artistotle, or even Aquinas. It is not my fault you are wasting your time with these memes, unless this is just some troll bait thread.

>> No.16390173

This entire site would say the same of you, what do you get out of putting everything down all the time ? It must be because you are lonely.

>> No.16390193

If you admit to being ignorant, why should we care about your opinions? And why do you flaunt them here? Your opinions are irrelevant because you are a self-admitted ignoramus.

>> No.16390286
File: 59 KB, 657x527, pepesuitreadingglassessideburns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a person who like studying theology and traditions, why should I restrict myself to the classics when there are cool niche authors who talk about things I like? Restricting yourself to the standards of others is by definition pseud. Develope your palate a little bit baka.

>> No.16390326

Thank you brother. I will probably wait until things normalize relatively from the pandemic to contact them, but I will take your suggestion to heart.

>> No.16390345

If you have knowledge of the core of tradition and drink from the source, you don't need to know about outliers such as Guenon. What you're saying is like calling a reader of Shakespeare an ignoramus for having never seen an episode of Veggie Tales.

>restricting yourself to the standards of others is by definition pseud
That's absolutely incorrect. A pseud loves playing games with sophistry and has a reckless disregard for truth.

>> No.16390349


>> No.16390377
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I wan to think he's just ignorant of the meanings behind all this (like I was) the guy knows a lot of ancient mythology and he knows that many things have their origin in the first known civilization in mesopotamia, the "revelations" from the old testament comes from mesopotamia, even Abraham is from Ur, from this zone the assyrian empire conquered canaan and even egypt, canaanites are the original "jewish" people they adopted/converted to the influence from assyria (and egypt) this gave birth to the old testament, originally the canaanites were similar to other peoples they did sacrifices to "moloch", the old testament mentions all this and how this was a bad thing... you can trace the luciferian nature of the many native peoples hence God had to bring them back to him


the flood story and Noah are described in the sumerian epic of gilgamesh that is the origin and even more the story of genesis 6 is a retelling of atlantis, Plato described Critias reporting what his grandfather was told by Solon who heard it from the Egyptians...

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utnapishtim (Noah)

"Atlantis" by Plato:

>when the divine portion began to fade away, and became diluted too often and too much with the mortal admixture, and the human nature got the upper hand, they then, being unable to bear their fortune, behaved unseemly, and to him who had an eye to see grew visibly debased, for they were losing the fairest of their precious gifts; but to those who had no eye to see the true happiness, they appeared glorious and blessed at the very time when they were full of avarice and unrighteous power

>Zeus, the god of gods, who rules according to law, and is able to see into such things, perceiving that an honourable race was in a woeful plight, and wanting to inflict punishment on them/


Genesis 6
>it came to pass when men began to be numerous upon the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God having seen the daughters of men that they were beautiful, took to themselves wives of all whom they chose.
>God said, My Spirit shall certainly not remain among these men for ever, because they are flesh, but their days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Now the giants were upon the earth in those days; and after that when the sons of God were wont to go in to the daughters of men, they bore children to them, those were the "giants" of old, the men of renown. And God having seen that the wicked actions of men were multiplied upon the earth, and that every one in his heart was intently brooding over evil continually

>then God laid it to heart that he had made man upon the earth, and he pondered it deeply. And God said, I will blot out man whom I have made from the face of the earth, even man with cattle, and reptiles with flying creatures of the sky, for I am grieved that I have made them.

...then "the big flood"...

>> No.16390401

>A pseud loves playing games with sophistry and has a reckless disregard for truth
So Guenon is the literal antithesis of pseud then? He has multiple books devoted to exposing the spiritualist and theosophical narratives as malicious. Truth is literally the entire point of his writings, and he's pretty educated in his arguments. He even goes as far the understand that his theses are complex and not for everyone, but that he's trying his best to get a message he thinks is important out there. Maybe read a little?
>If you have knowledge of the core of tradition
Those are some big assumptions there

>> No.16390410

Who should we be reading instead anon?

>> No.16391603

from a mythological point of view the third reich could be a prime example of the luciferian" (or promethean) archetype. they shined bright and "flew too close to the sun"...same as the soviet union

>> No.16392265

Submissions would be nice, dear anons.

>> No.16392335

what do you think of the Thunder, Perfect Mind

>> No.16393267

Die in a fire tranny Jew

>> No.16393996
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>> No.16394003

Fucking midwit here, so bear with me.

I have been looking into Orthodox Christianity lately and I feel like I have heard Guenon brought up in adjacent circles. Is there any relation?

>> No.16394206



>> No.16394340

is because of his book "crisis of the modern world", jonathan pageau also recommends that book a lot, he has a channel about symbolism

>Guanon is probably the best symbolic mind in the 20th century, his capacity to perceive symbolism is really unmatched, i usually use space-related geometric symbolism is mostly what i tend to engage with whereas he was able to view all kinds of aspects of symbolism, he was a genius but he was also off on a lot of points mostly that he didn't realize that what he was doing was going to bring about a kind of weird syncretism and you can see that the perennialists or the people who kind of follow his writings, it's as if they're in another religion, and they talk almost with disdain about the actual tradition

59:00 https://youtu.be/KiedF6T-Tw0?t=3538

>> No.16394501

Seraphim Rose studied him a lot.

>> No.16395358

Good video

>> No.16396001

He actually criticizes those who want to return to the past... as people who are misguided. Those who are reactionary end up regressing to a less advanced degree of modernism (ie conservatives who look to the 1950s as their perfect model of society). But he also rejects 'progressivism' and this idea that we are evolving into something greater. Rather he observes that we are moving towards the last cycle of cosmic cycle and that in order for that cycle to complete itself we have to proceed through the 'crisis' of the modern world.

>> No.16397183

bump to save thread

>> No.16397692

What happens after we proceed through? Sorry unread on Guenon, just trying to figure him out before I commit to him.

>> No.16398376

I'm not that anon but no one really knows what's gonna happen like he said we gonna have to go through this, this is a "luciferian" epoch it has all the atributes of that archetype even down to the pride issue, the last important luciferian archetype was the roman empire, I'll let you guess what happened...

interestingly enough one thing has always been truth to history: "every empire falls"...

the last epoch seems to always replicate the "lucirefian spirit", spangler also talks about different ages and the final one in his view is always accompanied with a general atheistic society that has become materialistic, the arts in general also enter a decay etc, this ages can last very long but all this actually fits very well with mythology and archetypes of prometheus lucifer "the age of man" "the fall of a bright star along with its pride"...

>> No.16399422
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Isn't the lucifer as prometheus narrative just milton's? Because lots of crypto deists and enlightenment era occultists adopted that narrative, which has no real Christian basis, solely because of Paradise Lost. Did Guenon actually believe in this archetype?