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/lit/ - Literature

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16385838 No.16385838 [Reply] [Original]

>be me, NEET
>talk to neighbour
>"so what u do"
>"im unemployed. but i'm trying to write more lately."
>"dark stuff?"
>"yeah mostly"
>she starts talking about pressure points in your hands and feet, jesus and the buddha and how i shouldn't write dark stuff and should prey. also she sells alkalized water machines or something
bitch i can write whatever the fuck i want. it's FICTION, bitch.
why can't women differentiate between fiction and reality? why do they try to censor everything?
i'm going to make my fiction EVEN DARKER just to spite her. fuck slave morality

>> No.16385841

Why dont you fuck her

>> No.16385844

Wait, so what they put on TV ISN'T real?

>> No.16385845
File: 355 KB, 1280x720, raisman.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she have cute feet? you were supposed to inquire after them, me thinks

>> No.16385846
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>be me, NEET


>> No.16385916

did i mention she was like 60+?

nope, believe it or not.

>> No.16385950

>did i mention she was like 60+?

>> No.16385961

i just wrote some erotic fiction about it instead

>> No.16385968

>i'm going to make my fiction EVEN DARKER just to spite her. fuck slave morality
Imagine being a slave to your emotions.
Imagine letting some woman have this much power over you

>> No.16386005

>Imagine being a slave to your emotions.
emotions have absolutely nothing to do with, you cocksucking faggot piece of shit. kill yourself.
>Imagine letting some woman have this much power over you
you're distorting what i've said because you're mentally retarded. all women are the same and you'd know that if you'd ever talked to one. again, kill yourself.

>> No.16386024
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Why are you so angry fella?????

>> No.16386036

i'm not angry. stop trolling

>> No.16386078

>Imagine being
if only I

>> No.16386089

>starts talking about pressure points in your hands and feet, jesus and the buddha and how i shouldn't write dark stuff and should prey

Sounds like she posts on /lit/

>> No.16386112

>Sounds like she posts on /lit/
shit i meant pray.
look my point is i hate how i feel like i have no freedom of expression because of fucking herd morality.

>> No.16386153

Transgression, contrarianism, and a self-laid path make for good art, provided they are backed up by talent and a genuine dedication to craft.

Anything that sets out to please everybody and not tweak a single sensibility will almost always not be very interesting.

Stay grounded, and good luck. Hopefully you post your stuff somewhere on here when it's done.

>> No.16386209
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i appreciate the shape of your reply, that each line decreases in length, making it look like a poem. it was worth making this thread just for this one supportive response, so thanks.
i wholeheartedly agree. all good art has some element of transgression in it, but transgression on its own doesn't make a work worthwhile.

i think it'd be interesting to make a work where nothing bad happens, where everybody is morally perfect and nothing goes wrong. how boring would that be? it's almost like that's what people want. even in the most pedestrian of fictions - a show like modern family, for instance - there still has to be some sort of conflict, otherwise there's no story. the demand for this perfect harmonious utopia where nothing bad every happens is antithetical not only to freedom of thought and expression but to life itself. life itself is conflict and struggle. any good work of art depicts conflict and struggle, and that isn't necessarily "dark".
to ignore struggle and conflict is to eliminate spirit. spirit is that which tarries with the negative and with death. ironically there's nothing spiritual about such new age spirituality which shies away from the darkness. there's no light without the dark.
>Stay grounded, and good luck
thanks my friend. i'm a pretty new writer, i'm just getting started. i wouldn't even consider myself a writer yet. just trying to write a thousand words a day, maybe in a year or two i'll have built some chops.
>Hopefully you post your stuff somewhere on here when it's done.
i will when it's good enough. i have a long way to go!