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16383999 No.16383999[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16384015

Hitler's paintings sucked balls. Insipid, elementary, and lack of creativeness.

>> No.16384025

post your paintings anon

>> No.16384030

Sex sells, he said. There could be COOMERS here.

>> No.16384031

Germany remains occupied

>> No.16384032

The eternal simp and his virginal urges

>> No.16384039

you can just tell that every midwit that repeats this knows nothing about art

>> No.16384438

It was objectively great.

>> No.16384484
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"In the future i want to be nothing other than what i have been in the past: alerter of my people, teacher of my people and the Führer of my people."

>> No.16384499

Pretty much; not to say that his paintings were good, but I'd say he was an essentially competent creator of fairly kitschy scenes in a typical 19th century style. Hilariously, the wikipedia article on his painting can't even refrain from trying to pwn him epic style
>Instead of progressing in his artistic influence, his works copied the artists of the nineteenth century and other masters preceding him
Fucking idiots, roughly 99% of art doesn't create something entirely new and devoid of noticeable influences. It's not "copying," it's called painting within a particular established style.

>> No.16384506

Try not repeating anything you simply heard from others for a week. Only say things that come from your own understanding about subjects you have deep knowledge in. Only say things you can justify. Not backpedal and look up spoonfeeding Buzzfeed and Wikipedia articles to justify for you, but actually justify.

You will find that a lot of what you're saying is just someone else's commonplace or cliche using you as a vessel. Don't be a vessel. That's for redditors.

>> No.16384537

The first gamer moment (1907, colorized)

>> No.16384992
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>> No.16384995

simps be simping

>> No.16385001

Go back

>> No.16385034

Please, /leftypol/ is fully aware that good things and ideas can come from less than ideal people. They are strong advocates of the fact that content should always be judged independent of the creator; other wise they wouldn't be able to find any good on the writings of Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, or Mao.

>> No.16385087

HAHA as if they aren't all murderous leftists frothy at the gash when they read about raped nuns and starving muzhiks.

>> No.16385117

Nobody halfway decent would do this. Artists post their works under real names and nobody wants any association to this shitzone.

>> No.16385172
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"Its just one of my many works I've made the last couple of years", Adolf said once again. Not sure if his inquisitors in front of him had heard him correctly the first time. Another painful silence followed. He tried to remember what had brought him to Vienna and why this art school was his life goal again.
"You seem to hold some very unusual ideas when it comes to the concept of perspectives", said the oldest of the three man now. The one that had studied his paintings the longest and with the most detail.
"Its is just a random overview of my portfolio really", Adolf responded, even though he had no idea what that even was suppose to mean. That he had left his best work at home? He felt a cold drop slowly crawling down his back. It was during moments like these he hated himself the most. Why couldn't he be more like his awful half brother? That disgusted pig was always so happy with himself, even though he had absolutely no reason to. Always smiling as if he was some sort of movie star. Adolf never laughed that much. His inner demons didn't allow it. They always demanded more and more and more. Just enough to get him to a places were life could only disappoint him. Almost like it was his destiny to push himself to the top and than over it in a ravine of fails & pain.
"I'm going to be frank with you Adolf. You'll probably, no in fact. I know for a fact that you'll never be a good painter", the old man said.
"I see." Adolf mumbled softly. The death sentence of him as an artist hurt him more than he expected. Looking at the compassionate eyes in front of him even his inquisitors noticed. It made the whole situation even worse.
"You're still a young man Adolf and the world is yours to take. Find other tools than paint to express your ideas. I'm sure you'll find something"
"Yes, thank you. Maybe I will."

>> No.16385478
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>> No.16385488

Skin too light

>> No.16385498

I'm also >>16385034

>> No.16385537

This one is a pretty neat painting. Apparently the exhibitor called it a "piece of crap" Would that be the case if it was by anyone else I wonder

>> No.16385561

>one pretentious art school caused the holocaust and ww2


>> No.16385563
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Midwits repeat the lie that his art was terrible and his book was nigh unreadable.


>> No.16385595

His paintings were pretty decent. If he had gone to art school he would have undoubtedly been a great artist.

>> No.16385641
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schloss neuschwanstein is hanging up in my living room :) really looks great in a matte black outer frame, white inner frame. right next to the window so beams of light shines upon it when i open up the curtains.

>> No.16385682
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I miss him.

>> No.16385791
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It was horrifying. The stiffness of it, the flabbiness. She recoiled with every movement she made, wondering what had brought her to such a low point. Her art was beautiful, at least that was still true. Decades of practice and discipline mixed with an expensive art school education had their advantages. Each painting captured a deep abiding sense of realism, as if a photograph rendered in acrylic. Perhaps it was that sense of brutal realism that made her situation all the more dire.

Ever since Hitler's brain was implanted in her body, and her brain was tossed into the aging fuhrer, that immaculate grasp of the material allowed her only to watch and recall with perfect memory ever degradation the kraut inflicted on her form. Hitler, she had thought, went too far with the Holocaust but that was before she had seen what the man would do with access to Killstar. Dollskill became his Ardennes, which he blitzed straight through to take over instagram. She had always been a modest girl but the dictator was shameless and pressed his stolen cleavage like so much lebensraum into every selfie.

Stroke by stroke she painted the castle where her body was torn from her, trying to ignore the rising stiffness in her crotch. She could only watch Hitler's mocking gyrations of her old hips for so long before her fascist prison grew aroused. The painting was merely a distraction. She knew as surely as Hitler's onlyfans sub grew, so too would her new Austrian penis. Putting that bratwurst inside what was once her was the closest thing to being whole she had left. And she would eagerly beg for it each and every night.

>> No.16386128


>> No.16386149

since the great coomer purge of 2025 and the banning of ethots the world imperium was thriving simping even slightly was punishable via lashings of nine tail

>> No.16386537

Holy shit I just read the rest of that paragraph about Hitler's art, jesus christ the absolute state of wikipedia. I don't even like Hitler's painting but this is humiliating for an "encyclopedia"
>Hitler's style was very calculated when representing architecture in his paintings. Instead of progressing in his artistic influence, his works copied the artists of the nineteenth century and other masters preceding him. He claimed to be the synthesis of many artistic movements but drew primarily from Greco Roman classicism, the Italian Renaissance, and Neoclassicism. He liked the technical ability of these artists, as well as the understandable symbolism. He called Rudolf von Alt his greatest teacher. The two show similar subject matter and use of color, but Alt displays fantastical landscapes giving equal if not more attention to nature and the surrounding environment than to the architecture

>> No.16386574

edit it out and cite just that, its just pointless shit talking not even valid criticisms

>> No.16387800
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>> No.16387811
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"Meanwhile let me just invade and genocide countless other peoples and ethnicities, that will obviously get me to this goal."

>> No.16388005

Although some people say his paintings are bad because of his difficulties capturing and creating perspective, I would say these small inaccuracies overall benefit towards a more painterly style - which I much prefer to stark realism, and result in an honest piece with small flaws just like every other thing in existence. The fact he painted in watercolor leads me to believe he might have also liked a less strict style even though I've read that he disliked expressionistic work. If he wouldn't have appreciated this idea, I wonder if his work would then be classified as outsider art? Regardless, he could have achieved proficiency with time.

>> No.16388083


>> No.16388105
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Write a short story based on the guy who got this tattoo.

>> No.16388107


Is this supposed to be an argument?

>> No.16388123

if you get away with it, yeah