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File: 872 KB, 1186x1576, Ben_Shapiro_(42864830152)_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16382215 No.16382215 [Reply] [Original]

What should one read in order to improve and study debating and argumentation? Plato? Aristotle? What else?

Is there a chart or something?

>> No.16382225
File: 1.59 MB, 1080x720, Classically Abby.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16382230

your time on earth is limited, debating retards is a waste of time, tic-toc-tic-toc-tic-toc, the big black is coming soon to drag you into eternity.

>> No.16382244

>ben shapiro
just fuck off 16 year old /pol/tard

>> No.16382246

How to win a debate by Schopenhauer.

>> No.16382253

Just get muscles and knock niggas out.
Only pussies fight with words lmfao

>> No.16382256

Megposter why are you doing this. You're in too deep bro you need to stop

>> No.16382259

Ah yes. Ben "I have never seen a wet pussy in my life" Shapiro.

>> No.16382358

Bro I can't even properly say things to my mom
How should I do

>> No.16383487

Debating is just irl shitposting

>> No.16383933

Depends on the topic at hand, otherwise you're just acting like the asshole kike in your pic

>> No.16383943
File: 8 KB, 205x246, 1592416827472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick burn! upvoted!

>> No.16383946

the big book of reddit

>> No.16383960
File: 106 KB, 828x910, 1576525040055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet on a better horse

>> No.16383981

His wife is a doctor ergo she surpasses 99.9% of roasties

>> No.16384124
File: 44 KB, 629x452, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No books needed, just follow the guide.

>> No.16384131

Use socratic questioning to figure out the broad outlines of your opponent's ideological edifice, putting him in a defensive position where he's forced to give formal definitions to concepts and to establish boundaries for his claims, which is information you will then use to figure out the weak spots in the machine, the unexamined notions, the parroted folk wisdom, the unchallenged dogmas. Once you have this figured out, start throwing potshots at different places, talk about the wider implications of his ideas and force him into conceding to exceptions or hypotheticals, get him juggling with several different new concepts, trying to digest more than he possibly could at once. When the confusion starts to take over, and his voice is starting to get shaky and his thought are unorganized, you deliver the death blow at this spot, and watch the whole thing crumble as that which is axiomatic and therefore essential to many of his conclusions is shown to be a mere fiction of acculturation, a widely accept lie that can't withstand scrutiny. He's thinking now. Lots of silences in-between phrases. No eye contact. What happened to mr. Confidence that was talking shit a while ago? Make use of those intervals, fill the blanks yourself, don't give him time to process anything, push him into desperation, scold him, talk about how could he possibly have answers for complex problems when he can't even properly inquiry into basic truths? But then you start to shift your tone a bit , you see, you start to sound a little more casual, kind, curious. Your target is burning with shame, and he will cling to any display of human warmth, he will accept any concession of defeat as long as he can save face, so you don't have to kill the prey. Make use of his collapsed mental defenses to imply that you're not a threat, you were not trying to hurt him, but to cure him from an ideological disease, just like a doctor would cure you from a physical one, and that pain is part of the process. Assume a new archetypal role of defender, of father figure, use a friendly body language, speak in a southern accent. He will be welcoming of you, and now you have made a disciple for life. The pain is over, let the healing begin - together.

>> No.16384132

>what is a joke

>> No.16384142

great, so Shapiro can't satisfy a woman that meets your standards either

>> No.16384171

Holy projection! Imagine not making your wife's pussy produce white lubrication to take in your 9 in cock .

>> No.16384472

This is why I hate twitter. People only ever respond with snide remarks, ad hominem/straw-manning, and clever-sounding phrases instead of legit arguments. Not to mention that's not even remotely what he said.