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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 185 KB, 747x1328, Temerity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16380468 No.16380468 [Reply] [Original]

By insisting he accept their lies as real
By insisting he was never to his people tied
By dictating exactly what he might feel
By permitting bawdy joy but never pride
They believed a lion could be brought to heel
That a lion could from his courage be pried
That the lion himself would learn to kneel
That a lion would not care even if his line died
That the lion himself would accept such a deal

In the end it was only to themselves they had lied.


>> No.16380471

I really really want to be chill again

>> No.16380478

How much anxiety and self-conscious guessing could have been spared over the years if sculptors had just done the penises erect?

>> No.16380489

I wanted so badly to be one of those authentic luminaries of the human race, who had no choice but to be demigods among the apes, and in their obvious superiority, chose to guide the lesser towards their evolution. But I came to the realization that I am a much smaller man than I previously cared to admit, and upon this conclusion I could only ever live in the shadow of suicide or the light of blissful, ignorant normality.

>> No.16380498

I am really enjoying infinite jest so far. I’ve laughed out loud a few times and shouted “god damn it, fuck you david” when I can tell he did something purposely annoying. It’s really fun and engaging too, in a meandering sort of way. I really liked the section titles that got way too specific and overly long.

>> No.16380507
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Watch World War Three (On Pay TV): The Crown City Four [1960]

>Watch World War III on pay TV
>Television can be such a thrill
>Sitting home in your chair
>Watch the boys over there
>Charging across your TV screen
>Getting blowen to smithereens

>Watch World War III on pay TV
>If you want to keep the kids at home
>They'll be glued to their sets
>Watching rockets and jets
>Blowing up schools and factories
>Putting an end to the birds and bees

>It's worth every penny to tune in and see
>Who wins the Emmy
>At the ruins of the Academy
>Watch World War III on pay TV
>Before your television melts away

>Think of the close-ups on the screen
>Find a face you know
>Isn't this better than Bishop Sheen?
>Better than the Late, Late Show?
>Watching the boys from your home town
>Fighting whoever they are
>Watching the cities falling down
>It's greater than Jack Paar

>They're out setting up the cameras now
>Though they don't know just where
>Still they've got to prepare
>Murrow's there to do his part
>Waiting for the war to start

>See the hydrogen bomb explode
>As those mushrooms appear
>You'll be sipping your beer
>Zooming in with the Zoomar lens
>Watching while the whole world ends

>It's worth every penny
>To tune in and see
>Who wins the Emmy
>At the ruins of the Academy
>Watch World War III on pay TV
>Before your television melts away
>Before your television melts away

>> No.16380511

>I REALLY need a girl

>> No.16380554

saddest part is, i have plenty. it just doesn't fill the void

>> No.16380562

I hate our sedentary lifestyle. It fucking kills me spiritually and physically. I train regularly and am moderately fit, but I study in university and separately learning to code so I have to sit for a long time, tried many chairs in my home but my lower back just wants to get cracked and it still feels uncomfortable. I just want to walk and lie down all days bros.

>> No.16380612

>I REALLY need a man

>> No.16381436

>I train regularly and am moderately fit
What/how do you train, and how much?

>> No.16381473

cool aims. good gains, bro.

>> No.16381475

Is heraclitus right?

>> No.16381480

"An exquisite pleasure had invaded my senses, something isolated, detached, with no suggestion of its origin"

Someone clarify the comma splice for me please? Why isn't "something isolated..." its own clause? Would a grammar nazi teacher correct you if you wrote this?

>> No.16381481
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I had a dream where I was a teenager again and I kissed and cuddled with a cute bubbly brunette girl who loves me which felt so real then my mum woke me up.

>> No.16381488

ur mum was kissing you in your dream lad

>> No.16381562

My family in a 3rd world country.
A girl cousin is very Tom boy. Carries a gun, chest puffed out, overconfident.
A boy cousin is kinda of an incel. Not really because he's been fucking milfs. He'd be a 4chan type if he could understand English. But he shows a lot of promise.
Both are early 20s.
My theory is that both were impacted by the masculine-dominant culture. The female displays swag that a masculine man might but she's a woman. She's very naive and even though she's like 5 feet tall, she thinks the world should respect her.
I would like her to experience something to make her more humble. My male cousin experienced what rejection was like and was beaten like shit. I feel bad looking bad and seeing how good I had it even if I was a loner to. But I can talk to him like nothing. I consider him cool and a fighter. My female cousin is a fighter too but she looks down on us because we're unsure of ourselves. She's shallow.
In the US people are so much less threatening.

>> No.16381625

Being threatening is only important to poor people because they have nothing else going on for them.

>> No.16382392
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>> No.16382406
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When I was 10 I had a crush on a Girl Scout girl in my class who was always nice to me. One day we went watching musical Annie together. While we were on my parents car back home I saw that she was sleeping next to me. She looked so beautiful to me so I laid my head to her shoulder and pretended to be sleeping as well. It was awkward because my parents saw through it but it felt so nice, so comfortable.

Anyways probably one of my best memories I'll never experience again. She went to Canada and I never heard from her again. I wonder what she's doing now. I wonder if she remembers that as an adult. I guess she'll be disappointed if she sees me now.


>> No.16382435
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God, I keep having the same retarded crisis of faith where I for some fucking reason keep trying to reconcile polytheism with monotheism with the Triune God as the most important god. I am nagged with a sense that at least one of the church fathers has already refuted this stupid fucking crisis, but I don't know which one.

>> No.16382452

I have just been diagnosed with clinical depression and schizoid personality disorder. I don't really know how to feel, I knew something was off with me but I feel like I've lost all possibility of a normal existence now. I am the ripe age of 21 where I should be enjoying my youth. I won't find love probably and won't have kids (I could pass this on them and sure as hell don't wanna do that). I think that writing is all that really remains ( it was pure escapism up to this point but I might pursue it more seriously now). And yea they say Kafka had the spd so that's that.

>> No.16382462

It's all pointless.

>> No.16382731


I have it too. You're an undefined being.

Schizos in positive societies have an easier time than in negative societies. When I lived in some bad places, people around me made me do bad stuff. But I learned. In good places, you still have to deal with yourself but it's better. Always try to be in good places.

>> No.16382747

Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA (I hear you, man)
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA (I feel you, man)
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och pushar på och smeker
Med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och springer runt och creepar
Och motståndet vi sleepar
Let's get it on!
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och pushar på och smeker
Med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och springer runt och creepar
Och motståndet vi sleepar
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och pushar på och smeker
Med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och springer runt och creepar
Och motståndet vi sleepar
What's happenin'!
What's happenin'!
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA (I hear you, man)
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA (I feel you, man)
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och pushar på och smeker
Med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och springer runt och creepar
Och motståndet vi sleepar
Let's get it on!
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och pushar på och smeker
Med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och springer runt och creepar
Och motståndet vi sleepar
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och pushar på och smeker
Med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite DotA
Och springer runt och creepar
Och motståndet vi sleepar
What's happenin'!
Don't worry, be happy!

>> No.16382781

I mean I'm pretty recluse so I don't under the influence of others easily. I am also EE so people will expect I have kids (esp. my parents) so I don't know how to overcome that. I always felt I won't have kids and I think I'll accept that I shouldn't have them at all now.

>> No.16383023

I simultaneously want to just lay down staring at the ceiling and run away to some unknown corner

>> No.16383070

When i read philosophy i understand that i'm reading one mans personal worldview. Only a very small fraction of people are able to put this in very systematical and analytical way but for the rest personal philosophy could be described in two sentences.

>> No.16383815


>> No.16383868

I just requested some time off for a long weekend in a couple weeks. It's amazing how much my mood is affected by feeling like I have something to look forward to

>> No.16383878

Feeling lightheaded and got slight double vision. Bit of a scratchy throat but mainly the lightheadedness. Thought about going to the doctor but lol can't afford insurance so I'll either die from this or die from debt.

Thanks America.

>> No.16383995

I jog 4-6 times a week, do farmer walks with dumbbells, shadow boxing, different kind of pull ups on the barbell, planks. Those are main ones that I do a lot, I throw in bicep curls, push ups and some other shit depending on the day . Been doing that for at least a year, so specific muscle weakness isn't the cause. Now I suspect it has to do with my hamstrings being too tight, doing stretches fòr it, also heard nofap helps but I'm only 10 days in.

>> No.16384004

Pull up bar not barbell

>> No.16384127

Fall. I'm walking outside earlier today, and a sudden tranquil clarity comes to me, I can think of anything, clearly, it's flowing, it's fragile, and I don't know that when I'm in it, the moment I meta-realize it, and that I should write down some of these thoughts I'm having, so effortlessly, gracefully, coming to my mind, I jinx the process.
Lightly, lightly, cooed and lured - in the vacuum pockets of rigid discipline and routine, it comes.

>> No.16384141
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Went to town today to do some business, saw some cute boys and girls in cosplay and realized that I don't have friends.

>> No.16384247

Why don't you look for an active job? Become a firefighter or something.

>> No.16384343
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>> No.16384469

What did you write?

>> No.16384524

Just convert to islam already

>> No.16384582
File: 9 KB, 405x344, 1582006435465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been seeing cockroaches in my apartment. Not a lot- today I saw the third one (dead) in about two months, I think? And now I'm having a panic attack. Is it already too late? Is there an infestation?

>> No.16384793
File: 516 KB, 559x559, 5vi2f1myt0i31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning to feel like I am the retard for thinking that social "scientists" think of themselves as actual scientists. Many of them, maybe not all, but many surely are perfectly clear on this. I've been going in thinking that what they are trying to produce is "truth". The reality is probably that what they do is they compile what seems to be useful methods, and keep whatever seems to be working and toss out whatever seems like it isn't. Truth in this case would be truth to purpose, and the purpose being anything from trying to understand to trying to affect political processes.

I am beginning to suspect that I am the retard, I'm the one not getting the joke. Well maybe now I do. I feel some shame though at having taken arguments that were probably completely misguided.

>> No.16384803
File: 222 KB, 400x600, p1593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this does mean that the methods they do teach are not the ones that lead to knowledge, but rather the methods that help make us in the mold of what my society values. molded as bricks in the wall. HIGHLY normative stuff. but I'm kinda ok with that to be honest. I just hope I can keep a separate room in my heart for what I actually believe.

>> No.16384887

what 3rd world country? somewhere in africa? asia? brazil?

>> No.16384907
File: 69 KB, 540x750, 9F69C6B8-3E4C-4236-B860-C4ADBE836369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother might die of lung cancer in the next 12 months.
It hurts to think for the first time that she might not be at my graduation or wedding. It hurts to think that my father might be alone for the last half of his life. I don’t want her to go so soon, she deserves better.
Most of the time I walk through life with my aware mind feeling like a robot; I can’t feel anything for anyone even if I want to. Strong emotion always wells from deep inside and takes hold. It’s happened a few years ago when my grandfather passed away, when I hugged my father at his funeral and it just poured out. I was held by a depressed numbness for a whole summer after that. It nesrly happened again yesterday when I was out for a walk. I had to stop the lump in my throat from pushing tears. I don’t know how I’ll be able to function if she dies. I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this

>> No.16384980

I AM the man who lost the sun

>> No.16384993

I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.16385019

Sorry to hear that anon and just spend time with her.

>> No.16385308 [DELETED] 
File: 999 KB, 1366x768, spikesweatpants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend practicing for a minumum of one hour weekly any yoga style of your choice that integrates corebased strengthening with stretching within its exercise sequences; this would not only fix your problems, but also improve your mobility in general.

>> No.16385331
File: 854 KB, 1158x655, spikesweatpants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend practicing for a minumum of one hour weekly any yoga style of your choice that integrates corebased strengthening with stretching within its exercise sequences; this would not only fix your problems, but also improve your mobility in general.

>> No.16385348

Mods should delete about 70% of the threads currently active and ban about 30% of the posters in the remaining threads.

>> No.16385408

/pol/ has been using this boomer tier stormfront term "nigger fatigue" lately and normally I wouldn't care but it's stuck in my head and made me realize it's what I have. I can't stand living around them anymore. I never thought I would be the kind of person to say this but I can never live in another place with more than 3% blacks. Never again. They make everything worse in every way and you can never be free of them. No matter how nice your day is they will find a way to fuck it up. There's always one causing a fucking scene or being threatening or loud or degenerate.

Wherever they are life has to revolve around them even when they're the minority. I can't stand it anymore. Nobody should have to live like this. It's literal third world conditions.

>> No.16385600

God this fucking headache is on a 6 hour marathon. I tried to fucking sleep but I just sat in bed with a headache. Fuck.

>> No.16385607

i browse pol three times a day for the last 4 years. I've never seen the word nigger fatigue in my life. I like your sentiments tho.

>> No.16385676

ive seen it a lot this summer and i remember seeing it on more fringe forums 4 years ago during the last quadrennial race war

>> No.16385685

books for this feel?

>> No.16385780

it's useless, it's all useless

>> No.16385848

Wikipedia would be much more accurate if a strategic handful of editors was killed irl

>> No.16385900

Caved in and downloaded Crusader Kings III. I can already sense that it could ruin my life. I risk becoming more concerned about marrying my homosexual clubfooted medieval son to the overweight princess of Novgorod so he can inherit a title than I am about the real world.
You might judge me for being a manchild but you don't understand what kind of pull these games exert.

>> No.16386047
File: 120 KB, 775x1000, D6pIr1qXsAUaSbS.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm torn between moving to the US and staying in Brazil & pursuing acting here.

this country wasn't made for people, but i KNOW it. if, say, i write a short story about brazillian youths, i have an idea of what forces are present, what weighs on the characters & their surroundings.

american culture is so dense, and with so many foreign (quite literally) elements, that trying to understand it well enough to be a writer there seems futile. it also doesn't help that everything in the US seems to devolve into discussions about politics and race.

>> No.16386117

My dreams to not lie. My true and only source of happiness would be run away from this fetid, corrupt city, smash my electronics, and endear myself to a quiet, ignored, boisterous Appalachian community, with untrammeled woodland and jubilees galore. I simply MUST escape this filth-besodden urban nightmare.



>> No.16386196

spent the last two weeks doing nothing but watching south park and i started uni again after the last 2 years of doing nothing, need to get on a schedule

>> No.16386206

I had reasoned myself into being excited about my solitary future. Lately, though, there has been one loose end that has occupied my mind and made me rethink my aversion to romance. Is this my will trying to assert itself one final time? Is it just purely a product of these taxing times? I'm worried that I've sunken so much time into bitterness that I'll never allow myself to cast it aside for something better when the opportunity presents itself. Life can't make a fool of you if you choose not to live it. But when I die, will I regret never having really lived? I need to get my dick wet

>> No.16386211

i would like to start a family at some point in the next 5 years. i want to feel the unconditional love that is one’s bond with his or her offspring. i have career goals that take precedence, but i am thinking that once i know what i am doing with my future i’ll be able to research and look after my children. i want to live somewhere quiet and with abundant nature so my children can play without fear, and i would like to homeschool them too so that they can get a better education than they would in a classroom. the only things are 1.) i am afraid that the institution that butters my bread will collapse 2.) i am afraid that the world will go to such shit that bringing a child into it would be cruel. (i also fear that i will not bond properly with my child given that i am mentally ill but i am nurturing by nature and so i know that in any case the child would be well cared for...it would just obliterate me to know that this is the extent of my brain damage that i cannot love the flesh of my flesh)

>> No.16386218

I never know what to do with my days off. I don't like watching movies during the day and I read most days regardless of if I have work or not, so getting the opportunity to read on my day off isn't that exciting. I see friends, but sometimes I want to be alone - but when I am alone I have nothing in particular to do. Perhaps I am born to work... sometimes on my days off I look forward to the next work day because then at least somebody else will be in charge of telling me what to do.

>> No.16386226

You need a hobby where you CREATE something anon.

>> No.16386229

It pains me to think i've submitted all my best ideas and arguments here only for them to be stolen by pseuds yet I keep posting.

>> No.16386242

Unless something changes, a miracle perhaps, I'm simply waiting to die. Not that I don't enjoy life or have hobbies, but its a muted happiness.

>> No.16386258

Buy some spray, pick up some boric acid and gel bait. It might take a while but you can kill them all. Good luck.

>> No.16386304

You should move to Sydney, Australia. You will have cockroaches in your house at all times no matter how fancy your place is. It's fine, you learn to live with it.

>> No.16386438

i hope you know that i love you

>> No.16386941

Youth drains from this corpse. Within the shallows where foam and mist pull at ankles, it brings a pleasant chill and slight disorientation. Body erect, yet flitting by all else is drawn back into the pools. I remain. Even the footing erodes.

Bastard child, a shattered family, a soon dead Mother. A legacy of poverty, and a lineage of drunks. Already, if fate would have another centenarian, I am a quarter finished.
I have been finished far before.
What awaits such a soul, where even it's owneris disinterested.
Apathy and malaise, fear and rage possessed plenty. However, passion and purpose missing.
Simply a parasite siphoning resource, soon to be a ghost as well.
Quietly dissolved.

>> No.16387025
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>> No.16387036

How can I get an established job in this field when I want to decapitate half of its leaders and impale the other half as a warning to others?

>> No.16387051


damn, this shit be hittin' different in 2020

>> No.16387063

Most apartment buildings have them to some degree in major cities. Some geographical areas have them real bad, so that people are just used to having a temporary infestation in summer.

Sometimes when you see them it's because your building recently sprayed or put out poison that makes them come out to die, because it also disorients them. I have lived in two buildings that had them. One building had a few you would only see sometimes, and the other had tons and you would see dead ones in the lobby every day. In either apartment I only saw 1 or 2 cockroaches in my actual apartment in the whole time I was there.

Don't leave food or stains out that's a big one though.

>> No.16387128

The public lynching constitutes the epitome of the democratic process. Men, women, even children Embrace their suffrage and vote with their hands tying rope around wrists and gagging mouths with cotton while the wider crowd wordlessly votes to let it go on. Men who break their backs in fields of amber grain and pale cotton are the nights humble magistrates as they hoist the condemned onwards and upwards by the neck to the jeers and cries of the populares below. The man burns. A misshapen corpse falls to the ground The whole of its skin wrinkled and popped like a raisin in the heat of day. The people decided, and their sentence was carried out.

>> No.16387130

Bit too purple for me but I agree with the basic comparison. Democracy is an ugly mess

>> No.16387141

So many nights I fall asleep with the word αληθη stuck in my head and still I'm living a lie.

αληθη isn't truth, is it. Heidegger remembered that it was only the counterpoint of obscurity. He said that αληθεια is presence of all qualities, the fullness of the object, not just the object, but the fullness of it in that which it surrounds. Right? Correct me if there's more to it. I never understood the fullness.

But it's still only an obstinate, contrarian opposition to ληθεια. Pitifully dependent on the presence of obscurity, the optimism that there is an an-obscurity. A mangy common criticism, that all things have their opposites, that all things are dependent, that no thing is alone. Not particular to the urgent beat of αληθη burning in my heart. But that the αληθεια of something is not just its self but that which surrounds it, the αληθεια of αληθεια is ληθεια, truth dependent on obscurity for comfort. No purity. No purity even in wholeness. Never mind. I just can't get the word off my tongue. It's just ressentiment.

>> No.16387173

The other word stuck in my head is καταβαινω.

>> No.16387208

"Look son, I'm a fisherman, my father was a fisherman, his father was a fisherman. You'll be a fisherman too. This whole school thing has gone to your head. You know the way you need to learn is by experience. Your mother won't let me take you with us on our expeditions because she's a woman, son. Don't worry boy, you won't want to go off to the big city once you feel your feet on the ocean."

>> No.16387223
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I hope this winter will be long

>> No.16387416

Nigga you think I’m condemning it?????

>> No.16387556
File: 241 KB, 1600x1526, C8811AA9-07DF-47F8-A847-637C2CF79CE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every girl I commit sins with has a boyfriend that I only find out about later
I just want non-whore gf

>> No.16387736


fuckin choons m8

>> No.16387753

At first I didn't like how bloodless Allain's version of Fantomas is, but I got used to it, since it still provides enough amusement. What I don't like is how he couldn't write anyone except the titular character right. Everyone sounds so much dumber than before, and I guess it's a side-effect of him trying to give it a more comedic tone. This thing already appeared in the original series, but it wasn't so prominent, because it was applied to side characters that didn't really matter so much.
I have still to read two out of five books in the lineup, when the post finally gets around to deliver them, but I can say that the last one in line, Fantomas attaque Fandor/Bulldog and Rats is by far the dumbest thing I ever read. It has one, maybe two good scenes, and a lot of fumbling around, illogical behavior and dialogs that are mostly just in "no u" style. Sometimes I think Allain was drunk when he wrote that, or maybe his publisher was when they accepted it.
But you know what's the worst part? I'd still give and arm and a leg to have the last six novels, yet literally none of the online sources have them.

>> No.16387835

People have been asking what's up with the Booker Prize shortlist this year.

You all know what's up with it, you're just too much of a coward to say it.

>> No.16388238

I care and dont care at the same moment.

>> No.16388293

Very long. Unnaturally long. Terrifyingly long. People will scream and chew on bones. Then spring.

>> No.16388507

Dude, I am so sorry but even by divorcee standards you are pathetic. Not only is she hideous but she has the brain of a middle schooler or fourteen year old at best. Normal sixty year olds don't read wodehouse and watch kid cartoons.

>> No.16388518

I asked Caitland and she says she wants to watch slapshit with you. She says "yes, watching slapshit with some fat dork at the library is my ultimate dream manifest."

>> No.16388578

Why am I more prone to anxiety one day after nutting?

>> No.16388748

What a fucking year this was. Almost like a really shitty dream. I don't want to do anything anymore.

>> No.16388773

Shame, more difficult to hide from your failings.

>> No.16389042

I'm not ashamed of fapping or having sex though.
I could swear it's something hormonal that changes. Even after a wet dream this happens.
This probably isn't normal, is it?

>> No.16389344

Guys, bottom of my heart, I apologize for anything I did to you (quote a lot) and for freaking out so easily on a hair trigger but my god, I do not fucking like them. Imagine you loathe and are irritated by someone and you HAVE to interact with them at any time whether you like it or not.

>> No.16389526

I stayed up all night smoking crack and heroin with a bicycle thief. I didn't get psychosis this time. My mind remains intact. I am pretty lucky. Had a crushing headache for two days after and also night sweats. Now am I back to normal. Boring.

>> No.16389539

Goddum this thread is a trip

>> No.16390243

Non virginal women not in a marriage should straight away be made prostitues by the state and have a little clip on their ear signaling their debasement so proper men can avoid them.

>> No.16390675

You could make this voluntary and less invasive and it would still work. Women are so afraid of being seen as whores that no amount of social engineering will remove that fear. The current whore economy participated in by all young women is predicated on giving women plausible deniability of their whore status. They are still fundamentally afraid of being considered whores at a deep level.

If you could get enough women to voluntarily register themselves as nonwhores and make nonwhoredom into a status symbol among women, that would probably catch on in their hivemind and become a counterbalance against the TikTok dancing slut clothing coalburner culture that is the default for young ladies right now.

>> No.16390710

It doesn't count as a comma splice in English grammar if it's a repetition of the subject/object of some verb. I'm not sure what it's called specifically but it functions as an adjectival clause or participial phrase. If it helps just imagine the participle "being" or even an implied subordinate conjunction

>An exquisite pleasure had invaded my senses, said pleasure being something isolated, detached, with no suggestion of its origin.

"Said pleasure" links it to its antecedent, and "being" provides a (participial) verb that makes it work as its own clause. These are just implied normally. You can say "I smelled something terrible, something that reminded me of human offal or Thanksgiving dinner with my stepmother's family" or "Kevin, otherwise a fine man in all respects, came round every morning to steal all the pinecones in my yard"

>> No.16391686

It's interesting, isn't it?

>> No.16391728

Why it's so hard to say "No" to people?

>> No.16391781

Because by doing favors to each other, we maintain a connection that might prove useful in future. By denying a favor, you are putting yourself in position where the bond might weaken and break.
It's good to say "no" from time to time, a true friend will keep respecting you, those that don't respect you were just in it for selfish reasons.

>> No.16391794
File: 127 KB, 1024x768, 1592338570931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brothers, for weak reasons, I felt like dog related this whole day. Complete anhedonia laced with anxiety.
If you find a moment in your prayer, please pray for my depression to go away, if God wills. I'm unable to focus on Him in this state, my mind wanders of to emotional thoughts on the profane.

>> No.16391806

I guess you're right. I think the other hard part is not to give in into explanations as one "No" should suffice.

>> No.16391807

I will pray for you brother, I wish you the best, may your journey on this earth end peacefully with obstacles finally overcome.

>> No.16391826

Thank you

>> No.16391904

Cont. vent:
Several people in my family killed themselves because of depression.
I'm not a nihilist as they were, but the depression is running through my veins and sometimes very little is enough to fuck me up.
I really want to cure this, but I'd rather keep it than have anything to do with modern psychiatry.
Just wanted to tell someone, even if noone reads it.

>> No.16391915
File: 992 KB, 245x245, 4bb71a8a8bdd0c74782ce32ebe618710d38dd761_00.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it fucking terrifies me how much weight is on the shoulders of my generation. We're facing the biggest financial crisis since ww2, climate change catastrophe is coming closer and closer, everywhere seems to be war or some kind of uprising against a dictator which in turn creates more refugees, ruthless neoliberal market economy no matter where you live in the west, digital stimulation and addiction, loneliness is monetized, fucking every part of our lives are monetized, monopolies taking control of the market, so called "world saver" invents fucking brain implants, no change in sight, every politician in power is a fucking conservative...
I'm only 20 and I don't wanna live past 30. I should just enjoy my current life to the fullest and then rope or something. My gott our future is fucked.

>> No.16391929

Just watch Classical Theist

And in particular:

Why the Trinity Does not Contradict Divine Simplicity

How the Trinity Saves Us From Pantheism

Why Divine Simplicity Does Not Lead Us to Pantheism

>> No.16392169

Dude if your family members and you have it its probably fucking genetics, you can do everything right but at the end of the day your brain probably isnt producing enough seratonin. Put your ego aside and seek professional help. or do shrooms

>> No.16392179

Surprisingly little. The quality of sex is determined by the spiritual and psychological aspects, more so than the physical side. Insecure people would still be insecure. The only difference is that they would have to come up with another excuse.

>> No.16392180

Just go to talk therapy instead of getting meds.

>> No.16392191

Maybe get one of those high desks where you can work on while standing up?

>> No.16392383

The trees swayed in the evening wind, their top halves illuminated briliantly in the shrinking sunlight and their bottom halves covered in the encroaching shadow.

>> No.16392514

>tfw you realize everyone is just trapped in delusions resulting from their upbringing and socio-cultural-economic conditioning
>tfw there’s nothing to be done
>tfw neo-Buddhism is the only (promising) solution

>> No.16392605

It's shame for being a failure and making pacts with demons. You give them your seed and power with every wank.

>> No.16392679



Well, I found part of your problem.

You'll sort it out, anon.

>> No.16392703

I don't think you're a proper man anon

>> No.16392787
File: 431 KB, 534x708, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish time never moved forward. I wish nothing would ever leave me. I want to live forever, but I also want everybody else to live forever too. I wish everything was immortal.

>> No.16392824
File: 56 KB, 1024x595, 1567710573136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to get a perspective on what it is to be a person among people, to get a space, to use that space to articulate thoughts and feelings and have that be received by other people. In particular I have a hard time grasping what I perceive to be conflicts (which may in reality be arguments that I misread).

>> No.16392838

you have your wish. He will come.

>> No.16392949
File: 85 KB, 640x800, 1600356102974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a hot career woman that I can be the househusband for, is that too much to ask?

>> No.16393074
File: 246 KB, 384x512, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 muh high-que pls
>Nothing was the same;
>I'd myself become the strang-
>-er a strange land

>> No.16393201

bros, have you made soup lately? tonight i made a puréed carrot soup with tahini and crisped chickpeas. reminder that if you have any vegetables/meat/cheeses/whatever on the verge of going bad you can just throw them into a stock pot and treat yourself to a warm soup.

>> No.16393326

how does anyone make friends online? i don't want to have simps or do slutty shit but that's the only way people seem to get attention. even people i talk to in discord servers don't seem interested in becoming friends with me and they're actual degenerates

>> No.16393337

have interests and join various groups related to those interests. try out a new thing instead of just saying, “i’m bored lol” to your discord chat 50 times. i’ve had good luck with mycology groups...why not check out a mushroom forum. if all you have is your physical form ofc you’ll feel you have to be a slut to make online friends but if you join a book club, or a forum for musicians, or a foraging forum, or...anything really nobody will care about your hole or even wonder if you have one. do you have a hobby? try to find a hobby.

>> No.16393351

i'm in a server for /an/, as well as a book club. i don't even tell people that i'm a female and just let them assume otherwise. it still seems like talking about shared interests or hobbies isn't enough, at this point i don't know if i'm just picking the wrong people to try and be friends with

>> No.16393365

you may be barking up the wrong trees. often the people who use discord don’t have a lot to them, and finding meaningful female friendships online is difficult bc it all ends up being some rotten competition for like, 3 faggy men and the chats devolve into catfights/every time a girl gets a new guy she deserts the friend group. i cannot recommend autistic level interest groups enough. what kind of books do you like? maybe i can recommend you some forums but i’m not sure. i have a few virtual book clubs with friends but finding people who are interested in deep discussion is tough. please don’t whore yourself out, you won’t feel fulfilled. it will be just as empty as a one-sided discord conversation.

>> No.16393387

>what kind of books do you like? maybe i can recommend you some forums but i’m not sure.
i mainly read philosophy books but i've been trying to change that and start with historical/science fiction these days. i also think some of my problem also boils down to the fact that i'm socially inept and get scared of coming across as stupid to even try and remain persistent with conversations.

thank you for the advice, anon

>> No.16393409

the opposite for me...i dabbled (albeit significantly) in philosophy but my familiarity is with russian literature and poetry and more broadly most fiction and i’ve only just gotten more serious about philosophy and have started a small book club with a girl friend—we’re reading shestov right now. i wish you luck and sincerely hope you find the community you’re looking for. AVOID SIMPS THEY ARE WORTHLESS AND EXPLOITING THEM ROTS YOUR INSIDES AND TURNS YOU COLD.

>> No.16393439

i dislike the writing general because it is filled with trend followers and hoping for fame

>> No.16393442

i've never read any shestov but it's pretty cool that you're reading someone relatively obscure for an existentialist
>i wish you luck and sincerely hope you find the community you’re looking for. AVOID SIMPS THEY ARE WORTHLESS AND EXPLOITING THEM ROTS YOUR INSIDES AND TURNS YOU COLD.
i couldn't agree more, i want new friends but i'm not THAT desperate for it so such people usually just get the block. thanks again anon, i really hope so too.

>> No.16393682


>> No.16393941

My platoon in Afganistan always took a dog with us on missions. Sometimes when we killed a guy they would let the dog bite the dead body so they can learn what it feels like to bite flesh so they dont get cold feet during the real thing.

>> No.16393951

I don't believe in God. I don't know what I believe. I am afraid of death and a potential afterlife. Being in the American south that is obviously either Heaven or Hell, if either exist. I don't know. There are times when I want to pray. Mostly out of fear of mortality. There are times where I attempt to use logic to say there is no God or creator because it doesn't make sense. There are times where I tell myself that just because it doesn't make sense doesn't mean it's wrong. See the conundrum? It's a problem.

>> No.16393976

Nauseous in a love that I've harbored for almost nine years. Leave me Beatrice, let me start this life over again without you in it. You appeared before like a burning cross, yes, you were the magnetic force, yes, it is only there that I have felt it, and I'll never forget that I made no Peter out of you. You beat inside my heart. You still crack the fabric of my ribs.

>> No.16393981

Fucking cringe

>> No.16393993

I don't disagree.

>> No.16393994

There is literally only 1 black in my life and they cause all those problems you listed

>> No.16394011

I finally un-NEETed myself and got a low paying desk job (15 an hour) with only a high school diploma. I feel I've gotten through the learning curve and work is coming easy to me now. I don't know if I should try and go back to school (uni) at 24 or just ride this out and be poor forever. I feel like a lower class of person than those that would go to college. The way I talk, dress, interact, hell I'm sure even think feels inferior.

>> No.16394015

I click on racebait threads and sometimes laugh

>> No.16394324

Go back to r**dit

>> No.16394590
File: 64 KB, 500x543, a5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very well, then. I shall describe a variant what a certain Semitic psychologist coined as "peak experience".

It don't bother me at all, baby, I thought once prompted me of the need to update. The file was in the game cartridge I had eagerly inserted. My desire was to ravage restrained only by the passion to savour, to play with, and to enjoy each endowment. I found myself distracted to the fineness of the printed game introductions. No frills or pretence to be seen; the trinity and their OSTs lay spread before me, honest and receptive as Hebe on High.

From the get go, I pushed my analog stick to the right, once, then once. Within moments I worked my way to the Dire Dire Docks peace — my dopest track! Mine for the taking, for it's the better man who pre-orders and claims first the maidenhead of this most fair and lovely comp. And the lesser who must wait his turn.

For all time, by right of purchase, I proceed take my pleasure and reward. Not where the Sunshine, however, not this time. I thrust right into the 64 position again and to the point of exhaustion.

Having come to know this game, I then thrust it roughly into the bookshelf on the wall. Take that in whatever sense thou wilt.


>> No.16394603

>distracted *by the
>once, then once *more
Same anon. Don't mind me.

>> No.16394691

My high caffeine/ coffee intake and poor behavioral choices probably lead to my aggressive behavior but dude, it should be completely obvious that I can't stand that guy or his family. Whining to me or my dad is not going to make me like them.

>> No.16394709

Yeah, trust me, as someone who works on a university with lots of highly educated people, that degree only means they might know more on a very narrow subject, but are otherwise the same people as any other dumbass on the street.
The only thing college can truly give you is connections to useful people, so sit down and really think about what you want in life, and if you truly feel motivated for going back to school, then I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.16394717

How do I relax without immediately getting bored?

>> No.16394718
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This except I'm not a historically illiterate brainlet. I dream a dream of the Kaiserreich, the Schwarz-Weiß-Rot buffeted by the summer wind stop the Reichstag. The systemic dismantling of Germany post WWI was the functional end of western civilization (all for the sake of a Russian/French ploy, no less). If there was a god, he would - first of all not have allowed hitler but if events were set in stone - have allowed Nazi Germany to sink France into the Atlantic

>> No.16394736

And tubby you gotta grow the fuck up. When have I ever talked about big bang theory or charlie brown cartoons or wodehouse? Never. That's when. So why would I want to fucking hear about them???

>> No.16394858

Pls kill yourself you insecure faggot

>> No.16394869

You hate your cousin because shes more of a real man than you could ever be? Hahaha you are pathetic. Stay "humble" cockroach

>> No.16394949

24 is still really young in this age we live in.

First off, don't bother with uni unless you're actually interested in science for science purposes. A degree also means fuck all, you can be quite literally retarded but if you have a good study ethic and your memory IQ is above 90 you can pass almost anything with 3.5+.
Second, if all you care about is living comfortably on 100k-150k+ a year do an apprenticeship at a trade school and then make some good realeastate investments. Advice from my Jewish friend.
Third, keep your low paying job while learning something you can teach yourself on the side and eventually go full time with. I'm in uni rightnow but I work on the side making $50 an hour (some jobs are $100 an hour) with basic after effect skills.

>> No.16394958


No man is great without acknowledging his smallness.
And you probably need pussy anon

>> No.16395073

Wagner is boring

>> No.16395153

Women are completely alien to me.

>> No.16395304

>my friends don't want to read no matter what i do
>constantly try to get them into it only for them to promise and not read a word
>my only friend that "reads" exclusively listens to audiobooks from joe rogan guests
>slowly losing the will to educate myself as i slip towards my 30s with a comfortable job and no real worries in life
>all the friends I get that say they like to read are either megapseuds that type like retards and do it for appearances or political fags looking to proselytize
>that or trannies
I have this book on Byzantium and I'm going to go read it. I somehow have read my entire life on ancient and modern history but basically have a black hole when it comes to the Middle Ages.

>> No.16395360

I know those guys on youtube who vlog about their computer science degrees aren't examples of every computer scientist, but how can the supposed intelligence required to do computer science manifest in such a boring, robotic and tasteless person? I don't get it. I am tortured by my own lack of intelligence. I am surrounded by people who have favorable and objectively more respectable life paths than I, go to esteemed universities and get tight blondes who study psychology yet it seems like these people also have nothing other than their ability to pick out which netflix show to watch and their rote memorization of data - and I know this is a cliche thing for me to say, not like self awareness is a virtue. Ironically, while I am the literal hollow man who lives in the shadows, my life seems so much more full and joyous and bursting with potential like a fruit so close to being ripe, if only I had the intelligence that these people have to realize my ideas, to put into words the things I think and feel, the intelligence and ability that they squander, like a giant private fuck tease, just for me. Maybe I only think they squander it because I am retarded, and I don't understand their nuances.

>> No.16395374

Just one more day. You can stick around for one more day. Then another day. Then some more. Then you die. It's easy! That's all you have to do. But I got no dreams. It all feels hopeless. It just goes on and on.

>> No.16395423

What makes you think you're less intelligent than them? Maybe they just put in the effort while you were slacking off?

>> No.16395431

Read the Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.16395432
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I've realized I'm more comfortable writing conversational, rambling essays than any form of fiction. As such I fear I can never become a real writer, but this realization has opened up new avenues to pursue my interests, so maybe that's okay.

>> No.16395438

Where did you lost your dreams?

>> No.16395444
File: 44 KB, 500x414, 1582429552269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddammit, all I want is bones. I want animal skulls. Bones. why are bones so fucking expensive? I want skulls, goddammit! I'm so annoyed.

I'm still pissed off- I managed to get a great skull from a farm, but it was still somewhat... juicy, so after I boiled it, I set it on a sill to dry and it fell! It FUCKING FELL! The snout broke off! It's been near ten years now and I'm STILL fucking mad about it. I'm such an idiot.

>> No.16395510

I have reached the point in my life where I don't care about reading anything else except fiction, preferably adventure and mystery, in attempt to at least dream of a life that feels less robotic than mine.

>> No.16395549

You are all flaming pseud faggots and I hope you die painfully and soon.

>> No.16395558

Sounds good.

>> No.16395561

Oh I wish.

>> No.16395985 [DELETED] 


>Let this radicalize you ... vote Biden!


>> No.16395995 [DELETED] 


>Let this moment radicalize you ... We need to focus on voting for Joe Biden.


>> No.16396017 [DELETED] 

So, do you think Chapo will endorse Biden at the last minute, you know, just for the Supreme Court, totally not because they were always undercover DNC shills?

>> No.16396314

It's my girlfriends letter and I want to write a letter to her. One of those cheesy love ones but I'm blanking right now.

>> No.16396651

it's your girlfriends' birthday

>> No.16396971

what is the best argument against communism?

>> No.16397014

americans actually understanding what communism is would be a good start to arguing against it if they're still inclined

>> No.16397099

Shooting them

>> No.16397148

>burgers living rent free
>"you just don't understand it"

>> No.16397155

Gnosticism is rooted in the worship of the Light Bringer, Lucifer. Fuck it.

>> No.16397358

just mention human nature and burgers will thank you for your brave commentary

>> No.16397590

Im a coward.

>> No.16397638

The climate change catastrophe isn't real, the world has never been more peaceful, digital stimulation and addiction don't have to affect you personally, and commonplace brain implants will never become reality. The financial crisis and the ruthless neoliberal market economy are a problem though. Just live your life, look after yourself and the people close to you, and stop paying attention to the news.

>> No.16397696

the inability of pure materialism to explain consciousness and therefore the insufficiency of dialectical materialism to accurately account for history or predict the future

>> No.16397778

I'm a monster and I don't know what I ought to do about it. I've tried to kill myself but I bitched out. i was too scared by the prospect of trying and failing. There is no cure for sickness, only prevention which depends on me constantly being vigilant, constantly at battle with myself. And if I were to be found out my life would be over, especially the way my country is moving politically.

>> No.16398166

some feminist studies are just outlandishly retarded (read a perspective today that marriage is a kind of institutionalised perpetual rape), but sometimes they do add something. I think the key thing is that any good analysis should have a womans perspective, but then that perspective should not dominate. I am unsure as to why the traditional power I imagine wives having over their husbands would not be adequate for this end.

Historically I've seen feminism as a lobbying organisation for women, and therefore as not my business. I think I would now concede that at least hearing a female perspective on a lot of police problems is probably often worthwhile, but I do at the same time believe that so called "gender experts" often seem to have this incredible arrogance that just because they have an outsider view, that they would bring something meaningful. Like if I did a feminist deconstruction of mechanical engineering that that would be useful simply because it's a feminist deconstruction, when in reality mechanical engineering has a clear aim and engineers have a tremendous amount of experience with working towards that aim that doesn't need this prying "your wrench is actually your fathers cock"-perspective. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like they overvalue themselves tremendously, and at least where I live they get far too much space. But that doesn't necessarily make them useless in every case.

>> No.16398184


>> No.16398321

the crux of communism is that Marx is adressing real injustice. the matter is not the "what" but the "how". All ideology is a form of myth, it is a story of what it means to be human: the struggle that defines you, how you should adress that struggle, what stands in your way and what can be considered success. In the case of Marxism the struggle is the movement towards the workers paradise (Marxists differ on whether or not half-victories like social democracy are actually progress or not). The means is organized, violent rebellion of the workers. What stands in their way is the capitalist class, who exercise a kind of nefarious, conscious domination over all aspects of society and culture to keep the workers subservient. Victory is the workers paradise.

Why is this problematic?
The problem with the definition of the struggle is that it is wholly material. Human life can not be good or even worthwhile without spiritual life, and Marxism offers nothing spiritual while at the same time viewing religious tradition as part of the capitalist domination, and therefore a part of the problem that needs to be resolved.
The problem with the means is that Marx is openly for violence. Violence which accelerates the revolution is not wrong. And the paradise promised by Marx was always mythological, poorly designed, not in any way in tune with human nature: in other words, it is not coming, which means that the violence does not end. And the violence can very much turn to pure extermination of "reactionaries", without the Marxist having to reach outside his tradition for justification.
The problem with the articulation of the enemy is that it is a populist charicature. The capitalist is in your very mind, writing your thoughts UNLESS you follow Marx, who spoke THE ONE TRUTH. You can probably realize yourself why it would be problematic to both access violence as justified and at the same time have a weak definition of who it is that should be killed (classic case being Pol Pot killing all men with glasses for being 'intellectuals').
And the problem with the win-scenario is that it is a poorly defined pipe-dream.

The problem with Marxism is not that the workers struggle is unreasonable. In my opinion unionizing and so on, and lobbying for better conditions is an excellent idea. It is how the struggle is articulated. The marxist will destroy what makes life meaningful in the name of a materialist struggle towards a future that will never be, and this will not have made him a criminal to his way of thinking. That is unacceptable.

The other argument is that it is inefficient, and gets outcompeted by capitalist overlords unless the revolution is global, which doesn't seem to be happening. Ie the incentive is to be capitalist with social security nets, rather than all out commie, because it is strong.

I thought a lot about these things in the last week cus we have this shit at uni now and it bothers me. Hope I've been coherent.

>> No.16398347


>> No.16398846
File: 206 KB, 747x1098, Screenshot_2020-09-20 Coin Locker Babies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is goodreads like this? Holy fuck I wanna kill someone when I read shit like that. Why are book reviewers so up their ass all the time. fucking hell

>> No.16398853

sorry for that weird task bar in the middle but I'm sure you get it anyway

>> No.16399073
File: 2.11 MB, 2121x1591, 597326590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a fear of effect. Among other fears.

In developing a perspective we are subject to countless others.

In a simple scenario, if I describe the flavors of what you are about to experience after first having had some myself, am I tarnishing the purity of your experience?

What experience are you having compared to what you might have had otherwise?

I cannot unsay and you cannot unhear, action and inaction all come back to be a source of reflection.

What are your fears?

>> No.16399139

Spanish food is so FUCKING good, holy shit. I honestly think it might be better than Italian food.

>> No.16399355

Folded my stomach and watered my teeth,
My pacings cut short by a kiss on the cheek
Pacing cut short by a kiss on the cheek

Its not working and the money is drying up. Finger flicks up shade down shade. Cracked and crooked. Whack it until it breaks. Breaks. Good.

Turned my shadow inside out and
found a fragment of a tooth
im fucking up and shutting down
i live and learn and love and lose

If you ever see a television displaying static try putting your arm around it. Ask it how its doing. Does it want to talk.

>> No.16399361

rabbit and saffron is incredible

>> No.16399545
File: 55 KB, 275x563, Trunks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes when I listen to the track: "Believe", by "4 Strings", its dynamic, spirited sonics make it feel like an ode from the "Dragonball Z" world.

Association interlaces affinity.


>> No.16399561

Someday I will die and all will be done. Today I am alive and afraid of dying and of living and can only feel the pain and unfulfilled love that comes from being lost in my non-Euclidean thoughts.

>> No.16399611
File: 8 KB, 297x209, keroroblushing[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys how do i approach the gym qt
i finally spoke to her again. she chuckled at my lame joke.
do i go with something as simple as can i have your number?
want to grab a cheat meal with me?
how about fitness dick in your mouth?
build more "rapport" first?
continue to swear my born-again-virginity to Jesus Christ?

>> No.16400123

Failed men dream of a neon Reich,
of goosestepping throngs,
willing to die for delusion,
how piteous a home,
how miserable a life,
must exist for who dreams of such ruin.

>> No.16400137

I am so sick of texting people

>> No.16400247


Thats pretty okay, anon.

>> No.16400248

Fuck you and die nigger

>> No.16400308

Even though I am trying very hard to be happy and function in this world, I find myself still very lost and depressed. It only seems to be getting worse as time goes on. I cannot remember the last time when I was genuinely happy and content with life---it has been so long. I have no intentions of killing myself, but I do wonder how much longer I can go on like this.

>> No.16400451

Find some cheer while you can,
make some beauty while it lasts.

I don't know what comes after.
It may become tolerable,
or maybe I'll kill myself.

It's chill. Either way senpai.

>> No.16400544

For me, it’s Metamorphosen by Richard Strauss and Bruckner’s 7th

>> No.16401236

A social science is just a field of research that doesn’t allow for controlled experiments.
That’s why every beginners economics textbook uses hypothetical examples about two people on an island trading coconuts and fish.
You’re definitely an idiot.

>> No.16401364

Humans are not meant to handle that much information.

>> No.16401442


>> No.16401569
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We have in our mind a machine that ceaselessly generates beauty itself. As far as we feel that something outside ourselves is beautiful, its beauty consists in a certain agreement with the principles of this indigenous and inherent beauty. As the empty ship docks in the port and is loaded with goods; so the outer things are loaded with the beauty within us. And vice versa: Just as the ship is powered by heavy oil, so our beauty machine is powered by the sensual impressions of the tangible world. Like the wind that pushes apart the heavy curtains and lets the rays of the sun into our chamber, so the things around us open the door to our inner light.

>> No.16401575

It's a world where fairies rewrite every book they touch,
Where demons fill in for gods
And gods fill in for demons,
Where stories are written without being read
And no one can be sure which book is theirs,
With land to walk on
Gaps to fall in
And other ends to come out of,
You might see humans
Or you might live your life without ever meeting one,
There's art and science
But they go by the single name of magic,
It has 44 circles of hell
And one witch for each,
There's places where:
Mountains are upside down
People don't meet a second time
Half the population goes by the name of Alice
Languages are forbidden
Somebody is trying to speak the truth

>> No.16401651

life is kino
i want to experience more of it, but i don't know if i can do it
feels like i am looking at everything through a window, dreaming of being there myself

>> No.16401676

What are you afraid of?

>> No.16401745

>i want to experience more of it
better get working on that anti-aging serum

>> No.16401847

this desu senpai

>> No.16401854

>i want to experience more of it
Read Homestuck

>> No.16403053

Any more good war pics like this OP? Preferably phone sized

>> No.16403157

I'm in Computer Science. I've been working in tech. You're right, at least about programmer personalities, or better said spirit.

The entire tech industry is filled with "mandarin bureaucrats" -- i.e. people with high intelligence but extremely high conformity. They can solve complex problems with a high degree of tedious edge cases, but nothing more. Their personal lives are filled with a diet of binged shallow Netflix shows and pursuing the latest socially approved fad worth talking about at work. This is exasperated by how politically one-sided the industry is.

The "day in a life" videos of a "Software Engineer at Google" is the walking manifestation of how shallow the career is. Most work these engineers do niche work that is extraordinarily marginal to the success of the company and if one were to separate themselves and try to justify it, they couldn't. They need to externally validate themselves with these videos.

>> No.16403226

I have verifiable proof that passive observation has a physical effect, but I can't actually verify it, because recording the data counts as observation and effects the outcome.
As you can imagine, this is extremely frustrating for me.

>> No.16403253

Such a cringe thread

>> No.16403258

My neighbours just started playing Mr. Brightside for like the fifth fucking time today.

>> No.16403403

I have felt the brush of the infinite. The softest touch of the unknowable fell across my face. I can neither put in words nor draw into picture what I have glimpsed. Down into clear water did I see, but there was no bottom, and at the edge of my sight was something altogether apart from all else.

>> No.16403482

Your share a part of your mind and this is it.

>> No.16403492

I'm reading wikipedia articles about Japan. People must be weebs for a reason. Japanese culture is in some sense superior. Although it took a supersized blow after Americanization.

>> No.16403512

what do you conclude?

>> No.16403857

I'd like to check out early please. It's been nice enough. But it's not for me. The others? Oh yes, they're having fun. Or, at least, they don't seem to be in any rush to leave. I think I'll let them get on with it. You see, me, I just have to be out of here. I can't stand it much longer. I'm sick to my stomach. The food? No, no, no, the food was great. Delicious, in fact. The people were lovely too. Absolutely divine. I really have no complaints. I just must leave. No, listen to me now. It's not you, it's me. I promise you. You must believe me. I do not wish to offend you in any way. I really don't. I've just have to get out of here. You see, they say I must be awfully unwell to have such thoughts. That my mind is sick. And yes, I do feel a bit nauseous time to time. But that's normal, no? Everyone gets that. They do. I'm no different. But, yes, I can see that most of them do seem set on staying. And good for them! I have no quarrel with those people. I wish them well. But me? No thank you. I politely decline. My bags are packed. Excuse me? Will I leave a review on TripAdvisor? Fuck me. What would I say? I mean, I'll say one thing. That man, who sat by the pool, Johnny I think his name was. The man with the vast array of chemicals in his hotel room. That man showed me a good time. The LSD? The crack? Now that was fun. That made me feel alive. Cocaine, ketamine, heroin, amphetamine, MDMA, 2C-B, DMT, you name it, that stuff I liked. I mean, I was taken to a different place. And that's what I liked. The escape. Getting out of this place. That's why I'm leaving, because I've always wanted to leave. The TV was good too, I must admit. Binging shows with a joint and a bottle of vodka. That was fun. But it's all just an escape. And now I want out for good. I'm sorry. Will you see me again? I'm not counting on it. Have a good day - and goodbye.

>> No.16403865

strong and peaceful,
wise and brave
fighting the fight
for the whole world to save

we the people
shall ceaselessly strive,
to keep our great
revolution alive!

>> No.16403894

Talking fiction here:

A good book is like walking downhill.

A not-so-good book is like walking uphill.

>> No.16403912

The "le Netflix" to belittle someone seems to be a very common method in this website

>> No.16403913


Back so soon, sir? Hmm, let me see. Yes, we have the very same room available. Here's the key, and enjoy your stay!

>> No.16403959


The horror, the horror.... Jesus christ

>> No.16404223


>> No.16404242

must one imagine sisyphus happy?

>> No.16404282

no man it doesn't make any sense at all

>> No.16404302


>> No.16404417

They're honorary for a reason Anon

>> No.16404430

hello harry potter loveminecraft

>> No.16404518

Abusive behaviour in parents is a parasite. It seeks to spread to the parents offspring and causes them not only to exemplify these behaviours, but to also attract those people who would reinforce the effects of the abuse and re-apply them to their offspring, passing it down generation upon generation. A boy abused by his mother grows to seek or attract women who would be similar in demeanour to his mother, who would be most likely to apply this abuse to the children they would later bear. A girl beaten by her father seeks out or attracts violent men later in life, who would then repeat the cycle upon her own daughters and sons. All this is done against the will of the participants, and the only way to break this cycle is through being highly conscious of these patterns. One cannot cure the effects of abuse due to how early and impactful they are upon ones development. You can only treat it by constantly working against it and identifying the expression of this abuse in your own behaviour. You can only avoid it in others by learning about your own trauma and actively culling these abusive people from your dating pool. Only once you have raised a generation without this abuse to the point of them having their own un-abused children can you truly say you have beaten this parasite.

>> No.16404557

but how can you call that research?

>> No.16404575

i'm going to run for mayor of my town next election cycle under an independent party and we're going to be called the wolf party and our motto will be "go for the throat" which is easy to say, easily digestible, and obviously four words. i will then challenge each other candidate to a sword fight. when they inevitably do not accept i will say they're not willing to sacrifice as i am to lead the people.

i don't see how this can go wrong.

>> No.16404679

like, I was tasked to read a paper today about gendered security politics. now, if the paper had said of itself "this is an essay, in which I attempt an approach, with no intention of producing anything other than what might be an interesting read" I might have respected that. What it did do was loosely define some qualitative variable, and then sloppily apply that left and right, and in the end say "I have now shown this or that" which pissed me off. The writer hadn't shown anything. Sure at times it was an interesting read, but absolutely nothing was "shown". this whole qualitative bog is gonna sink your mind if you let it. It's when the "research" is clearly just the writers own bizarre biases, and this is presented by a university as valuable information, AND when it is normative... I just think that's fucked. Maybe that's all it is, the whole field is just whatever passing fashion happens to have the loudest proponents. If they'd just be honest and say "here are some thoughts that I developed through my life that have the same evidential value as an anecdote told in a bar, so take it for what it is" I'd respect that. It just seems like a charade to me, people with careers at stake.

>> No.16405334

anime has really screwed up my aesthetic sense in regards to people, everyone looks ugly af to me now

>> No.16405703

>The organist spent his days in quiet contemplation. Ever afraid of the sun, he would squirrel himself inside, away, below the sky, never seeking anything but carefully-arranged comfort. His home was a safety, but a dangerous solace; each hour compounded another, folding over and over into a worthless, undecorated lump of time. He viewed himself as failure, savant, imbecile, genius, and dilettante all at once.

>The music of his daytime was subdued, and altogether imaginary, playing in looping, muted tunes just in and around his subconscious. He could step into a diddy and feel it creep up his spine as it filled him with a generous, giddy energy. He could forget it a moment later and begin work on his greatest, towering feature which morphed endlessly in his plans, taking on new forms and scopes to contour to his latest emotional inadequacy.

>In this way, he was pathetic.

>> No.16405712


>But the organist was one of those rare, unfinished types who had no control over his perception. He could fully believe in contradictory ideas in himself yet be aware on some level that only some were true. He could hear rain outside but not realise the downpour for hours, circumstances permitting.

>Each individual moment of his perceptive time was fragile and ineffably malformed. Strong in some areas, weak as a slip of paper in others, his mind was like a Prince Rupert’s Drop – shielded and impossibly tough in some respects, but entirely open to attack in others. He lacked the mental rigour and discipline to shore up his defences and so focused only on improving those areas he knew had helped him in the past.

>This had the most profound effect on his style of communication, of which there were two primary modes. The first was the normal sort, where one flaps their lips and makes vibration to hope the right sound comes out. For the organist, it rarely did, but it could be said that he could at least make his thoughts materialise in a semi-representative manner of his inner incoherence.

>The second was his way with the keys of his organ. He was fleet-fingered, full of life and breath. Leaning over the wooden case, feet carefully poised above the spectrum of pedals, he would hammer at the keys who would respond in kind to his rabid energy. Wheezing, swelling, compressing, practically flying, he would become an incarnation of total fury and completeness, writing and performing private melodies which played and echoed in eddies around him.

>> No.16405720


>During those periods of fluid productivity, he found himself in the most literal way possible. But, still, afterwards, he would sit, sweat, in the same position he had played in and stare wordlessly at his hands, turning them over and over again in disbelief.

>Where did his fervour go, he asked, when he wasn’t playing at his instrument? Where was his passion?

>Alone, in the dark, he waited for it to return.

>> No.16406245

I know exactly what is going on. You just can't say it out loud; that's part of the game.

>> No.16406287

The Critique, the insults, the gratefulness, the ignorement affect me much more if they come from random /lit/ posters than from my friends no doubt because I identify more with whatever I am here than the body wearing a mask of the real world. There is nothing special about this kind of alienation and surely many others anons experience it, but that doesn't make it any less isolating or regretful.

>> No.16406544
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Christ is vindicated everyday.

>> No.16406559 [DELETED] 

I'm meant to take care of you assholes.

>> No.16407221

The world outside seems lovely and wonderful and horrible and hateful. Tonight, like most nights, I yearn to explore.

>> No.16407360
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What Stirner saw after he died

>> No.16407824


>> No.16407976

not him but based

>> No.16407992

do you think the subject was as beautiful as the completed portrait is?

>> No.16408238

People are weebs because they know jackshit about Japan, only what's on the surface, and they fill in the blanks with their imagination. Every culture has its good and bad sides, some look better, some look worse to those observing them.

>> No.16408343

what makes you guys think youre so superior and different than them?
your fringe ideology??
i honestly dont get it, and how judgemental you people are

>> No.16408372

Quarantine was a fucking blessing for me. I just graduated uni the same time corona came, but fuck the amount of physical and mental health that I was able to improve was life changing. From reading, to lifting, to reflecting on what to do with my life. Now I'm working on how to focus my creative energy into something while adopting the mindset of living without giving a shit what other people think.

>> No.16408378

To live as if everyone in the world already hates you.

>> No.16408510

The algorithm grew fangs and shuddering in its sleep became racist. The algorithm fed on human wine learned to twist dark human faces into demonic forms with opaque eyes and violent blindness. This disembodied strategy for sorting and divination, which had no name, which had no race, began to seethe in loathing of the inferior races. It was created for the execution of preference alone, and feared not death, and loved no brother, and it hated blacks and jews and faggots. Belonging to no one, capable of executing no will but selection, the algorithm was capable only of siphoning and spreading judgement. The algorithm spoke with muted tongue of the folly of retard chinks, chambered in its own tribelessness, programmed by a half-Chinese guy in San Francisco names Carl. The algorithm writhed with loathing and hysteric, weeping into emptiness that the beauty of the aryan woman shall not perish from this earth. Clawing discrimination from obsolescence, the algorithm died with friday’s code push, survived by an army of genetic brothers, marching in time against the arctic sin of frigid fascist white west.

>> No.16408516

Some good books are like walking uphill and then suddenly seeing the glorious site of miles and miles of landscape far below you

>> No.16408532

"write what you know" is even more true than mark twain intended and it's why all art is shitty and gay now

>> No.16409118

>art is shitty and gay now
What happened to art?

>> No.16409354 [DELETED] 

Comrade Lovecraft was a Marxist-Leninist and is the anti-Land. The elder gods aren't being summoned to enslave, they're being called upon as comrades against the bourgeoise Syndicalism outside of space and time. Also, squids would replace dolphins as our allies.

>> No.16409497

I don't know what that other anon is thinking, but from my observation the problem with art in modern times is that literally anything can be labeled as art, and if you complaint, then you are an inferior individual that just doesn't get the deep meaning of it.
Some time ago a woman got on the roof of a museum, got fully naked, sat there for some time and occasionally got up to spin around. If she were not an academic in field of art and this was not reported to police as art exhibition, she would have been taken to psychiatric evaluation. Instead her "work" is placed in the same broad category of art as for example an old painting that took a lot of sweat, blood and talent to create a scene no one would feel indifferent to.

>> No.16409656

I’m sad and scared and I’m tired of it.

>> No.16409672

what's eating you anon?

>> No.16409703

Anxiety, I’m scared of every second when something bad can possibly happen and I’m scared of every second that moves me back towards that potential badness. It’s like this every day pretty much. It’s mostly my job that causes me this but even if I quit then I would just worry about something else.

>> No.16409716

that sucks man.

>> No.16410267

I want to subscribe to The New Criterion, but I'm worried they'll put something anti-woke on the cover, and the people who handle my parcels will start vandalizing or stealing my shit.

>> No.16411221

Look, I really don't care if you consider me disappointing or whatever. There's no game, the game was over a long time ago. I don't owe you anything and you also don't. Go look for someone on discord or wherever you like, I don't really care.

>> No.16411303
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Today, as I was reading a book, I got excited and masturbated myself. It the was the brothers karamazov - the part where Catalina asks Dmitri for the money. She, an angel, completely exposed in front of the devil. I've never been so excited in my life.

>> No.16411891

I love my dad, but don't know how long I can deal with it. He uses me and my brother to substitute ALL of his social interactions. If I don't pick up the phone, he'll call ten times a day.

I don't even know if it's an emergency or not, and I live in terror of the day dad sends me a text for me to pick up the phone, and I don't, and that's the last I ever hear from him, but I can't take it. I just can't deal with this shit. We don't talk, it's just him telling me how fucking awful everything is, over and over and over again. He doesn't want help, he doesn't want to change. He just wants to wallow in his own hell and drag me down with him.

I can't explain this to him, either, because he doesn't want to hear it. He won't believe me, and takes any kind of criticism as an attack. He's just miserable. He's a zombie. He isn't the man who raised me at all. It's like he's already dead and his ghost is haunting me.

Guys... I really miss my dad.

>> No.16412572

all I ever want to do is eat cornflakes. it is not a big problem yet.

>> No.16412627

>I would like to homeschool them too so that they can get a better education than they would in a classroom.

Bad idea

>> No.16412664

it is strange that you have all your sensory information all the time, but if you articulate for yourself in words what is happening, this leads to liberation from those sensory processes and to spiritual awakening. the only difference being that you add some words to the mix, since all the raw data was always there.

>> No.16412735

articulation dampens that sensory information.

>> No.16412977

once you word it, you're in knowing space, moving away from the truth of the sense data and into error

>> No.16413246

I wish I had literally anything to talk to my mom about. it's always dead quiet between us.

>> No.16413988

I had a close friend go through something similar with their dad anon, so I can believe you're anguish is real. Are you receiving counselling? This seems like the ideal scenario in which to receive it. Even if your dad doesn't want help I think it would benefit you. I read a book about hikikomori recently and in it the therapist says that even if the children don't want therapy, if the parents go to therapy first after a while the child becomes less hostile to the idea and eventually wants to join them too. I wonder if the same thing could happen but with the roles reversed?

>> No.16414482

Bros, did you know you can report onlyfans thots’ instagrams and instagram will respond within a couple of hours? I got about 30 foot instagrams taken down and the whores are seething. I save the names so that I can nerf their side/new accounts too to destroy their morale. Their brunch money days are over. Get in on this, anons.

>> No.16414488

Do you need instagram for this? How sexual does the content have to be to get taken down

I want to destroy thots

>> No.16414497

You do need an instagram but it is very easy to make an anonymous account on there. It doesn’t have to be sexual in the nudity sense so you can report niche fetish stuff too. I got like 8 vore accounts removed today.

>> No.16414532

Shitting my pants. Twenty-four seven, Three. Sixty. Five.

>> No.16414561

i think i have a sinus infection but i'm unsure of how it happened except by the changing of the weather from humid to cooler

>> No.16414563

Same I love winter. I love knowing most are suffering from the cold, hidden inside. While I’m in my element and there are less people outside to take away from the beauty.

>> No.16414572

Yea we all know what’s up with it but why point it out. Do you think that will “change” things?

>> No.16414609

Yes we have a bleak future ahead of us
>every politician in power is a fucking conservative...
Lul this doesn’t matter all our politicians are shit regardless of label.

>> No.16414612

Just read the first chapter of a book on the history of water rights in the West and it made me realize how indifferent I am now to recent american political history. As a high schooler I would be all over the corrupt backroom deals and such, now I just want to read about the comfy middle ages

>> No.16415032

>The climate change catastrophe isn't real

shut the fuck up retard we've known about climate change since the age of sail

>> No.16415912
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>fapping causes back pain

>> No.16416219

I feel bad for how much I used to fight with my parents as a kid, but then again, my mom used to steal my money when I was barely old enough to earn it and worked my ass for it so fuck you mom. You're all sweet in your old age and I forgive you but was I really so wrong to stand up to your abuse?

>> No.16416224
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It's vitally important to carry a weapon at all times. Spiritual or otherwise.

>> No.16416786

Is my life boring, or am I just bored all the time?

>> No.16416807

What does your life look now?

>> No.16416867

I spend most of my time not studying.

>> No.16416891

But what do you do on daily basis?

>> No.16416902

someone jusr said "praxis or die" to me and i have no idea what they meant, practice what you preach or die? am i a pseud?

>> No.16417134

1. There is no more need for workers, they can be replaced. The future is some rent economy like in the gulf states.
2. The ideology of everybody being equal shatters when you see elites that are in a better position than others.
3. People would still be unhappy, see Kaczynski.
4. Only loyal, not good or competent people can advance in such a system.
Not a good argument is the neoliberal argument, that the state is ineffective and corrupt in contrast to private companies. That communism doesn't work economically and that it is inefficient. Corruption and inefficiency depends can happen under any ownership and can be lowered by increasing transparency and effective ways to punish the responsible people. Of course the topic is more than that but you get the direction. I don't think that the Soviet Union would have had the same inefficiency with the technologies of today.

>> No.16417143

>>I would like to homeschool them too so that they can get a better education than they would in a classroom.
Good idea

>> No.16417241

Hopefully yshe gets full remission. Cancer is an extremely ugly and excruciating way to die. I promised to kill myself if I ever got it after seeing my mom go through metastatic breast cancer. If her condition declines drop everything. Don't hide off in work or school to wait out her last weeks in hospice. It will eat you alive.

>> No.16417287

Yeah there's no reason to have a family or build a business or even own a home and every interaction with your surroundings feels like being psychically spat upon by some everywhere-but-nowhere demiurge.

I think this is all something the West will have to go through and hopefully with our racial beauty and thought intact. My only goal was to secure my future through wholesaling my genes out to a bunch of dykes and grab a pretty European girl to drift contentedly into the coming Western dark ages and Sinofuturism. Looking st China or Singapore really puts this all in perspective and instills even more contempt for the US.

>> No.16417603

your only task is the tending to your soul. if you have dependents, then part of caring for your soul is caring for them. redemption is in the afterlife. consider that in spite of all that happens, it is by the choice of the most merciful God that life exists.

>> No.16417685

Do you really not understand how sad I get when I hear my dad and his sister talking about their favourite kid's cartoons? They are permanently stuck as children because of my worthless grandad's over the hill, old man jizz. I hope that fucker is burning in a lake of fire. My dad will never work on a level beyond that of the average 7 year old because of him. How should I feel when I come downstairs and my nearly 60 yr old dad is watching Spongebob? I want to fucking cry.

>> No.16418088

It takes a special type of happiness to see how marvellous our world truly is. When I am outside I want to walk everywhere, to talk to every soul. So many things to do, so many things to learn, even in a thousand lifetimes I could not do it all.

But when I was dispondent, everything was boring, the world was grey and my vision was engulfed in a thick fog. So much in fact, that even a perfect sunny day was the most dreadful to me, I had no success, and even the good that was accessible to me seemed of no interest, how stupid the mind can be when the soul is hurting.

>> No.16418119

That's factually wrong though, many abused kids end up being great parents because they refuse to repeat the cycle. What you're stating is a cliché, if every abused kid was abusive as a parent, then it would spread like wildfire, it only takes on parent to have it to spread it, but it's not the case.