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File: 200 KB, 713x347, lovecraft poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16378815 No.16378815 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read the poetry of famous prose writers? I'm reading Lovecraft's poetry and it's pretty good for what it is, ngl.

>> No.16379474

Providence by HPL

Where bay and river tranquil blend,
And leafy hillsides rise,
The spires of Providence ascend
Against the ancient skies.

Here centuried domes of shining gold
Salute the morning’s glare,
While slanting gables, odd and old,
Are scatter’d here and there.

And in the narrow winding ways
That climb o’er slope and crest,
The magic of forgotten days
May still be found to rest.

A fanlight’s gleam, a knocker’s blow,
A glimpse of Georgian brick—
The sights and sounds of long ago
Where fancies cluster thick.

A flight of steps with iron rail,
A belfry looming tall,
A slender steeple, carv’d and pale,
A moss-grown garden wall.

A hidden churchyard’s crumbling proofs
Of man’s mortality,
A rotting wharf where gambrel roofs
Keep watch above the sea.

Square and parade, whose walls have tower’d
Full fifteen decades long
By cobbled ways ’mid trees embower’d,
And slighted by the throng.

Stone bridges spanning languid streams,
Houses perch’d on the hill,
And courts where mysteries and dreams
The brooding spirit fill.

Steep alley steps by vines conceal’d,
Where small-pan’d windows glow
At twilight on a bit of field
That chance has left below.

My Providence! What airy hosts
Turn still thy gilded vanes;
What winds of elf that with grey ghosts
People thine ancient lanes!

The chimes of evening as of old
Above thy valleys sound,
While thy stern fathers ’neath the mould
Make blest thy sacred ground.

Thou dream’st beside the waters there,
Unchang’d by cruel years;
A spirit from an age more fair
That shines behind our tears.

Thy twinkling lights each night I see,
Tho’ time and space divide;
For thou art of the soul of me,
And always at my side!

>> No.16379499

I really like F Scott Fitzgerald's poetry

City Dusk:

COME out . . . . out
To this inevitable night of mine
Oh you drinker of new wine,
Here's pageantry . . . . Here's carnival,
Rich dusk, dim streets and all
The whispering of city night . . . .

I have closed my book of fading harmonies,
(The shadows fell across me in the park)
And my soul was sad with violins and trees,
And I was sick for dark,
When suddenly it hastened by me, bringing
Thousands of lights, a haunting breeze,
And a night of streets and singing . . . .

I shall know you by your eager feet
And by your pale, pale hair;
I'll whisper happy incoherent things
While I'm waiting for you there . . . .

All the faces unforgettable in dusk
Will blend to yours,
And the footsteps like a thousand overtures
Will blend to yours,
And there will be more drunkenness than wine
In the softness of your eyes on mine . . . .

Faint violins where lovely ladies dine,
The brushing of skirts, the voices of the night
And all the lure of friendly eyes . . . . Ah there
We'll drift like summer sounds upon the summer air . . . .

>> No.16379510
File: 25 KB, 550x550, wewlad-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for what it is
I mean, you're not wrong there.

>> No.16379643

all niggerism aside, hes a very good poet and my fav poem is fungi from yuggoth. azatoth is beautiful too.

>> No.16379686

If HPL were around today, he'd probably be posting poems like that to this board on a daily basis

>> No.16380499


>> No.16380676

Lovecraft's poetry is pure shit.
The Fungi From Yogoth adds a bit more context to his stories witch is kinda cool and Waste Paper is pretty funny but that's about it.

>> No.16380691
File: 73 KB, 1062x636, DtkLlq1X4AEoU2y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen the dark universe yawning,
Where the black planets roll without aim;
Where they roll in their horror unheeded, without knowledge or lustre or name.