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File: 368 KB, 1558x778, Dawkins' new book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16378783 No.16378783 [Reply] [Original]

Dawkins is utterly insufferable.

>> No.16378786

He’s bio engineer or some shit, he’s pretty smart.

>> No.16378807

ah yes time for me to outgrow god so I can put another ideology constructed by the state in it's place. I can't wait to worship my new idol of the mind socially engineered to exploit me.

I will donate a lot of time and money to it.

>> No.16378819

he just keeps pumping out these books, literally why? He must know they're not very good and that his best books by far were the ones about evolution, not religion. I'm sure he doesn't need the money either

>> No.16378899

>blurb is from the author himself
lmao not a good sign

>> No.16378907

It's neither a good or bad sign, retard. A publisher asking an author for a blurb isn't uncommon.

>> No.16378919

ok mr publisher expert

>> No.16379095

you're insufferable

>> No.16379117

Can't help but wonder if Dawkins has read The Sickness unto Death
Ironically (of course) it's his reduction that's puerile

>> No.16379564


No, there's nothing "puerile" about Dawkins' project, you just wanted to use a fancy word.

The title itself is good. Adults don't "outgrow" atheism, in the sense that outgrowing means better understanding of truth (as opposed to mere "getting older" maturation, being more accustomed to the established social reality). The 16 year old edgelord is actually closer to truth, and then people relax and decide to go along with whatever established cult in order to have a moderately comfortable life. Women because they're conformists, and men because their T lowers over time.

>> No.16379908

>fancy word
We're on a fucking literature board. Get a grip.
Wtf even is your point?

>> No.16379929

Low T is a bugman characteristic, therefore, atheistic.

>> No.16379948

>fancy word

I swear I can never tell whether it's bait or a fedora. You have no earnestness to believe and follow, to admire anything good(I pity someone who admires "science" to such a degree)-- but neither have you the intelligence to consider the philosophical stance of God's existence. But then again neither does Dawkin's who hates all real philosophy and uses "sexist quotes" from people like Nietzsche to "refute them", quite literally he did that and you're no more intelligent(the follower is in all likelihood far LESS intelligent) or adept in true thought or art of man.

>> No.16379967
File: 71 KB, 618x741, 43534536364455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine going through life without accepting Jesus as not only your lord and savior, but also your best friend

>> No.16380015


My point was plainly made. "fancy words" remain "fancy" independently of whether they are being used in a pleb or striver-pseud (here) or true patrish context. "Puerile" does not crop up, ordinarily, but is they type of thing kept in the quiver of those with advanced English rhetorical ability, for exactly this sort of sparring. Here, have another one: "execrable". All fancy words for "bad".


The one great credit to the Chinese people is their atheism. What is regrettable in their case, is the communism.



>> No.16380023

Atheism is a defect, not a virtue.

>> No.16380031

What? They definitely are not and never have been

>> No.16380035
File: 30 KB, 600x695, nod an argumend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16380056

>The one great credit to the Chinese people is their atheism.
All hail Xi Jinping (习近平), our God and may we give our sweat and blood and lives for the CCP.

>> No.16380138


As truth is virtue, this is false.


You have something with the folk religion, in the sense that all humans are regrettably predisposed to the cul-de-sac storytelling which gives rise to religious feeling. Still, the Chinese are ethnically, culturally and genetically to irreligion, which is again to their credit. This tendency can be conflated with the execrable (see? I did a word!) communist period, but is not coterminous with it.


Fine. The earlier post >>16379948 was blather. He makes general complaints, projects a scientism onto me, and, well, he blathers and projects, the capitals possibly expressing emotion, but not necessarily.


On the exact contrary. If I could push a button and instantly kill all CPC members, and force a multi-generational anti-communism process within China, I would not hesitate. They simply happen to be right in not caring what some dead kike on a stick thinks (or insert whatever other cultist is appropriate), that's all. Apart of course from their own false cult of Marxo-fascism which they ought to be violently broken of.

>> No.16380196

How can he claim to write a guide for "facing up to life" when he's been through 3 unsuccessful marriages KEK

>> No.16380213

>The earlier post >>16379948 (You) was blather. He makes general complaints, projects a scientism onto me, and, well, he blathers and projects, the capitals possibly expressing emotion, but not necessarily.
Not at all, it was stating out of many things, that reality is not some simple materialist empirical conception wherein the conception of God through religion or philosophy can easily just be scoffed away like all those coward atheists do. Atheism is the dumbest position, you're not even agnostic, you're a-theist, you're anti-God.

>> No.16380249

How exactly is the state worse than a group of random people in the desert 2000 years ago?

>> No.16380305

group of random people in the desert are dead. the state and co. is your master pretending otherwise, from birth and and invading all nooks and crannies of your person, demanding you drop/negate everything it doesn't like.

im irreligious btw, unlike most atheists who are just braindead worshippers in one way or another.

>> No.16380326

what if I told you it's possible to reject christcuckoldry while also rejecting what the media wants us to believe?