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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 204 KB, 1200x630, readingchallenge2020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16377355 No.16377355 [Reply] [Original]

You're slacking on your reading challenge aren't you anon? Your goal was to read 5 books? Haven't even read 1? You will never make it.

>> No.16377362
File: 372 KB, 507x679, Screenshot_2020-09-16 2020 Reading Challenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going gud for me

>> No.16377369

ive read 34, working towards my original goal of 40

>> No.16377377

How do you find time to read that much?

>> No.16377381

Read 9 out of 10 so far; crowning the challenge with Don Quixote

>> No.16377388

I’m at 25 of 40, way behind track tbqh

>> No.16377393

You're doing so good! Post what you read!

>> No.16377398

>Goal of 40 books
>26 so far
>2 behind schedule

I’m going to have to bust ass if I want to finish, but this is still more than I’ve read in a year since I started goodreads in 2013
The rest of my stack to finish is:
>Foucault’s pendulum (rereading)
>Auden selected poems
>origin of species
>Margaret cavendish reader
>ocean at theend of the lane (I know, but it’s short)
>both Alice in wonderland books
>eliade’s eternal return
>the warden
>Christie’s sleeping murder
>the penal colony and other stories
>the crucible

>> No.16377399

You goal kiinda high though desu, it's no worries anon. 25 is great!

>> No.16377407
File: 187 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200916-160752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't read nothing good, this year.

>> No.16377416

Thanks anon, I still have faith that I can hit 40! Hopefully everyone else closes out the year strong too

>> No.16377420

Those are some pretty hefty books aswell. I belive in you anon, you can do it!

>> No.16377426

>Anxiety and depression workbook
Hope you're doing fine anon :(

>> No.16377436

Thanks anon

>> No.16377442
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I don't think I'm gonna make it bros...

>> No.16377446

Only 1 book behind schedule so you might be fine, or do you not have the time?

>> No.16377464
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More like /lit/ is distracting me too much.

>> No.16377469
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I'm going to make it

>> No.16377471

Didn't have a goal. At 25 now, but quite a few of them were long - Buddenbrooks and Doctor Faustus by Mann are roughly 750 pages each. Others were very time consuming - Critique of Judgment, Dialectic of Enlightenment and Husserl's Ideas I and II. I'm satiated with Mann for a good while now, so I'm reading Woolf instead, and enjoying it immensely. Will probably reach 35-40. I've also started lifting this year, and it cuts into reading time, but I'm fine with that. I've read very, very much these past years.

Unironically, try turning off your internet for three days. Probably one of the most helpful things a young person can do these days.

>> No.16377477

I feel ya bro

>> No.16377480

>goal is to read 15
>only on 8
Not.... gonna make it....

>> No.16377488

Flexin on us goooddamn

>> No.16377498

Those are big boy books too...

>> No.16377504

Good shit, wont turn off internet though i will die

>> No.16377508

>goal of 12
>have read 15
haven't picked a book in weeks

>> No.16377514

>haven't picked a book in weeks
read murakami, i love his books

>> No.16377527

Thanks, though I should be ashamed to say that I only read 10 books a year; since I bought my kindle now I'm reading ~2 books a month, so hooefully I'll get to 24 next year.

Anyway, the full list:
>The Metamorphosis
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>Anna Karenina
>Chess Story/The Royal Game
>Notes from Underground
>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>The Stoker
>The Sign of Four

>> No.16377529
File: 18 KB, 389x216, behind schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time is fleeting, all is futile

>> No.16377545

Just read a couple hundred book a day and you will make it, easy

>> No.16377551

Just read 30-50 pages a day and you can do it :)

>> No.16377574

Thats alot for a retard like myself

>> No.16377584
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Being forced into neetdom has some ok advantages

>> No.16377625

Read one peace's manga and count every chapter like a book.

>> No.16377627
File: 875 KB, 1091x626, 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done a few things. First of all I've been making a conscious effort to read every day. Before it became I habit I would literally set timers for like 30 minutes and force myself to read until the timer had finished. I also organized a book club with my friends which encouraged me to read more, finish a book by a set deadline. And on top of that I've been a NEET during quarantine so I've had more time than usual to read. Reading before bed is also a good thing. Pic related is what I've read so far this year.

>> No.16377636

26/30, I'm gonna go way over. This is only my second year after getting back into reading though, last year was 21/20. Next year I'm gonna ball up and set the goal at 52. One book per week. I'll probably fall short, but it's definitely possible and that's the point of goals after all.

>> No.16377652

Scrounge around for pdfs of short stories and other novels under or around 200 pages. Those are amazingly easy to chew through rapidly.

>> No.16377660

What did you think of The concquer of bred? Been thinking about putting it on my to read list

>> No.16377662

Even that's pretty time consuming and would only chop 1000 books off of his challenge by the end of the year.

>> No.16377676
File: 1.98 MB, 1028x1768, good reads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to read more French books (in French). Camus Ete was a bit tricky to understand but at least I now know that ame means soul.

>> No.16377712

Definitely a slog in some parts. A century later it feels a little outdated, and it references a bunch of historical economic examples that I am not familiar with, but I would still recommend it. It's a true classic and I think it really helped me reconsider the concepts of labor and ownership, how it could/should be organized. But have you read Capitalist Realism yet? Somewhat similar topics in there, but I found it a lot more engaging and relevant.

>> No.16377714
File: 509 KB, 1640x785, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy makes me seethe. How does he do it? Guy just bulldozes through books, often history books as well which are long and dense.

>> No.16377739

was the ancient Egyptian book any good?

>> No.16377800

I have a degree in classical history and archaeology that required me to take several egyptian history courses and I thought that it was more enlightening then some of the courses I took.

Its divided into sections based on the genre of writing. Each section has its own intro and then each individual source has its own intro as well. Something that I find quite rare in non academic translations. Would recommend

>> No.16377816
File: 128 KB, 790x324, reading challenge 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made it bros

>> No.16377818
File: 439 KB, 747x1417, :lit: starter kit >.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently going over the /lit/ starter kit (yes, I know). I'm reading The Picture of Dorian Gray at the moment, which I'm enjoying far more than I thought I would, after having read The Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Flies and Slaughterhouse 5 beforehand. The books are short and easy to read so I don't mind.

>> No.16377819


>> No.16377838

Huh? Who the fuck cares how much some rando reads?

>> No.16377843
File: 436 KB, 645x663, books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16377846

What's up with the Xs? Are they books you're not going to read at all? I just finished Clockwork Orange and it was excellent, don't skip entries on a starter chart of all thing.

>> No.16377854

he didn't read during lock downs

>> No.16377874

I don't plan to read those because I already saw the film adaptations.

>> No.16377888
File: 554 KB, 581x898, 2020 so far.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going great

>> No.16377889

hmmm anon... you don't read for the plot, do you?

>> No.16377922

You read Capitalist Realism twice? Was it that compelling?

>> No.16377938

What's the point of becoming cultured when you're low status and living in a wasteland of a society. Becoming /lit/ doesn't improve your standing in life so I don't see the point

>> No.16377966
File: 26 KB, 524x400, NietzscheGun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to become an intellectual then you must accept that you will receive ZERO (0) validation from anyone.
Our current society's values are anti-intellectual. People will largely be indifferent maybe even hostile to you and your reading habits.
Don't try to get into literature for social clout, you should get into literature if you thirst for truth. Go start up a Twitch stream if you want validation.

>> No.16378026

youre making a huge error

>> No.16378065

It's rather short and has a lot of ideas in these few pages. It was rather refreshing compared to a lot of the more-outdated leftist books I've read this year. Certainly a lot of things to meditate upon, written succinctly with plenty of real-life examples given for the phenomena Fisher wrote about.

>> No.16378074
File: 14 KB, 337x172, d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this 3 months ago.

>> No.16378137

thx, I've been swithering over picking up a copy

>> No.16378173

>What's the point of learning.

Not everything you do is supposed to be for external validation you know.

>> No.16378225

I unironically find reading fun

>> No.16378226
File: 292 KB, 959x1084, 8A0E154C-5161-4B7D-9962-0C98E2A56BEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M’y goal was 50 I’ve read 12