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16372138 No.16372138 [Reply] [Original]

Dangerously based. Trannies on suicide watch.

>> No.16372152

>Trannies on suicide watch
Weren't all of them already on suicide watch anyway? Nothing changed

>> No.16372159
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She's taking care of the rest

>> No.16372596

From 41 to 51. Every little helps.

>> No.16372608

TERF bitch

>> No.16372611

I want to fuck her so bad, bros. She's perfect in every way.

>> No.16372620

She actually looks like a tranny though

>> No.16372626

>a spineless, in-group serving neoliberal is based
The enemy of your enemy is not your friend.

>> No.16372632

Her books suck, but I hate trannies and I wish she would beat me and make me her slave.

>> No.16374283

Im trans and I was cut up with a flensing kniffe anmd the worst part of all was the murder of mrs b was not even done by my ownn hands but by the voice inside of me. it wont be first nor the lastt i can assure you

>> No.16374290
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Oh, not all of them. Maybe one in two.

>> No.16374293

Funnily enough how /lit/ instantly fall in love with JR, after her escapade

>> No.16374301

>the lived reality of women globally
>I know and love trans people,
>erasing the concept of sex
>to speak the truth
I wish I could drop some kind of bomb that would make people forget this way of speaking.

>> No.16374350

I don't even hate trannies but I struggle to take issue with anything she says.
The real issue is that trannies have the focus on the validity of feeling of a woman, backed by the fanatical fervour and physicality of men.
Women don't really stand a chance.

>> No.16374359

What drives a person to write a book about a tranny?

>> No.16374361

They've been pervasive in our culture for half a decade now. It's a highly charged and controversial topic. Why did Dostoevsky write about nihilism and socialism?

>> No.16374363

Post JK mommy tits.

>> No.16374368


>> No.16374526

"Hey, did you see the latest troon suicide rate? It's 39%"

"OMG what happened we must have silenced JK Rowling!"

>> No.16374529

>What drives a person to write a book about a tranny?
Some people just love to laugh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.16374561

It's just not a very flattering picture anon.
She's a fine grandma.

>> No.16374569

J. K. 51% more Rowling

>> No.16374571

Tits or gtfo.

>> No.16374832

I wish you could know just how good it feels to have and use a vagina. Like, I wish you could have one just for a second, just long enough to understand for the rest of your life what you're really missing out on. Your situation is just so, so much worse than you can possibly comprehend, hahaha. Trannies btfo

>> No.16375153

it wasnt about a tranny, it was one line about a murderer who disguised himself as a woman.

>> No.16375159
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never thought i'd see the day wherein people would start burning harry potter books (again)

>> No.16375164
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they were on suicide watch even before, no need based rowling's helping them

>> No.16375177

She hates so much mans that it hates fem trans


fucking radfem

>> No.16375203

she's just seething that having a billion dollars puts her farther from the lived experiences and issues faced by the common woman than any non-billionaire trans woman.

>> No.16375217

>if sex isn’t real, there’s no same sex attraction
That’s a terrible argument. And I hate trannies.

>> No.16375223

I really, really like this post.

>> No.16375318

No it isn't, it's entirely correct.

>> No.16375396

I also don't see why I need to validate gays.

>> No.16375409

how? she said sex, not gender, because people are legitimately claiming that sex isn't real. she's pointing out the fact that this is shooting their own point in both feet

>> No.16375489

how has transgenderism reconciled with the current post-modernist notion that gender is just socially constructed with no actual reality, it's a performance a la butler.

is transgenderism just body dysphoria or is that's a contentious and "outdated" way of thinking according to them?

has current feminist thought reverted back to the gender essentialism that they fought so hard against so we're now admitting there are female/male minds and you can be born with one but the wrong body?

the red scare girls mention a pretty interesting anecdote that it's straight white men who usually end up doing FTM to become a lesbian and it's gay and black/hispanic men becoming FTM to turn straight. i don't think we have enough data about who trans people are to accurately have any real understanding of them. these social currents (race, class, sexuality) that underlie who transitions and why make me think that trans is more a social phenomenon than an actual biological one.

>> No.16375521

I barely have a concrete idea of what it is to be/feel human. Genderists must be on a higher luxury plane to me.

>> No.16375562
File: 347 KB, 1280x1293, 1302A181-C938-47B6-B5F9-5EFFB749022E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the left gets so buttblasted they start using the right’s memes.

>> No.16375709

>you know we won't buy your books, right
it's currently the number one best selling book on amazon

>> No.16375730

The fact that the trans individual is drawn to be so hideous speaks volumes. Even those who claim to support them see them as monsters.

>> No.16375732

I don't think it's luxury, it's the same anxiety you're feeling. Gender is an identity to try and help grapple with the anxiety of being.

>> No.16375791

just because plath says that sex and gender are different things don't mean it real

>> No.16375796
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>> No.16375820


>> No.16375837

She's a feminist that hates men. Trannies are just mentally ill men, so that's why she hates them.