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/lit/ - Literature

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16371648 No.16371648[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>50 threads about JK Rowling’s new tranny book
>the thread where a good discussion on the panopticon and bio/psychopolitics is just getting started gets deleted

Pathetic, fuck you jannie!

>> No.16371663

FUCK the janitor

>> No.16371664
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Get fucked off topic spammer. There was zero discussion in that thread. Instead of bitching, how about you make a thread about the book you were so proud to name drop. There are plenty of anons—myself included—who have read it. That's assuming you actually have.

>> No.16371695

The OP of that thread was clearly new to the area, so I wanted to introduce it. I was namedropping because it’s a relevant and genuinely interesting discussion of the nature of surveillance culture. Jannies should read the content of the thread, and not shut down conversation before it has a chance to develop.

>> No.16371826
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It was an off topic thread about Joe Rogan. If he was new around here, he should have read the sticky. When confronted by the fact that he was off topic, he was recalcitrant. It is especially important to teach uppity newfags what is or isn't allowed so they don't shit up the catalogue any more than it already is. That you admit the thread was shut down before it had time to develop discussion betrays your statement about good discussion in the OP. At best you could say there was potential for good discussion, but that could be said about almost any thread, even the JK Rowling spam.
For /lit/ to continue to be a place with even the potential of good discussion, freeriders have to be dealt with. That means crossboarders who don't read but want to harvest opinions from those who do need to be show the door or told to Start with the Greeks.
There are plenty of off topic threads relating to things I've wanted to discuss, but I realise that indulging my own wants would be destructive to the board in the long run, so I abstain. I hope you will have the foresight and self-restraint to do the same.