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/lit/ - Literature

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16370601 No.16370601 [Reply] [Original]

literature > philosophy

>> No.16370608

Always has been, always will be

>> No.16370620

Fiction > psychoanalysis > nonfiction > philosophy

>> No.16370629

Philosophy > Fiction > nonfiction > psychoanalysis

>> No.16370631

you mean literature gets the left overs from philosophy

>> No.16370638
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And yet the board dedicated to it is filled to the brim with LARPing philosofags.

>> No.16370641

Idk, I like Borges I guess.

>> No.16370657


STEM > all those

>> No.16370660

You can't write literature without a philosophy, retard.

>> No.16370674

t. bugman

>> No.16370677

Post weight

>> No.16370699

Philosophers are failed playwrights and novelists

>> No.16370717

I wonder where Shakespeare got his ideas from.

>> No.16370724

All those > stem

>> No.16370730

>no power gaps

>> No.16370740

Other countries lol. He basically just poached popular plays or stories from different countries

>> No.16370748

I miss him bros

>> No.16370756

literature = philosophy in disguise

>> No.16370790

Poetry > fiction > philosophy > STEM > nonfiction > psychoanalysis

>> No.16370794

absolute fucking cringe

>> No.16370807

Is there a bigger cope?

>> No.16370818


>> No.16370851
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religion >= literature > philosophy

>> No.16370881
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Philosophy Applied To Thought Experiments And Is Embodied By Characters, In A Medium That Also Increases Empathy > Over Pure Theory.

(Literature > Philosophy)

>> No.16370908

>Thought experiments
analytictard detected

>> No.16370920

>analytic philosophers intented thought experiments.
Start with the greeks

>> No.16370932
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>literature is just philosophy lel

>> No.16370934

Only a midwit would cringe at that.

>> No.16371165

Poetry > drama > fiction > nonfiction (essays, memoirs, biographies, history etc.) > philosophy

>> No.16371187

Literature and philosophy are continuously interlinked
Based obvious baiter
>better than anything

>> No.16371246

He lives on in his books
2 recs never mentioned here
Where can wisdom be found? (On the superiority of literature to philosophy, in part)
The American Religion (a sympathetic look at all the nonmainstream Protestantisms)

>> No.16371248

paradise lost is not religion

>> No.16371293

its literature based upon religion with a bit of philosophy mixed in

>> No.16371376

O wait muses, the answer is upon me
read everything you can
then when you're exhausted
keep fucking reading
nobody is stupid in my view
just lazy

>> No.16371385

Finally, a fellow patrician. The only one out of place is drama.

>> No.16371769

Philosophy is literature and literature is philosophy

>> No.16371788

based (you) collector