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16370031 No.16370031 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read to prep myself for Hegels Pos?

>> No.16370045

You should figure out if it is safe to eat a piece of shit that old. Asking for a friend, how were you able to purchase a piece of Hegel's shit?

>> No.16370056

You know what I meant you faggot.

>> No.16370081

the esoteric writings of ancient Egyptians

>> No.16370126

Either way it's a Piece Of Shit

>> No.16370150

Pretty much everything before him

>> No.16370229

Start with the Greeks

>> No.16370255

This is unfortunately true OP. I reckon the fastest route to Hegel would be to read Heraclitus, Aristotle, Spinoza, Kant, Fichte, Schelling, but you'd probably be missing a lot.

>> No.16370257

Jakob Boehme

>> No.16370277
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Just read it. You won't get it the first time and that's fine. Just go slow and think about it.

>> No.16370279
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Blessed thread

>> No.16370347

(Ooooh he's so cute >.<)
H-Hey u-u-um... wanna b-be f-f-f-f-friends?

>> No.16370384

Kant and Fichte at a minimum. Skip Schelling and just read Hegel's early Difference essay instead.

>> No.16370429

End with the Greeks.

>> No.16370830
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m-maybe? are you cute too? uwu

>> No.16370841

I've read all kinds of philosophy even abstruse French shit and nothing made less sense to me than PoS.

>> No.16370884

His 40 Questions reads like a proto Hegel

>> No.16372231

Nothing. Just go very slowly and read it alongside an interpretation of the text.

>> No.16372255

absolute minimum? be familiar with plato aristotle descarte and Kant.

there is more if you want better understanding, but knowing the general point if philosophy by Kant is the basic amount. you could add fichte and a few of the early moderns, but you are good with the four i recomended.