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16368830 No.16368830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do I read to become a certified 4chan intellectual like pic related, BAP or Logo Daedalus?

>> No.16368835

is that the maker of steven universe
didn't know xhe browsed 4chan

>> No.16368836

twitter and lots of it

>> No.16368863

read a ton of translations and watch a lot of yt vids

>> No.16368864
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start with the primer
you'll only need to read the first paragraph

>> No.16368906

why the fuck would you want to become ANY of those people.

They're certified pseuds, grifters and all around egotistical assholes who think quantity of books read amounts to enlightened wisdom.

>> No.16368923


>> No.16368927

The internet shuts off tomorrow, an EMP triggers this.

What good is clout then

>> No.16368933

who's the fatso

>> No.16368957

That's Dr. Boazian-Age-Bot, far-right bodybuilder. That pic is pre-cut.

>> No.16368972

Tell me about Logo, why does he keep using the word 'neoliberalism.'

>> No.16369007

>hypothetical scenario cope

>> No.16369169

He started following Anna Kachiyakakanana (idk how to spell her dumb name)

>> No.16369196

I cant understand a single one if this dudes tweets, am I retarded?

>> No.16369204
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Take HRT

>> No.16369348

he doesn't, you've just been 'instrumentalized'

>> No.16369374

Deleting Twitter was the best decision I've made all year, suggest you all do the same

>> No.16369610

because thats the major ideology of the time we live in for the past 40 yrs, its just another word for status-quo but more specific to this time in particular.

>> No.16369654

this post screams negative follower to followed ratio

>> No.16369684

>he thinks he's joking.
Don't say you weren't warned.

>> No.16369692

>only read first paragraph
haha fucking filtered. don't you get it? it was a joke

>> No.16369699

this desu. i still have an anon account to browse when im on my desktop but it'll never be on my phone again

>> No.16369750

Just use a lot of marxist lingo and whenever someone questions your takes just act really smarmy and arrogant. Never failed me.

>> No.16369775

I never posted, never had any illusions that I was intelligent/interesting/funny enough to post, didn't care about followers, but did get obsessed with the most trivial "e-personality" bullshit. Ever since deleting it I've been able to think with a great deal more lucidity, a lot of extraneous noise has been filtered out

>> No.16369788

deleted twitter and facebook, only keeping instagram around for a couple of people I talk to through DMs on it
FUCK social media, everyone would be better off without it

>> No.16369792

>certified 4chan intellectual
that's a funny way to say pseud

>> No.16370067

>I can't do math

>> No.16370090

some /pol/ reading list plus Nietzsche

>> No.16370097

Sure, I support the Peter Thiel funded psyop known as "KBULTRA0", just not financially. Someone will have to post the most recent JFK episode for analysis.

>> No.16370111

Bump. I want to listen to that too.

>> No.16370154

Pivoting to Chomskyish leftism

>> No.16370165

>muh psyops
I prefer the term "social constructor".

>> No.16370172

>having one in the first place

>> No.16370176

Why Peter Thiel? What is his meme?

>> No.16370233

Where can I learn more about this? Is he the new Kurzweil?

>> No.16370275

Kantbot used to do a podcast called tekwars with a co-host, Warren, before abandoning the project to start his solo patreon. Warren has hinted that, although he gave no explanation for his departure, Kantbot had been in contact with Thiel before leaving.

>> No.16370280

I envy this man's regal and stately demeanor. That's CEO, nay, presidential material.

>> No.16370495

Does someone have the BAP and Thomas777 podcast?

>> No.16370578

The recent one? I can upload it to mega when I get home from work in about 1.5 hours

>> No.16370582

Any continental philosophy will do. It's a goldmine of outrageous "takes" you can adapt.

>> No.16370640

Thanks fren

>> No.16370893

Probably intentionally said to build mystique/interest/brand. Twitter celebs are scum 9 times out of 10.

>> No.16371186

Why does thomas sound like a 400lb pig

>> No.16371194

Kantbot spends a lot of time on Twitter responding groypers he "doesn't care about". Also he's fat. Why would you want to become that?

>> No.16371199

Kant (English translation)

>> No.16371203

its big-brain talk for what's gay and cringe.

>> No.16371402

I’ve found that Logo and Kantbot act as good entries into fields which I’d otherwise discount. Take Logo’s anti-stratfordianism, for example. I followed his lead and read up on the whole thing, read a lot of material and actually educated myself a lot on Elizabethan cryptology and learned a lot about Shakespeare’s contemporaries - stuff I really wouldn’t have been interested in otherwise. The thing is, I reached a different conclusion, and challenged him on it, and his response was completely vacuous. Quickly, you realise that what these twitter accounts blabber on about is, much of the time, actually obscurantist parkour tricks designed to give the image of knowledge and wisdom. In trying to reach their level, you often exceed their own understanding of the topic. I deleted Twitter after the Logo exchange, and have been better for it. Those kind of accounts serve a public service in driving people to textbooks and JSTOR, but do little to actual substantiate what they’re talking about themselves. That’s my opinion, at least.

>> No.16371441

go the turing police route and save yourself the headache

>> No.16371451

No problem, my man

>> No.16371457

Thank you anon, you have finally convinced me to get off /lit/ and just enjoy reading because otherwise I'll end up like these fucking faggots

>> No.16371502

Twitter seems to turn most people crazy, I personally could never deal with that many people yelling stuff at me all the time.

>> No.16371518

I deleted it years ago like yourself one of the best decisions Ive made, now just need to stop coming here.

>> No.16371536

Twitter functions mostly democratically, with the upvotes and user profiles and whatnot so it's always going to be more of a popularity contest than anything very profound. That's not to say these guys aren't smart or well-read or whatever, maybe they are, I have no idea, but that's not what makes any of the accounts famous, you need some kind of charisma or some hook, something to sell yourself to the lowest common denominator of whatever demographic you're targeting.

>> No.16371555


>> No.16371858

Become an overeducated autist with zero worldly wisdom or ability to coherently bridge ideas together.

>> No.16372360

because language changes over time and you're too stupid to realize it :)

>> No.16372444
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BAPbros...say it ain't so

>> No.16372447

what supple mammaries this creature is wielding! my parachute pants are tenting, my tip is grazing the underside of my chin, oooh, that feels nice, oooOooHH, OOOHHHH, I'M COOOOOMMIIIIIINGG AHHHHHHHH

>> No.16372453

I think you mean "cooming" here

>> No.16372484
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He's right you know

>> No.16372494
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>> No.16372499
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>> No.16372508
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/pol/ BTFO

>> No.16372522

He doesnt sound like he knows much about the history of Jews in banking and usury in Europe

>> No.16372525

>jews are the only ones in banking and usury

>> No.16372579

Well I didn't say that, but have fun with your strawman

>> No.16372818


If you think these ecelebs are half as erudite as they want you to think they are then you're just another a sucker falling for their gift.

>> No.16372823

>download a book
>ctrl+f a word of your interest