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File: 16 KB, 260x384, The_Children_of_Hurin_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16364530 No.16364530 [Reply] [Original]

Most underrated Tolkien book.

>> No.16364548

Tolkien's legendarium is pretty much dry, unreadable and unengaging tripe other than The Hobbit and LOTR. His other stuff like Roverandom and collection of Tom Bombadil poems are really, really good though, way better than the Silmarillion and Children of Hurin .

>> No.16364553

This book made me cry

>> No.16364555

Seriously anon, why?

>> No.16364570

Silmarillion was a fantastic read. It would be great if it was turned into a fake documentary series.

>> No.16364582

Yeah its exactly what I am feeling too; just add some latinx troublemaker lead actor and it would be gold. Seriously familly

>> No.16364604

It's a downright crime that the only Tolkien material to be adapted so far is The Hobbit and the LOTR trilogy.

>> No.16364630

>just add some latinx troublemaker

That’s what unfortunately would happen.

>> No.16365426

maybe the family tragedy, incest, and suicide?

>> No.16365433

The incest kinda shocked me. Didn't expect Tolkien would be willing to include something like that. Another good story he wrote if you haven't read it is Aldarion and Erendis in his Unfinished Tales.

>> No.16365445

>Didn't expect Tolkien would be willing to include something like that.
Why not? The Eddas are full to the brim with rape, incest and murder.

>> No.16365452

Well I read Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit before the Silmarillion, so I didn't think he would include something like that.

>> No.16365457
File: 31 KB, 331x499, 51dL5Yl2qQL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is pretty good too btw

>> No.16365513

>Tuor kills five, yes FIVE Balrogs in a single skirmish

man did the Balrog of Moria ever get a buff

>> No.16366173

it's somehow dark, but comfy at the same time. I need to read it again

>> No.16366285

>Tolkien's legendarium is pretty much dry, unreadable and unengaging tripe other than The Hobbit and LOTR.
>yeah it's pretty bad, except for the only two major works he actually released, those are good

>> No.16366296

Crime? It's a blessing.

>> No.16366303

No, it's the humans of old who were much stronger. It's openly stated somewhere in first half of the silmarillion.

>> No.16366305

Everyone else just got a nerf.

>> No.16366317

What? At least here everyone likes it.

>> No.16366322

I disagree, The Legendarium is far superior to The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. It's more interesting, diverse and bigger.

>> No.16366330

Get fucked.

>> No.16366336

>dry, unreadable and unenegaging
In what way? Do you not like his prose?

>> No.16366338

Did he kill them or merely scared them away?

>man did the Balrog of Moria ever get a buff
Kinda, Tolkien changed his mind on the power and number of Balrogs. They started as some sort of frontline elite infantry for Morgoth, but in the end he decided that they were all former Maiar and that they can't have been more than 7 at any given time.

So between Gothmog, the Balrog in the Moria, and the one killed by Glorfindel, we already know the fate of almost half the Balrogs in the entire army of Morgoth.

>> No.16366339


>> No.16366436

Blatant kullervo ripoff

>> No.16366583

Yeah, such a 'rip off' that both characters are nothing alike.

>> No.16366768

The thing about the Silmarillion is there are parts that legitimately cannot be depicted. I would argue anything before the Noldor return to Middle Earth would have to be left out.
Furthermore a lot of it would not be particularly interesting. I don't think the battle of sudden flame (as cool as it seems in theory) would make for exciting telvision.
That being said the story of Beren and Luthien could be made into a series or trilogy or whatever.
Some other stories that seem good enough for a movie / tv thing could be Turin Turambar, but IDK I think a lot of it is impossible to really depict on a screen. Like I can see individual scenes, like Figon finds Maedhros on Thangorodrim would work or the whole part where Orodreth fights with the two sons of Feanor (curufin and aegnor?) and they eventually are sent from Nargothron... or is that part of Turin's story?

>> No.16366794


Did you see the Hobbit? I pray to god nobody in Hollywood gets the idea to rape Tolkien's corpse some more,.

>> No.16366900

Stories I meant. It's copied straight from there, incest and all.
I still like it though

>> No.16367254

They may share some similarities but Kullervo's backstory and character are entirely different to Thurin's.
I'm not going to waste my time proving the many differences because chances are you're the dude who made a thread last week claiming to like Tolkien, but shitting on him for stealing from other sources.

>> No.16367568

Farmer Giles > all

>> No.16367720

I dont think its underrated or contrarian at this point though. Its almost universally quietly praised.

>> No.16367725

Did you follow the backstory of the hobbit? There was like 5 years of prep for that movie, and it all disappeared when the director left. Jackson was flying by the seat of his pants with heavy studio pressure.

>> No.16367884

I think the incest is a remnant from the story of Kullervo from Kalevala on which the children of Hurin is heavily based on

>> No.16368256
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I recommend the children of hurin all the time.
Yes I am all those times because I've never seen anyone else do it.

>> No.16368302

If I've already read the Silmarillion, which contains these stories, what do these two ghive me?

>> No.16368355

I prefer the Lönnrot version, but very good read no doubt.

>> No.16368422

They have much more details. The Silmarillion has short summaries. However, if you have also read Unfinished Tales and all of the relevant parts of The History of Middle-Earth, you won't see anything new except some commentary by Christopher Tolkien.

>> No.16368543

absolute dickhead

>> No.16369437

Children of Hurin was in-fact the first story Tolkien began writing in earnest.

>> No.16370133

Yeah, there are many differences, and Tolkien was probably just inspired by the themes and the story. It was abit of an exaggaration to call it a "blatant ripoff", but that's what this site does to you, it makes you overly aggressive and blunt (not that I'm not at fault too!)

>> No.16371355

that's not tal-elmar