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16364051 No.16364051 [Reply] [Original]

>series is left unfinished

>> No.16364082

Time to grow up anon and start reading philosophy

>> No.16364089

Don't worry anon, I only write single-volume books.

>> No.16364097
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>4 book series

>> No.16364143

I can't believe people actually think George is going to finish it. There's a reason I stopped after the first book - I had a bad feeling it was never going to be finished and didn't want to get invested in a story with no ending.

>> No.16366533

name 1 (one) series where this matters

>> No.16366580
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>series is left as an exercise to the reader

>> No.16366594
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>it's all about the friends we raped along the way

>> No.16367179

2666 ending was depressing

>> No.16367311
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>Series is finished, but in a shoddy and unsatisfying manner.

>> No.16367350

>Hegel died too soon
>My Diary Desu has never been released
>GRR Martin has died inside after the GoT show

>> No.16367448
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>series is finished perfectly and then the guy writes another one and retcons stuff and RUINS HIS OWN LEGACY

>> No.16367506

I have a better one
>series is finished, but after one of the author dies, his writing partner makes a continuation that starts okay, but misses the appeal of the original, retcons stuff and turns worse with each sequel
>as if it wasn't enough he fucked his partner's greatest work, the second author also fucks his widow

>> No.16367508

>series start off good then slowly dissipates to shit

>> No.16367519
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Series is continued with no end in sight.

>> No.16367522
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>series is finished but the author's sister "fixes" the manuscripts

>> No.16367524


>> No.16367531

Fuck, I think that one would make me come back from the grave.

>> No.16367551
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J.K. Simmons was so good playing two completely different people

>> No.16367554
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>society is left unfinished

>> No.16367557

>author finally gets around to writing a trilogy that is to be his magnum opus after mostly writing short stories for his entire career
>promptly dies after the first book