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16364025 No.16364025 [Reply] [Original]

Howdy, anyone able to recommend literature in the same lane as O9A/TOB martinet press material?

Just please help me with similar related occult work in the extremist peripheral of life. Thanks

>> No.16364030

>worship devil
>get btfo

>> No.16364033

I read an interpretation of American Psycho on here once that basically explained that Patrick Bateman lives in Dante's purgatory. Could be worth looking into and reading it from that viewpoint.

>> No.16364050
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>> No.16364076
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Strange coincidence considering I recommended my mate American Psycho recently, who loved it, and after that they read Dantes inferno and suggested I read it. But the two combined? I'll give it a go, thanks.

>> No.16364095
File: 136 KB, 352x386, real-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah so hellnistic Greek manuscripts mixed with nietzsches philosophy sprinkled with ancient oral Anglo pagan traditional rounwytha is laughable, you definitely never read a single word from David myatt who is a scholar and genuis regarding his information and practical work.

>> No.16364181

>so self-help draped in esoteric edgy aesthetics for schizo edgelords is laughable

>> No.16364184

Well you know what they say about coincidences

>> No.16364189

Afraid we might lose our sanity if we ever ventured into seriously considering the things we deride, are we ?

>> No.16364190

I heard you guys sacrifice chickens and then proceed to drink their blood with old man cum

>> No.16364235
File: 81 KB, 1200x800, Bloom_Children as Terrorists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the underage poster using over used buzzwords regarding subject matters they never read, yeah isn't that the epitome of ignorance?

>> No.16364237 [DELETED] 


>> No.16364242


>> No.16364453

I don't think you were actually loling out loud

>> No.16365881

Honestly less silly than jewish fairy tales dreamt up by goat herding savages.

>> No.16366060

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.16366124

09A is a kike psyop you stupid goy the Alpha lodge HQ is in Israel you fucking ape. You larptard faggots would be the first ones to get hung by piano wire by the fuhrer

>> No.16366143

>post picture with unnecessary firearms and nazi flag
>doesn't want to get called a larping nazi
Anon, I...

But seriously read Naos by Michael Ford.

>> No.16366148

David Myatt only became a scholar in the past few years though, and since then he's been busy translating ancient Greek and preaching about brotherly love. He's pretty Christianpilled now.

>> No.16366163

>09A is a kike psyop you stupid goy the Alpha lodge HQ is in Israel you fucking ape.
Proofs? Or are you just a buttmad christkike?

>> No.16366171


>> No.16366412
File: 1.26 MB, 1136x958, 1597264553609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still fall for this even after the glownigger retard that founded this shit ran for it after the damage was done

>> No.16367680

Saint Michael,
defend us in battle
that we might not perish
at the dreadful judgment.

>> No.16367879


O9A is a homoclub

>> No.16368421

So nobody here knows anything and can only meme and insult without providing valid proof and coherent context regarding any subject matter they've presented. Everyone here is a brain dead child memeing as if they know anyting. I just asked for similar related material.

>> No.16368432

O9A isn't even a genuine white supremacist group, most of their members of Hispanic

>> No.16368447

They have origies on top of hills in the countryside when the moon is full and eat each other's excrement to open portals n sheeeeit

>> No.16368452
