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/lit/ - Literature

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16363717 No.16363717 [Reply] [Original]

This is probably the only sci fi I would ever consider well done and well written. I personally liked it far more than Neuromancer.

If you want to read the the best of the best sci-fi this would be it.

The concept execution is well done and the pacing is top notch.

>> No.16363835

It's great and that alone deserves a reply. Loved how the Overlords' appearance was woven into the whole mystical-biblical thing.

>> No.16363862

Yeah same that whole aspect sold the book for me.

>> No.16363929
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i was dissapointed with randevouz with rama. is this better? 2001 is the best sci fi movie -and probably the best movie in general- so i believe in him

but i think the best sci fi is the time machine. its a classic idea done in an original mysterious way with emotion, horror, and a general dreaminess. its explanation of how it works is way too ahead of its time. definitely well written if not a bit too brit

>> No.16363973

Agree with you on the dreamy aspect of that book I loved it

>> No.16363989

We read this in 10th grade and I remember whacking off to a thicc blonde milf who lives on the island.

>> No.16364136

I’m sorry what

>> No.16364142

Never read it but I’ll add it to my list

>> No.16364146

Kinda gets freaky when it's mentioned that The Overlords are essentially middle managers. What do their superiors look like?

>> No.16364156

Yevgeny Zamyatin - We (1921)
Olaf Stapledon - Star Maker (1937)
George R. Stewart - Earth Abides (1949)
John Wyndham - The Day of the Triffids (1951)
Theodore Sturgeon - More Than Human (1953)
Frederik Pohl - The Space Merchants (1953)
Edgar Pangborn - A Mirror for Observers (1954)
Hal Clement - Mission of Gravity (1954)
Alfred Bester - The Stars My Destination (1957)
Walter M. Miller - A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)
J.G. Ballard - The Drowned World (1962)
Clifford D. Simak - Way Station (1963)
Strugatsky Bros. - Hard to Be a God (1964)
Frank Herbert - Dune (1965)
Robert Heinlein - The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (1966)
Roger Zelazny - Lord of Light (1967)
John Brunner - Stand on Zanzibar (1968)
Keith Roberts - Pavane (1968)
Stanislaw Lem - His Master's Voice (1968)
Philip K. Dick - Ubik (1969)
Stanislaw Lem - The Futurological Congress (1971)
Strugatsky brothers - Roadside Picnic (1972)
Robert Silverberg - Dying Inside (1972)
Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama (1973)
Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed (1974)
Christopher Priest - Inverted World (1974)
Samuel R. Delany - Dhalgren (1975)
Cordwainer Smith - Norstrilia (1975)
Octavia Butler - Kindred (1979)
Brian W. Aldiss - Helliconia Trilogy (1982)
Gene Wolfe - The Book of the New Sun (1983)
Dan Simmons - Hyperion Cantos (1990)
Vernor Vinge - A Fire Upon The Deep (1992)
Greg Egan - Permutation City (1994)
Alastair Reynolds - Revelation Space (2000)
M. John Harrison - Light (2002)
Robert Charles Wilson - Spin (2005)
Neal Stephenson - Anathem (2008)
China Mieville - Embassytown (2011)

>> No.16364157

Yeah it’s super creepy. And the end terrified me

>> No.16364194

Childhoods End is considered Arthur C Clarke’s masterpiece so you should at least give it a shot

>> No.16364215

I know this is bait, but Hyperion is a top tier piece of literature, that happens to be scifi.

>> No.16364228

Arthur C Clarke has his share of fedora moments but he is an excellent writer. The City and the Stars is one of my favorites of his. Aside from him here's some of my favorites:

A Canticle for Leibowitz
Earth Abides
Starship Troopers
The Death of Grass
Roadside Picnic
Book of the New Sun
I Am Legend

>> No.16364270
File: 280 KB, 551x700, 8462A0AF-D792-46A7-B940-0DDE95399C28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of The War of The Worlds?

>> No.16364277

>Arthur C Clarke has his share of fedora moments but he is an excellent writer.

Except when it comes to buddhism, lmao. Like, dude...buddhism is like, not even a religion, it's more like a, uh, philosophy you live, man...

>> No.16364672

Is trash. The dump I took earlier is better than it but that doesn't make this pedos book about demons killing humanity good

>> No.16364686

>I Am Legend
The ending hurts

>> No.16364689

I forgot what the message of the book was. The whole exchange between mankind and the aliens was totally peaceful, it looked like they just got absorbed into something greater and people were happy about it.

>> No.16364796
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Try this, it's pretty short and kinda relevant with the virus and lockdowns. Certainly gonna appeal to antitech anons

>> No.16364832

It’s not even about that at all lol

>> No.16364881
File: 31 KB, 256x388, John_Ringo-Into_the_Looking_Glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been so long since reading Childhood's End I don't even remember reading it unless reminded of it.. Maybe I should add it to my re-read list ..
Here are some of my favorites not yet mentioned in the thread; I am currently re-reading image related since its been about a decade since last reading and its great

Legacy of the Aldenata/Posleen War, series by John Ringo (+Tom Kratman, Julie Cochrane, Michael Z. Williamson)
Voyage of the Space Bubble/Looking Glass, series by John Ringo (+Travis S. Taylor)
Troy Rising, series by John Ringo
The Mote in God's Eye, novel by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
The Forever War, novel by Joe Haldeman
The Coming, novel by Joe Haldeman

>> No.16364914

That's a list composed of letters, numbers, and punctuation!

>> No.16365368

thanks, great list

>> No.16365420

What's it about then, or am I thinking of the wrong book?
Aren't the aliens in described as looking like the devil? And don't they take the kids away to their masters and end humanity in its current form?

>> No.16365436

I've read 3 books of his
The forever war
The old 20th
The forever peace
The only good one was the forever war. The other 2 were bad. I'm beginning to think he was a 1 hit wonder

>> No.16365441

there are no aliens, demons, kids, or masters in Neuromancer

>> No.16365464

I was referring to child hoods end. Clarke was a pedo.
Neuromancer is just overrated

>> No.16365471

For me it’s Book of the New Sun, the best series
I started the Culture too and I’m liking it so far. Kinda puzzled why /sffg/ scoffs at it considering all the gay YA fantasy shit they like

>> No.16365480

Read DICK (Phillip K., that is) hehe

>> No.16365490

Man in the high castle is meh
Some of his short stories are decent though

>> No.16367061

I enjoyed The Coming quite a bit although I kinda felt it ended abruptly

>> No.16367092

Just chiming in to also recommend the foundation trilogy. It’s great stuff. But you can skip the rest of the books imo

>> No.16367153

The fact that you actually use Neuromancer as your standard shows you either haven't read much or read pure shit.

'Dragon's egg' by Robert L Forward is very good hard sci-fi, and any book by Stanislaw Lem is brilliant.

>> No.16367754

I loved s scanner darkley and do androids dream was ok I guess

>> No.16367762

Neuromancer is a good book but I admit not the best. I hold concept and creativity a little higher when I read Sci-Fi than I do when I’m looking for just good LIT and prose though. So idk to each his own. I personally really loved Neuromancer though but my favorite books are things like Moby Dick and 100 years of solitude

>> No.16368107

>probably the best movie in general
Hello, reddit

>> No.16368200

not my favorite but it is the best

>> No.16368279

It absolutely isn't. It isn't even in the top 50. The whole idea of "The Best" is fuzzy but there are a bunch of contenders which utterly blow 2001 out of the water. Andrei Rublev, Au Hasard Balthazar, La Jetée, Sátántangó, Battleship Potemkin etc, etc.
You sound like someone who unironically believes that the dark knight trilogy meme is a masterpiece and that Tarantino is a genius. Consume less media, brother.

>> No.16368286

>Frank Herbert - Dune (1965)
ruined a great list

>> No.16368311

There might be some trolls who scoff at Banks' politics.

>> No.16369082

I didn't finish it. It's too long and didn't age well imo.

>> No.16369289

Whatever you say twitterbrained zoom zoom

>> No.16369485

It's just an opinon, you fucking drone. I guess every book you like is the best book ever and every book you don't like is the worst book ever, eh? Retard

>> No.16369510

Deep in your warped and blackened forebrain you know I'm right.