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16363209 No.16363209[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about sharks?

>> No.16363221

moby dick

>> No.16363246
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Get lost holofag. Your entire phenomenon is miserable and sad.

>> No.16363591

Why is this shark everywhere and why do I want to fuck it?

>> No.16363700

You didn't say anything when the monster girl fags infested your board /jp/, and only now are you recoiling?

>> No.16363730
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Monster girl threads are self-contained, unlike cancer that are virt. youtubers

>> No.16363739

I read a book called Shark Girl in 7th grade


Couldn't tell you why they made us read this crap.

>> No.16363744
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monstergirl fags aren't in such number that they make /jp/ the fastest board on 4chan for a few hours? who are you people?

>> No.16363757

Good god, what the fuck happened exactly?

>> No.16363772

Don't care, MG fags should still fuck off back to /a/

>> No.16363785

>Monster girl threads are self-contained
Pretty sure they gave /jp/ a lot of unnecessary traffic due to coming from a popular general on /a/, not necessarily to the same extent but it's still a symptom of mods dumping shit into a slow board like /jp/ without care.

>> No.16364006

A terrifying mix of Japanese idol culture, twitch thots, and anime avatars. It is exactly as cancerous as it sounds.

>> No.16364063

never knew /int/ was so popular. it's one of those boards i pretty much ignore because there's never anything interesting on it
actually i should do the same with /lit/

>> No.16364098

/int/ is the most cancerous board on 4chan, worse than /pol/, in fact it's so bad it even acts like a cancer to /pol/. There are just thousands of these complete retards who do nothing but repeat formulaic memes about different countries, totally incapable of discussing anything without bringing it back to their stupid hangups, and they think they're being funny and it's '''bants'''

>> No.16364441

I've known about v-tubers for awhile now. Just not sure why it blew up so much this past week. They're so boring and completely eliminate the artistic element of anime.

>> No.16364642

the language threads are decent, it's isolated from the rest
the japanese threads are also interesting and is full of natives willing to chat if you're learning the language
the rest is trash however

>> No.16364718

Hololive English debuted yesterday.

>> No.16364747

Based, watching Ina play Call of Cthulhu right now. Moby Dick is the best shark book: has a couple chapters entirely dedicated to them