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16362660 No.16362660[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I thought it was only the cringy left who push their political agenda onto arts & entertainment?

>> No.16362668

Rowiling is a cringy leftist

>> No.16362671

>common thriller tropes used in film and literature are political agenda
lmao you people have worms in your brains

>> No.16362682
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not anymore

>> No.16362684

JKR is the epitome of "cringy left." Even bona-fide blue-haired liberals were getting tired of her making Dobby a biracial lesbian. The fact that her newest work is a masturbation of her idpol views is not surprising.

>> No.16362702

she is a crazed leftist still, this doesnt prove anything

>> No.16362710

She is still left of center on almost every other issue.

>> No.16362713

Is that real? because man that is just not well written, even the Harry Potter books were better than that

>> No.16362768

terfs rise up preordering right now

>> No.16362778

Not everyone who is crazed is leftist.

>> No.16362805

but everyone who is leftist is crazed

>> No.16362815

>murderous cis man who dresses as a woman to kill his victims

Why can't the killer just be a tranny? How is it that whenever a troid does something despicable (like Yahniv) they disown them and say "oh, this person was never a tranny."

>> No.16362816


>> No.16362821

No, no, she's much worse than that. She's a cringy lib

It's a grift, that's literally the point

>> No.16362842

Of course it's not real.

>> No.16363045

What a midwit response

>> No.16363088

I have no frame of reference for anything tbqh, I thought that the pasta about feet fetish in White Fragility was real

>> No.16363150

>Rowling stirs up drama right when her new book is releasing
Yeah, she's definitely based guys. She's not just putting herself in the news cycle to sell more books or anything

>> No.16363178

Rowling was always an anti-leftist. With this transgender flap, she has now pissed off the libs as well.

>> No.16363189 [DELETED] 

I would brutally skullfuck her until all the makeup on her face was a gory mess of slathered shades and hues among the bubbling spittle and cum

>> No.16363198

Truly cutting edge stuff.
Really pushing the envelope.

>> No.16363201

>he wasnt there for dumbledore gay

>> No.16363211

That was before the transgender flap, moron. The libs loved her before that. Rowling has always been a hardcore anti-leftist.

>> No.16363232

Has she even ever said anything about socialism?

>> No.16363241

You got it twisted, Anon-kun. In the book, it's "revealed" that the killer isn't a tranny, but rather a serial killer who was born a man and identifies as a man, but cross-dresses so he can use trans acceptance as a smokescreen for his murders. That might sound based but it's every bit as cringy as a leftist soapbox novel.

It's like, if there was a novel about a gorilla evolving into a black man but still being a feral savage, obviously the writer's not saying that blacks all have the minds of gorillas, but it uses that imagery in a ham-handed way.

What are some books about dunking on transgenders that are actually based? Don't say Silence of the Lambs.

>> No.16363244

She has always been a Blairite neoliberal apologist for capitalism.

>> No.16363245

I take it that's a no

>> No.16363250

I know it's an absolutely insane concept, but some people just support the shit they support without assigning themselves left or right like propaganda-induced in fighting retards. She's just a moderate and has views from either side she supports based on her own decision making skills and information she's accumulated. She'll probably change overtime on some, and be more supportive of others, like anyone who steps outside of either group.

>> No.16363254

No. She enjoys being rich

>> No.16363259

She is anti-socialism, mongoloid. Were you asleep for the past few years?

>> No.16363263

Again do you have any quotes of her talking about socialism, Im asking because I honestly don't know

>> No.16363266

this is what happens when a plebeian is given a place in political discourse.

>> No.16363267

She has thousands of tweets bashing Corbyn for his socialism.

>> No.16363276

Whoever claimed she was a moderate was wrong. She is a vocal, anti-socialist lib.

>> No.16363292

>“If you’ve spent any time at all in left wing politics, you’ve met at least one ‘socialist’ who’d be pathetically easy for a fascist to flip,” Ms. Rowling, a Labour Party donor and outspoken critic of Mr. Corbyn’s leadership, tweeted to her 14.3 million followers.
>“Here’s a Corbyn fan happily contemplating British Jews fleeing their own country out of fear of a Corbyn government. Just [expletive] saying,” the “Harry Potter” creator wrote.

OK but she's doing it from a 'not le heckin hebrews' perspective, she doesn't even say anything about socialism

>> No.16363307

>get so woke with fag dumbledore and WE HERMIONE NOW that only ancom transgender catgirls like you
>rage about socialism and trannies
I'm not sure >>16363254 is right, if she's doing so much to end her career.

>> No.16363324

Yeah her views don't seem be based on any socialist policy she opposes, she just has a stereotypical idea of what socialists are like.

>> No.16363358

That's all a smokescreen obviously. Supporters of the establishment use identity politics and accusations of antisemitism to divide the rabble and keep them from embracing economic populism. After all, Rowling depicts bankers as greedy hook-nosed goblins in her books, so don't tell me she gives a shit about antisemitism. She's just a billionaire who wants to keep her billions.

>> No.16363382

You talk like a retard. What is a "moderate?" Do you actually think politics occurs on a line with medians and shit? You think about the dense network of political positions as linear or spatial at all? Never reply to me again.

>> No.16363389

>Then he stretched his legs.

>> No.16363409

Some of them are just well meaning and sheltered. Throw them into housing project for a year and if they survive they'll be fixed.

>> No.16363425

Living in a housing project would turn any educated person into a far leftist.

>> No.16363433

JK Rowling is a Karen

>> No.16363434

already sold out on my local amazon trannies on suicide watch

>> No.16363463

wtf i love the labour party now

>> No.16363547

For a year.

>> No.16363726 [DELETED] 

>She enjoys being rich

She was richer than he queen until she gave half her fortune to the charity

>> No.16363733
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Yep, I'm thinking she's based af

>> No.16363734

>She enjoys being rich

She was richer than the queen until she gave half her fortune to the charity

>> No.16363760
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>"as he plunged his knife and cock into her"

>> No.16363865

Hi Vaush.

>> No.16363891

Oh my...

>> No.16363903


>> No.16363909

what if he tied the knife to his dick?

>> No.16364015

Rowling is kinda based. She always doubles down instead of flip-flopping in passive agressive mode like every other cowardly leftie.

>> No.16364049

she’s not a fucking leftist she’s a liberal you politically illiterate mongs
they might have the veneer of a leftist, but they are always on the verge of throwing a conservative temper tantrum over people that make them feel uncomfortable like rowling is doing

>> No.16364055

What does leftism have to do with trans people

>> No.16364068

seems risky

>> No.16364079

leftism is typically more accepting of out groups like trans people

>> No.16364081

wtf i hate leftism now

>> No.16364086

whatever faggot, shes a feminist so shes the same ilk as you

>> No.16364092

What the fuck is this timeline.

>> No.16364115

leftism is an economic doctrine isn't it? The whole trans thing was basically championed by liberals, not leftists anyway

>> No.16364117

she spends hours online autistically ranting about hating a minority group, i think she’s more on your side now

>> No.16364132

leftism is a system of political thought, not an economic one. that’s more marxism. and liberals don’t champion anything except the status quo, who do you think got trans people this far into the mainstream into the first place?

>> No.16364140

*in the first place

>> No.16364148

Its almost as if shes driven by a inescapable irrational compulsion, exceeding even that which forces trannies to do whatever depraved shit that they do.

>> No.16364158

Isn't leftism about economic class, as in wanting to change capitalism into socialism. What does that have to do with trans people? And the people that got the trans thing mainstream were necessarily liberals because liberals control the mainstream.

>> No.16364192

whites are a minority

>> No.16364198

capitalism is historically shitty to minority groups, requiring huge amounts of social pressure to get even the most basic rights. and liberals aren’t the ones who really push for those rights, it’s usually more extreme groups who get loud enough to where the ruling class liberals starts making concessions, and then the conservatives follow later

>> No.16364211

>more extreme groups who get loud enough to where the ruling class liberals starts making concessions
This doesn't make any sense. How can these 'extreme groups' force the ruling class to do anything?

This is still besides the point though, leftism is about the transition to socialism right? It's economic. I wouldn't be saying this if I hadn't been told it about 500 times by leftists on here.

>> No.16364239
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Imagine actually believing this. If anything merely refusing to apologize for being white and straight amounts to a revolutionary act.

>> No.16364252

holy fucking based

>> No.16364256

Wow, some meaningless posing by brands who only care about your money.
Meanwhile all of the people with actual power in society are white. Not really sure if associating with the ruling class of an society is a revolutionary act

>> No.16364257

what about this is right wing even remotely?

>> No.16364265
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Suspected of being a russian asset you have been ordered by the house unamerican activities comittee to attend a state mandated screening of StarWars XXIX: Avengers Assemble, the latest DisneyGooglePepsiCo motion picture extravaganza. As the globohomo kommisars escort you to the cinemaplex you pass by the daily blmcdonaldspride parade a fabulous twerking troupe of 8 year old boy catamitesfollowed r the phallic missiles of the lockheed martin float, missiles set to launch at midnight, starting wwiii and (mercyfully) wiping the human race off the face of the earth.

you get to the theater, alexandra ocasio cortez and barney the dinosaurstrap you into a chair, forcing your eyes open 'Clockwork Orange' style. The screen flickers on, but the images have nothing to do with space adventures oor uperheroes, instead, the audience is treated to what looks like blurry VHS footage of 5 bluehaired 'fat positive' Queers raping an innocent white child intersped with blipverts for the latest techproduct. The leftists in the audience are moved to tears bywhat they cant help but see as heartwarming display of diversity and progress, YAS KWEEN! YAS KWEEN SLAY! they rave and cheer. The queers start riiping appart the child and feasting on its entrails like rabid hogs at the through. Meanwhile, you think 'gee, maybe I should have joined the alt right before it was too late'

>> No.16364278
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>> No.16364280

Sounds like your issue is with liberals, not leftist. This is pretty much the lib utopia

>> No.16364309

What if his knife was also his cock? ...his knife (and cock) into her.

>> No.16364315
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I refuse to believe political ideologies are even a thing any more, its just competing systems of ballardian psychosexual pathology all the way down.

>> No.16364334

that first paragraph was perhaps the best thing i've ever read on /lit/

second paragraph falls apart quick

>> No.16364335


>> No.16364366


>> No.16364664

Why is this word even allowed to exist

>> No.16364786
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>> No.16364789

>murderous cis man

The killer is a man who dresses like a woman
Trannies are men who dress like women

The killer is not "cis", he's a tranny

>> No.16364801

I predict it will be a major flop. Right-wingers who call her "based" won't buy it. The Harry Potter target audience and normies have fully drank the tranny cool-aid and see her as an evil transphobe. Only legbeard old school second wave feminist TERFs will buy it and they're a huge minority. This will be it for Rowling and she and Harry Potter will slowly fade from public eye.

>> No.16364860

its all ready a best seller on amazon US

>> No.16364879

What's a right wing or left wing extremist? What if i'm in favor of abortions and guns? What if I'm against immigration and fags but in favor of abortions? You retards have taken the dick of the the two party system so far up your ass it's part of you now.

>> No.16364885

>depicting anti-muslim comments is now endorsement of them
Why are twitter commenters so fucking stupid? Why do they need to have every correct opinion spoon-fed to them?

Rowlings not even a good writer but she's clearly not anti-islam if she gives the Muslim a positive endearing description while other people shit-talk the culture

>> No.16364937

retards will buy it to piss off lefties. Lefties will buy it to "examine" it. Harry Potter will continue to be milked well past Rowlin being murdered by a deranged tranny dressed like Luna.

>> No.16365100

>As the ancient Hawaiians used to say: it's time for a dicking!

>> No.16365130

nothing. It's probably some weird kind of women trying to understand how men work. Remember, it's not really a tranny, but a normal guy in drag. If anything, I bet it's left. But still fun to see the left eat itself.

>> No.16365163

>implying Amazon best sellers are any more organic than Yotube trends

>> No.16365178

>I thought that the pasta about feet fetish in White Fragility was real
It's not?
To be honest I try to read books before forming opinions about them, but I know nothing of this one beyond what I've seen on /lit/.

>> No.16365355

Because modern belief goes that only muslim writers can write about the muslim experience like women can only write about women’s experiences.

Don’t mention Salman Rushdie to them or their heads will explode

>> No.16365366

Leftists will tell you he deserves to die for being an uncle tom

>> No.16366511

She doesn't hate enough minority groups to be part of my club

>> No.16366521

Salman Rushdie is an infidel and deserves death

>> No.16366524

You know, I'm actually outraged they spoiled the plot right there in the title.

>> No.16366529


>> No.16366646

in between the fringe internet archetypes listed are this group of people called normies, and they'll sure as shit buy the latest crap written by Harry Potter woman

>> No.16367398
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This sounds like it was written by a twenty-year-old.

>> No.16367441

Salman rushdie is a bastard

>> No.16367463

based dasha

>> No.16367480

yeah right? this is some awful writing. Glad I never wasted my time reading her shit.

>> No.16367488

There are certain takes you can just tell are meant to get from point A to point B while conserving as much cognitive resources as possible.

>> No.16367510

uh yah, that is literally what this article is doing you massive retard. I highly doubt pinknews is right wing

>> No.16367517

>JK Rowling
anon I ... This bitch is the biggest leftard there ever was she just got pissed when they finally came for her sacred cow because they were infirging on her victim credits as a billionaire

>> No.16367532

I'd knock everyone itt clean out dinga dinga dinga ding yoooooo

>> No.16367549
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uwu pwease daddy