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File: 840 KB, 1242x691, EA87B8FF-B115-4457-9184-DED838161E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16361071 No.16361071[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

brehs.. contrepoints is actually becoming attractive now bros...

Any books on gradual development of attraction as HRT progresses?

>> No.16361073


>> No.16361079
File: 104 KB, 551x491, Yuck!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16361081

so this is what trannies think about all day

>> No.16361086
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>contrepoints is actually becoming attractive now

>> No.16361097

i'd suck him off, no question

>> No.16361104
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, CD696ED3-5E05-4084-BEE8-97EED0B8FA9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She cute

>> No.16361105

only because you can't see her CHAD body, only her estrogenized, FFS'd and made-up face. contra had broad shoulders, abs and a huge cock. she threw it all away to become a HON. sad!

>> No.16361117


>> No.16361135

It just means you're getting more homosexual OP, better to read books on what to do about that

>> No.16361148
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hate hate hate hate hate

there's nothing I hate worse than these disgustingly pretentious youtube faggots and their grossly fucking stupid midwit fans and hangers on


kill them fucking all PLEASE

>> No.16361151

It's literally just a transvestite are you retarded? Even if you were blind there's nothing wrong with grabbing its balls and laughing it off as a man dressed up as a woman like that classic Australian movie Crocodile Dundee.

>> No.16361168
File: 8 KB, 250x215, pepe and trans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly based, but none of them could be cute like apu and apu will always be based heterosexual so please do not use him as your example of a dying tranny. Apu should be this pepe killing the tranny's.

>> No.16361169

>low lighting to hide in shadows
>color of the lighting is naturally pleasing
>hiding behind make up and carefully picked camera angles
I guarantee you that he looks like a monstrosity in open light and straightforward camera angles.

>> No.16361174

She cute tho

>> No.16361181

Not a she and not cute

>> No.16361241

since she admitted to browsing 4chan, can any oldfag tell me if he frequented this board and if he did, why he had to leave us alone with butterfly?

>> No.16361243

SHE, ahem, CUTE, ahem, THOUGH.

Got it? Bigot sandwich?

>> No.16361250

I don't think you understand what those words mean. Might want to look them up in a dictionary before using them.

>> No.16361274
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uh based ?

>> No.16361281

>rowling twitter screenshot thread
>another twitter screenshot thread
Am I on /lgbt/?

>> No.16361293

and yet you are gay

>> No.16361299

sorry meant to reply to >>16361071

>> No.16361312
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That's not a woman, that's just a dickless dude. Can't wait to see how he ages.

>> No.16361318

>western """men"""
this is why muslims will win

>> No.16361331

They muslims will become the same before they can win

>> No.16361354

kaffir cope

>> No.16361382

It's already happening dense goatfucker

>> No.16361441


Enema Image by Vexen Crabtree.

>> No.16361538
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>> No.16361548

Are leftists on this board actual homosexuals?

>> No.16361570
File: 128 KB, 250x250, 1598394204326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I appreciate you for putting apparent effort into the inarticulate, yet justified anger many of us feel. Thanks, anon.

>> No.16361582

Uhh wat?

>> No.16361584

I've seen two muslim women this past week. Both wore a hijab- yet they also wore high heels and yoga pants. When exposed to the potent heroin of western liberal degeneracy, your heretical faith cannot survive.

>> No.16361591

>Are leftists actual homosexuals?

Exactly that.

>> No.16361593

Will trannies ever manage to stop being offensive caricatures of women?

>> No.16361599

No, that's the definition of a tranny

>> No.16361610


>> No.16361619

Male-to-female tranners are always disgusting, predatory parodies of womanhood, and female-to-male tranners are always pitiable tomboys taken a bridge too far. The common theme is a modern society that abuses and humiliates sheep and abets wolves.

>> No.16361635

Made up propaganda, there is nothing predatory about transgenderism. However there is plenty of predatoriness in trying to demonize it.

>> No.16361641

Isn't it hilarious that the only way of these mentally ill men to pretend to be females is to try and look like the consumerist image of an ideal woman

>> No.16361644

No matter if it's propaganda it's still the truth.
>there is nothing predatory about transgenderism.
Apart from the fact that confused kids are being coaxed into mutilating their bodies

>> No.16361651

Explain yourself. In preventing transsexuals from transmitting their ideology to unguarded minds, where is predatoriness found?

>> No.16361659

>However there is plenty of predatoriness in trying to demonize it

>> No.16361662

It’s getting too much

>> No.16361666
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>> No.16361704

>the tranny gets Satan trips

>> No.16361705

Maybe predatoriness is not the right term, I just wanted something that mans causing harm to people, maybe even being sadistic etc.

>> No.16361717

the point being that the most attractive traps are always a parody of a woman, after putting in effort that a real woman would never have to

>> No.16361723

Their entire schtick is being different, yet they try to do so by conforming

>> No.16361728

been seeing too many satan trips lately
not a good sign

>> No.16361730

It's propaganda because we know from science that transition is a good treatment for gender dysphoria. It's purpose is to demonize trans people and make society withold treatment of them.

>> No.16361743

>It's propaganda because we know from science that transition is a good treatment for gender dysphoria

Compared to? And how long have such studies been done? If it's anything short-term, it can be tossed aside.

>> No.16361750

How long till "she" becames part of the 44%?

>> No.16361753

>transition is a good treatment for gender dysphoria
Ah yes that's why more trannies end themselves after transitioning than before

>> No.16361758
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Real women don't have to do that. If a woman doesn't conform to the ideal of feminitiy I can still see it's a woman, the same way contrapoints doesn't adhere to what society views as masculine, but I can still clearly see it's a man.

>> No.16361762

There's a 66% chance she just won't.

>> No.16361766

>neolib fallacy of science-as-infallible-diety
Never gonna make it (to your 30s)

>> No.16361769

Or maybe the shtick is just to be a woman

>> No.16361778
File: 53 KB, 634x1024, rs_634x1024-200122135143-634.millie-bobby-brown-sag-awards.ct.012220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he looks like that girl from Stranger Things lmao

>> No.16361780

But it's not working obviously

>> No.16361792

let me see dat ass and ill tell you if "shes" attractive or not

>> No.16361827
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reminder that this is what happens to facists

>> No.16361834

And also 44% she will

>> No.16361849

ah yes, reinforcing how commies commit even more atrocious crimes than fascists is really helping

>> No.16361852
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>> No.16361856
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>> No.16361871


>> No.16361873

Go back to bunkerchan lefty niggers.

>> No.16361876

So is your position that we don't know if transition is effective treatment, or that it is in fact harmful?
My own position is that 1. people who want to transition should be able to (as long as they have passed a certain age threshold etc.) and 2. gender transitioning does seem to work for a lot of people and maybe even most people, so the narrative that transgenderism is some kind of fad or scam is a social illiberalism to which I am against.

>> No.16361891
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>> No.16361892

>become more attractive
>content gets more basic
I miss contra that made fun of aut-righters. Having overproduced conversations about mundane topics ain't it.

>> No.16361897

> 1. people who want to transition should be able to (as long as they have passed a certain age threshold etc.)
But what if under normal circumstances they wouldn't want it, but now think they want it due to woke propaganda? That's very dangerous
> 2. gender transitioning does seem to work for a lot of people and maybe even most people
then why do more trannies kill themselves after transitioning than before? Why are detransition procedures booming?

>> No.16361900

If you think that every study that disagrees with you is le jewish conspiracy we have nothing more to argue, your position is crazy.
>Ah yes that's why more trannies end themselves after transitioning than before
This is empirically false, just google the studies. The suicide attempts decrease after transitioning.

>> No.16361928

What is even the argument here. I didn't say that science is infallible. What I am saying is that the current scientific consensus is that transitioning is a good treatment for gender dysphoria. If you think that the medical consensus is not the best authority on medical issues, tell us what authority we should trust instead.

>> No.16361961

>But what if under normal circumstances they wouldn't want it, but now think they want it due to woke propaganda? That's very dangerous
What matters to me is whether transitioning makes them happier or not. So if the studies show that they are happier after transitioning, which they do, I think this is a good reason to be pro trans.
>then why do more trannies kill themselves after transitioning than before? Why are detransition procedures booming?
This is empirically false, the suicide attempts actually decrease after transitioning. And only a minority of people who transition want to detransition afterwards.

>> No.16361963

thats a dude gross

>> No.16361968

As opposed to trannies who just hang themselves instead.

>> No.16361976

God, of course.

>> No.16361994

>What matters to me is whether transitioning makes them happier or not.
Hooking them up to a morphine drip makes them happier as well so why not do that?
>This is empirically false,
Facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.16361996

God, at least suicidal trans people don't waste all of our time getting millions of people killed and driving Ezra Pound off the deep end.

>> No.16362006

You might want to look more into who does, finances, and pushes these studies. They have a handy section on wikipedia called "early life"

>> No.16362011

>Quoting Ben Shapiro
go to /pol/ you fucking moron.

>> No.16362018

>noted Christ-killer Ben Shapiro

>> No.16362027

>Ben Shapiro

>> No.16362031

Also, you didn't refute him. Heroin makes certain people happy at great cost, just like transsexualism.

>> No.16362032

I really don't care about how you go about violating your Nazi orthodoxy. Just off yourself, and take your schizophrenia with you.

>> No.16362037

Are you retarded?

>> No.16362045

Heroin brings about short term happiness which eventually leads to suicide. As we've established, transition surgery usually does the opposite. If we care about the preservation of human life at all costs, we must make transition an available option. If the "great cost" you're referring to is human life, you are empirically wrong.

>> No.16362053

>As we've established
We haven't and transitioning makes trannies kill themselves more often
>. If we care about the preservation of human life at all costs,
We don't

>> No.16362071

>they don't
You want to show your work, or are you just going to continue being a pussy and hiding behind catchphrases.

>> No.16362078

Transitioning isn't damaging. All of the psychological research proves that. You can talk about suicide rates all you want, but the fact is that it's down to societal recognition. If the parents of a transgirl accept her, the suicide rate goes down from 47% to 4%. That's just from parental acceptance; they still have to face societal rejection. And who wouldn't have a high suicide rate if they were treated like the gender they're not? Imagine society forced YOU, presumably a man, from the time you were a little kid, to dress up as a woman, and act like a woman, and everyone viewed you as a woman, treated you as a woman, expected you to conform to female sexual culture, etc.. You would probably get pretty fucked up about it too, which is why the whole "raising your child as a girl when they're a boy" thing is considered as one of the worst, twisted forms of child abuse. You support this, basically, except only for trans people.

>> No.16362091

do you actually believe this drivel yourself?

>> No.16362095

>If we care about the preservation of human life at all costs
No thanks faggot.

>> No.16362101

Man they went so hard to make her look like a MILF despite being a literal child.

>> No.16362111

I believe it. I've met trans people before and after transition. On the whole, afterwards, they were easier to get along with. I honestly don't know why you care, and can only chalk it up to some profound deficiency in your personal life. Why does it make you feel so bad that some "natural order" is being violated? We haven't lived by the laws of natural selection for thousands of years. All life is frivolous. Why not be nicer to people?

>> No.16362114

Why would anyone do that if there is data supporting his points?

>> No.16362120

Actually, yeah, me neither. I always enjoy seeing the picture of upside down Mussolini.

>> No.16362121

>ummm sweaty cutting off your cock and balls and digging a festering pus secreting wound into your pelvic region isn't damaging

>> No.16362127

Ackshully hey invert them not cut them off

>> No.16362132

I know people who have transitioned. One has become better through it, good for them. The rest are going along with a fad and are secretly regretting it but don't dare acknowledge it to themselves.
>Why does it make you feel so bad that some "natural order" is being violated?
Because your pretended caring about individuals is a danger to society at large. Honestly, I have little issue with individuals being trannies, but on a societal scale it's suicidal.

>> No.16362135

>everybody give me attention look how snarky I am
Nobody cares you fucking shithead.

>> No.16362138

Data is meaningless since it can be bought and manipulated (and since there's ideology behind it, even fatter chance it is in this case)

>> No.16362144

They dispose of nearly all of it. Watch a surgery. It's fucking disgusting mutilation.

>> No.16362148

What's drivel? The data proves that acceptance and transition is immensely beneficial for trans people. And philosophically gender and transgenderism are sound concepts.

>> No.16362152

>Hooking them up to a morphine drip makes them happier as well so why not do that?
We can argue why, but it is a different topic.
>Facts don't care about your feelings
Indeed, but the facts are on my side. You can just google it, this is publicly available information.

>> No.16362154

Those concerns are fair. Honestly, look at the scale that its on compared with more popular and common forms of body modification, like plastic surgery or tattoos. I don't think transgenderism is some huge social trend that everybody's going to be doing in a few years. I don't think it'll "catch on" the way those other things have, and I'm more concerned with having a world willing to accept people who decide to go through with that decision for themselves.

>> No.16362160

But you don't seem to have any data countering it. You just have a baseless belief that this data must be biased, and that the truth must be the exact opposite.

>> No.16362162

>google it

>> No.16362165

>You might want to look more into who does, finances, and pushes these studies.
It doesn't matter who does them, if the methodology is sound the results are perfectly scientific. Next objection.

>> No.16362172

It's probably the same for schitzos. I'm still not going to listen when they tell me that goblins are slipping lsd in my morning coffee

>> No.16362176

the data, that is

>> No.16362180


>> No.16362188

>I don't HAVE data, I just KNOW the suicide rate

>> No.16362195

Incorrect. Replicability crisis.

>> No.16362196
File: 35 KB, 427x640, loveofboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are much brighter and sexier looking young boys and I know because I've seen them

>> No.16362197

Yes it does, because people have agendas even if they say they don't, dense fucker
>But you don't seem to have any data countering it.
Did you not understand what I said?

>> No.16362200

>if the methodology is sound
It never is. Don't try to waltz past the matter. Any study that treats transsexualism as anything other than a debilitating mental illness (NOT a """bodily mismatch""") is using a flawed modus and produces flawed conclusions.
Why does an anorexic's treatment not consist of liposuction?

>> No.16362203

>if I cut my cock off and dig a hole in my crotch I'm a woman

>> No.16362212

So if all data is biased, and therefore invalid, then none of our arguments about the trans suicide rate are correct, and none of yours are.

>> No.16362216

>We can argue why, but it is a different topic.
No it's not, your point was about maximizing happiness. I say that shouldn't be the goal.
>You can just google it, this is publicly available information.
You cannot be this retarded.

>> No.16362220
File: 120 KB, 334x346, BD72106F-2BAC-4639-A413-26E6BD835BBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember the first time you posted this, I laughed aloud like a retarded. Highly based.

>> No.16362231

I'll take it if it means stopping trans propaganda.

>> No.16362236

Its obvious that giving somebody a drug will bring them short term happiness, but making somebody a drug addict will bring long term hardship and unhappiness, and eventually kill them. Our argument is that transition surgery does the opposite. You have responded that this is false, with no data, insisting that all data is false. We are at a retarded stalemate because this eugenicist does not believe in statistics.

>> No.16362241

Yeah, I'm thinking this is based.

>> No.16362258

It doesn't. It just means neither of us can win this dumb argument.

>> No.16362259

>making someone a drug addict
>medically dependent on a constant supply of the opposite sex's hormones, painkillers, and anti-depressants
You're not making the point you think you're making here. Trannies are the carefully kept alive defective show-dog housepets of neoliberal capitalism.

>> No.16362266

Not all drugs are morphine. Taking estrogen supplements won't make you steal money from your parents.

>> No.16362267


>> No.16362274

>Our argument is that transition surgery does the opposite.
Yet you don't know this, you blindly trust "data" which has been manipulated and bought. Your case is just as strong as mine. I have history on my side though, which shows people did fine without transitioning for millennia.

>> No.16362278

Not everyone's parents are as wealthy as yours, tranny.

>> No.16362287

Throwing your hormones out of balance will turn you into an emotionally incontinent fucking neurotic shithead 100% of the time.

>> No.16362300

>steals money from parents for heroin
Wow what a fucking surprise, the tranny has no standards.

>> No.16362307

>People did fine...for millennia
Define, "fine." I'm 'blindly' trusting a statistic, you're blindly trusting some vague notion of how you think people felt about themselves a hundred years ago.

>> No.16362332 [DELETED] 

Contrapoints said she transitioned because of the way her lover handled her when she started crossdressing as a man. She said she wanted to always feel that way so she became a woman. But I think that state actually belongs to men. Then again I hope most men never feel that state because I hate them, women, and myself.

>> No.16362334

>emotionally incontinent fucking neurotic shithead
Sounds like you. Maybe you could use a little estrogen.

>> No.16362336

Do you also think there were fewer autists back in the day because it wasn't diagnosed?

>> No.16362337

>no u

>> No.16362345

How will not being able to maintain use of the drug that you perceive to give meaning to your life and body to your identity not make you do extremities?

>> No.16362346

You didn't call me a shithead, you called people who are on estrogen shitheads. I just drink liquor.

>> No.16362347

>Define, "fine."
They were in a better mental state than we are now.
> how you think people felt about themselves a hundred years ago.
I'm talking until the industrial revolution. 100 years ago was not much different from today compared to the rest of history.

>> No.16362358
File: 123 KB, 1080x957, c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16362360

The industrial revolution was not a good time for most people. Anyway, you're still kind of just imagining that everybody felt better about themselves at those times. Its all in your head.

>> No.16362362

Yes, obviously. Not because they weren't autists but because it didn't have to be diagnosed since it wasn't an issue. They were just eccentric back then, no problem.

>> No.16362371

No one is converting to Islam

>> No.16362374

>uuuum sweaty no u? something something smug homo shit something something snark

>> No.16362379

Well if we're talking about the industrial revolution, then they probably would've been sent off to Bedlam or some other old-school insane asylum.

>> No.16362382

>The industrial revolution was not a good time for most people. Anyway, you're still kind of just imagining that everybody felt better about themselves at those times
And we haven't improved much since is my point. I'm not imagining it, more than enough historical writings on this.
>Its all in your head.
Funny how that applies to trannies.

>> No.16362397

But we're not, we're talking history until the industrial revolution. Like the tranny above said, the industrial revolution was bad for nearly everyone.

>> No.16362398

>Its all in your head.
Nice choice of words for someone who thinks mental cases who burrow out their taint are women.

>> No.16362409

>doing smug homo shit to counter smug homo shit

>> No.16362421

>No it's not, your point was about maximizing happiness. I say that shouldn't be the goal.
I don't even have to take the position that maximizing happiness should be the only or the goal, just one of our goals. So if transitioning makes some people happier, that is one reason in favor of it. Unless you can also find a reason against it, I win.
>You cannot be this retarded.
I am telling you to google the studies because you apparently haven't read them. They favor my position, not yours.

>> No.16362422
File: 162 KB, 800x450, rick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its all in your head.

>> No.16362427

Man, this thread is vicious. Tranny BTFO so aggressively and by so many anons it's like a hate crime, but a hate crime rarely lasts this long.

>> No.16362434

>no u again

>> No.16362442

Individual happiness is a matter for the individual. Imposing restrictions on the individual because you have some pastoral image of how happy everyone was in pre-industrial Europe is not the same thing.

>> No.16362456

>being this insecure

>> No.16362461

>Unless you can also find a reason against it, I win.
It's bad for society. You lose.
>I am telling you to google the studies
You still don't understand how this undermines your point do you?

>> No.16362466

I am unironically a communist and I dislike trannies. They are some of the worst type of identity politics and when you really look into it it's just a fucking parody. Oh wow look how clumsy I am on my hormone pills! Haha these cute socks I can finally wear! DAE LIKE DICK???

It's become a disgusting and overexposed fetish or something. No matter what, a marginalised tranny will always have something to say to make it about them. Usually in the vein of "BUT AT LEAST [PERSON] DOESN'T WANT ME TO GO TO A CAMP."

I unironically want trannies to go to Siberian labour camps so they can freeze to death. They offer nothing but selfishness to any cause. They are disgusting liberals. The irony of this is that I hate gender roles. They are pointless. These people make it into a fucking caricature though. It's just really fucking stupid.

>> No.16362473

>it's individual choice bro
>but im gonna put you to jail if you dont accommodate my mental illness
>oh, im also gonna pump your kids with life altering hormones

>> No.16362475

The fact that you don't believe in statistics, but you do believe in your own pastoral bullshit doesn't undermine anything. You haven't demonstrated a societal harm in any way, and your refusal to back any of this up with any numbers only hurts your claim.

>> No.16362477

I don't give a fuck about the individual, shit-for-brains. I don't want to have to interact with mentally deranged pungently odorous disgusting imposing freaks and reinforce their fucking narcissistic delusions.

>> No.16362489

Those second 2 things aren't happening and nobody is proposing them.

>> No.16362491

Our argument is that trannies, faggots and every single jew need to be dropped from a high rooftop, there are no concessions to niggerbrain lefties, we have attempted that long enough.

Vote for a candidate that literally just executes them. There is no talk. We vote, rule and choose for ourselves either you are full in or you join the other side bud

>> No.16362498

>Bad for society just means people I don't like
Nobody said you had to like them.

>> No.16362499

admit it faggots, if these trannies were traps instead you'd be all over them. I know you

>> No.16362502

>aren't happening
Yaniv case

>> No.16362507
File: 109 KB, 500x629, 1598059418930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an avowed fascist, and I believe you are, too- but in a world of amoral hypercapital, it's hard to express a desire for an ideology that abets capital in any form.
I'd be hard-pressed to find a male-to-female transsexual who wouldn't benefit from a course of antipsychotic medication and a few months in a state-mandated ditch-digging program.

>> No.16362509

>It's bad for society. You lose.
How is it bad for society, stop giving me weasel answers.
>You still don't understand how this undermines your point do you?
You said that suicidality among trans people increases after transition. If you google the studies, you can see for yourself that this is empirically false.

>> No.16362511

You can't be a Nazi if you don't believe in statistics you fucking moron. You're just an antisocial, wannabe terrorist.

>> No.16362518

>Nobody said you had to like them except we pass a bunch of laws that make it illegal for you to do so

>> No.16362519

dont lie

>> No.16362524

Its all you've done so far.
Again, none of the laws say you have to like them.

>> No.16362530
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>> No.16362537

>none of the laws say you have to like them.
>every country is america

>> No.16362544

I am not a fascist in any way. I'm just very aggravated by the fucking identity politics and absolute parody of playing a character that most of these people do. It always has to be known. I'm trans. As a trans. As someone who is trans. Here is my input on this topic which my single issue. I need my hormone pills and to be seen as my chosen gender. I must have breasts and a gash. It's only natural. My genitalia and my clothing and my presentation of gender roles defines me.

Really fucking annoying.

>> No.16362545

You're not allowed to discriminate against black people either. But you're clearly allowed to dislike them. Because you do, and you haven't been arrested yet.

>> No.16362554

nice strawman

>> No.16362555

Can't tell if this is bait or if you're actually this much of a retard.

>> No.16362563

How the fuck is transitioning, that is, practically sterilising yourself, the best option, shouldn't medical research steer towards something that would supress tranny tendencies in the first place.

>> No.16362573

You're the Nazis who don't believe in eugenics. What the hell is the point of talking to you. Your entire politics is that you should be allowed to kill anyone you don't like. You're antisocial and you insist that I am. Its useless

>> No.16362575

lmao you're having a mental breakdown because you can't defend your positions

>> No.16362582

Take a break buddy.

>> No.16362592

Why is child-rearing such a social perogative for you? And why do you want dysphoric people to be able to have children?

>> No.16362601


>> No.16362612

The problem is really that we have no shared premises, and so this hasn't been a coherent argument from the beginning.

>> No.16362625

Yes. But society still obsesses about them and breaking out of that shit is going to take a few more decades. Why shouldn't trannies just take the easy way out and play along, just as the right gender?

>> No.16362626

The problem is you're having an emotional meltdown and you're arguing with a literal figment of your imagination.

>> No.16362640

Did the guy above not argue for killing ever "tranny and Jew?" Is that not what I'm arguing with?

>> No.16362658

>everyone that disagrees with me is the same exact person

>> No.16362669

Well then its not a figment, is it.

>> No.16362675

You made this thread on /tv/ and it got deleted and laughed at.

>> No.16362690

Yes it is you fucking nutcase. You're perceiving everyone you argue with as the same person because your brain is rotted with politics and other bullshit.

>> No.16362723

The best treatment is good and supportive role models for the person from their actual gender. Transitioning is a treatment for their dysphoria like suicide is for a depressed person. No need for propaganda for most people to be naturally appalled from transgenderism.
I don't hate them and I feel sympathy for their predicament, but the truth is that a man can only fulfill his purpose as a man and a woman as a woman. Wishing they were something else and destroying themselves to only look roughly like what they want to be, only leads to madness.

>> No.16362736

Giving heroin to heroin addicts also works well for combatting withdrawal symptoms

>> No.16362745

You can also give them kratom, and then wean them off it. What is that a metaphor for?

>> No.16362754

>kratom is a substitute for heroin
>t. never taken heroin in his life

>> No.16362789

>breaking out of that shit is going to take a few more decades
Yeah, with more propaganda and forcing these unnatural ideas you might be able to break out of what every human society on earth naturally assumed since the dawn of time.

>> No.16362793
File: 46 KB, 510x741, ri2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most based post I've ever seen

>> No.16362797

>tfw working class britbong tranny
>tfw none of the lgbt culture or arts is relatable or meaningful to me because it's all made by insane middle-class yuppie lgbt yanks who think their 5x the average income of uk households is still 'working class' and get plastic surgery while making video essays about how hard it is to deal with abstract academic concepts and twitter nonsense... as opposed to getting raped and set on fire if you're a Brazilian or spat at and shamed into seclusion if you're not wealthy enough for facial surgeries

I wrote a screenplay a few years back to try and do my part to rectify this instead of just whinging, but my dialogue is far too weak and on-the-nose- still really only at the 'getting all the ideas laid out on the page' stage after 5 drafts & that was 3 years ago, I got more focused on real life after that

if anyone's curious let me know, tentatively it's about the clashing of belief systems between generations in the west, and the role of a rudimentary popular nihilism leading to a sort of zen inner peace with the illusory conflicts of identity caused by post-modern thinking in a millennial on the younger end of the generational spectrum

I'm currently writing a less adolescent take on similar themes, in the form of a neo-noir novel that is more directly to do with the development of the emerging faiths in Gen Y/Gen Z and their potential consequences

>> No.16362803

If you are so attracted to his feminine physical qualities, may I suggest being attracted to females?

>> No.16362820

>appeal to nature while using the most unnatural invention of all times
But yeah, fuck logic, gotta hate trannies.

>> No.16362835

>it's incredibly logical for me to bore a hole into myself and call it a pussy

>> No.16362847

>I'm not a fascist
Yes you are. Half the fascists I know used to be dyed-in-the-wool communists before inevitably realizing that politics is the flower on top of the stem and root of culture and biology, respectively. You'll come around, young man.

>> No.16362852

There is hope for /lit/

>> No.16362881

post body

>> No.16362887

There is still hope for /lit/

>> No.16362895


>> No.16362912
File: 49 KB, 514x548, D12FFF8E-FD49-412B-9DE0-72146D3FFDB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>e-celeb posting about retarded histrionic sophists

>> No.16362923

>mutilating the human body is the same thing as using a laptop
Did you actually think this was a good argument

>> No.16362925

If it makes them happy I would argue that transitioning is in fact a good think for at least some transgender people. On the other hand, "man can only fulfill his purpose as a man and a woman as a woman" seems to me a needless social restriction.

>> No.16362932

You're a literal fucking retard. go back

>> No.16362940

If you want to argue that transitioning has negative side effects analogous to that of heroine, you can do that. But you would need to actually explain how this is so, instead of merely stating it.

>> No.16362942

what is a facist? Someone really into faces?

>> No.16362945

>no u

>> No.16362964

>negative effects
>of being castrated
If you were sane, you wouldn't even think about fielding this question.

>> No.16362970

>appeal to nature
Appealing to nature is not always a fallacy. Men and women behave differently and serve different purposes because of the way nature composed them.

>gender roles are the most unnatural invention of all time
Yeah, because there's just nothing in each sex that makes it more suitable for certain roles and tasks, that humans followed (with some variation) across cultures. I suppose I should be the one breastfeeding my future children and have my wife protect me from violence because I don't want to force nature upon her.

>> No.16363040

We don't live in a state of nature any more. Those primitive gender roles are obsolete. You might want to go back to the state of nature, but its just not going to happen, and I don't see why it should

>> No.16363044

Castration is far from the worst think that can happen to someone.
If your hand is infected from a deadly disease, we may well argue that the health of the whole organism licenses severing a part of it. Similarly, if gender dysphoria significantly lowers a person's individual happiness, we may say that the loss of their reproductive faculties is a permissible sacrifice to maintain the well-being of the whole organism.

>> No.16363056

>we don't live in a state of nature anymore
Even the fact that you believe this is a very, very bad thing.

>> No.16363063

Absolutely evil hedonist take. Return from whence you came.

>> No.16363074

We already aren't subject to the examples described. Women don't need to breastfeed, and men don't need to have strong bodies to protect anyone from imminent tribal or animal violence. Some men need to be strong in order to fulfill a military role, and many women still fulfill roles as caregivers, but its on a voluntary basis now, and neither is socially required to do those things.

>> No.16363079


Old photo.

OP's point goes unchallenged.

>> No.16363085

>Those primitive gender roles are obsolete.
And they never even were as firm as brainlets think.

>> No.16363087

I'm not arguing for hedonism. I'm arguing that the social roles we have developed for people in the contemporary world do not match the gender binary required in a primitive state of nature.

>> No.16363089


She's not a HON by definition.

She's pretty as fuck.

>> No.16363089,1 [INTERNAL] 

actual tranny here
who the fuck thinks she's attractive? also who cares

>> No.16363089,2 [INTERNAL] 

...and here you are again